
Ashman, L. Samantha on a Roll, 2011
Bailey, L. The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World, 2001
Bailey, L. Farm Team, 2006
Barbie Barbie:  Girls on Blades, 2000
Berry, L. Duck Skates, 2005
Bersentain, S. The Bears’ Christmas, 1970
Blackstone, M. This is Figure Skating, 1998
Bradley, S. Henry Holton Takes the Ice, 2015
Browning, K. A is for Axel:  An Ice Skating Alphabet, 2006
Child, L. I Really, Really Need Actual Ice Skates, 2009
Coville, B. Hans Brinker, 2007
de Deu Prats, J. Sebastian’s Roller Skates, 2005
Emberley, R. Mice on Ice, 2012
Gurth, P. Hockey Opposites, 2010
Holabird, K. Angelina Ice Skates, 2007
Idle, M. Flora and the Penguin, 2014
Keats, E. Skates!  1981
Keller, H. Pearl’s New Skates, 2005
Lazar, T. Little Red Gliding Hood, 2015
Leonetti, M. A Hero Name Howe, 2006
Lester, H. Tacky and the Winter Games, 2005
Lindeen, C. Let’s Ice-Skate!  2006
Maloney, D. The Magic Hockey Stick, 1999
McMullan, K. I’m Cool!  2015
Medearis, A. Poppa’s Itcy Christmas, 1998
Napier, M. Z is for Zamboni:  A Hockey Alphabet, 2002
Napier, M. Hat Tricks Count:  A Hockey Number Book, 2005
Napier, M. I Spy with My Little Eye Hockey, 2008
Pilkey, D. The Moonglow Roll-a-Rama, 1995
Robinson, S. Testing the Ice:  A True Story About Jackie Robinson, 2009
Schultz, C. Your Dog Plays Hockey?  1996
Spinelli, E. Callie Cat, Ice Skater, 2007
Wheeler, L. Dino-Hockey, 2007
Whybrow, I. Bella Gets Her Skates On, 2007
Wright, J. Bunnies on Ice, 2013
Yamaguchi, K. Dream Big Little Pig!  2011
Yamaguchi, K. It’s a Big World, Little Pig!  2012
Yamashita, H. Seven Little Mice Have Fun on the Ice, 2011
Additional books about Skating can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.91)
Additional books about Hockey can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.962)


Alborough, J. Tall, 2005
Alderson, B. Thumbelina, 2009
Allen, E. Poor Little Guy, 2016
Andersen, H. Thumbelina, 1996
Anderson, D. Too Big to Dance, 2004
Anno, M. The King’s Flower, 1979
Archer, D. Looking After Little Ellie, 2005
Aston, D. Not So Tall for Six, 2008
Awdry, W. Little Engines Can Do Big Things, 2000
Battersby, K. Squish Rabbit, 2011
Beaton, C. How Big is Pig?  2000
Bell, C. Itty Bitty, 2009
Bentley, J. Little Big, 2015
Bogan, P. Lulu the Big Little Chick, 2009
Bogart, J. Big and Small, Room for All, 2009
Boyd, L. Big Bear Little Chair, 2015
Bridwell, N. Clifford to the Rescue, 2000
Brier-Haquet, A. One Very Big Bear, 2016
Bright, R. The Lion Inside, 2015
Brown, M. D.W. Thinks Big, 1993
Buehner, C. Superdog:  The Heart of a Hero, 2003
Carle, E. The Grouchy Ladybug, 1996
Choldenko, G. How to Make Friends With a Giant, 2006
Cole, H. Big Bug, 2014
Costello, D. Little Pig Joins the Band, 2011
Curato, M. Little Elliot Big City, 2014
Cuyler, M. The Biggest Best Snowman, 1998
Docherty, T. Little Boat, 2009
Dodd, E. I Am Small, 2010
Dohaney, R. Tinka, 2003
Donnio, S. I’d Really Like to Eat a Child, 2007
Donohue, D. Big and Little on the Farm, 1999
Dunbar, J. Tell Me What It’s Like to Be Big, 2001
Ellwand, D. Emma’s Elephant, 1997
Emmett, J. This Way, Ruby!  2006
Florian, D. A Pig is Big, 2000
Flory, N. The Short Giraffe, 2014
Foreman, M. The Littlest Dinosaur’s Big Adventure, 2009
Funke, C. The Princess Knight, 2004
Gay, M. When Stella Was Very Very Small, 2009
Gorbachev, V. Big Little Elephant, 2005
Graves, K. Chicken Big, 2010
Hawkes, K. The Wicked Big Toddlah, 2007
Heapy, T. Very Little Red Riding Hood, 2014
Hegi, U. Trudi and Pia, 2003
Henkes, K. The Biggest Boy, 1995
Henkes, K. Bailey Goes Camping, 1985
Hillert, M. I Like Things, 1982
Howe, J. Brontorina, 2010
Hutchins, P. Shrinking Mouse, 1997
Isaacs, A. Dust Devil, 2010
Jenkins, S. Actual Size, 2004
Jenkins, S. Prehistoric Actual Size, 2005
Joyce, W. George Shrinks, 2000
Kang, A. You Are (Not) Small, 2015
Keane, C. Little Big Girl, 2016
Keller, H. Jacob’s Tree, 1999
Kirk, D. Oh So Tiny Bunny, 2013
Koehler, L. The Little Snowplow, 2015
Kolar, B. Big Kicks, 2008
Komiya, T. Life-Size Zoo, 2008
Krauss, R. The Growing Story, 2007
Latimer, A. Pig and Small, 2013
Lichtenheld, T. Cloudette, 2011
Lionni, L. Pezzettino, 2003
Liu, J. Gus, the Dinosaur Bus, 2012
Lucas, D. Whale, 2007
Mamada, M. Which is Round?  Which is Bigger?  2013
Martin, E. The Littlest Family’s Big Day, 2016
Masurel, C. Too Big!  1999
Mayer, M. When I Get Bigger, 1983
McMullan, K. I’m Big!  2010
McNamara, M. How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?  2007
Meddaugh, S. Just Teenie, 2006
Miller, M. Now I’m Big, 1996
Miller, M. Big and Little, 1998
Muller, B. Giant Jack, 2002
My My First Look At Sizes, 2001
Neeman, S. Something Big, 2013
O’Leary, S. When You Were Small, 2006
Paul, C. Long Shot:  Never Too Small to Dream Big, 2009
Peet, B. Huge Harold, 1961
Pinkwater, D. Big Bob and the Thanksgiving Potatoes, 1998
Pitcher, C. The Littlest Owl, 2008
Rayner, C. Ernest, the Moose Who Doesn’t Fit, 2009
Rey, H. Curious George’s Dream, 1998
Roberts, J. The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade, 2014
Roche, D. Mim, Gym and June, 2003
Russo, M. A Very Big Bunny, 2010
Sharmat, M. Tiffany Dino Works Out, 1995
Sherry, K. I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, 2007
Shulevitz, U. Troto and the Trucks, 2015
Spires, A. Small Saul, 2011
Teckentrup, B. How Big is the World?  2007
Torrey, R. Almost, 2009
Walton, R. Bertie Was a Watchdog, 2002
Weinberg, S. You Must Be This Tall, 2016
Weston, C. The New Bear at School, 2007
Yang, B. Foo, the Flying Frog of Washtub Pond, 2009
Yolen, J. Baby Bear’s Chairs, 2005
Young, A. Belinda and the Glass Slipper, 2006
Zarin, C. Wallace Hoskins, The Boy Who Grew Down, 1999


Altman, L. Singing with Mama Lou, 2002
Bolliger, M. The Happy Troll, 2005
Cabrera, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2005
Cunnane, K. Chirchir is Singing, 2011
Daly, N. Ruby Sings the Blues, 2005
Hopkinson, D. Home on the Range:  John A. Lomax and His Cowboy Songs, 2009
Joyce, W. Bently & Egg, 1992
Litwin, E. Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, 2011
Martin, J. Chicken Joy on Redbean Road:  A Bayou Country Romp, 2007
Palatini, M. Boo-Hoo Moo, 2008
Palatini, M. Moo Who?  2004
Staines, B. All God’s Critters, 2009
Stenmark, V. The Singing Chick, 1999
Stuchner, J. Josephine’s Dream, 2008
Walker, A. I Love To Sing, 2011
Warhola, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2007
Weinstein, M. When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat, 2008
Williams, V. Lucky Song, 1997
Yolen, J. This Little Piggy, 2005


Agee, J. The Retired Kid, 2008
Ahlberg, A. The Runaway Dinner, 2006
Allard, H. The Stupids Die, 1981
Allard, H. The Stupids Take Off, 1989
Allard, H. The Stupid Step Out (Media Kit), 1989
Allard, H. The Stupids Have a Ball, 1978
Allard, H. The Stupids Step Out, 1974
Ashman, L. To the Beach!  2005
Auch, M. Beauty and the Beaks:  A Turkey’s Cautionary Tale, 2007
Bachelet, G. My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, 2006
Bachelet, G. When the Silliest Cat Was Small, 2007
Barrett, J. Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing, 1970
Bee, W. Whatever, 2006
Bell, C. I Yam a Donkey!  2015
Bryan, S. A Boy and His Bunny, 2005
Bryan, S. A Bear and His Boy, 2007
Bryan, S. A Girl and Her Gator, 2006
Cronin, D. Click Clack Moo:  Cows That Type, 2000
Cronin, D. Giggle Giggle Quack, 2002
Cronin, D. Wiggle, 2005
Curtis, J. Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day, 1998
Davis, K. Who Hops?  2000
Davis, K. Who Hoots?  2000
Dodd, E. Dog’s ABC:  A Silly Story About the Alphabet, 2002
Durant, A. Burger Boy, 2006
Fallon, J. Halfway Hank, 2005
Feiffer, J. Bark George, 1999
Flather, L. Ten Silly Dogs:  A Countdown Story, 1999
Ghigna, C. Animal Trunk:  Silly Poems to Read Aloud, 1999
Hall, K. Simms Taback’s Great Big Book of Spacey Snakey Buggy Riddles, 2008
Hoban, L. Silly Tilly’s Thanksgiving Dinner, 1990
Hoban, L. Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny, 1987
Hoberman, M. The Two Sillies, 2000
Hoberman, M. The Seven Silly Eaters, 1997
Hoberman, M. Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002
Hort, L. Tie Your Socks and Clap Your Feet:  Mixed Up Poems, 2000
Horton, J. Hippopotamus Stew and Other Silly Animal Poems, 2006
Jackson, A. I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie, 1997
James, S. Baby Brains, 2004
James, S. Baby Brains Superstar, 2005
Joyce, W. Sleepy Time Olie, 2001
Katz, A. On Top of the Potty and Other Get-Up-and-Go Songs, 2008
Lendler, I. An Undone Fairy Tale, 2005
Lester, J. Ackamarackus, 2001
Lichtenheld, T. Everything I Know About Pirates, 2000
Lobel, A. Odd Owls & Stout Pigs:  A Book of Nonsense, 2009
Manners Manners Mashed Up, 2011
Miranda, A. To Market To Market, 1997
Most, B. Cock-a-Doodle-Moo!  1996
Nishimura, K. I Am Dodo, 2005
Novak, B. The Book with No Pictures, 2014
O’Malley, K. Animal Crackers Fly the Coop, 2010
Palatini, M. Three Silly Billies, 2005
Parachini, J. This is a Serious Book, 2016
Parr, T. Do’s and Don’t’s, 1999
Parr, T. Underwear Do’s and Don’t’s, 2000
Pilkey, D. The Silly Gooses, 1998
Pilkey, D. Make Way for Dumb Bunnies, 1996
Pilkey, D. The Dumb Bunnies, 1994
Raffi Down by the Bay, 1988
Rashin There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, 2014
Reed, L. Please Don’t Upset P.U. Zorilla!  2006
Rex, A. Pssst!  2007
Rosenthal, A. Little Pea, 2005
Rosenthal, A. Little Hoot, 2008
SanSouci, R. Six Foolish Fishermen, 2000
Scieszka, J. Cowboy and Octopus, 2007
Shea, B. I’m a Shark, 2011
Sloat, T. Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep:  A Yarn About Wool, 2000
Sloat, T. The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown, 1995
Sloat, T. There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout, 1998
Slonim, D. He Came With the Couch, 2005
Soule, J. Never Tease a Weasel, 2007
Spinelli, E. Silly Tilly, 2009
Stenmark, V. The Singing Chick, 1999
Stevens, J. The Great Fuzz Frenzy, 2005
Stiles, N. The Ernie and Bert Book, 1977
Szekeres, C. Toby’s Silly Faces, 2000
Taxali, G. This is Silly!  2010
Thomas, J. What Will Fat Cat Sit On?  2007
Thomas, J. Rhyming Dust Bunnies, 2008
Thomas, J. Can YOU Make a Scary Face?  2009
Thomas, J. Is Everyone Ready for Fun?  2011
Thomas, J.  Is That Wise, Pig?  2016
Tomorrow, T. The Very Silly Mayor, 2009
Walsh, E. You Silly Goose!  1992
Wargin, K. Moose on the Loose, 2009
Westcott, N. Lady With the Alligator Purse, 2003
Willems, M. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!  2003
Willems, M. The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog, 2004
Willems, M. Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!  2006
Willems, M. The Pigeon Wants a Puppy!  2008
Willems, M. Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, 2008
Willems, M. There is a Bird on Your Head!  2007
Wood, A. Silly Sally, 1992

Sibling Rivalry

Appelt, K. Brand-New Baby Blues, 2009
Arnold, T. The Twin Princes, 2007
Broach, E. What the No-Good Baby is Good For, 2005
Bunting, E. Baby Can, 2007
Child, L. The New Small Person, 2014
Cordell, M. Another Brother, 2012
Coville, B. The Lapsnatcher, 1997
DeGroat, D. Mother You’re the Best!  But Sister You’re a Pest!  2008
Dempsey, S. Bye-Bye Baby Brother!  2013
Duke, K. The Tale of Pip & Squeak, 2007
Dyckman, A. Wolfie the Bunny, 2015
Harper, A. It’s Not Fair!  2007
Harris, R. Mail Harry to the Moon, 2008
Hazen, B. Who is Your Favorite Monster, Mama?  2006
Holabird, K. Angelina’s Baby Sister, 2000
Kantorovitz, S. The Very Tiny Baby, 2014
Kornell, M. Me First, 2014
Mack, T. Princess Penelope Takes Charge, 2006
Madison, A. Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly, 2007
Mario, H. I’d Rather Have an Iguana, 1999
McBratney, S. You’re All My Favorites, 2004
Montanari, E. Tiff, Taff and Lulu, 2004
Palatini, M. Good as Goldie, 2000
Penn, M. A Pocket Full of Kisses, 2004
Polacco, P. My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, 1994
Reynolds, P. The Best Kid in the Whole World, 2006
Rosenberry, V. Vera’s Baby Sister, 2005
Saltzberg, B. Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby?  2009
Schwartz, A. Dee Dee and Me, 2013
Shields, C. I Wish My Brother Was a Dog, 1997
Yum, H. The Twins’ Little Sister, 2014
Zeltster, D. Ninja Baby, 2015


Alexander, C. Small Florence Piggy Pop Star!  2009
Alter, A. Disappearing Desmond, 2010
Best, C. Shrinking Violet, 2001
Bottner, B. Wallace’s Lists, 2004
Button, L. Willow’s Whispers, 2010
Carlson, N. Henry’s Show and Tell, 2004
Child, L. Maude, the Not-So-Noticeable Shrimpton, 2013
Choldenko, G. Louder, Lili, 2007
D’Amico, C. Ella the Elegant Elephant, 2004
Falwell, C. David’s Drawings, 2001
Freedman, D. Shy, 2016
Goodrich, C. The Hermit Crab, 2009
Greene, J. Speak Up, Tommy!  2012
Hines, A. My Grandma is Coming to Town, 2003
Joyce, W. Bentley & Egg, 1992
Kirk, D. Library Mouse:  A Friend’s Tale, 2009
Lacombe, B. Cherry and Olive, 2007
Lin, G. Lissy’s Friends, 2007
Mathers, P. Sophie and Lou, 1991
McCourt, L. Chicken Soup For Little Souls: The New Kid, 1998
Morgan, M. Dear Bunny, 2006
Oates, J. Where is Little Reynard?  2003
Paraskevas, B. Chocolate at the Four Seasons, 2007
Peet, B. Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent, 1975
Ruzzier, S. Amandina, 2008
Spinelli, E. When No One is Watching, 2013
Tafuri, N. Will You Be My Friend?  2000
Twohy, M. Poindexter Makes a Friend, 2011
Wells, R. Edward in Deep Water, 1995
Wells, R. Edward Unready For School, 1995
Wells, R. Shy Charles, 1988
Wilson, K. Bear’s New Friend, 2006
Winters, K. Who’s Haunting the Teeny Tiny Ghost?  1999


Agee, J. Nothing, 2007
Ahlberg, A. The Shopping Expedition, 2005
Alexander, L. Ernie Gets Lost, 1985
Anholt, C. Chimp and Zee, 2001
Axelrod, A. Pigs Go the Market:  Fun With Math & Shopping, 1997
Aylesworth, J. McGrew’s Emporium, 1995
Bassede, F. George’s Store at the Shore, 1998
Beaumont, K. Shoe-la-la!  2011
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies, 1988
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears at the Super-Duper Market, 1996
Blackstone, S. My Granny Went to Market:  A Round-the-World Counting Rhyme, 2005
Bridges, S. Mary Wrightly, So Politely, 2013
Broach, E. When Dinosaurs Came With Everything, 2007
Bulion, L. Fatuma’s New Cloth, 2002
Burningham, J. The Shopping Basket, 1996
Chen, C. On My Way to Buy Eggs, 2003
Darbyshire, K. Put It on the List!  2009
Davis, L. Where is P.B. Bear Going?  1997
Day, A. Carl Goes Shopping, 1989
Dewdney, A. Llama Llama Mad at Mama, 2007
DiSalvo, D. Grandpa’s Corner Store, 2000
Egielski, R. Three Magic Balls, 2000
Ehlert, L. Market Day, 2000
Elya, S. Bebe Goes Shopping, 2006
Eriksson, E. Molly Goes Shopping, 2003
Frankel, J. Hare and Bear Go Shopping, 1990
Fraser, M. Pet Shop Follies, 2010
Freeman, D. Corduroy, 1968
Glass, E. The Red Shoes, 2008
Gomi, T. I Lost My Dad, 2001
Horowitz, D. Buy My Hats!  2010
Hutchins, P. Don’t Forget the Bacon!  1987
Ichikawa, S. My Father’s Shop, 2006
Kaplan, M. Betty Bunny Wants Everything, 2012
Kirk, D. Miss Spider’s New Car, 1997
Kitamura, S. Millie’s Marvellous Hat, 2009
Lewin, T. Big Jimmy’s Kum Kau Chinese Take-Out, 2002
Lindbergh, R. The Awful Ardvarks Shop For School, 2000
Liwska, R. Red Wagon, 2011
Low, A. Aunt Lucy Went to Buy a Hat, 2004
Mayer, G. Just a Toy, 2003
Mayer, M. Just Shopping With Mom, 1989
Mayer, M. Just Me and My Mom, 1990
Mayer, M. Just Grandpa and Me, 1985
McAllister, A. Trust Me, Mom!  2005
McClendon, Q. Suit Shoes, 2006
Melmed, L. The Marvelous Market on Mermaid, 1995
Miller, C. Monster Knows Excuse Me, 2014
Miranda, A. To Market To Market, 1997
Mould, W. Ants in My Pants, 2001
Munsch, R. Smelly Socks, 2004
O’Connor, J. Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique, 2010
Potter, B. The Tale of Ginger & Pickles, 1987
Ravishankar, A. To Market!  To Market!  2008
Rey, H. Curious George Visits a Toy Store, 2002
Rockwell, A. At the Supermarket, 2010
Rockwell, A. Let’s Go to the Hardware Store, 2016
Rylant, C. The Bookshop Dog, 1996
Rylant, C. Brownie & Pearl See the Sights, 2010
Schaefer, C. The Bora-Bora Dress, 2005
Schwartz, J. Our Corner Grocery Store, 2009
Seymour, T. Auction!  2005
Shaw, N. Sheep in a Shop, 1991
Sierra, J. Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur:  A First Book of Manners, 2012
Singer, M. Shoe Bop!  2008
Stevens, A. Edwin Speaks Up, 2011
Swados, E. The Animal Rescue Store, 2005
Trent, S. Farmers’ Market Day, 2013
Viorst, J. Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday, 1977
Wahl, J. Candy Shop, 2004
Wells, R. Bunny Money, 1997
Wells, R. Bunny Cakes, 1997
Wells, R. Max’s Dragon Shirt, 1991


Allen, D. Brothers of the Knight, 1999
Bateman, T. Keeper of Soles, 2006
Beaumont, K. Shoe-la-la!  2011
Boelts, M. Those Shoes, 2007
Bunting, E. Whose Shoe?  2015
Daly, N. Happy Birthday, Jamela!  2006
DeRegniers, B. What Can You Do With a Shoe?  1997
Dixon, A. Blueberry Shoe, 1999
Dollinger, R. The Rabbi Who Flew, 2001
Dunbar, J. Shoe Baby, 2005
Farooqi, M. The Cobbler’s Holiday or Why Ants Don’t Wear Shoes, 2008
Field, E. Wynken, Blynken and Nod, 1995
Janni, R. Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots, 2011
LaMarche, J. The Elves and the Shoemaker, 2003
Lawston, L. A Pair of Red Sneakers, 1998
Litwin, E. Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, 2011
Litwin, E. Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes, 2008
McClendon, Q. Suit Shoes, 2004
Meyer, S. New Shoes, 2015
Miller, M. Whose Shoe?  1991
Murray, A. One Two That’s My Shoe, 2012
Noble, T. The Orange Shoes, 2007
Olson-Brown, E. Ooh La La Polka-Dot Boots, 2010
Palatini, M. Stinky Smelly Feet:  A Love Story, 2004
Primavera, E. Louise the Big Cheese and the La-Di-Da Shoes, 2010
Rosenthal, B. Which Shoes Would you Choose?  2010
SanSouci, R. The Red Heels, 1995
Slater, D. Baby Shoes, 2006
Thermes, J. Sam Bennett’s New Shoes, 2006
Vesey, A. Hector’s New Sneakers, 1993
Zalban, J. Hey, Mama Goose, 2005


Bauer, M. In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb, 2011
Beaty, A. Hide and Sheep, 2011
Beaumont, K. No Sleep for the Sheep!  2011
Belloni, G. Anything is Possible, 2011
Bently, P. The Great Sheep Shenanigans, 2012
Birdsall, J. My Favorite Pets, 2016
Brown, M. Sheep Don’t Count Sheep, 2002
Cabrera, J. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, 2015
Carlson, M. The Lost Lamb, 1999
Cordel, M. Another Brother, 2012
Cox, P. Sam Sheep Can’t Sleep, 2006
Davies, G. Little Lamb, 1999
dePaola, T. Charlie Needs a Cloak, 1973
deSeve, R. Mathilda and the Orange Balloon, 2010
Dohaney, R. Tinka, 2003
Driscoll, A. Wally Does Not Need a Haircut, 2016
Dumont, J. The Sheep Go On Strike, 2009
Farrell, D. Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib, 2010
Fox, M. Where is the Green Sheep?  2004
French, J. Pete the Sheep-Sheep, 2005
Gliori, D. The Snow Lambs, 1995
Green, E. The Little Golden Lamb, 2000
Greenstein, E. One Little Lamb, 2004
Hall, M. Charlie and Tess, 1996
Helakoski, L. Woolbur, 2008
Hill, S. Can’t Sleep Without Sheep, 2010
Imai, A. The 108th Sheep, 2007
Kelly, M. One More Sheep, 2006
Kitamura, S. Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing, 1996
Klise, K. Grammy Lamby and the Secret Handshake, 2012
Levine, G. Betsy Red Hoodie, 2010
Lewis, K. Little Baa, 2001
Lobel, A. Lena’s Sleep Sheep, 2013
Lucado, M. The Crippled Lamb, 1994
Martins, I. Little Lamb, Have You Any Wool?  2011
McGinty, A. Ten Little Lambs, 2002
McGrory, A. Mouton’s Impossible Dream, 2000
McMillan, B. How the Ladies Stopped the Wind, 2007
McQuinn, A. The Sleep Sheep, 2010
Monroe, C. Sneaky Sheet, 2010
Moses, W. Mary and Her Little Lamb:  The True Story, 2011
Palatini, M. Bad Boys, 2003
Peet, B. Buford, Little Bighorn, 1967
Rae, P. Count the Sheep to Sleep, 2012
Raschka, C. Lamby Lamb, 2014
Root, P. Ten Sleepy Sheep, 2004
Rankin, L. My Turn!  2016
Runnells, T. Ten Wishing Stars, 2003
Schubert, L. Feeding the Sheep, 2010
Scotton, R. Russell and the Lost Treasure, 2006
Scotton, R. Russell the Sheep, 2005
Shaw, N. Sheep in a Jeep, 1986
Shaw, N. Sheep in a Shop, 1991
Shaw, N. Sheep on a Ship, 1989
Shaw, N. Sheep Out to Eat, 1992
Shaw, N. Sheep Take a Hike, 1994
Shaw, N. Sheep Blast Off!  2008
Sloat, T. Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep, 2000
Sloat, T. Pablo in the Snow, 2017
Stohner, A. Brave Charlotte, 2005
Stohner, A. Brave Charlotte and the Wolves, 2009
Sundgaard, A. The Lamb and the Butterfly, 1988
Symes, R. The Sheep Fairy, 2003
Tallec, O. Louis I King of the Sheep, 2015
Trapani, I. Mary Had a Little Lamb, 1999
Weeks, S. Counting Ovejas, 2006
Willis, J. Misery Moo, 2005
Wood, A. Woolly Sheep:  Where Are You?  1997
Additional books about Sheep can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.3)


Arends, D. Saving Bonehead:  The Ten-Foot Hammerhead Shark, 2009
Arnosky, J. Gobble It Up!  A Fun Song About Eating!  2008
Barrett, J. Never Take a Shark to the Dentist and Other Things Not To Do, 2008
Barton, C. Shark vs. Train, 2010
Clarke, J. Gilbert the Hero, 2011
Cox, P. Shark in the Park, 2006
Gill, T. Flip & Fin:  Super Sharks to the Rescue, 2016
Hale, B. Clark the Shark, 2013
Hale, B. Clark the Shark Dares to Share, 2014
Manley, C. Shawn Loves Sharks, 2017
Pallotta, J. Ocean Counting:  Odd Numbers, 2004
Pfister, M. Rainbow Fish to the Rescue!  1995
Shea, B. I’m a Shark, 2011
Wood, I. Sharks:  Learning SH Sound, 2002
Additional books about Sharks can be found in Juvenile Non-fiction (J 597.3)