Dexter UFO Quiz

Dexter UFO

1 / 6

In what year was the Dexter UFO sighting?

2 / 6

In which state can you find "Area 51"?

3 / 6

How was the Dexter UFO described?

4 / 6

On which natural phenomenon was the Dexter UFO sighting blamed?

5 / 6

What does U.F.O. stand for?

6 / 6

What is the nickname given to the objects sighted by military pilots during WWII?

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The average score is 81%


Dexter Daze Blaze Quiz

Dexter Daze Fire

1 / 6

The Dexter Daze fire happened in 1993 on what date?

2 / 6

Where did the fire originate?

3 / 6

What store was not harmed in the blaze?

4 / 6

Which neighboring fire departments were not called in to battle the blaze?

5 / 6

How large was the crowd at Dexter Daze?

6 / 6

What items were sold the day after the fire?

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The average score is 69%


Colonel Harrison Herbert Jeffords Quiz

Colonel Harrison Herbert Jeffords

1 / 7

Prior to the Civil War, what type of work did Harrison H. Jeffords do in Dexter?

2 / 7

At which major battle of the Civil War did Colonel Jeffords die?

3 / 7

Colonel Jeffords vowed to defend the new Regimental Flag presented to the unit by what group?

4 / 7

Colonel Jeffords died from injuries caused by:

5 / 7

Colonel Jeffords left behind his:

6 / 7

Colonel Jeffords last words are reported to be:

7 / 7

Colonel Jeffords is buried at:

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The average score is 68%


Dexter Cider Mill Quiz

Dexter Cider Mill

1 / 6

What year did the Dexter Cider Mill open?

2 / 6

What was the surname of "Johnny Appleseed"?

3 / 6

Approximately how many apples are needed to make 1 gallon of cider?

4 / 6

How many varieties of apples exist?

5 / 6

True or False:  The Dexter Cider Mill is the longest continuously-running Cider Mill in Michigan?

6 / 6

What health benefits does cider contain?

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The average score is 86%
