Allen, D. | Dancing in the Wings, 2000 |
Amato, M. | The Chicken of the Family, 2008 |
Aston, D. | Not So Tall for Six, 2008 |
Awdry, W. | Thomas Gets Tricked and Other Stories, 1989 |
Baldacchino, C. | Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, 2014 |
Bang, M. | When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt, 2015 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing, 1995 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, 1989 |
Brill, C. | Tugboat Bill and the River Rescue, 2017 |
Brooks, E. | The Practically Perfect Pajamas, 2000 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Valentine, 1980 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Eyes, 1979 |
Bruchac, J. | How Chipmunk Got His Stripes: A Tale of Bragging and Teasing, 2001 |
Buehner, C. | Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, 2003 |
Buehner, C. | Would I Ever Lie to You? 2007 |
Cannon, J. | Pinduli, 2004 |
Caple, K. | The Biggest Nose, 1985 |
Chamberlain, M. | Please Don’t Tease Tootsie, 2008 |
Christelow, E. | Five Little Monkeys Sitting In a Tree, 1991 |
Cooper, I. | Jakes Best Thumb, 2008 |
Covey, S. | Just the Way I Am, 2009 |
Cuyler, M. | Bullies Never Win, 2009 |
dePaola, T. | Oliver Button is a Sissy, 1979 |
Diggs, T. | Chocolate Me! 2011 |
Dohaney, R. | Tinka, 2003 |
Dolenz, M. | Gakky Two-Feet, 2006 |
Eaton, M. | Two Dumb Ducks, 2010 |
Fleming, C. | Gator Gumbo, 2004 |
Funke, C. | The Princess Knight, 2004 |
Genhart, M. | Ouch! Moments: When Words Are Used in Hurtful Ways, 2015 |
Greene, J. | Speak Up, Tommy! 2012 |
Grimard, G. | Lila and the Crow, 2016 |
Gruska, D. | The Only Boy in Ballet Class, 2007 |
Henkes, K. | Chrysanthemum, 1991 |
Higgins, M. | Teasing Isn’t Funny: What to Do About Emotional Bullying, 2015 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and Alice, 2006 |
Kann, V. | Purplicious, 2007 |
Kilodavis, C. | My Princess Boy: A Mom’s Story About a Young Boy, 2010 |
Lacombe, B. | Cherry and Olive, 2007 |
Lester, H. | Hooway for Wodney Wat, 1999 |
Ludwig, T. | Just Kidding, 2006 |
Moore, J. | Freckleface Strawberry, 2007 |
Moss, P. | Say Something, 2004 |
Most, B. | The Cow That Went OINK, 1990 |
Peacock, S. | The Artist and Me, 2016 |
Reiss, M. | The Boy Who Looked Like Abraham Lincoln, 2003 |
Rickards, L. | Pink! 2009 |
Robbins, J. | Two of a Kind, 2009 |
Russo, M. | A Very Big Bunny, 2010 |
Saltzberg, B. | Crazy Hair Day, 2003 |
Say, A. | The Favorite Daughter, 2013 |
Shulevitz, U. | Troto and the Trucks, 2015 |
Soule, Jean | Never Tease a Weasel, 2007 |
Surat, M. | Angel Child, Dragon Child, 1983 |
Troiano, J. | The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, 2001 |
Valckx, C. | Lizette’s Green Sock, 2005 |
Weigelt, U. | Super Guinea Pig to the Rescue, 2007 |
Wells, R. | Stella’s Starliner, 2014 |
Wells, R. | Felix Stands Tall, 2015 |
Wilson, K. | Sweet Briar Goes to School, 2003 |
Author: Scott Wright
Tea Parties
Brownlee, S. | Tea Time with Sophia Grace and Rosie, 2013 |
Dyckman, A. | Tea Party Rules, 2013 |
Ferguson, S. | Tea for Ruby, 2008 |
Ford. B. | No More Bottles for Bunny! 2007 |
Graham, B. | Jethro Byrd, Fairy Child, 2002 |
Idel, M. | Tea Rex, 2013 |
Kerr, J. | The Tiger Who Came to Tea, 2009 |
Kirk, D. | Miss Spider’s Tea Party, 1994 |
Miyakoshi, A. | The Tea Party in the Woods, 2015 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy Tea Parties, 2009 |
Pendziwol, J. | No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids, 1999 |
Radar, L. | Tea for Me, Tea for You: A Counting Party, 2003 |
Saltzberg, B. | Tea with Grandpa, 2014 |
Sierra, J. | Mind Your Manners, B.B. Wolf, 2007 |
Trapani, I. | I’m a Little Teapot, 1996 |
Wilson, K. | Bear Snores On, 2002 |
Tall Tales
Aylesworth, J. | My Sister’s Rusty Bike, 1996 |
Bateman, T. | Paul Bunyan vs. Hals Halson: The Giant Lumberjack Challenge, 2011 |
Benet, R. | Johnny Appleseed, 2001 |
Bertrand, L. | Granite Baby, 2005 |
Choldenko, G. | How to Make Friends With a Giant, 2006 |
Crunk, T. | Railroad John and the Red Rock Run, 2006 |
Doucet, S. | Alligator Sue, 2003 |
Gershator, P. | Tiny and Bigman, 1999 |
Glass, A. | Folks Call Me Appleseed John, 1995 |
Graves, K. | Uncle Blubbafink’s Seriously Ridiculous Stories, 2001 |
Helldorfer, M. | Moon Trouble, 1994 |
Hodges, M. | The True Tale of Johnny Appleseed, 1997 |
Hopkinson, D. | Apples to Oregon, 2004 |
Hopkinson, D. | Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall, Thin Tale, 2008 |
Isaacs, A. | Dust Devil, 2010 |
Isaacs, A. | The Ghosts of Luckless Gulch, 2008 |
Isaacs, A. | Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch, 2014 |
Jackson, A. | Desert Rose and Her Highfalutin Hog, 2009 |
Jacques, B. | The Tale of Urso Brunov: Little Father of All Bears, 2003 |
Johnston, T. | Levi Strauss Gets a Bright Idea, 2011 |
Kaplan, B. | Meanie Head, 2014 |
Keane, D. | Bobby Bramble Loses His Brain, 2009 |
Kellogg, S. | I Was Born 10,000 Years Ago: A Tall Tale, 1996 |
Kellogg, S. | Pecos Bill, 1986 |
Kellogg, S. | Paul Bunyan, 1984 |
Kellogg, S. | Mike Fink, 1992 |
Kellogg, S. | Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett, 1995 |
Madison, A. | The Littlest Grape Stomper, 2007 |
McKissack, P. | A Million Fish…More or Less, 1992 |
Mora, P. | Dona Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman With a Great Big Heart, 2005 |
Myers, A. | Tumbleweed Baby, 2014 |
Root, P. | Paula Bunyan, 2009 |
Roth, S. | The Biggest Frog in Australia, 1996 |
Rozier, L. | Jackrabbit McCabe & the Electric Telegraph, 2015 |
Schanzer, R. | Davy Crockett Saves the World, 2001 |
Shelby, A. | The Man Who Lived in a Hollow Tree, 2009 |
Timberlake, A. | The Dirty Cowboy, 2003 |
White, L. | Comes a Wind, 2000 |
Willey, M. | Clever Beatrice: An Upper Peninsula Conte, 2001 |
Williams, S. | Library Lil, 1996 |
Wilson, K. | Whopper Cake, 2007 |
Wood, A. | The Bunyans, 1996 |
Swimming and Swimming Pools
Berry, L. | Duck Dunks, 2008 |
Bordon, L. | Albie the Lifeguard, 1993 |
Brown, M. | D.W. All Wet, 1988 |
Clement, G. | Swimming, Swimming, 2015 |
Corey, S. | Mermaid Queen: A True Story! 2009 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy’s Pool, 1999 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Learns to Swim, 2013 |
Day, A. | River Parade, 1992 |
Dempsey, K. | Surfer Chick, 2012 |
Farrell, S. | To the Pool With Mama, 2000 |
Flynn, B. | Swimming Time! 2017 |
Gay, M. | Stella Star of the Sea, 2008 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard at the Seashore, 2002 |
Harper, J. | Me Too! 2005 |
Hest, A. | Make the Team, Baby Duck! 2002 |
Landstrom, L. | A Hippo’s Tale, 2007 |
Lee, J. | Pool, 2015 |
Lin, G. | Olvina Swims, 2007 |
Lindeen, C. | Let’s Swim! 2006 |
London, J. | Froggy Learns to Swim, 1995 |
London, J. | Sun Dance, Water Dance, 2001 |
Lucke, D. | The Boy Who Wouldn’t Swim, 2008 |
Mitton, T. | Down By the Cool of the Pool, 2002 |
Molski, C. | Swimming Sal, 2009 |
Morgan, M. | Brave, Brave Mouse, 2004 |
Norman, K. | Crocodaddy, 2009 |
Redeker, K. | Don’t Splash the Sasquatch! 2016 |
Roberts, B. | Fourth of July Mice, 2004 |
Rockwell, A. | Katie Catz Makes a Splash, 2003 |
Rodriguez, E. | Sergio Makes a Splash, 2008 |
Root, P. | Rattletrap Car, 2001 |
Rosendall, B. | The Number 10 Duckling, 1972 |
Rylant, C. | Brownie & Pearl Take a Dip, 2011 |
Starin, L. | Splashdance, 2016 |
Stewart, A. | Little By Little, 2008 |
Stock, C. | Island Summer, 1999 |
Taylor, E. | Beep, Beep, Let’s Go! 2005 |
Waddell, M. | The Pig in the Pond, 1992 |
Wells, R. | Edward in Deep Water, 1995 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Swimming, 2015 |
Whelan, G. | Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine, 2014 |
Wilson, K. | Don’t Be Afraid, Little Pip, 2009 |
Additional Books about Swimming can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 797.2) |
Alda, A. | Hurry Granny Annie, 1999 |
Asch, F. | The Sun is My Favorite Star, 2008 |
Bang, M. | My Light, 2004 |
Baylor, B. | The Way to Start a Day, 1977 |
Blackstone, S. | Bear in Sunshine, 2001 |
Dragonwood, C. | And Then It Rained, 2003 |
Forest, H. | The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind: An Aesop’s Fable, 2008 |
Gorbachev, V. | Red Red Red, 2007 |
Graham, B. | How the Sun Got to Coco’s House, 2015 |
Harrison, D. | Piggy Wiglet, 2007 |
Hendra, S. | Oliver’s Wood, 1996 |
London, J. | Like Butter on Pancakes, 1995 |
Rustad, M. | Today Is Sunny, 2006 |
Spinelli, E. | Heat Wave, 2007 |
Swanson, S. | To Be Like the Sun, 2008 |
Wood, D. | Where the Sunrise Begins, 2010 |
Yankey, L. | Sun and Moon, 2015 |
Zoehfeld, K. | Secrets of the Seasons: Orbiting the Sun in Our Backyard, 2014 |
Additional books about the Sun can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 523.2 to J 523.8) |
Arnold, M. | Prancing Dancing Lily, 2004 |
Boynton, S. | Yay, You! Moving Out, Moving Up, Moving On, 2001 |
Dyer, W. | Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through, 2005 |
Dyer, W. | Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life, 2006 |
Falconer, I. | Dream Big: Starring Olivia, 2006 |
Laden, N. | Roberto: The Insect Architect, 2000 |
Paraskevas, B. | Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse, 2000 |
Radunsky, V. | I Love You Dude, 2005 |
Seuss, D. | Oh, the Place You’ll Go! 1990 |
Vischer, P. | A Snoodle’s Tale, 2004 |
Zagwyn, D. | Apple Batter, 1999 |
Blake, S. | I Don’t Want to Go to School, 2009 |
Bunting, E. | I Don’t Want to Go to Camp, 1996 |
Child, L. | I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go To Bed, 2005 |
Child, L. | I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, 2000 |
Dormer, F. | The Obstinate Pen, 2012 |
Hughes, S. | Don’t Want To Go! 2010 |
Rawlinson, J. | Mule School, 2008 |
Reiss, M. | The Boy Who Wouldn’t Share, 2008 |
Root, P. | Kiss the Cow, 2000 |
Sykes, J. | I Don’t Want To Go To Bed! 2001 |
Van Leeuwen, J. | Sorry, 2001 |
Amery, H. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2003 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, 1985 |
Disney, W. | Don’t Talk to Strangers, Pooh! 1998 |
French, V. | Red Hen and Sly Fox, 1994 |
Joyce, I. | Never Talk to Strangers, 2009 |
Marshall, J. | Little Red Riding Hood, 1987 |
Pendziwol, J. | Once Upon a Dragon: Stranger Safety for Kids (and Dragons), 2006 |
Additional books about Safety can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 613.2 to J 613.69) |
Stage Fright
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright, 1986 |
Bramhall, W. | Hepcat, 2004 |
Crimi, C. | Rock ‘N’ Roll Mole, 2011 |
Ives, P. | Celestine, Drama Queen, 2009 |
Newman, L. | Miss Tutu’s Star, 2010 |
Polacco, P. | Mr. Wayne’s Masterpiece, 2014 |
Viorst, J. | And Two Boys Booed, 2014 |
Zuppardi, S. | Jack’s Worry, 2016 |
Alexander, S. | One More Time, Mama, 1999 |
Bruchac, J. | How Chipmunk Got His Stripes: A Tale of Bragging and Teasing, 2001 |
Bynum, J. | Nutmeg and Barley: A Budding Friendship, 2006 |
Cherry, L. | How Groundhogs Garden Grew, 2003 |
Cooper, H. | Pumpkin Soup, 1998 |
Cooper, P. | Never Trust a Squirrel, 1999 |
Desbordes, A. | Edmond the Moonlit Party, 2015 |
Ehlert, L. | Nuts To You! 1993 |
Emmett, J. | The Best Gift of All, 2008 |
Freeman, D. | Earl the Squirrel, 2005 |
Freeman, D. | One More Acorn, 2010 |
George, L. | That Pup! 2011 |
Godwin, S. | From Little Acorns: A First Look at the Life Cycle of a Tree, 2001 |
Hall, P. | Miss You Like Crazy, 2014 |
Hawcock, C. | Mine, All Mine! 2009 |
Henkes, K. | A Good Day, 2007 |
Iwamura, K. | Bedtime in the Forest, 2010 |
Iwamura, K. | Hooray for Snow! 2008 |
Iwamura, K. | Hooray for Summer! 2010 |
Kochalka, J. | Squirrelly Gray, 2007 |
Kroll, S. | The Squirrels Thanksgiving, 1991 |
Lakin, P. | Bruno & Lulu’s Playground Adventures, 2014 |
LaReau, K. | Rabbit & Squirrel: A Tale of War & Peas, 2008 |
Lithgow, J. | Micawber, 2001 |
Lloyd-Jones, S. | Just Because You’re Mine, 2012 |
McCully, E. | Squirrel and John Muir, 2004 |
McElmurry, J. | Mario Makes a Move, 2012 |
Meisel, P. | Good Night Bat! Good Morning Squirrel! 2016 |
Meschenmoser, S. | Waiting for Winter, 2009 |
Potter, B. | Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, 2003 |
Potter, B. | A Treasury of Peter Rabbit and Other Stories, 1978 |
Potter, B. | Tale of Timmy Tiptoes, 2002 |
Roberts, B. | Rosie to the Rescue, 2003 |
Rose, N. | The Secret Life of Squirrels, 2014 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels! 2008 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door, 2011 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels Fly South, 2012 |
Sayre, A. | Squirrels Leap, Squirrels Sleep, 2016 |
Shaw, H. | Erroll, 2009 |
Shore, D. | Look Both Ways: A Cautionary Tale, 2005 |
Stein, D. | Ol’ Mama Squirrel, 2013 |
Swallow, P. | Groundhog Gets a Say, 2005 |
Tafuri, N. | The Busy Little Squirrel, 2007 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel, 2006 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrell Makes a Friend, 2007 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach, 2008 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at Night, 2009 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party, 2011 |
Wolf, J. | What You Do Is Easy, What I Do Is Hard, 1996 |
Additional books about Squirrels can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.32) |