The popular on-demand film streaming service Kanopy is now available free to Dexter District Library patrons. Library cardholders whose cards begin with 29221 can access Kanopy and sign up to start streaming films instantly by visiting If you have one of our older library cards that begins with 29082, please stop by the Library and we’ll upgrade it free. Films can be streamed from any computer, television, mobile device or platform by downloading the Kanopy app for Android/Chromecast, iOS/AppleTV, Amazon FireTV and Tablets, or Roku. You will receive 45 tickets per card, per month. For a full explanation of the new ticket system, please click here. The loan period varies depending on the content type. Click here for help with Kanopy.
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hoopla allows you to check out eBooks, audiobooks, music and videos with your library card. Every item is instantly available, no waiting! We’ve temporarily upped the checkout limits – you may now check out up to 15 hoopla items per month; 15 more checkouts are granted the first of every month. Please note: hoopla requires a card that begins with “29221”; you may upgrade your Dexter District Library card for free if you have an older card that begins with 29082. hoopla Help
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Download Destination (OverDrive) allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and videos with your library card. For help with Download Destination, please click here:
Did you know: Dexter District Library patrons can now access other Michigan library collections within OverDrive. Click here for directions on how to do so.
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Read Michigan is free and unique collection of approximately 300 ebooks about Michigan and the Great Lakes region, including notable Michigan books. This site geolocates, so it is only accessible while viewing from Michigan.