Ashman, L. | Samantha on a Roll, 2011 |
Bailey, L. | The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World, 2001 |
Bailey, L. | Farm Team, 2006 |
Barbie | Barbie: Girls on Blades, 2000 |
Berry, L. | Duck Skates, 2005 |
Bersentain, S. | The Bears’ Christmas, 1970 |
Blackstone, M. | This is Figure Skating, 1998 |
Bradley, S. | Henry Holton Takes the Ice, 2015 |
Browning, K. | A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet, 2006 |
Child, L. | I Really, Really Need Actual Ice Skates, 2009 |
Coville, B. | Hans Brinker, 2007 |
de Deu Prats, J. | Sebastian’s Roller Skates, 2005 |
Emberley, R. | Mice on Ice, 2012 |
Gurth, P. | Hockey Opposites, 2010 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina Ice Skates, 2007 |
Idle, M. | Flora and the Penguin, 2014 |
Keats, E. | Skates! 1981 |
Keller, H. | Pearl’s New Skates, 2005 |
Lazar, T. | Little Red Gliding Hood, 2015 |
Leonetti, M. | A Hero Name Howe, 2006 |
Lester, H. | Tacky and the Winter Games, 2005 |
Lindeen, C. | Let’s Ice-Skate! 2006 |
Maloney, D. | The Magic Hockey Stick, 1999 |
McMullan, K. | I’m Cool! 2015 |
Medearis, A. | Poppa’s Itcy Christmas, 1998 |
Napier, M. | Z is for Zamboni: A Hockey Alphabet, 2002 |
Napier, M. | Hat Tricks Count: A Hockey Number Book, 2005 |
Napier, M. | I Spy with My Little Eye Hockey, 2008 |
Pilkey, D. | The Moonglow Roll-a-Rama, 1995 |
Robinson, S. | Testing the Ice: A True Story About Jackie Robinson, 2009 |
Schultz, C. | Your Dog Plays Hockey? 1996 |
Spinelli, E. | Callie Cat, Ice Skater, 2007 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Hockey, 2007 |
Whybrow, I. | Bella Gets Her Skates On, 2007 |
Wright, J. | Bunnies on Ice, 2013 |
Yamaguchi, K. | Dream Big Little Pig! 2011 |
Yamaguchi, K. | It’s a Big World, Little Pig! 2012 |
Yamashita, H. | Seven Little Mice Have Fun on the Ice, 2011 |
Additional books about Skating can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.91) | |
Additional books about Hockey can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.962) |
Author: Scott Wright
Alborough, J. | Tall, 2005 |
Alderson, B. | Thumbelina, 2009 |
Allen, E. | Poor Little Guy, 2016 |
Andersen, H. | Thumbelina, 1996 |
Anderson, D. | Too Big to Dance, 2004 |
Anno, M. | The King’s Flower, 1979 |
Archer, D. | Looking After Little Ellie, 2005 |
Aston, D. | Not So Tall for Six, 2008 |
Awdry, W. | Little Engines Can Do Big Things, 2000 |
Battersby, K. | Squish Rabbit, 2011 |
Beaton, C. | How Big is Pig? 2000 |
Bell, C. | Itty Bitty, 2009 |
Bentley, J. | Little Big, 2015 |
Bogan, P. | Lulu the Big Little Chick, 2009 |
Bogart, J. | Big and Small, Room for All, 2009 |
Boyd, L. | Big Bear Little Chair, 2015 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford to the Rescue, 2000 |
Brier-Haquet, A. | One Very Big Bear, 2016 |
Bright, R. | The Lion Inside, 2015 |
Brown, M. | D.W. Thinks Big, 1993 |
Buehner, C. | Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, 2003 |
Carle, E. | The Grouchy Ladybug, 1996 |
Choldenko, G. | How to Make Friends With a Giant, 2006 |
Cole, H. | Big Bug, 2014 |
Costello, D. | Little Pig Joins the Band, 2011 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Big City, 2014 |
Cuyler, M. | The Biggest Best Snowman, 1998 |
Docherty, T. | Little Boat, 2009 |
Dodd, E. | I Am Small, 2010 |
Dohaney, R. | Tinka, 2003 |
Donnio, S. | I’d Really Like to Eat a Child, 2007 |
Donohue, D. | Big and Little on the Farm, 1999 |
Dunbar, J. | Tell Me What It’s Like to Be Big, 2001 |
Ellwand, D. | Emma’s Elephant, 1997 |
Emmett, J. | This Way, Ruby! 2006 |
Florian, D. | A Pig is Big, 2000 |
Flory, N. | The Short Giraffe, 2014 |
Foreman, M. | The Littlest Dinosaur’s Big Adventure, 2009 |
Funke, C. | The Princess Knight, 2004 |
Gay, M. | When Stella Was Very Very Small, 2009 |
Gorbachev, V. | Big Little Elephant, 2005 |
Graves, K. | Chicken Big, 2010 |
Hawkes, K. | The Wicked Big Toddlah, 2007 |
Heapy, T. | Very Little Red Riding Hood, 2014 |
Hegi, U. | Trudi and Pia, 2003 |
Henkes, K. | The Biggest Boy, 1995 |
Henkes, K. | Bailey Goes Camping, 1985 |
Hillert, M. | I Like Things, 1982 |
Howe, J. | Brontorina, 2010 |
Hutchins, P. | Shrinking Mouse, 1997 |
Isaacs, A. | Dust Devil, 2010 |
Jenkins, S. | Actual Size, 2004 |
Jenkins, S. | Prehistoric Actual Size, 2005 |
Joyce, W. | George Shrinks, 2000 |
Kang, A. | You Are (Not) Small, 2015 |
Keane, C. | Little Big Girl, 2016 |
Keller, H. | Jacob’s Tree, 1999 |
Kirk, D. | Oh So Tiny Bunny, 2013 |
Koehler, L. | The Little Snowplow, 2015 |
Kolar, B. | Big Kicks, 2008 |
Komiya, T. | Life-Size Zoo, 2008 |
Krauss, R. | The Growing Story, 2007 |
Latimer, A. | Pig and Small, 2013 |
Lichtenheld, T. | Cloudette, 2011 |
Lionni, L. | Pezzettino, 2003 |
Liu, J. | Gus, the Dinosaur Bus, 2012 |
Lucas, D. | Whale, 2007 |
Mamada, M. | Which is Round? Which is Bigger? 2013 |
Martin, E. | The Littlest Family’s Big Day, 2016 |
Masurel, C. | Too Big! 1999 |
Mayer, M. | When I Get Bigger, 1983 |
McMullan, K. | I’m Big! 2010 |
McNamara, M. | How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? 2007 |
Meddaugh, S. | Just Teenie, 2006 |
Miller, M. | Now I’m Big, 1996 |
Miller, M. | Big and Little, 1998 |
Muller, B. | Giant Jack, 2002 |
My | My First Look At Sizes, 2001 |
Neeman, S. | Something Big, 2013 |
O’Leary, S. | When You Were Small, 2006 |
Paul, C. | Long Shot: Never Too Small to Dream Big, 2009 |
Peet, B. | Huge Harold, 1961 |
Pinkwater, D. | Big Bob and the Thanksgiving Potatoes, 1998 |
Pitcher, C. | The Littlest Owl, 2008 |
Rayner, C. | Ernest, the Moose Who Doesn’t Fit, 2009 |
Rey, H. | Curious George’s Dream, 1998 |
Roberts, J. | The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade, 2014 |
Roche, D. | Mim, Gym and June, 2003 |
Russo, M. | A Very Big Bunny, 2010 |
Sharmat, M. | Tiffany Dino Works Out, 1995 |
Sherry, K. | I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, 2007 |
Shulevitz, U. | Troto and the Trucks, 2015 |
Spires, A. | Small Saul, 2011 |
Teckentrup, B. | How Big is the World? 2007 |
Torrey, R. | Almost, 2009 |
Walton, R. | Bertie Was a Watchdog, 2002 |
Weinberg, S. | You Must Be This Tall, 2016 |
Weston, C. | The New Bear at School, 2007 |
Yang, B. | Foo, the Flying Frog of Washtub Pond, 2009 |
Yolen, J. | Baby Bear’s Chairs, 2005 |
Young, A. | Belinda and the Glass Slipper, 2006 |
Zarin, C. | Wallace Hoskins, The Boy Who Grew Down, 1999 |
Altman, L. | Singing with Mama Lou, 2002 |
Bolliger, M. | The Happy Troll, 2005 |
Cabrera, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2005 |
Cunnane, K. | Chirchir is Singing, 2011 |
Daly, N. | Ruby Sings the Blues, 2005 |
Hopkinson, D. | Home on the Range: John A. Lomax and His Cowboy Songs, 2009 |
Joyce, W. | Bently & Egg, 1992 |
Litwin, E. | Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, 2011 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
Palatini, M. | Boo-Hoo Moo, 2008 |
Palatini, M. | Moo Who? 2004 |
Staines, B. | All God’s Critters, 2009 |
Stenmark, V. | The Singing Chick, 1999 |
Stuchner, J. | Josephine’s Dream, 2008 |
Walker, A. | I Love To Sing, 2011 |
Warhola, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2007 |
Weinstein, M. | When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat, 2008 |
Williams, V. | Lucky Song, 1997 |
Yolen, J. | This Little Piggy, 2005 |
Agee, J. | The Retired Kid, 2008 |
Ahlberg, A. | The Runaway Dinner, 2006 |
Allard, H. | The Stupids Die, 1981 |
Allard, H. | The Stupids Take Off, 1989 |
Allard, H. | The Stupid Step Out (Media Kit), 1989 |
Allard, H. | The Stupids Have a Ball, 1978 |
Allard, H. | The Stupids Step Out, 1974 |
Ashman, L. | To the Beach! 2005 |
Auch, M. | Beauty and the Beaks: A Turkey’s Cautionary Tale, 2007 |
Bachelet, G. | My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, 2006 |
Bachelet, G. | When the Silliest Cat Was Small, 2007 |
Barrett, J. | Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing, 1970 |
Bee, W. | Whatever, 2006 |
Bell, C. | I Yam a Donkey! 2015 |
Bryan, S. | A Boy and His Bunny, 2005 |
Bryan, S. | A Bear and His Boy, 2007 |
Bryan, S. | A Girl and Her Gator, 2006 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type, 2000 |
Cronin, D. | Giggle Giggle Quack, 2002 |
Cronin, D. | Wiggle, 2005 |
Curtis, J. | Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day, 1998 |
Davis, K. | Who Hops? 2000 |
Davis, K. | Who Hoots? 2000 |
Dodd, E. | Dog’s ABC: A Silly Story About the Alphabet, 2002 |
Durant, A. | Burger Boy, 2006 |
Fallon, J. | Halfway Hank, 2005 |
Feiffer, J. | Bark George, 1999 |
Flather, L. | Ten Silly Dogs: A Countdown Story, 1999 |
Ghigna, C. | Animal Trunk: Silly Poems to Read Aloud, 1999 |
Hall, K. | Simms Taback’s Great Big Book of Spacey Snakey Buggy Riddles, 2008 |
Hoban, L. | Silly Tilly’s Thanksgiving Dinner, 1990 |
Hoban, L. | Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny, 1987 |
Hoberman, M. | The Two Sillies, 2000 |
Hoberman, M. | The Seven Silly Eaters, 1997 |
Hoberman, M. | Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002 |
Hort, L. | Tie Your Socks and Clap Your Feet: Mixed Up Poems, 2000 |
Horton, J. | Hippopotamus Stew and Other Silly Animal Poems, 2006 |
Jackson, A. | I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie, 1997 |
James, S. | Baby Brains, 2004 |
James, S. | Baby Brains Superstar, 2005 |
Joyce, W. | Sleepy Time Olie, 2001 |
Katz, A. | On Top of the Potty and Other Get-Up-and-Go Songs, 2008 |
Lendler, I. | An Undone Fairy Tale, 2005 |
Lester, J. | Ackamarackus, 2001 |
Lichtenheld, T. | Everything I Know About Pirates, 2000 |
Lobel, A. | Odd Owls & Stout Pigs: A Book of Nonsense, 2009 |
Manners | Manners Mashed Up, 2011 |
Miranda, A. | To Market To Market, 1997 |
Most, B. | Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! 1996 |
Nishimura, K. | I Am Dodo, 2005 |
Novak, B. | The Book with No Pictures, 2014 |
O’Malley, K. | Animal Crackers Fly the Coop, 2010 |
Palatini, M. | Three Silly Billies, 2005 |
Parachini, J. | This is a Serious Book, 2016 |
Parr, T. | Do’s and Don’t’s, 1999 |
Parr, T. | Underwear Do’s and Don’t’s, 2000 |
Pilkey, D. | The Silly Gooses, 1998 |
Pilkey, D. | Make Way for Dumb Bunnies, 1996 |
Pilkey, D. | The Dumb Bunnies, 1994 |
Raffi | Down by the Bay, 1988 |
Rashin | There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, 2014 |
Reed, L. | Please Don’t Upset P.U. Zorilla! 2006 |
Rex, A. | Pssst! 2007 |
Rosenthal, A. | Little Pea, 2005 |
Rosenthal, A. | Little Hoot, 2008 |
SanSouci, R. | Six Foolish Fishermen, 2000 |
Scieszka, J. | Cowboy and Octopus, 2007 |
Shea, B. | I’m a Shark, 2011 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep: A Yarn About Wool, 2000 |
Sloat, T. | The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown, 1995 |
Sloat, T. | There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout, 1998 |
Slonim, D. | He Came With the Couch, 2005 |
Soule, J. | Never Tease a Weasel, 2007 |
Spinelli, E. | Silly Tilly, 2009 |
Stenmark, V. | The Singing Chick, 1999 |
Stevens, J. | The Great Fuzz Frenzy, 2005 |
Stiles, N. | The Ernie and Bert Book, 1977 |
Szekeres, C. | Toby’s Silly Faces, 2000 |
Taxali, G. | This is Silly! 2010 |
Thomas, J. | What Will Fat Cat Sit On? 2007 |
Thomas, J. | Rhyming Dust Bunnies, 2008 |
Thomas, J. | Can YOU Make a Scary Face? 2009 |
Thomas, J. | Is Everyone Ready for Fun? 2011 |
Thomas, J. | Is That Wise, Pig? 2016 |
Tomorrow, T. | The Very Silly Mayor, 2009 |
Walsh, E. | You Silly Goose! 1992 |
Wargin, K. | Moose on the Loose, 2009 |
Westcott, N. | Lady With the Alligator Purse, 2003 |
Willems, M. | Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! 2003 |
Willems, M. | The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog, 2004 |
Willems, M. | Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! 2006 |
Willems, M. | The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! 2008 |
Willems, M. | Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, 2008 |
Willems, M. | There is a Bird on Your Head! 2007 |
Wood, A. | Silly Sally, 1992 |
Sibling Rivalry
Appelt, K. | Brand-New Baby Blues, 2009 |
Arnold, T. | The Twin Princes, 2007 |
Broach, E. | What the No-Good Baby is Good For, 2005 |
Bunting, E. | Baby Can, 2007 |
Child, L. | The New Small Person, 2014 |
Cordell, M. | Another Brother, 2012 |
Coville, B. | The Lapsnatcher, 1997 |
DeGroat, D. | Mother You’re the Best! But Sister You’re a Pest! 2008 |
Dempsey, S. | Bye-Bye Baby Brother! 2013 |
Duke, K. | The Tale of Pip & Squeak, 2007 |
Dyckman, A. | Wolfie the Bunny, 2015 |
Harper, A. | It’s Not Fair! 2007 |
Harris, R. | Mail Harry to the Moon, 2008 |
Hazen, B. | Who is Your Favorite Monster, Mama? 2006 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina’s Baby Sister, 2000 |
Kantorovitz, S. | The Very Tiny Baby, 2014 |
Kornell, M. | Me First, 2014 |
Mack, T. | Princess Penelope Takes Charge, 2006 |
Madison, A. | Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly, 2007 |
Mario, H. | I’d Rather Have an Iguana, 1999 |
McBratney, S. | You’re All My Favorites, 2004 |
Montanari, E. | Tiff, Taff and Lulu, 2004 |
Palatini, M. | Good as Goldie, 2000 |
Penn, M. | A Pocket Full of Kisses, 2004 |
Polacco, P. | My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, 1994 |
Reynolds, P. | The Best Kid in the Whole World, 2006 |
Rosenberry, V. | Vera’s Baby Sister, 2005 |
Saltzberg, B. | Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby? 2009 |
Schwartz, A. | Dee Dee and Me, 2013 |
Shields, C. | I Wish My Brother Was a Dog, 1997 |
Yum, H. | The Twins’ Little Sister, 2014 |
Zeltster, D. | Ninja Baby, 2015 |
Alexander, C. | Small Florence Piggy Pop Star! 2009 |
Alter, A. | Disappearing Desmond, 2010 |
Best, C. | Shrinking Violet, 2001 |
Bottner, B. | Wallace’s Lists, 2004 |
Button, L. | Willow’s Whispers, 2010 |
Carlson, N. | Henry’s Show and Tell, 2004 |
Child, L. | Maude, the Not-So-Noticeable Shrimpton, 2013 |
Choldenko, G. | Louder, Lili, 2007 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella the Elegant Elephant, 2004 |
Falwell, C. | David’s Drawings, 2001 |
Freedman, D. | Shy, 2016 |
Goodrich, C. | The Hermit Crab, 2009 |
Greene, J. | Speak Up, Tommy! 2012 |
Hines, A. | My Grandma is Coming to Town, 2003 |
Joyce, W. | Bentley & Egg, 1992 |
Kirk, D. | Library Mouse: A Friend’s Tale, 2009 |
Lacombe, B. | Cherry and Olive, 2007 |
Lin, G. | Lissy’s Friends, 2007 |
Mathers, P. | Sophie and Lou, 1991 |
McCourt, L. | Chicken Soup For Little Souls: The New Kid, 1998 |
Morgan, M. | Dear Bunny, 2006 |
Oates, J. | Where is Little Reynard? 2003 |
Paraskevas, B. | Chocolate at the Four Seasons, 2007 |
Peet, B. | Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent, 1975 |
Ruzzier, S. | Amandina, 2008 |
Spinelli, E. | When No One is Watching, 2013 |
Tafuri, N. | Will You Be My Friend? 2000 |
Twohy, M. | Poindexter Makes a Friend, 2011 |
Wells, R. | Edward in Deep Water, 1995 |
Wells, R. | Edward Unready For School, 1995 |
Wells, R. | Shy Charles, 1988 |
Wilson, K. | Bear’s New Friend, 2006 |
Winters, K. | Who’s Haunting the Teeny Tiny Ghost? 1999 |
Agee, J. | Nothing, 2007 |
Ahlberg, A. | The Shopping Expedition, 2005 |
Alexander, L. | Ernie Gets Lost, 1985 |
Anholt, C. | Chimp and Zee, 2001 |
Axelrod, A. | Pigs Go the Market: Fun With Math & Shopping, 1997 |
Aylesworth, J. | McGrew’s Emporium, 1995 |
Bassede, F. | George’s Store at the Shore, 1998 |
Beaumont, K. | Shoe-la-la! 2011 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies, 1988 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears at the Super-Duper Market, 1996 |
Blackstone, S. | My Granny Went to Market: A Round-the-World Counting Rhyme, 2005 |
Bridges, S. | Mary Wrightly, So Politely, 2013 |
Broach, E. | When Dinosaurs Came With Everything, 2007 |
Bulion, L. | Fatuma’s New Cloth, 2002 |
Burningham, J. | The Shopping Basket, 1996 |
Chen, C. | On My Way to Buy Eggs, 2003 |
Darbyshire, K. | Put It on the List! 2009 |
Davis, L. | Where is P.B. Bear Going? 1997 |
Day, A. | Carl Goes Shopping, 1989 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Mad at Mama, 2007 |
DiSalvo, D. | Grandpa’s Corner Store, 2000 |
Egielski, R. | Three Magic Balls, 2000 |
Ehlert, L. | Market Day, 2000 |
Elya, S. | Bebe Goes Shopping, 2006 |
Eriksson, E. | Molly Goes Shopping, 2003 |
Frankel, J. | Hare and Bear Go Shopping, 1990 |
Fraser, M. | Pet Shop Follies, 2010 |
Freeman, D. | Corduroy, 1968 |
Glass, E. | The Red Shoes, 2008 |
Gomi, T. | I Lost My Dad, 2001 |
Horowitz, D. | Buy My Hats! 2010 |
Hutchins, P. | Don’t Forget the Bacon! 1987 |
Ichikawa, S. | My Father’s Shop, 2006 |
Kaplan, M. | Betty Bunny Wants Everything, 2012 |
Kirk, D. | Miss Spider’s New Car, 1997 |
Kitamura, S. | Millie’s Marvellous Hat, 2009 |
Lewin, T. | Big Jimmy’s Kum Kau Chinese Take-Out, 2002 |
Lindbergh, R. | The Awful Ardvarks Shop For School, 2000 |
Liwska, R. | Red Wagon, 2011 |
Low, A. | Aunt Lucy Went to Buy a Hat, 2004 |
Mayer, G. | Just a Toy, 2003 |
Mayer, M. | Just Shopping With Mom, 1989 |
Mayer, M. | Just Me and My Mom, 1990 |
Mayer, M. | Just Grandpa and Me, 1985 |
McAllister, A. | Trust Me, Mom! 2005 |
McClendon, Q. | Suit Shoes, 2006 |
Melmed, L. | The Marvelous Market on Mermaid, 1995 |
Miller, C. | Monster Knows Excuse Me, 2014 |
Miranda, A. | To Market To Market, 1997 |
Mould, W. | Ants in My Pants, 2001 |
Munsch, R. | Smelly Socks, 2004 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique, 2010 |
Potter, B. | The Tale of Ginger & Pickles, 1987 |
Ravishankar, A. | To Market! To Market! 2008 |
Rey, H. | Curious George Visits a Toy Store, 2002 |
Rockwell, A. | At the Supermarket, 2010 |
Rockwell, A. | Let’s Go to the Hardware Store, 2016 |
Rylant, C. | The Bookshop Dog, 1996 |
Rylant, C. | Brownie & Pearl See the Sights, 2010 |
Schaefer, C. | The Bora-Bora Dress, 2005 |
Schwartz, J. | Our Corner Grocery Store, 2009 |
Seymour, T. | Auction! 2005 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep in a Shop, 1991 |
Sierra, J. | Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur: A First Book of Manners, 2012 |
Singer, M. | Shoe Bop! 2008 |
Stevens, A. | Edwin Speaks Up, 2011 |
Swados, E. | The Animal Rescue Store, 2005 |
Trent, S. | Farmers’ Market Day, 2013 |
Viorst, J. | Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday, 1977 |
Wahl, J. | Candy Shop, 2004 |
Wells, R. | Bunny Money, 1997 |
Wells, R. | Bunny Cakes, 1997 |
Wells, R. | Max’s Dragon Shirt, 1991 |
Allen, D. | Brothers of the Knight, 1999 |
Bateman, T. | Keeper of Soles, 2006 |
Beaumont, K. | Shoe-la-la! 2011 |
Boelts, M. | Those Shoes, 2007 |
Bunting, E. | Whose Shoe? 2015 |
Daly, N. | Happy Birthday, Jamela! 2006 |
DeRegniers, B. | What Can You Do With a Shoe? 1997 |
Dixon, A. | Blueberry Shoe, 1999 |
Dollinger, R. | The Rabbi Who Flew, 2001 |
Dunbar, J. | Shoe Baby, 2005 |
Farooqi, M. | The Cobbler’s Holiday or Why Ants Don’t Wear Shoes, 2008 |
Field, E. | Wynken, Blynken and Nod, 1995 |
Janni, R. | Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots, 2011 |
LaMarche, J. | The Elves and the Shoemaker, 2003 |
Lawston, L. | A Pair of Red Sneakers, 1998 |
Litwin, E. | Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, 2011 |
Litwin, E. | Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes, 2008 |
McClendon, Q. | Suit Shoes, 2004 |
Meyer, S. | New Shoes, 2015 |
Miller, M. | Whose Shoe? 1991 |
Murray, A. | One Two That’s My Shoe, 2012 |
Noble, T. | The Orange Shoes, 2007 |
Olson-Brown, E. | Ooh La La Polka-Dot Boots, 2010 |
Palatini, M. | Stinky Smelly Feet: A Love Story, 2004 |
Primavera, E. | Louise the Big Cheese and the La-Di-Da Shoes, 2010 |
Rosenthal, B. | Which Shoes Would you Choose? 2010 |
SanSouci, R. | The Red Heels, 1995 |
Slater, D. | Baby Shoes, 2006 |
Thermes, J. | Sam Bennett’s New Shoes, 2006 |
Vesey, A. | Hector’s New Sneakers, 1993 |
Zalban, J. | Hey, Mama Goose, 2005 |
Bauer, M. | In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb, 2011 |
Beaty, A. | Hide and Sheep, 2011 |
Beaumont, K. | No Sleep for the Sheep! 2011 |
Belloni, G. | Anything is Possible, 2011 |
Bently, P. | The Great Sheep Shenanigans, 2012 |
Birdsall, J. | My Favorite Pets, 2016 |
Brown, M. | Sheep Don’t Count Sheep, 2002 |
Cabrera, J. | Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, 2015 |
Carlson, M. | The Lost Lamb, 1999 |
Cordel, M. | Another Brother, 2012 |
Cox, P. | Sam Sheep Can’t Sleep, 2006 |
Davies, G. | Little Lamb, 1999 |
dePaola, T. | Charlie Needs a Cloak, 1973 |
deSeve, R. | Mathilda and the Orange Balloon, 2010 |
Dohaney, R. | Tinka, 2003 |
Driscoll, A. | Wally Does Not Need a Haircut, 2016 |
Dumont, J. | The Sheep Go On Strike, 2009 |
Farrell, D. | Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib, 2010 |
Fox, M. | Where is the Green Sheep? 2004 |
French, J. | Pete the Sheep-Sheep, 2005 |
Gliori, D. | The Snow Lambs, 1995 |
Green, E. | The Little Golden Lamb, 2000 |
Greenstein, E. | One Little Lamb, 2004 |
Hall, M. | Charlie and Tess, 1996 |
Helakoski, L. | Woolbur, 2008 |
Hill, S. | Can’t Sleep Without Sheep, 2010 |
Imai, A. | The 108th Sheep, 2007 |
Kelly, M. | One More Sheep, 2006 |
Kitamura, S. | Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing, 1996 |
Klise, K. | Grammy Lamby and the Secret Handshake, 2012 |
Levine, G. | Betsy Red Hoodie, 2010 |
Lewis, K. | Little Baa, 2001 |
Lobel, A. | Lena’s Sleep Sheep, 2013 |
Lucado, M. | The Crippled Lamb, 1994 |
Martins, I. | Little Lamb, Have You Any Wool? 2011 |
McGinty, A. | Ten Little Lambs, 2002 |
McGrory, A. | Mouton’s Impossible Dream, 2000 |
McMillan, B. | How the Ladies Stopped the Wind, 2007 |
McQuinn, A. | The Sleep Sheep, 2010 |
Monroe, C. | Sneaky Sheet, 2010 |
Moses, W. | Mary and Her Little Lamb: The True Story, 2011 |
Palatini, M. | Bad Boys, 2003 |
Peet, B. | Buford, Little Bighorn, 1967 |
Rae, P. | Count the Sheep to Sleep, 2012 |
Raschka, C. | Lamby Lamb, 2014 |
Root, P. | Ten Sleepy Sheep, 2004 |
Rankin, L. | My Turn! 2016 |
Runnells, T. | Ten Wishing Stars, 2003 |
Schubert, L. | Feeding the Sheep, 2010 |
Scotton, R. | Russell and the Lost Treasure, 2006 |
Scotton, R. | Russell the Sheep, 2005 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep in a Jeep, 1986 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep in a Shop, 1991 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep on a Ship, 1989 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep Out to Eat, 1992 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep Take a Hike, 1994 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep Blast Off! 2008 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep, 2000 |
Sloat, T. | Pablo in the Snow, 2017 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte, 2005 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte and the Wolves, 2009 |
Sundgaard, A. | The Lamb and the Butterfly, 1988 |
Symes, R. | The Sheep Fairy, 2003 |
Tallec, O. | Louis I King of the Sheep, 2015 |
Trapani, I. | Mary Had a Little Lamb, 1999 |
Weeks, S. | Counting Ovejas, 2006 |
Willis, J. | Misery Moo, 2005 |
Wood, A. | Woolly Sheep: Where Are You? 1997 |
Additional books about Sheep can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.3) |
Arends, D. | Saving Bonehead: The Ten-Foot Hammerhead Shark, 2009 |
Arnosky, J. | Gobble It Up! A Fun Song About Eating! 2008 |
Barrett, J. | Never Take a Shark to the Dentist and Other Things Not To Do, 2008 |
Barton, C. | Shark vs. Train, 2010 |
Clarke, J. | Gilbert the Hero, 2011 |
Cox, P. | Shark in the Park, 2006 |
Gill, T. | Flip & Fin: Super Sharks to the Rescue, 2016 |
Hale, B. | Clark the Shark, 2013 |
Hale, B. | Clark the Shark Dares to Share, 2014 |
Manley, C. | Shawn Loves Sharks, 2017 |
Pallotta, J. | Ocean Counting: Odd Numbers, 2004 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! 1995 |
Shea, B. | I’m a Shark, 2011 |
Wood, I. | Sharks: Learning SH Sound, 2002 |
Additional books about Sharks can be found in Juvenile Non-fiction (J 597.3) |