Special Collections December 28, 2021December 28, 2021 Scott Wright Adults, Spotlight VHS to Digital Conversion Kit - Preserve your VHS tapes in digital format. Graphing calculator with high-resolution color screen and familiar TI-84 Plus functions for math and science. FastFoto Scanner - In-House Use Only Slide and Negative Scanner - In-House Use Only Hotspots from all major carriers, and laptop kits including hotspots. Plug this external disk drive into a computer to access pictures, files, and data from floppy disks. Due to age/degradation, not all floppy disks remain readable. Portable Projector - includes case, remote, stand, and cabling to hook up to various laptops / tablets / smart phones. Portable Projector Screen - 100 inches diagonal viewing area. The TLD100 thermal leak detector uses an infrared sensor to find leaks along walls, molding, ductwork and more. Kill-a-watt device measures energy consumption by the kilowatt hour the same as your utility company. This kit includes Ukulele, guidebook, and helpful DVD. US Chess Federation Set and travel case.