Ackerman, K. | Song and Dance Man, 1988 |
Aliki | Ah, Music! 2003 |
Anderson, P. | Chuck’s Band, 2008 |
Andreae, G. | Giraffes Can’t Dance, 2001 |
Appelt, K. | Bats Around the Clock, 2000 |
Appelt, K. | Bats on Parade, 1999 |
Arnosky, J. | Gobble It Up! A Fun Song About Eating! 2008 |
Austin, P. | The Cat Who Loved Mozart, 2001 |
Auzary-Luton, S. | 1,2,3 Music! 1999 |
Barton, C. | 88 Instruments, 2016 |
Bates, K. | American the Beautiful, 2003 |
Beaumont, K. | I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More! 2005 |
Bechdolt, J. | Little Boy With a Big Horn, 2008 |
Berkner, L. | Victor Cita and Freddie Vasco, 2004 |
Bolliger, M. | The Happy Troll, 2005 |
Bottner, B. | Hurricane Music, 1995 |
Boynton, S. | Philadelphia Chickens, 2002 |
Boynton, S. | RhinocerosTap, 2004 |
Bramhall, W. | Hepcat, 2004 |
Brett, J. | Berlioz the Bear, 1991 |
Brown, M. | Arthur It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll, 2002 |
Brown, M. | Goodnight Songs, 2014 |
Brutschy, J. | Just One More Story, 2002 |
Bryan, A. | Let it Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals, 2007 |
Cabrera, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It! 2003 |
Cabrera, J. | Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2007 |
Cabrera, J. | Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, 2010 |
Calmenson, S. | Jazzmatazz! 2008 |
Carlson, N. | Loudmouth George and the Cornet, 1983 |
Chocolate, D. | The Piano Man, 1998 |
Cohan, G. | You’re a Grand Old Flag, 2008 |
Crimi, C. | Rock ‘n’ Roll Mole, 2011 |
Crow, K. | The Middle-Child Blues, 2009 |
Crum, S. | My Mountain Song, 2004 |
Czekaj, J. | Hip & Hop Don’t Stop! 2010 |
Dale, P. | The Boy on the Bus: A Sing-Along Storybook, 2007 |
Daly, N. | Ruby Sings the Blues, 2005 |
Dewan, T. | Bing Make Music, 2005 |
Dipucchio, K. | Sipping Spiders Through a Straw: Campfire Songs for Monsters, 2008 |
Downing, J. | Down in Louisiana, 2007 |
Duke, K. | The Tale of Pip & Squeak, 2007 |
Dumont, J. | A Blue So Blue, 2005 |
Dylan, B. | Forever Young, 2008 |
Edwards, P. | The Leprechaun’s Gold, 2004 |
Ehrhardt, K. | This Jazz Man, 2006 |
Emberley, R. | The Ant and the Grasshopper, 2012 |
Emmett, J. | She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain, 2006 |
Falconer, I. | Olivia Forms a Band, 2006 |
Freeman, D. | Manuelo, the Playing Mantis, 2004 |
Geeslin, C. | Elena’s Serenade, 2004 |
Gelsanliter, W. | Dancin’ in the Kitchen, 1998 |
Gerstein, M. | What Charlie Heard, 2002 |
Giovanni, N. | The Grasshopper’s Song: An Aesop’s Fable Revisited, 2008 |
Goodman, S. | The Train They Call the City of New Orleans, 2003 |
Gordon, G. | Herman and Rosie, 2013 |
Gray, L. | When Uncle Took the Fiddle, 1999 |
Helldorfer, M. | Hog Music, 2000 |
Hoberman, M. | Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002 |
Hoberman, M. | Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, 2007 |
Hoberman, M. | Mary Had a Little Lamb, 2003 |
Hodgkinson, J. | The Talent Show, 2011 |
Hollyer, B. | Dreamtime: A Book of Lullabies, 1998 |
Hopkinson, D. | Home on the Range: John A. Lomax & His Cowboy Songs, 2009 (1867-1943) |
Horowitz, D. | Soon Baboon Soon, 2005 |
Jackson, J. | Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me, 2009 |
James, S. | Baby Brains Superstar, 2005 |
Joel, B. | New York State of Mind, 2005 |
Johnson, B. | Little Bunny Foo Foo, 2004 |
Johnson, T. | Harmonica, 2004 |
Katz, A. | On Top of the Potty and Other Get-Up-and-Go Songs, 2008 |
Keats, E. | Apt. 3, 1999 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm on Tour, 2007 |
LaChance | Little Diva, 2010 |
Lenski, L. | On a Summer Day, 1981 |
Leodhas, S. | Always Room For One More, 1965 |
Lithgow, J. | The Remarkable Farkle McBride, 2000 |
Lithgow, J. | Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo, 2013 |
Ljungkvist, L. | Pepi Sings a New Song, 2010 |
Lloyd-Jones, S. | Old MacNoah Had an Ark, 2008 |
Loeb, L. | Lisa Loeb’s Silly Sing-Along, 2011 |
London, J. | Froggy Plays in the Band, 2002 |
London, J. | Froggy Plays in the Band (Media Kit), 2002 |
Long, S. | Hush Little Baby, 1997 |
Marin, C. | Cheech the School Bus Driver, 2007 |
Martin, B. | The Maestro Plays, 1994 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
McCully, E. | Mouse Practice, 1999 |
McGhee, A. | Song of Middle C, 2009 |
McMullan, K. | Papa’s Song, 2000 |
McPhail, D. | Mole Music, 1999 |
Merveille, D. | Juke Box, 2008 |
Miller, J. | We All Sing With the Same Voice, 2003 |
Miller, W. | The Piano, 2000 |
Mitton, T. | Farmer Joe and the Music Show, 2008 |
Moss, L. | Our Marching Band, 2001 |
Myers, W. | The Blues of Flats Brown, 2000 |
Nelson, K. | He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, 2005 |
Orgill, R. | Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat: Ella Fitzgerald, 2010 |
Ormerod, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2003 |
Paparone, P. | Who Built the Ark? 1994 |
Paxton, T. | Going to the Zoo, 1996 |
Perkins, L. | Snow Music, 2003 |
Perkins, L. | The Cardboard Piano, 2008 |
Raffi | This Little Light of Mine, 2004 |
Raffi | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2005 |
Raffi | Wheels on the Bus, 1990 |
Raffi | Five Little Ducks, 1992 |
Raffi | Everything Grows, 1987 |
Raffi | Down by the Bay, 1988 |
Raschka, C. | Hip Hop Dog, 2010 |
Roche, S. | Want to Be In a Band? 2013 |
Sauer, T. | Bawk & Roll, 2012 |
Sedaka, N. | Waking Up is Hard To Do, 2010 |
Seeger, P. | One Grain of Sand, 2003 |
Seeger, P. | Turn! Turn! Turn! 2003 |
Sis, P. | Play, Mozart, Play! 2006 |
Sklansky, A. | The Duck Who Played the Kazoo, 2008 |
Spier, P. | The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, 2002 |
Spier, P. | The Star-Spangled Banner, 1992 |
Staines, B. | All God’s Critters, 2009 |
Steig. W. | Zeke Pippin, 1997 |
Strom, M. | Rainbow Joe and Me, 1999 |
Sturges, P. | She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain, 2004 |
Tashiro, C. | Five Nice Mice, 2007 |
Trout | Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011 |
Viau, N. | City Street Beat, 2014 |
Voake, C. | Tweedle Dee Dee, 2008 |
Walker, A. | I Love to Sing, 2011 |
Wargin, K. | M is for Melody: A Music Alphabet, 2004 |
Warhola, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It Jungle Edition, 2007 |
Weaver, T. | Encore, Opera Cat! 2009 |
Webb, S. | Tanka Tanka Skunk! 2003 |
Weeks, S. | Catfish Kate and the Sweet Swamp Band, 2009 |
Weeks, S. | Woof: A Love Story, 2009 |
Westcott, N. | The Lady With the Alligator Purse, 2003 |
Westcott, N. | Skip to My Lou, 1989 |
Wheeler, L. | Jazz Baby, 2007 |
Whippo. W. | Little White Duck, 2000 |
Winter, J. | Dizzy, 2007 |
Winter, J. | Kali’s Song, 2012 |
Yarrow, P. | Puff the Magic Dragon, 2007 |
Yarrow, P. | Day is Done, 2009 |
Yolan, J. | This Little Piggy and Other Rhymes to Sing and Play, 2005 |
Zane, A. | The Wheels on the Race Car, 2005 |
Ziefert, H. | First Night, 1999 |
Additional books about Music can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 780 – J 784) |
Author: Scott Wright
Armstrong-Ellis, C. | Prudy’s Problem and How She Solved It, 2002 |
Bardes, C. | Pansy in Paris: A Mystery at the Museum, 2014 |
Beech, L. | The Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum, 1995 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, 1980 |
Bernheimer, K. | The Girl In the Castle Inside the Museum, 2008 |
Bliss, H. | Bailey at the Museum, 2012 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin’s Class Trip, 1999 |
Brett, J. | Mossy, 2012 |
Browne, A. | The Shape Game, 2003 |
Brunhoff, L. | Babar’s Museum of Art, 2003 |
Bunting, E. | Night of the Gargoyles, 1994 |
Carrier, L. | T-Rex at Swan Lake, 2004 |
Costello, D. | Little Pig Joins the Band, 2011 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes to the Museum, 2008 |
Cummings, P. | Harvey Moon, Museum Boy, 2008 |
Finchler, J. | Miss Malarkey’s Field Trip, 2004 |
Freeman, D. | Norman the Doorman, 1987 |
French, V. | T. Rex, 2004 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard on Vacation, 2001 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard and Lisa at the Museum, 2001 |
Hurst, C. | Rocks in His Head, 2001 |
Kellogg, S. | Prehistoric Pinkerton, 2002 |
Kirk, D. | Library Mouse: A Museum Adventure, 2012 |
Lehman, B. | Museum Trip, 2006 |
Lithgow, J. | Micawber, 2001 |
Mayer, M. | Just Me and My Mom, 1990 |
Mayhew, J. | Katie and the Sunflowers, 2001 |
Mayhew, J. | Katie and the Mona Lisa, 1999 |
Metropolitan | Museum ABC, 2002 |
Metropolitan | Museum 123, 2004 |
Middleton, J. | Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? 2013 |
Polacco, P. | The Graves Family, 2003 |
Rey, H. | Curious George and the Dinosaur (Media Kit), 1990 |
Rey, H. | Curious George and the Dinosaur, 1989 |
Rey, H. | Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery, 2006 |
Rogers, G. | The Hero of Little Street, 2012 |
Scieszka, J. | Seen Art? 2005 |
Smith, M. | S is for Smithsonian: America’s Museum Alphabet, 2010 |
Trenc, M. | Another Night at the Museum, 2013 |
Verde, S. | The Museum, 2013 |
Wahl, J. | The Field Mouse and the Dinosaur Named Sue, 2000 |
Wahl, J. | I Met a Dinosaur, 1997 |
Weitzman, J. | You Can’t Take a Balloon Into the National Gallery, 2000 |
Weitzman, J. | You Can’t Take a Balloon Into the Metro Museum, 1998 |
Weitzman, J. | You Can’t Take a Balloon Into the Museum of Fine Arts, 2002 |
Whybrow, I. | Harry and the Dinosaurs at the Museum, 2005 |
Wyse, L. | How to Take Your Grandmother to the Museum, 1998 |
Zalben, J. | Mouseterpiece, 2012 |
Aliki | Best Friends Together Again, 1995 |
Asch, F. | Goodbye House, 1986 |
Bagley, J. | Before I Leave, 2016 |
Barber, N. | Moving to a New House, 2009 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day, 1981 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears’ New Neighbors, 1994 |
Blevins, W. | I’m Not Moving! 2014 |
Bottner, B. | Rosa’s Room, 2004 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin’s Bad Day, 1997 |
Boynton, S. | Yay You! Moving Out, Moving Up, Moving On, 2001 |
Bunting, E. | Our Library, 2008 |
Bunting, E. | Yard Sale, 2015 |
Byun, Y. | Dream Friends, 2013 |
Carlson, N. | My Best Friend Moved Away, 2001 |
Civardi, A. | The Complete Book of First Experiences, 2005 |
Civardi, A. | Moving House, 2005 |
Cole, H. | On Meadowview Street, 2007 |
Collins, R. | Dear Vampa, 2009 |
Cox, P. | Mouse Moves House, 2006 |
Croza, L. | I Know Here, 2010 |
Crum, S. | A Family for Old Mill Farm, 2007 |
Cumming, H. | The Red Boat, 2013 |
Daly, N. | Where’s Jamela? 2004 |
Daly, N. | Welcome to Zanzibar Road, 2006 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella the Elegant Elephant, 2004 |
Denise, A. | Bella and Stella Come Home, 2011 |
Dorros, A. | Abuelo, 2014 |
Eillis, S. | Ben Says Goodbye, 2015 |
Figueredo, D. | When This World Was New, 1999 |
Foley, G. | Willoughby & the Lion, 2007 |
Glaser, L. | Hannah’s Way, 2012 |
Gleeson, L. | Half a World Away, 2007 |
Graham, B. | Spirit of Hope, 1996 |
Grimard, G. | Lila and the Crow, 2016 |
Grindley, S. | A New Room For William, 2000 |
Hofmann, G. | The Bear Next Door: Story and Pictures, 1994 |
Houghton, E. | The Crooked Apple Tree, 1999 |
Isadora, R. | The Potters’ Kitchen, 1977 |
Johnson, T. | The Worm Family, 2004 |
Juster, N. | Neville, 2011 |
Keats, E. | The Trip, 1978 |
Kleven, E. | A Monster in the House, 1998 |
Kobald, I. | My Two Blankets, 2014 |
Lobel, A. | Nini Here and There, 2007 |
MacLachlan, P. | What You Know First, 1995 |
Macomber, D. | The Yippy, Yappy Yorkie in the Green Doggy Sweater, 2012 |
Martin, E. | The Littlest Family’s Big Day, 2016 |
Martin, T. | Big Ernie’s New Home: A Story for Children Who Are Moving, 2006 |
Masural, C. | Two Homes, 2001 |
Maturana, A. | Life Without Nico, 2016 |
Mayer, G. | Just a New Neighbor, 1999 |
Mayer, M. | We Are Moving, 2012 |
McGeorge, C. | Boomer’s Big Day, 1997 |
Meltzer, A. | Mesuzah on the Door, 2007 |
Morrissey, D. | The Great Kettles: A Tale of Time, 1997 |
Numberman, N. | Do Not Build a Frankenstein! 2009 |
Ohi, R. | Chicken, Pig, Cow On the Move, 2009 |
Oud, P. | Ian is Moving, 2014 |
Penn, A. | A Kiss Goodbye, 2007 |
Pennypacker, S. | Meet the Dullards, 2015 |
Piepmeier, C. | Lucy’s Journey to the Wild West, 2003 |
Polacco, P. | The Graves Family, 2003 |
Powell, A. | America’s Promise, 2003 |
Primavera, E. | The House at the End of Ladybug Lane, 2012 |
Ritz, K. | Windows with Birds, 2010 |
Rockwell, A. | Let’s Go to the Hardware Store, 2016 |
Rosenberry, V. | Vera’s New School, 2006 |
Ross, T. | I Want to Go Home! 2014 |
Rostoker-Gruber, K. | Bandit, 2008 |
Rylant, C. | Bunny Bungalow, 2002 |
Siegel, M. | Moving House, 2011 |
Smith L. | The Happy Hockey Family Move to the Country! 2003 |
Stead, P. | Lenny & Lucy, 2015 |
Stephens, H. | Fleabag, 2008 |
Underwood, D. | Bad Bye, Good Bye, 2014 |
Viorst, J. | Alexander, Who’s Not (Do You Hear Me?) Going to Move, 1995 |
Waber, B. | Ira Says Goodbye, 1988 |
Yaccarino, D. | Oswald, 2001 |
Yaccarino, D. | Lawn to Lawn, 2010 |
Yolen, J. | Elsie’s Bird, 2010 |
Zalben, J. | Hey, Mama Goose, 2005 |
Ziefert, H. | Little Hippo’s New House, 1998 |
Adler, D. | Mama Played Baseball, 2003 |
Alexander, S. | One More Time, Mama, 1999 |
Anderson, L. | No Time For Mother’s Day, 1999 |
Andreae, G. | I Love My Mommy, 2010 |
Araki, M. | Kitten’s Big Adventure, 2005 |
Ashman, L. | Mama’s Day, 2006 |
Baker, L. | I Love You Because You’re You, 2001 |
Balian, L. | Mother’s Mother’s Day, 1982 |
Bang, M. | In My Heart, 2006 |
Bates, I. | Five Little Ducks, 2006 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and Mama’s New Job, 1984 |
Bingham, J. | Mommy’s Little Star, 2008 |
Bogan, P. | Momma’s Magical Purse, 2004 |
Breathed, B. | Mars Needs Moms! 2007 |
Brennan-Nelson, D. | My Mama Likes to Say, 2003 |
Bridges, M. | If I Were Your Mother, 1999 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s Happy Mother’s Day, 2001 |
Brisson, P. | Sometimes We Were Brave, 2010 |
Broad, M. | Forget Me Not, 2009 |
Browne, A. | My Mom, 2005 |
Bunting, E. | Mother’s Day Mice, 1986 |
Buzzeo, T. | Adventure Annie Goes to Work, 2009 |
Cabrera, J. | Mommy, Carry Me Please, 2004 |
Capucilli, A. | My Mom and Me, 2009 |
Capucilli, A. | I Will Love You, 2017 |
Carle, E. | Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? 2000 |
Cash, J. | Momma Loves Her Little Son, 2009 |
Catherine, M. | Time Together Me and Mom, 2014 |
Chang, V. | Is Mommy? 2015 |
Charlip, R. | Sleepytime Rhyme, 1999 |
Charrier, L. | Oh My, Oh No! 2014 |
Chen, C. | Guji Guji, 2004 |
Clark, J. | You Are the Best Medicine, 2010 |
Clark, M. | T.L.C. 2014 |
Clements, A. | Because Your Mommy Loves You, 2012 |
Cora, C. | A Suitcase Surprise for Mommy, 2011 |
Cowen-Fletcher, J. | Mama Zooms, 1993 |
Crumpacker, B. | Alexander’s Pretending Day, 2005 |
Cummings, E. | I Carry Your Heart With Me, 2014 |
Curtis, J. | My Mommy Hung the Moon: A Love Story, 2010 |
dePaola, T. | My Mother is So Smart, 2010 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Red Pajama, 2005 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Home with Mama, 2011 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Mad at Mama, 2007 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Misses Mama, 2009 |
Donaldson, J. | Where’s My Mom? 2008 |
Dorros, A. | Mama and Me, 2011 |
Dotlich, R. | Mama Loves, 2004 |
Downing, J. | Where is My Mommy? 2003 |
Downing, J. | No Hugs Till Saturday, 2008 |
Dowson, N. | Tigress, 2004 |
Doyle, R. | Her Mother’s Face, 2008 |
Drummond, K. | Along Came You, 2009 |
Edwards, J. | Thanks to You: Wisdom from Mother & Child, 2007 |
Edwards, P. | Wake-up Kisses, 2002 |
Edwards, R. | Little Monkey’s One Safe Place, 2005 |
Ehrlich, A. | Baby Dragon, 2008 |
Evans, L. | Who Loves the Little Lamb? 2010 |
Farrell, S. | To the Pool With Mama, 2000 |
Feiffer, K. | My Mom is Trying to Ruin My Life, 2009 |
Fox, M. | Harriet You’ll Drive Me Wild, 2000 |
Fox, M. | Koala Lou, 1989 |
Friedrich, M. | You’re Not My Real Mother! 2004 |
Gershator, P. | Time for a Hug, 2012 |
Grambling, L. | Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!? 1995 |
Grambling, L. | My Mom is a Firefighter, 2007 |
Grambling, L. | T. Rex and the Mother’s Day Hug, 2008 |
Gray, R. | Mama Mine, Mama Mine, 2008 |
Greene, R. | Mommy is a Soft, Warm Kiss, 2010 |
Guion, M. | Baby Penguins Love Their Mama! 2014 |
Hamilton, D. | Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, 1995 |
Hample, S. | I Will Kiss You (Lots & Lots & Lots), 2006 |
Hardin, M. | Hero Mom, 2013 |
Jennings, S. | Bearcub and Mama, 2005 |
Johnson, A. | Tell Me a Story, Mama, 1988 |
Jonell, L. | When Mommy Was Mad, 2002 |
Joosse, B. | Mama, Do Love Me? 1991 |
Kasza, K. | Don’t Laugh, Joe, 1997 |
Katz, K. | Mommy Hugs, 2006 |
Kavanagh, P. | I Love My Mama, 2003 |
Kingsbury, K. | Let’s Go on a Mommy Date, 2008 |
Kirk, D. | Little Miss Spider, 1999 |
Klise, K. | Little Rabbit and the Meanest Mother on Earth, 2010 |
Koh, F. | A China Adoption Story: Mommy Why Do We Look Different? 2000 |
Konrad, M. | Mom and Me, 2009 |
Krauss, R. | And I Love You, 2010 |
Kuskin, K. | A Boy Had a Mother Who Bought Him a Hat, 2010 |
Landstrom, O. | Will Goes to the Beach, 1995 |
Lawler, J. | A Mother’s Song, 2010 |
Lerman, J. | How to Raise Mom & Dad, 2009 |
Leuck, L. | My Monster Mama Loves Me So, 1999 |
Lindgren, B. | Benny’s Had Enough! 1999 |
Lobel, A. | Taking Care of Mama Rabbit, 2014 |
London, J. | Snuggle Wuggle, 2000 |
Luebs, R. | Please Pick Me Up, Mama! 2009 |
Lund, D. | Tell Me a Story, Mama, 2004 |
Manushkin, F. | How Mama Brought the Spring, 2008 |
Marino, G. | Meet Me at the Moon, 2012 |
Markle, S. | A Mother’s Journey, 2005 |
Mayer, M. | Just Me and My Mom, 1989 |
Mayer, M. | Just Shopping With My Mom, 1989 |
McAllister, A. | Trust Me, Mom! 2005 |
McCourt, L. | I Love You Stinky Face, 1997 |
McGhee, A. | Someday, 2007 |
Miles, V. | Old Mother Bear, 2007 |
Minchella, N. | Mama Will be Home Soon, 2003 |
Modarressi, M. | Taking Care of Mama, 2010 |
Modesitt, J. | Mama, If You Have a Wish, 1993 |
Morales, Y. | Little Night, 2007 |
Newman, L. | Just Like Mama, 2010 |
Norac, C. | My Mommy is Magic, 2007 |
Numeroff, L. | What Mommies Do Best, 1998 |
Odanaka, B. | Skateboard Mom, 2004 |
Orloff, K. | I Wanna Iquana, 2004 |
Parr, T. | The Mommy Book, 2002 |
Peacock, C. | Mommy Far, Mommy Near: An Adoption Story, 2000 |
Pham, L. | All the Things I Love About You, 2010 |
Polacco, P. | Mommies Say Shhh! 2005 |
Porter-Gaylord, L. | I Love My Mommy Because, 1991 |
Pulver, R. | Nobody’s Mother is in Second Grade, 1992 |
Ramos, J. | I’m Just Like My Mom: I’m Just Like My Dad, 2008 |
Reagan, J. | How to Raise a Mom, 2017 |
Reichert, A. | While Mama Had a Quick Little Chat, 2005 |
Reid, A. | Mama’s Day with Little Gray, 2014 |
Reiser, L. | Tortillas and Lullabies: Tortillas y Cancioncitas, 1998 |
Riehle, M. | M is for Mom: A Child’s Alphabet, 2009 |
Ringgold, R. | My Mom Hugs Trees, 2006 |
Ritchie, A. | Me and My Mom! 2009 |
Robbins, M. | Mother, Mother, I Want Another, 2005 |
Rockwell, A. | Mother’s Day, 2004 |
Rosenthal, A. | Bedtime for Mommies, 2010 |
Rugrats | The Bestest Mom, 1998 |
Russo, M. | Mama Talks Too Much, 1999 |
Ryder, J. | My Mother’s Voice, 2006 |
Sakai, K. | Mad at Mommy, 2010 |
Saltzberg, B. | Soccer Mom From Outer Space, 2000 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones, 2003 |
Schlein, M. | The Way Mothers Are, 1993 |
Schlein, M. | Little Raccoon’s Big Question, 2004 |
Schlessinger, L. | Why Do You Love Me? 1999 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. Mommy, 2015 |
Silver, A. | Our Mom is Getting Better, 2007 |
Simpson, M. | What Not to Give Your Mother on Mother’s Day, 2013 |
Spinelli, E. | While You Are Away, 2004 |
Spinelli, E. | When Mama Comes Home Tonight, 1998 |
Spinelli, E. | Hero Cat, 2006 |
Sutherland, E. | Mom and the Polka-Dot Boo-Boo, 2007 |
Tafuri, N. | Whose Chick Are You? 2007 |
Tinkham, K. | Hair for Mama, 2007 |
VanRossum, H | Will You Carry Me? 2005 |
VanSlyke, R. | Mom School, 2016 |
Waber, B. | Lyle Finds His Mother, 1974 |
Waddell, M. | Snow Bears, 2002 |
Waddell, M. | Owl Babies, 1992 |
Walker, A. | I Love My Mom, 2010 |
Walker, R. | Mama Says: A Book of Love for Mothers and Sons, 2009 |
Walters, C. | When Will it be Spring? 1998 |
Warnes, R. | Mommy Mine, 2005 |
Wells, R. | Hazel’s Amazing Mother, 1985 |
Wells, R. | Only You, 2003 |
Weninger, B. | “Mom, Wake Up and Play!” 2004 |
Williams, V. | A Chair For My Mother, 1982 |
Willis, J. | Mommy Do You Love Me? 2008 |
Wilson, K. | Mama Always Comes Home, 2005 |
Winthrop, E. | Promises, 2000 |
Wood, D. | What Moms Can’t Do, 2000 |
Woodson, J. | Show Way, 2005 |
Xinran | Motherbridge of Love, 2007 |
Yolan, J. | Mama’s Kiss, 2008 |
Ziefert, H. | Mommies Are For Counting Stars, 1999 |
Ziefert, H. | 31 Uses For a Mom, 2003 |
Ziefert, H. | The Biggest Job of All, 2005 |
Zisk, M. | The Best Single Mom in the World: How I Was Adopted, 2001 |
Mother’s Day
Alexander, M. | Max and the Dumb Flower Picture, 2009 |
Anderson, L. | No Time for Mother’s Day, 1999 |
Balian, L. | Mother’s Mother’s Day, 2004 |
Bunting, E. | Mother’s Day Mice, 1986 |
DeGroat, D. | Mother, You’re the Best! (But Sister, You’re a Pest!), 2008 |
Dorros, A. | Mama and Me, 2011 |
Grambling, L. | T. Rex and the Mother’s Day Hug, 2008 |
Krensky, S. | Mother’s Day Surprise, 2010 |
Mayer, M. | Happy Mother’s Day! 2009 |
Rockwell, A. | Mother’s Day, 2004 |
Simpson, M. | What Not to Give Your Mother on Mother’s Day, 2013 |
Spinelli, E. | I Like Noisy, Mom Likes Quiet: A Mother’s Day Story, 2006 |
Mother Goose
Crews, N. | The Neighborhood Mother Goose, 2004 |
DeAngeli, M. | Marguerite DeAngeli’s Book of Nursery and Mother Goose Rhymes, 1954 |
Decker, M. | The Christian Mother Goose Treasury, 1980 |
dePaola, T. | Tomie dePaola’s Mother Goose, 1985 |
dePaola, T. | Tomie dePaola’s Mother Goose Favorites, 2000 |
dePaola, T. | Tomie dePaola’s More Mother Goose Favorites, 2007 |
Dillon, L. | Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose, 2007 |
Dyer, J. | Animal Crackers: A Delectable Collection of Pictures, Poems and Lulllabies, 1997 |
Edens, C. | The Glorious Mother Goose, 1988 |
Edwards, P. | The Neat Line: Scribbling Through Mother Goose, 2005 |
Elya, S. | La Madre Goose, 2016 |
Engelbreit, Mary | Mary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose, 2008 |
Here | Here Comes Mother Goose, 1999 |
Hoberman, M. | You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You: Very Short Mother Goose Tales, 2001 |
Jeffers, S. | Three Jovial Huntsmen, 1989 |
Lobel, A. | The Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose, 1997 |
Long, S. | Sylvia Long’s Mother Goose, 1999 |
Moses, W. | Will Moses’ Mother Goose, 2003 |
Mother | Mother Goose, 1997 |
Mother | The Real Mother Goose, 1994 |
Mother | Sleepytime Bedtime Nursury Rhymes, 2007 |
Mother | Animal Tales from Mother Goose, 2011 |
Mother | There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, 2011 |
Mother | Little Bo Peep, 2010 |
Mother | Hickory, Dickory, Dock, 2010 |
Mother | Hey Diddle Diddle, 2010 |
Mother | Little Jack Horner, 2011 |
Mother | Little Boy Blue, 2011 |
Mother | Three Little Kittens, 2011 |
Mother | London Bridge is Falling Down, 2011 |
Mother | Mary Had a Little Lamb, 2011 |
Mother | Old King Cole, 2010 |
Mother | Old Mother Hubbard, 2011 |
My | My Very First Mother Goose, 1996 |
Opie, I. | Mother Goose’s Little Treasures, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | Babushka’s Mother Goose, 1995 |
Scarry, R. | Richard Scarry’s Best Mother Goose Ever, 1970 |
Slier, D. | The Real Mother Goose of American Rhymes, 1995 |
Smith, D. | Mother Goose’s Pajama Party, 2015 |
Smollin, M. | The Sesame Street Players Present Mother Goose, 1982 |
Zalban, J. | Hey, Mama Goose, 2005 |
Ziefert, H. | Mother Goose Manners, 2008 |
Other Mother Goose books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.8) |
Arnosky, J. | Beaver Pond, Moose Pond, 2000 |
Bakos, L. | Too Many Moose! 2016 |
Bardhan-Quallen, S. | Duck, Duck, Moose! 2014 |
Beck, A. | Elliot Bakes a Cake, 1999 |
Beck, A. | Elliot Digs for Treasure, 2001 |
Beck, A. | Elliot Gets Stuck, 2002 |
Beck, A. | Elliot’s Bath, 2001 |
Beck, A. | Elliot’s Emergency, 1998 |
Beck, A. | Elliot’s Noisy Night, 2002 |
Beck, A. | Elliot’s Shipwreck, 2000 |
Bingham, K. | Z is for Moose, 2012 |
Bingham, K. | Circle, Square, Moose, 2014 |
Egan, T. | The Trial of Cardigan Jones, 2004 |
Haseley, D. | The Invisible Moose, 2006 |
Horowizw, D. | Duck Duck Moose, 2009 |
Jeffers, O. | This Moose Belongs To Me, 2012 |
McClaine, J. | Have You Ever Seen a Moose Taking a Bath? 2001 |
Morris, R. | This is a Moose, 2014 |
Numeroff, L. | If You Give a Moose a Muffin, 1991 |
Oldland, N. | Making the Moose Out of Life, 2010 |
Palatini, M. | Moosekitos: A Moose Family Reunion, 2004 |
Palatini, M. | Moosetache, 1997 |
Plourde, L. | Moose, of Course, 1999 |
Rayner, C. | Ernest, the Moose Who Doesn’t Fit, 2009 |
Root, P. | Looking for a Moose, 2006 |
Schoch, I. | The Cat’s Vacation, 2004 |
Schwartz, C. | What About a Moose? 2015 |
Seuss, D. | Thidwick, the Big Hearted Moose, 1962 |
Stojic, M. | Snow, 2002 |
Wargin, K. | Moose on the Loose, 2009 |
Wilson, K. | Moose Tracks! 2006 |
Additional books about Moose can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.735) |
Almond, D. | Kate, the Cat and the Moon, 2005 |
Anderson, S. | I Know the Moon, 2001 |
Asch, F. | Moondance, 1993 |
Asch, F. | Mooncake, 1983 |
Asch, F. | Happy Birthday, Moon, 1982 |
Banks, K. | And if the Moon Could Talk, 1998 |
Berger, B. | A Lot of Otters, 1997 |
Bolden, T. | Beautiful Moon: A Child’s Prayer, 2014 |
Brown, M. | Goodnight Moon, 2005 |
Brown, M. | Goodnight Moon 1 2 3: A Counting Book, 2007 |
Brown, M. | The Sleepy Men, 1996 |
Brown, M. | The Moon Shines Down, 2008 |
Clark, K. | Sweet Moon Baby: An Adoption Tale, 2010 |
Cooper, F. | Max and the Tag-Along Moon, 2012 |
Cote, G. | With You Always, Little Monday, 2007 |
Day, A. | Boswell Wide Awake, 1999 |
Elert, L. | Moon Rope: A Peruvian Folktale, 1992 |
Emmett, J. | Bringing Down the Moon, 2001 |
Foley, G. | Willoughby & the Moon, 2010 |
Garcia, C. | The Dog Who Loved the Moon, 2008 |
Gerstein, M. | Carolinda Clatter, 2005 |
Gerstein, M. | How to Bicycle to the Moon to Plant Sunflowers, 2013 |
Godwin, L. | One Moon, Two Cats, 2011 |
Goldberg, M. | Catching the Moon, 2007 |
Griffith, H. | Moonlight, 2012 |
Haddon, M. | The Sea of Tranquillity, 1996 |
Hargrove, L. | Wings Across the Moon, 2001 |
Hassett, J. | Father Sun, Mother Moon, 2001 |
Helldorfer, M. | Moon Trouble, 1994 |
Henkes, K. | Kitten’s First Full Moon, 2004 |
Horacek, P. | The Mouse Who Ate the Moon, 2014 |
Hughes, S. | Abel’s Moon, 1999 |
Hunter, A. | Possum’s Harvest Moon, 1996 |
Johnson, L. | Ten Moonstruck Piglets, 2011 |
Joyce, W. | The Man in the Moon, 2011 |
Keats, E. | Regards to the Man in the Moon, 1981 |
Khan, H. | Night of the Moon: A Muslim Holiday Story, 2008 |
Kherdian, D. | Come Back, Moon, 2013 |
Kuhlmann, T. | Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon, 2016 |
Liao, J. | When the Moon Forgot, 2009 |
Lin, G. | Thanking the Moon: Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, 2010 |
Lobel, A. | One Lighthouse, One Moon, 2000 |
Lobel, A. | Little Honey Bear and the Smiley Moon, 2006 |
Lobel, A. | Lena’s Sleep Sheep, 2013 |
MacLachlan, P. | Your Moon, My Moon, 2011 |
MacLachlan, P. | The Moon’s Almost Here, 2016 |
Martin, R. | Moon Dreams, 2010 |
McCann, D. | Balloon on the Moon, 2008 |
McCarty, P. | Moon Plane, 2006 |
McNulty, F. | If You Decide to Go to the Moon, 2005 |
Milbourne, A. | On the Moon, 2004 |
Partridge, E. | Moon Glowing, 2002 |
Pearle, I. | The Moon is Going to Addy’s House, 2015 |
Pfister, M. | The Little Moon Raven, 2014 |
Pilkey, D. | The Moonglow Roll-a-Rama, 1995 |
Pollock, P. | When the Moon is Full: A Lunar Year, 2001 |
Ray, M. | Basket Moon, 1999 |
Rex, A. | Moonday, 2013 |
Rosenberg, L. | Moonbathing, 1996 |
Russell, N. | Moon Rabbit, 2009 |
Rustgi, J. | A Moon of My Own, 2016 |
Rylant, C. | Long Night Moon, 2004 |
Scheer, J. | By the Light of the Captured Moon, 2001 |
Scillian, D. | Cosmo’s Moon, 2003 |
Seto, L. | Mooncakes, 2013 |
Shulman, L. | The Moon Might Be Milk, 2007 |
Simon, F. | Hello, Moon, 2013 |
Smith, L. | When Moon Fell Down, 2001 |
Soetoro-Ng, M. | Ladder to the Moon, 2011 |
Spinelli, E. | Rise the Moon, 2002 |
Spurling, M. | Bilby Moon, 2001 |
Stevenson, R. | The Moon, 2006 |
Stoop, N. | Red Knit Cap Girl, 2012 |
Tarpley, M. | Joe-Joe’s First Flight, 2003 |
Thurber, J. | Many Moons, 1970 |
Ungerer, T. | Moon Man, 2009 |
VerDorn, B. | Moon Glows, 1990 |
Vere, E. | Max at Night, 2016 |
Ward, H. | Little Moon Dog, 2007 |
Warner, S. | The Moon Quilt, 2001 |
Whitman, S. | Under the Ramadan Moon, 2008 |
Wood, A. | The Full Moon at the Napping House, 2015 |
Wood, D. | Rabbit and the Moon, 1998 |
Workman, H. | Almost a Full Moon, 2016 |
Yankey, L. | Sun and Moon, 2015 |
Yolen, J. | Owl Moon, 1987 |
Yolen, J. | Moon Ball, 1999 |
Additional books about the Moon can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 523.3) |
Ashman, L. | Rain! 2013 |
Badescu, R. | Big Rabbit’s Bad Mood, 2009 |
Bland, N. | The Very Cranky Bear, 2014 |
Browne, A. | How Do You Feel? 2012 |
Curtis, J. | Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day, 1998 |
Dewdney, A. | Grumpy Gloria, 2006 |
Freymann, S. | How Are You Peeling: Foods with Moods, 1999 |
Graves, S. | I’m Not Happy, 2011 |
Helquist, B. | Grumpy Goat, 2013 |
Hodkinson, L. | Smile! 2012 |
Juster, N. | Sourpuss and Sweetie Pie, 2008 |
Lichtenheld, T. | What Are You So Grumpy About? 2003 |
Lloyd, S. | Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story, 2007 |
McBratney, S. | Yes We Can! 2007 |
Messer, C. | Grumpy Pants, 2016 |
Miyakoshi, J. | All About Faces, 2009 |
Murphy, S. | Percy Gets Upset, 2011 |
Smallman, S. | Scowl, 2014 |
Spangler, B. | The Grumpy Dump Truck, 2009 |
Steig, W. | Pete’s a Pizza, 1998 |
Tankard, J. | Grumpy Bird, 2007 |
Teckentrup, B. | Grumpy Cat, 2008 |
Verroken, S. | Feeling Sad, 2009 |
Wagenbach, D. | The Grouchies, 2009 |
Willems, M. | My Friend is Sad, 2007 |
Wong, J. | Grump, 2001 |
Wormell, M. | Bernard the Angry Rooster, 2001 |
Armstrong, M. | Jane & Mizmow, 2011 |
Arnold, T. | Huggly Takes a Bath, 1998 |
Arnold, T. | Huggly Gets Dressed, 1997 |
Atteberry, K. | Puddles!!! 2016 |
Austin, M. | Monsters Love Colors, 2013 |
Austin, M. | Monsters Love School, 2014 |
Baker, K. | Brave Little Monster, 2001 |
Beavis, P. | Mrs. Mo’s Monster, 2014 |
Beavis, P. | Hello World! 2015 |
Beck, S. | Happy Birthday Monster! 2007 |
Beck, S. | Monster Sleepover! 2009 |
Bee, W. | Beware of the Frog, 2008 |
Bee, W. | Worst in Show, 2015 |
Berssche, B. | Where the Wild Things Are: The Movie Storybook, 2009 |
Bird, B. | Giant Dance Party, 2013 |
Brennan, H. | Frankenstella and the Video Store Monster, 2001 |
Briant, E. | Don’t Look Now, 2009 |
Bright, P. | I’m Not Going Out There! 2007 |
Bright, P. | The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm, 2008 |
Bright, R. | Love Monster, 2012 |
Bright, R. | Love Monster and the Last Chocolate, 2015 |
Bright, R. | Love Monster and the Perfect Present, 2013 |
Brown, M. | Monster’s Lunchbox, 1995 |
Brown, M. | My Teacher is a Monster! 2014 |
Brown, M. | Marisol McDonald and the Monster, 2016 |
Bunting, E. | Night of the Gargoyles, 1994 |
Cameron, A. | Shrek the Third, 2007 |
Capote, L. | Monster Knows More Than, Less Than, 2013 |
Case, C. | Sophie and the Next-Door Monsters, 2008 |
Clanton, B. | Mo’s Mustache, 2013 |
Cohen, C. | Broom, Zoom! 2010 |
Cole, B. | Good Enough to Eat, 2007 |
Collins, R. | Dear Vampa, 2009 |
Cooper, H. | Little Monster Did It! 1996 |
Corentin, P. | Papa! 1997 |
Cornell, K. | Go To Sleep, Monster! 2016 |
Cuyler, M. | Monster Mess, 2008 |
Czajak, P. | Monster Needs Your Vote, 2015 |
Denise, A. | Monster Trucks, 2016 |
Dipucchio, K. | Sipping Spiders Through a Straw: Campfire Songs for Monsters, 2008 |
DiPucchio, K. | How to Potty Train Your Monster, 2009 |
Disney, W. | Monsters, Inc. 2001 |
Docherty, T. | Big Scary Monster, 2009 |
Doherty, G. | 1001 Monster Things to Spot, 2008 |
Dyer, S. | Five Little Fiends, 2002 |
Eeckhout, E. | There’s No Such Thing as Ghosts! 2008 |
Emberley, E. | Go Away Big Green Monster, 1992 |
Emberley, E. | Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings, 1997 |
Emberley, E. | There Was an Old Monster! 2009 |
Emberley, E. | Nighty Night, Little Green Monster, 2013 |
Emberley, R. | If You’re a Monster and You Know It, 2010 |
Emberley, R. | Ten Little Beasties, 2011 |
Espinosa, L. | Otis and Rae and the Grumbling Splunk, 2008 |
Fenton, J. | What’s Under the Bed? 2008 |
Flaherty, A. | The Luck of the Loch Ness Monster, 2007 |
Fox, M. | The Goblin and the Empty Chair, 2009 |
Funke, C. | The Wildest Brother, 2006 |
Geoghegan, A. | There’s a Wardrobe in my Monster! 1999 |
Gibala-Broxholm, S. | Maddie’s Monster Dad, 2011 |
Gravel, E. | I Want a Monster, 2016 |
Hall, M. | Frankencrayon, 2016 |
Hapka, C. | Shrek Forever After, 2010 |
Hatke, B. | Nobody Likes a Goblin, 2016 |
Hazen, B. | Who is Your Favorite Monster, Mama? 2006 |
Heinz, B. | The Monster’s Test, 1996 |
Hicks, B. | Jitterbug Jam, 2005 |
Hicks, B. | Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli, 2009 |
Hirst, D. | Alphonse, That is Not OK To Do! 2016 |
Hodgkinson, L. | The Big Monster Snorey Book, 2015 |
Hoppe, P. | The Woods, 2011 |
Horacek, J. | The Story of Growl, 2008 |
Hout, M. | Friends, 2013 |
Howe, J. | There’s a Monster Under My Bed, 1986 |
Hutchins, P. | It’s My Birthday! 1999 |
Hutchins, P. | The Very Worst Monster, 1985 |
Inkpen, M. | Kipper’s Monster, 2002 |
Jennings, S. | No Monsters Here, 2004 |
John, J. | I Will Chomp You! 2015 |
John, J. | Quit Calling Me a Monster! 2016 |
Joyce, W. | The Mischievians, 2013 |
Juster, N. | The Odious Ogre, 2010 |
Kaplan, B. | Monsters Eat Whiny Children, 2010 |
Kimmelman, L. | The Three Bully Goats, 2011 |
Kirk, D. | The Listening Walk, 2005 |
Kleven, E. | A Monster in the House, 1998 |
Knudsen, M. | Marilyn’s Monster, 2015 |
Koller, J. | No Such Thing, 1997 |
Landa, N. | The Great Monster Hunt, 2010 |
Leuck, L. | My Monster Mommy Loves Me So, 1999 |
Leuck, L. | My Beastly Brother, 2003 |
Leuck, L. | My Creature Teacher, 2004 |
Lia, S. | Red’s Great Chase, 2000 |
Lund, D. | Monsters on Machines, 2008 |
MacHale, D. | The Monster and the Princess, 2010 |
Magoon, S. | The Boy Who Cried Big Foot! 2013 |
Mason, R. | Shrek 2, 2004 |
Mayer, M. | What a Bad Dream, 1992 |
Mayer, M. | There’s a Nightmare in My Closet, 1968 |
Mayer, M. | There’s Something in My Attic, 1988 |
Mayer, P. | The Scariest Monster in the Whole Wide World, 2001 |
McAllister, A. | Yuck! That’s Not a Monster! 2010 |
McBratney, S. | Once There Was a Hoodie, 1999 |
McCarty, P. | Jeremy Draws a Monster, 2009 |
McCarty, P. | The Monster Returns, 2012 |
McDonnell, P. | The Monsters’ Monster, 2012 |
McElligott, M. | Even Monsters Need Haircuts, 2010 |
McIntyre, S. | Jampires, 2014 |
McKee, D. | Elmer and the Monster, 2014 |
McKissack, P. | Precious and the Boo Hag, 2005 |
Miller, C. | Monster Knows I’m Sorry, 2014 |
Miller, C. | Monster Knows Pelase and Thank You, 2014 |
Miller, C. | Monster Knows Table Manners, 2014 |
Miller, C. | Monster Knows Excuse Me, 2014 |
Miranda, A. | Monster Math, 1999 |
Moler, R. | If I Were A Halloween Monster, 1999 |
Montanari, E. | Tiff, Taff and Lulu, 2004 |
Montanari, S. | Who’s the Grossest of Them All? 2016 |
Moodie, F. | Noko and the Night Monster, 2001 |
Morales, Y. | Nino Wrestles the World, 2013 |
Neubecker, R. | Beasty Bath, 2005 |
Nobleman, M. | The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra, 2017 |
Noll, A. | I Need My Monster, 2009 |
Noll, A. | Hey, That’s My Monster! 2016 |
Norac, C. | Monster, Don’t Eat Me! 2006 |
Norfolk, B. | Billy Brown and the Belly Button Beastie, 2008 |
Norville, D. | I Don’t Want to Sleep Tonight, 1999 |
Numberman, N. | Do Not Build a Frankenstein! 2009 |
Numeroff, L. | 10-Step Guide to Living With Your Monster, 2002 |
O’Connor, G. | Uncle Bigfoot, 2008 |
Pace, A. | Vampirina Ballerina, 2012 |
Paige, R. | Some of My Best Friends Are Monsters, 1988 |
Paraskeva, S. | Maggie and the Ferocious Beast: The Big Scare, 1999 |
Paraskevas, B. | Monster Beach, 1995 |
Park, B. | Psst! It’s Me — The Bogeyman, 1998 |
Patricelli, L. | The Patterson Puppies and the Midnight Monster Party, 2010 |
Peet, B. | Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent, 1975 |
Prelutsky, J. | The Gargoyle on the Roof, 1999 |
Prelutsky, J. | Awful Ogre Running Wild, 1008 |
Redeker, K. | Don’t Splash the Sasquatch! 2016 |
Regan, D. | Monster Baby, 2009 |
Rex, M. | Goodnight Goon: A Petrifying Parody, 2008 |
Richards, K. | Igor: The Movie Storybook, 2008 |
Richards, K. | The Problem with Not Being Afraid of Monsters, 2014 |
Rosoff, M. | Jumpy Jack & Googily, 2008 |
Rubin, A. | Big Bad Bubble, 2014 |
Sage, J. | Mr. Beast, 2004 |
Samton, S. | Ten Tiny Monsters, 1997 |
Sauer, T. | Mostly Monsterly, 2010 |
Scheffler, A. | Pip and Posy: The Scary Monster, 2011 |
Schneider, J. | Bedtime Monsters, 2013 |
Schnitzlein, D. | The Monster Who Ate My Peas, 2001 |
Sendak, M. | Where the Wild Things Are, 1984 |
Send-up, M. | Where the Mild Things Are: A Very Meek Parody, 2009 |
Shannon, M. | Gullible’s Troubles, 1998 |
Shea, B. | Don’t Play With Your Food! 2014 |
Sierra, J. | Thelonius Monster’s Sky-High Fly Pie, 2006 |
Simon, A. | Robot Zombie Frankenstein! 2012 |
Sis, P. | Ship Ahoy! 1999 |
Solotareff, G. | Never Trust an Ogre, 1988 |
Solotareff, G. | The Ogre and the Frog King, 1988 |
Soman, D. | The Monster Next Door, 2016 |
Spinelli, E. | Wanda’s Monster, 2002 |
Stegman, K. | Trollerella, 2006 |
Steig, W. | Shrek! 1999 |
Stephenson, K. | Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really BIG Adventure, 2007 |
Stewart, J. | Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie, 2007 |
Stewart, J. | Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie on the Road, 2010 |
Stine, R. | The Little Shop of Monsters, 2015 |
Taylor, E. | My Friend the Monster, 2008 |
Thomas, F. | One Day, Daddy, 2001 |
Turnbull, V. | Kings of the Castle, 2016 |
Underwood, D. | Good Night, Baddies, 2016 |
Vere, E. | Bedtime for Monsters, 2012 |
Vernick, A. | Unlike Other Monsters, 2016 |
Vestergaard, H. | What Do You Do When a Monster Says Boo? 2006 |
Vogel, V. | The Things About Yetis, 2015 |
Waldron, J. | John Pig’s Halloween, 1998 |
Wallace, J. | Monster Toddler, 2003 |
Wang, A. | The Nian Monster, 2016 |
Watkins, R. | Rude Cakes, 2015 |
Weeks, S. | Happy Birthday Frankie, 1999 |
Wheeler, L. | Boogie Knights, 2008 |
Wheeler, L. | Even Monsters Need to Sleep, 2017 |
Williams, C. | A Not Scary Story About Big Scary Things, 2010 |
Willis, J. | The Bog Baby, 2008 |
Winthrop, E. | Maggie and the Monster, 2007 |
Wohnoutka, M. | Little Puppy and the Big Green Monster, 2014 |
Wolff, P. | Cackle Cook’s Monster Stew, 2001 |
Yaccarino, D. | The Lima Bean Monster, 2001 |
Yolen, J. | Romping Monsters, Stomping Monsters, 2013 |
Yolen, J. | Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters: A Lullaby, 2011 |
Zappa, A. | Because I’m Your Dad, 2013 |
Additional children’s books about Monsters can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 001.9’s) |