
Abraham, P. George Washington, 2002
Aryal, N. Bo America’s Commander in Leash, 2009
Aylesworth, J. Our Abe Lincoln, 2009
Bridwell, N. Clifford Goes to Washington, 2005
Brown, M. Arthur Meets the President, 1991
Cheney, L. America:  A Patriotic Primer, 2002
Clanton, B. Vote for Me!  20120
Cronin, D. Duck for President, 2004
Cuyler, M. That’s Good!  That’s Bad!  In Washington, D.C.  2007
Czajak, P. Monster Needs Your Vote, 2015
Dipucchio, K. Grace for President, 2008
Douglas, L. The White House, 2003
Farris, C. March On!  The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World, 2008
Feiffer, K. President Pennybaker, 2008
Feiffer, K. Which Puppy?  2009
Gavris, G. E is for Election Day, 2015
Grimes, N. Barack Obama:  Son of Promise, Child of Hope, 2008
Grodin, E. D is For Democracy:  A Citizen’s Alphabet, 2004
Grodin, E. Everyone Counts:  A Citizen’s Number Book, 2006
Hopkinson, D. First Family, 2010
Jackson, E. Abe Lincoln Loved Animals, 2008
Kennedy, E. My Senator and Me:  A Dog’s Eye View of Washington, D.C.  2006
Kerley, B. What To Do About Alice, 2008
Krosoczka, J. Max For President, 2004
Krull, K. Lincoln Tells a Joke: How Laughter Saved the President, 2010
Lewis, J. First Dog, 2009
Markel, M. Hillary Rodham Clinton:  Some Girls Are Born to Lead, 2016
McCain, M. My Dad, John McCain, 2008
Melmed, L. Washington From A to Z, 2003
Obama, B. Yes We Can! A Salute to Children From President Obama’s Victory Speech, 2008
Rabin, S. Mr. Lincoln’s Boys, 2008
Rockwell, A. Big George:  How a Shy Boy Became President Washington, 2009
Ruiz, R. When Penny Met POTUS, 2016
Ryan, P. Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride, 1999
Smith, L. Madam President, 2008
Smith, M. N is For Our Nation’s Capital:  A Washington, D.C. Alphabet, 2005
St. George, J. So You Want to Be President?  2000
Staake, B. The First Pup:  The Real Story of How Bo Got to the White House, 2010
Teague, M. LaRue For Mayor: Letters From the Campaign Trail, 2008
Thomas, H. The Great White House Breakout, 2008
Tomorrow, T. The Very Silly Mayor, 2009
Weatherford, C. First Pooch:  The Obamas Pick a Pet, 2009
Wells, R. Otto Runs for President, 2008
Winter, J. Barack, 2008
Winters, K. My Teacher For President, 2004
Additional books about Politics can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 324)
Books about the Presidency can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 973.09)
Biographies of the Presidents can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 920)


Bee, W. and the cars go…2013
Bourgeois, P. Police Officers, 1998
Carter, A. Under a Prairie Sky, 2002
Gibbons, G. Emergency, 1994
Greene, J. Speak Up, Tommy!  2012
Hamilton, K. Police Officers on Patrol, 2009
Hassett, J. Cat Up a Tree, 1998
Hubbell, P. Police:  Hurrying!  Helping!  Saving!  2007
Lindeen, C. Police Cars, 2005
Metzger, S. Detective Blue, 2011
Morey, A. Police Cars, 2015
Murray, A. Police Officers Help Us, 2013
Murray, J. The Police Station, 2017
Murray, J. Police Cars, 2016
Niemann, C. The Police Cloud, 2007
Numeroff, L. Sherman Crunchley, 2003
Olien, B. Police Cars, 2001
Randolph, J. Police Cars, 2008
Ransom, J. What REALLY Happened to Humpty?  2009
Rathmann, P. Officer Buckle and Gloria, 1995
Ready, D. Police Officers Help, 2013
Spaight, A. Police Cars On the Go, 2017
Teague, M. Detective LaRue:  Letters From the Investigation, 2004
Waber, B. Courage, 2002
Wilson, K. Sakes Alive!  A Cattle Drive, 2005
Yee, W. The Officer’s Ball, 1997

Polar Bears

Baek, M. Panda & Polar Bear, 2009
Barroux Welcome, 2016
Berkner, L. Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco, 2004
Bloom, S. What About Bear?  2010
Bloom, S. A Splendid Friend, Indeed, 2005
Bloom, S. Alone Together, 2014
Bogan, P. Virgil & Owen, 2015
Bogan, P. Virgil & Owen Stick Together, 2016
Brett, J. The Three Snow Bears, 2007
Briere-Haquet, A. One Very Big Bear, 2016
Briggs, R. The Bear, 1994
Brooks, E. The Practically Perfect Pajamas, 2000
Cabrera, J. The Lonesome Polar Bear, 2002
Collins, R. There’s a Bear on My Chair, 2016
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear, 1987
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear Finds a Friend, 1990
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare, 1998
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Husky Pup, 1999
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Big Balloon, 2002
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Reindeer, 2005
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Whales, 2008
deBeer, H. Little Polar Bear and the Submarine, 2011
Dodd, E. Forever, 2013
George, J. Snow Bear, 1999
George, J. The Last Polar Bear, 2009
Gliori, D. Polar Bolero:  A Bedtime Dance, 2000
Jacques, B. Urso Brunov and the White Emperor, 2008
Kono, E. Every Color, 2016
Levis, C. Ida, Always, 2016
Mack, J. Hush Little Polar Bear, 2008
Martin, B. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?  1991
Morris, J. The Ice Bear, 2011
Murphy, Y. Baby Polar, 2009
Okimoto, J. Winston of Churchill:  One Bear’s Battle, 2007
Pinkwater, D. Bad Bears Go Visiting, 2007
Pinkwater, D. Hotel Larry, 1998
Pinkwater, D. Young Larry, 1997
Pinkwater, D. Ice Cream Larry, 1999
Pinkwater, D. Bad Bears in the Big City, 2003
Pinkwater, D. Bad Bears and the Bunny, 2005
Pinkwater, D. Sleepover Larry, 2007
Pinkwater, D. Bad Bear Detectives, 2006
Pinkwater, D. Dancing Larry, 2006
Thompson, L. Polar Bear Morning, 2013
Thomson, S. Cub’s Big World, 2013
Tillman, N. On the Night You Were Born, 2006
Tolman, M. The Tree House, 2010
Tolman, M. The Island, 2012
Tupera, T. Polar Bear’s Underwear, 2015
Willis, J. Poles Apart, 2015
Wilson, K. Mama, Why?  2011
Winter, J. Nanuk, the Ice Bear, 2016
Additional books about Polar Bears can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.786)

Poland and Ukraine

Bartoletti, S. Dancing With Dziadziu, 1997
Brett, J. The Mitten:  A Ukrainian Folktale, 1989
Carnesti, M. Little Dog Lost:  The True Story of a Brave Dog Named Baltic, 2012
Forest, H. A Big Quiet House:  A Yiddish Folktale From Eastern Europe, 1996
Gorbachev, V. The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship:  A Ukrainian Folk Tale, 1998
Hesse, K. The Cats in Krasinski Square, 2004
Kimmel, E. One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes:  A Hutzul Tale, 1996
Kimmel, E. The Spider’s Gift:  A Ukrainian Christmas Story, 2010
Paschkis, J. P. Zonka Lays an Egg, 2015
Polacco, P. Babushka’s Mother Goose, 1995
Polacco, P. Luba and the Wren, 1999
Polacco, P. Rechenka’s Eggs, 1988
Sanfield, S. Strudel Strudel Strudel, 1995
Silverman, E. Raisel’s Riddle, 1999
Additional books on Poland can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 943.8)
Additional books on the Ukraine can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 947.7)


Alderson, S. Pond Seasons, 1997
Alexander, C. All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2001
Andreae, G. Cock-a-doodle doo!  Barnyard Hullabaloo, 2000
Andreae, G. Commotion in the Ocean, 2001
Andreae, G. ABC Animal Jamboree, 2010
Andreae, G. Dinosaurs Galore!  2005
Anglund, J. Morning is a Little Child, 1969
Aylesworth, J. The Burger and the Hot Dog, 2001
Beaumont, K. I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!  2005
Belle, J. Animal Stackers, 2005
Blanco, R. One Today, 2015
Booth, P. Crossing, 2001
Brown, M. Christmas in the Barn, 1952
Brown, M. Nibble Nibble, 2007
Brown, M. The Moon Shines Down, 2008
Burleigh, R. Goal, 2001
Burleigh, R. Hoops, 1997
Carle, E. Animals Animals, 1989
Carlson, N. Thanksgiving Day At Our House:  Thanksgiving Poems, 1999
Carlstrom, N. Who Said Boo?  Halloween Poems for the Very Young,  1995
Carryl, C. The Camel’s Lament, 2004
Child, L. Over the River and Thro’ the Woods, 1987
Christelow, E. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, 1989
Clements, A. Dogku, 2006
Cline-Ransome, L. Quilt Alphabet, 2001
Creech, S. Who’s That Baby?  New-Baby Songs, 2005
Donaldson, J. The Snail and the Whale, 2004
Donaldson, J. The Further Adventures of the Owl and the Pussy-cat, 2017
Dotlich, R. Away We Go!  2000
Dragonwagon, G. Alligators and Others All Year Long!  1993
Elliott, D. In the Wild, 2010
Ewing, S. Lucky Hares and Itchy Bears, 1996
Fallon, J. Halfway Hank, 2005
Feathered Feathered Friends, 1996
Field, E. Wynken, Blynken and Nod:  A Poem, 1995
Florian, D. Mammalabilia, 2000
Foxworthy, J. Dirt on My Shirt, 2008
Frost, R. Stopping By Woods In Snowy Evening, 2001
George, K. Book!  2001
George, K. Little Dog Poems, 1999
George, K. The Great Frog Race and Other Poems, 1997
George, K. Hummingbird Nest, 2004
Ghigna, C. Animal Trunk:  Silly Poems to Read Aloud, 1999
Graham, J. Splish Splash, 1994
Grossman, B. Timothy Tunny Swallowed a Bunny, 2000
Hall, M. Wonderfall, 2016
Hallinan, P. My Teacher’s My Friend, 1989
Hillman, P. A Merry-Mouse Book of Months, 1980
Ho, M. Hush!  A Thai Lullaby, 1996
Hoberman, M. The Cozy Book, 1995
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You:  Very Short Stories to Read, 2001
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You:  Very Short Fairy Tales to Read, 2004
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You:  Very Short Mother Goose Tales,2005
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You:  Very Short Scary Tales to Read, 2007
Hollyer, B. Dreamtime:  A Book of Lullabies, 1998
Hopkins, L. Wonderful Words, 2004
Hort, L. Tie Your Shoes and Clap Your Feet, 2000
Horton, J. Halloween Hoots and Howls, 1999
Horton, J. Hippopotamus Stew and Other Silly Poems, 2006
Issa, K Today and Today:  Haiku by Issa, 2007
Jeffers, S. Three Jovial Huntsmen, 1989
Johnson, D. Old Mother Hubbard, 1998
Kitten Kitten Yarns, 1996
Kochalka, J. Squirrelly Gray, 2007
Koller, J. Seven Spunky Monkeys, 2005
Krensky, S. There Once Was a Very Odd School, 2004
Lansky, B. Sweet Dreams: Bedtime Poems, Songs and Lullabies, 1996
Larios, J. Have You Ever Done That?  2001
Larios, J. Yellow Elephant:  A Bright Bestiary, 2006
Larios, J. Imaginary Menagerie:  A Book of Curious Creatures, 2008
Lawrence, J. Harriet and the Promised Land, 1968
Lear, E. A Was Once an Apple Pie, 1992
Lear, E. Nonsense!  2004
Lear, E. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, 1996
Lear, E. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, 2003
Lear, E. The Owl and the Pussycat, 2006
Lear, E. The Pelican Chorus and Other Nonsense, 1995
Lear, E. The Owl and the Pussy-cat, 2017
Lee, D. Bubblegum Delicious:  Poems, 2001
Lee, D. Dinosaur Dinner With a Slice of Alligator Pie, 1997
Leuck, L. My Monster Mama Loves Me So, 1999
Leuck, L. My Beastly Brother, 2003
Leuck, L. My Creature Teacher, 2004
Lewis, J. Please Bury Me in the Library, 2005
Lewis, P. The Bookworm’s Feast:  A Potluck of Poems, 1999
Lillegard, D. Wake Up House!  Rooms Full of Poems, 2000
Lillegard, D. Go!  2006
Linch, T. Three Little Kittens, 2001
Lindbergh, R. The Midnight Farm, 1987
Lindbergh, R. Our Nest, 2004
Lobel, A. The Frogs and Toads All Sang, 2009
Lobel, A. Odd Owls & Stout Pigs:  A Book of Nonsense, 2009
Lodge, B. There Was an Old Woman Who Lived In a Glove, 1992
London, J. Who Bob, 2000
Longfellow, H. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 2000
Lujan, J. Colors!  Colores!
MacDonald, S. A Was Once an Apple Pie, 2005
MacLachlan, P. Once I Ate a Pie, 2006
MacLachlan, P. Cat Talk, 2013
Mak, L. My Chinatown:  One Year in Poems, 2002
Marshak, S. Hail to Mail, 1990
Mavor, S. Pocketful of Posies:  A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes, 2010
McKissack, P. Where Crocodiles Have Wings, 2005
McNamara, M. A Poem in Your Pocket, 2015
Melmed, L. This First Thanksgiving Day:  A Counting Story, 2001
Merriam, E. Bam Bam Bam, 1995
Merrian, E. Ten Rosy Roses, 1999
Micklos, J. No Boys Allowed:  Poems About Brothers and Sisters, 2006
Millen, C. Blue Bowl Down, 2004
Miranda, A. To Market, To Market, 1997
Mitchell, C. Playtime, 1979
Moore, C. The Night Before Christmas, 1998
Mora, P. This Big Sky, 1998
Mozelle, S. The Kitchen Talks, 2006
Munsterberg, P. Beastly Banquet:  Tasty Treats for Animal Appetites, 1997
Muth, J. Zen Ties, 2008
Muth, J. Hi, Koo!  2014
Myers, W. Angel to Angel:  A Mother’s Gift of Love, 1998
Nash, O. The Tale of Custard the Dragon, 1995
Nash, O. The Adventures of Isabel, 2008
Noyes, A. The Highwayman, 1990
Numeroff, L. Dogs Don’t Wear Sneakers, 1993
Oliver, L. Little Poems for Tiny Ears, 2014
Paschkis, J. Flutter & Hum:  Animal Poems, 2015
Pearson, S. The Drowsy Hours:  Poems For Bedtime, 2002
Pearson, S. Slugs in Love, 2006
Pittman, H. One Quiet Morning, 1996
Prelutsky, J. The Gargoyle on the Roof, 1999
Prelutsky, J. Ride a Purple Pelican, 1986
Prelutsky, J. If Not for the Cat, 2004
Prelutsky, J. Awful Ogre Running Wild, 2008
Quattlebaum, M. Winter Friends, 2005
Reibstein, M. Wabi Sabi, 2008
Rosen, M. The Cuckoo’s Haiku and Other Birding Poems, 2009
Rosen, M. A Great Big Cuddle:  Poems for the Very Young, 2015
Ryder, J. Mockingbird Morning, 1989
Rylant, C. Good Morning Sweetie Pie and Other Poems For Little Children, 2001
Scieszka, J. Science Verse, 2004
Seuss, D. Dr. Seuss Books
Shannon, G. Busy in the Garden, 2006
Sierra, J. Wild About Books, 2004
Sierra, J. Thelonius Monster’s Sky-High Fly Pie, 2006
Silverstein, S. Runny Babbit, 2005
Simeon, J. This is a Poem That Heals Fish, 2007
Spinelli, E. Rise the Moon, 2003
Spinelli, E. Polar Bear, Arctic Hare:  Poems of the Frozen North, 2007
Stead, P. Ideas Are All Around, 2016
Stevenson, R. The Moon, 2006
Stevenson, R. The Land of Nod, 2016
Strauss, S. How Big is Big?  1999
Swados, E. The Animal Rescue Store, 2005
Tang, G. Math Fables, 2004
Taplin, S. The Usborne Book of Poetry for Little Children, 2006
Thaler, M. Pig Little, 2006
Thayer, E. Casey at the Bat:  A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888, 2003
Thomas, J. Crowning Glory:  Poems, 2002
Trapani, I. Rufus and Friends School Days, 2010
Updike, J. A Child’s Calendar, 1999
Updike, J. A Helpful Alphabet of Friendly Objects, 1995
Vestergaard, H. Baby Love, 2002
Vestergaard, H. I Don’t Want to Clean My Room:  A Mess of Poems About Chores, 2007
Walker, A. There is a Flower at the Tip of My Nose Smelling Me, 2006
Wardlaw, L. Won Ton:  A Cat Tale Told in Haiku, 2010
Wheeler, L. Sailor Moo:  Cow At Sea, 2002
Whitman, W. When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, 2004
Wilber, R. The Disappearing Alphabet, 1998
Wildsmith, B. The Twelve Days of Christmas, 1972
Wing, N. The Night Before Easter, 1999
Winter, J. The House That Jack Built, 2000
Yolen, J. Alphabestiary:  Animal Poems From A to Z, 1995
Yolen, J. Baby Bear’s Big Dream, 2007
Yolen, J. Thunder Underground, 2017
Young, J. R is for Rhyme:  a Poetry Alphabet, 2006
Additional Poetry Books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 811’s)


Asch, F. Pizza, 2015
Auch, H. The Princess and the Pizza, 2002
Campbell, L. Bob’s Pizza, 2004
Day, N. Double Those Wheels, 2003
Fillion, S. Pizza in Pienza, 2013
Gemignani, T. Tony and the Pizza Champions, 2009
Gorbachev, V. Pizza-Pie Snowman, 2016
Khalsa, D. How Pizza Came To Queens, 1989
Martin, L. When Dinosaurs Go To School, 1999
Rey, M. Curious George and the Pizza, 1985
Rey, M. Curious George and the Pizza Party, 2010
Rubin, A. Secret Pizza Party, 2013
Steig, W. Pete’s a Pizza, 1998
Steig, W. Pete’s a Pizza (Board Book), 2003
Sturges, P. The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, 1999
Wellington, M. Pizza at Sally’s, 2006
Westcott, N. The Lady With the Alligator Purse (Board Book), 2000
Westcott, N. The Lady With the Alligator Purse, 2003


Ali, N. Pirates in the Library, 2016
Andreae, G. Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs, 2005
Bardhan-Quallen, S. Pirate Princess, 2012
Bently, P. Captain Jack and the Pirates, 2016
Bunting, E. Little Badger, Terror on the Seven Seas, 2000
Bunting, E. Pirate Boy, 2011
Courtauld, S. On a Pirate Ship, 2007
Demas, C. Pirates Go To School, 2011
Demas, C. Are Pirates Polite?  2016
DiCamillo, K. Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken, 2008
Duddle, J. The Pirates Next Door, 2012
Estefan, G. Noelle’s Treasure Tale, 2006
Faulkner, M. The Pirate Meets the Queen, 2005
Ferry, B. Pirates Perfect Pet, 2016
Fox, C. Pirate Piggywiggy, 2003
Fox, M. Tough Boris, 1994
Freedman, C. Pirates Love Underpants, 2013
Fretz, D. Pirates on the Farm, 2013
Funke, C. Pirate Girl, 2005
Funke, C. A Princess, a Pirate and One Wild Brother, 2008
Greene, R. No Pirates Allowed!  Said Library Lou, 2013
Griswell, K. Rufus Goes to Sea, 2015
Harley, B. Dirty Joe, the Pirate:  A True Story, 2008
Harris, P. The Night Pirates, 2006
Helquist, B. Roger the Jolly Pirate, 2004
Jones, R. 1001 Pirate Things to Spot, 2007
Keats, E. Maggie and the Pirates, 1979
Kennedy, K. Pirate Pete’s Giant Adventure, 2006
Kennedy, K. Pirate Pete’s Talk Like a Pirate, 2007
Kimmel, E. Robin Hook, Pirate Hunter, 2001
Kimmel, E. Blackbeard’s last Fight, 2006
Kramer, A. Pajama Pirates, 2010
Lasky, K. Pirate Bob, 2006
Leuck, L. I Love My Pirate Papa, 2007
Lichtenheld, T. Everything I Know About Pirates:  A Collection of Made-Up Facts, 2009
Light, S. Swap!  2016
Long, M. How I Became a Pirate, 2003
Long, M. Pirates Don’t Change Diapers, 2007
Long, M. Pirates Don’t Change Diapers (Media Kit), 2007
McKay, H. Pirates Ahoy!  2000
McPhail, D. Edward and the Pirates, 1997
Mitton, T. Once Upon a Tide, 2004
Murray, D. Ned the Knitting Pirate, 2016
O’Malley, K. Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates, 2007
Peet, B. Cyrus, the Unsinkable Sea Serpant, 1975
Preller, J. A Pirate’s Guide to First Grade, 2010
Preller, J. A Pirates Guide to Recess, 2013
Priest, R. Pirate’s Eye, 2005
Quattlebaum, M Pirate vs. Pirate, 2011
Segal, J. Pirates Don’t Take Baths, 2011
Shaw, N. Sheep on a Ship, 1989
Smith, D. A Wild Cowboy, 2004
Smith, D. Pirate Nap, 2011
Sobol, J. Shiver Me Letters:  A Pirate ABC, 2006
Spires, A. Small Saul, 2011
Sturges, P. This Little Pirate, 2005
Teague, M. The Pirate Jamboree, 2016
Valdes, L. Dora’s Pirate Adventure, 2005
Weinert, M. No Bath, No Cake!  2013
Wheeler, L. Seadogs:  An Epic Ocean Operetta, 2004
Winstanley, N. The Pirate’s Bed, 2015
Winters, K. Good Pirate, 2016
Wolfe, M. Charlotte Jane Battles Bedtime, 2011
Yates, P. A Pirate’s Night Before Christmas, 2008
Additional Pirate Books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 910.4’s)


Adams, J. Clarence Goes Out West and Meets a Purple Horse, 2000
Ahlberg, A. Half a Pig, 2004
Alexander, C. Small Florence Piggy Pop Star!  2009
Amery, H. Three Little Pigs, 2003
Asch, F. Ziggy Piggy and the Three Little Pigs, 1998
Asch, F. Happy Birthday, Big Bad Wolf, 2011
Astley, N. Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School, 2013
Astley, N. Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles, 2013
Astley, N. Peppa Pig and the Vegetable Garden, 2014
Axelrod, A. Pigs Will Be Pigs, 1994
Axelrod, A. Pigs on a Blanket, 1996
Axelrod, A. Pigs in the Pantry, 1997
Axelrod, A. Pigs go to Market, 1997
Axelrod, A. Pigs on the Ball, 1998
Axelrod, A. Pigs on the Move, 1999
Axelrod, A. Pigs in the Corner, 2001
Bailey, L. Goodnight Sweet Pig, 2007
Beaton, C. How Big is Pig?  2000
Berry, L. Pig and Pug, 2015
Black, M. A Pig Parade is a Terrible Idea, 2010
Bloom, S. No Place For a Pig, 2003
Bond, F. Poinsettia and the Firefighters, 2003
Bond, R. Pig & Goose and the First Day of Spring, 2017
Bowater, A. A Pig Called Pete Books
Breathed, B. Pete & Pickles, 2008
Brown, M. The Good Little Bad Little Pig, 2002
Burks, J. Pigs and a Blanket, 2016
Carlson, N. How About a Hug?  2001
Carlson, N. Get Up and Go!  2006
Carr, J. Swine Divine, 1999
Cazet, D. Will You Read to Me?  2007
Chorao, K. Pig and Crow. 2000
Christelow, E. The Great Pig Search, 2001
Costello, D. Little Pig Joins the Band, 2011
Cote, G. Without You, 2011
Cote, G. Starring Me and You, 2014
Cox, P. Big Pig on a Dig, 2006
Davenier, C. Leon and Albertine, 1998
Delessert, E. Big and Bad, 2008
Delessert, E. Big and Bad, 2008
Denise, A. Pigs Love Potatoes, 2007
DiPucchio, K. Bed-Hogs, 2004
Eaton, M. Best Buds, 2007
Eaton, M. The Adventures of Max and Pinky:  Superheroes, 2007
Eaton, M. The Mystery, 2008
Edwards, P. Princess Pigtoria and the Pea, 2010
Elliot, D. Henry’s Map, 2013
Elliot, D. Henry’s Stars, 2015
Elya, S. Adios, Tricycle, 2009
Emmett, J. The Princess and the Pig, 2011
Eriksson, E. A Crash Course for Molly, 2005
Eriksson, E. Molly Goes Shopping, 2003
Ernst, L. Sylvia Jean Scout Supreme, 2010
Falconer, I. Olivia Books
Folgueira, R. Ribbit!  2012
Fox, C. Firefighter Piggywiggy, 2001
Fox, C. Pirate Piggywiggy, 2003
Funke, C. Princess Pigsty, 2007
Gallion, S. Pug Meets Pig, 2016
Geisert, A. Lights Out, 2005
Geisert, A. Hogwash, 2008
Geisert, A. Ice, 2011
Gorbachev, V. The Big Trip, 2004
Gralley, J. Hogula Dread Pig of Night, 1999
Gravett, E. Wolf Won’t Bite!  2011
Griswell, K. Rufus Goes to Sea, 2015
Guarnaccia, S. The Three Little Pigs:  An Architectural Tale, 2009
Harrison, D. Piggy Wiglet, 2007
Haskamp, S. This Little Piggy, 2003
Hillenbrand, W. Louie!  2009
Himmelman, J. Pigs to the Rescue, 2010
Hobbie, H. Toot & Puddle Books
Horning, S. The Giant Hug, 2005
Hutchins, P. Little Pink Pig, 1994
Inkpen, M. Kipper and Roly, 2001
Johnson, L. Ten Moonstruck Piglets, 2011
Johnson, P. The Pig Who Ran a Red Light, 1999
Katzler, E. Florentine and Pig, 2012
Keller, H. Geraldine’s Baby Brother, 1994
Kellogg,  S. The Three Little Pigs, 2001
Kerby, J. Little Pink Pup, 2010
King-Smith, D. The Spotty Pig, 1997
Kinney, J. The Pig Scramble, 2011
Kirk, D. Little Pig Biddle Pig, 2001
Kirk, D. Ten Things I Love About You, 2013
Kirk, D. Ten Thank-You Letters, 2014
Lasky, K. Lucille’s Snowsuit, 2000
Latimer, A. Pig and Small, 2013
Lee, M. Play with Me!  2017
Lester, H. All for Me and None for All, 2012
Lindgren, B. Benny’s Had Enough!  1999
Lindgren, B. Oink, Oink, Benny, 2008
Lobel, A. Odd Owls & Stout Pigs:  A Book of Nonsense, 2009
Lobel, A. Playful Pigs From A to Z, 2015
London, J. “EAT!” Cried Little Pig, 2003
Lowell, S. The Three Little Javelinas, 1992
MacLean, K. Peaceful Piggy Meditation, 2016
Mansfield, H. Hogwood Steps Out:  A  Good, Good Pig Story, 2008
Marshall, J. Swine Lake, 1999
Marshall, J. The Three Little Pigs, 1996
Martin, D. Five Little Piggies, 1998
Mayne, E. Lady Muck, 1997
McCully, E. Pete Won’t Eat, 2013
McDermott, G. Pig-Boy:  A Trickster Tale From Hawaii, 2009
McNaughton, C. Boo!  1996
McPhail, D. Those Can-Do Pigs, 1999
McPhail, D. Pigs Ahoy!  1995
McPhail, D. Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore!  1993
McPhail, D. Pig Pig Gets a Job, 1990
McPhail, D. Pig Pig Returns, 2011
McPhail, D. Pig Pig Meets the Lion, 2012
Meade, R. Edward Gets Messy, 2016
Meadows, M. Piggies in the Kitchen, 2011
Meadows, M. Piggies in Pajamas, 2012
Meddaugh, S. Hog Eye, 1995
Mennel, W. Henry and Horace Clean Up, 1996
Moser, B. The Three Little Pigs, 2001
Most, B. Z-Z-Zoink!  1999
Most, B. The Cow That Went OINK, 1990
Muntean, M. Do Not Open This Book!  2006
Newton-John, O. A Pig Tale, 1993
Norac, C. Monster, Don’t Eat Me!  2006
Norman, K. I Know a Wee Piggy, 2012
Novak, M. Jazzbo and Googy, 2000
Numeroff, L. If You Give a Pig a Pancake, 1998
Numeroff, L. The Jellybeans and the Big Art Adventure, 2012
Ohi, R. Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem, 2010
Ohi, R. Chicken, Pig, Cow, 2008
Ohi, R. Chicken, Pig, Cow On the Move, 2009
Oxenbury, H. Pig Tale, 2005
Pace, A. Pigloo, 2016
Palatini, M. Mary Had a Little Ham, 2003
Palatini, M. Piggie Pie, 2005
Palatini, M. Oink?  2006
Palatini, M. Hogg, Hogg, & Hog, 2011
Palatini, M. Under a Pig Tree, 2015
Peet, B. Chester the Worldly Pig, 1980
Peters, B. Stella is a Star!  2010
Peterson, M. Piggies in the Pumpkin Patch, 2010
Polacco, P. Ginger and Petunia, 2007
Pomerantz, C. The Piggy in the Puddle, 1974
Portis, A. Not a Stick, 2008
Potter, B. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson, 2002
Puttock, S. Yours Truly, Louisa, 2009
Radar, L. Tea for Me, Tea for You, 2003
Ransom, J. Don’t Squeal Unless It’s a Big Deal:  A Tale of Tattletales, 2006
Roddie, S. Too Close Friends, 1998
Root, P. Mrs. Potter’s Pig, 1996
Rosenthal, A. Little Oink, 2009
Rosoff, M. Wild Boars Cook, 2008
Roth, C. Ten Dirty Pigs:  Ten Clean Pigs, 1999
Rubin, V. The Three Swingin’ Pigs, 2007
Ruddell, D. Who Said Coo?  2010
Rueda, C. Huff & Puff, 2012
Rusackas, F. I Love You All Day Long, 2003
Rylant, C. Puppies and Piggies, 2008
Saltzberg, B. Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For Bed?  2005
Saltzberg, B. Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for School?  2007
Saltzberg, B. Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby?  2009
Sattler, J. Pig Kahuna, 2011
Sattler, J.  Pig Kahuna Pirates!  2014
Sattler, J. Pig Kahuna:  Who’s That Pig?  2015
Schwartz, C. The Three Ninja Pigs, 2013
Scieszka, J. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, 1989
Segal, J. Pirates Don’t Take Baths, 2011
Sendak, M. Bumble-Ardy, 2011
Snyder, L. Baxter, Who Wanted to Be Kosher, 2010
Spinelli, E. Six Hogs on a Scooter, 2000
Spinelli, E. Princess Pig, 2009
Stanton, E. Peddles, 2016
Steer, D. Just One More Story, 1999
Steig, W. The Amazing Bone, 1976
Steig, W. Zeke Pippin, 1997
Stevens, A. Waking Up Wendell, 2007
Sturges, P. This Little Pirate, 2005
Sutton, J. Don’t Call Me Sidney, 2010
Teague, M. Pigsty, 1994
Teague, M. The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf, 2013
Thaler, M. Pig Little, 2006
Thompson, L. I Like You the Best, 2010
Timmers, L. Pigs, 2017
Trivizas, E. The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, 1993
Tryon, L. Patsy Says, 2001
Twohy, M. Poindexter Makes a Friend, 2011
VanLeeuwen, J. Amanda Pig and the Wiggly Tooth, 2008
Waddell, M. The Pig in the Pond, 1992
Waddell, M. Captain Small Pig, 2009
Walton, R. Pig, Pigger, Piggest, 1997
Watts, B. The Three Little Pigs, 2012
Weeks, S. Ella of Course!  2007
White, E. Some Pig!  A Charlotte’s Web Picture Book, 2007
Wiesner, D. The Three Pigs, 2001
Wild, M. Piglet and Mama, 2005
Wild, M. Piglet and Papa, 2007
Willems, M. Elephant & Piggie Books
Wood, A. Piggy Pie Po, 2010
Wood, D. Piggies, 1991
Yamaguchi, K. Dream Big, Little Pig, 2011
Yamaguchi, K. It’s a Big World, Little Pig!  2012
Yee, W. Hamburger Heaven, 1999
Additional books about Pigs can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.4)


Bond, R. Pig & Goose and the First Day of Spring, 2017
Bunting, E. A Picnic in October, 1999
Burningham, J. Picnic, 2013
Cartlidge, M. Little Bunny’s Picnic, 1990
Dahl, M. Ants at the Picnic, 2006
Downing, J. Today is Monday in New York, 2011
Eilenberg, M. Squeak’s Good Idea, 2001
Elya, S. Oh No Gotta Go #2, 2007
Ferguson, S. Little Red, 2003
Gibson, K. A Very Scary Cave, 1998
Gliori, D. Mr. Bear’s Picnic, 1995
Goode, D. Most Perfect Spot, 2006
Graham, B. Oscar’s Half Birthday, 2005
Harper, C. Pink Me Up, 2010
Herron, C. Nappy Hair, 1997
Kasza, K. Reading for Anything!  2009
Katzler, E. Florentine and Pig, 2012
Khing, T. Where is the Cake Now?  2009
Landstrom, O. Will Goes to the Beach, 1995
Lavis, S. Little Mouse Has a Friend, 2000
Lo, G. Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012
Longstreth, G. Yes, Let’s 2013
Mack, J. Good News Bad News, 2012
Mandel, P. Bun, Onion, Burger, 2010
Napoli, D. How Hungry Are You?  2001
Phillipps, J. The Simples Love a Picnic, 2014
Polacco, P. Picnic at Mudsock Meadow, 1992
Roberts, B. Fourth of July Mice, 2004
Rogers, A. Blue Tortoise, 1997
Rosenthal, B. Porcupine’s Picnic:  Who Eats What?  2017
Schaap, M. Mop and the Birthday Picnic, 2000
Steig, W. Toby, Who Are You?  2004
Terkeurst, L. Win or Lose, I Love You, 2015
Thomas, J. Celebration!  1997
Weil, L. Ralphi Rhino, 1975
Wells, R. McDuff Saves the Day, 2002


Alinas, M. Crazy Crayons:  The Sound of CR, 2018
Alinas, M. Clark the Clam:  The Sound of CL, 2018
Amoroso, C. What Do I Bring?  The Sound of BR, 2018
Amoroso, C. It Is Friday:  The Sound of FR, 2018
Amoroso, C. Dreams:  The Sound of DR, 2018
Ballard, P. Chad Checks:  The Sound of CH, 2018
Ballard, P. Shoes:  The Sound of SH, 2018
Ballard, P. This and That:  Ths Sound of TH, 2018
Bowater, A. A Pig Called Pete Books
Cleary, B. Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp:  More About Verbs, 2007
Cleary, B. Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely:  What is an Adverb?  2003
Cleary, B. I and You and Don’t Forget Who:  What is a Pronoun?  2004
Cleary, B. To Root, to Toot, to Parachute:  What is a Verb?  2001
Cleary, B. A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink:  What is a Noun?  1999
Cleary, B. Under, Over, by the Clover:  What is a Preposition?  2002
Cleary, B. Hairy, Scary, Ordinary:  What is an Adjective?  2000
Cleary, B. How Much Can a Bare Bear Bear?  What Are Homonyms?  2005
Cleary, B. Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know:  What is a Synonym?  2005
Cleary, B. A Lime, a Mime, a Pool of Slime:  More About Nouns, 2006
Cleary, B. Quirky, Jerky, Extra-Perky:  More About Adjectives, 2007
Cleary, B. Stop and Go, Yes and No:  What is an Antonym, 2006
Cleary, B. Lazily, Crazily, Just a Bit Nasally:  More About Adverbs, 2008
Cleary, B. Stroll and Walk, Babble and Talk:  More About Synonyms, 2008
Cleary, B. Pre- and Re-, Mis- and Dis-:  What is a Prefix, 2013
Cox, P. Frog on a Log, 2006
Cox, P. Fat Cat on a Mat, 2006
Cox, P. Toad Makes a Road, 2006
Cox, P. Hen’s Pens, 2006
Cox, P. Mouse Moves House, 2006
Cox, P. Sam Sheep Can’t Sleep, 2006
Cox, P. Fox on a Box, 2006
Cox, P. Goose on the Loose, 2006
Cox, P. Ted in a Red Bed, 2006
Cox, P. Big Pig on a Dig, 2006
Flanagan, A. Blast Off!  The Sound of BL, 2018
Flanagan, A. I Am Glad:  The Sound of GL, 2018
Flanagan, A. My Flower Garden:  The Sound of FL, 2018
Litchfield, J. The Usborne Book of Everyday Words, 1999
Noyed, B. What and Where:  The Sound of WH, 2018