
Carle, E. The Grouchy Ladybug, 1977
Carle, E. The Grouchy Ladybug (Board Book), 1999
Cole. H. Big Bug, 2014
Coughlan, C. Ladybugs, 1999
Crossley, D. Look Out, Ladybug, 2001
Donaldson, J. What the Ladybug Heard, 2010
Ernst, L. Bubba and Trixie, 1997
Fox, M. Yoo-Hoo, Lady Bug!  2013
Gerth, M. Ten Little Ladybugs, 2000
Greban, Q. Mommy, I Love You, 2005
Soman, D. Ladybug Girl, 2008
Soman, D. Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy, 2009
Soman, D. Ladybug Girl at the Beach, 2010
Thomas, J. Can YOU Make a Scary Face?  2009
Additional books about Ladybugs can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 595.76)

Knights and Castles

Arnold, T. The Twin Princes, 2007
Banks, K. Max’s Castle, 2011
Bruhoff, L. Babar and the Ghost, 2001
dePaola, T. The Knight and the Dragon, 1980
Disney, W. The Sword in the Stone, 1993
Disney, W. Beauty and the Beast, 1991
Docherty, H. The Story Book Knight, 2016
Donaldson, J. A Gold Star for Zog, 2010
Faulkner, M. The Pirate Meets the Queen, 2005
Funke, C. A Princess, a Pirate and One Wild Brother, 2008
Funke, C. The Princess Knight, 2004
Gralley, J. Hogula, Dread Pig of the Night, 1999
Holabird, K. Angelina at the Palace, 2005
Klostermann, P. There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight, 2015
Kraegel, K. King Arthur’s Very Great Grandson, 2012
Lobel, A. Giant John,  2008
Matthies, J. Peter, the Knight with Asthma, 2009
Mayer, M. The Bravest Knight, 2007
Mayhew, J. The Knight Who Took All Day, 2005
Melling, D. Good Knight, Sleep Tight, 2005
Neuschwander, C. Sir Cumference and the First Round Table:  A Math Adventure, 1997
O’Malley, K. Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude, 2005
Pendziwol, J. The Tale of Sir Dragon:  Dealing With Bullies, 2007
Robinson, M. The Forgetful Knight, 2016
Rogers, G. Midsummer Knight, 2006
Stephenson, K. Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really BIG Adventure, 2007
Thomas, S. A Cold Winter’s Good Knight, 2008
Thomas, S. Take Care, Good Knight, 2006
Thomas, S. A Good Knight’s Rest, 2011
Treahy, I. Bob the Builder:  The Knights of Fix-a-Lot, 2003
Utton, P. Jennifer’s Room, 1995
Walton, R. Pig, Pigger, Piggest, 1997
Wheeler, L. Boogie Knights, 2008
Additional books about Knights and Castles can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 940.1, J 942’s
        and J 728.81)


Aylesworth, J. The Full Belly Bowl, 1999
Boelts, M. The Firefighters’ Thanksgiving, 2004
Brett, J. Beauty and the Beast, 1989
Cooper, I. The Golden Rule, 2007
Curtis, J. Is There Really a Human Race?  2006
Disney, W. Beauty and the Beast, 1991
Dudley, R. Hank Finds an Egg, 2013
Fleming, C. Boxes For Katje, 2003
Graham, B. How to Heal a Broken Wing, 2008
Hennessy, B. Because of You, 2005
Hubbard, W. All That You Are, 2000
Kimmel, E. Robin Hook, Pirate Hunter!  2001
Kinsey-Warnock, N. Nora’s Ark, 2005
Lee, C. The Very Kind Rich Lady and Her One Hundred Dogs, 2001
McCloud, C. Fill a Bucket:  A Guide to Daily Happiness for Young Children, 2008
McCourt,  L. Chicken Soup For Little Souls:  The Best Night Out With Dad, 1997
McCourt,  L. Chicken Soup For Little Souls:   The Goodness Gorillas, 1997
Mortenson, G. Listen to the Wind, 2008
O’Callahan, J. Raspberries!  2009
Peet, B. Kermit the Hermit, 1965
Polacco, P. Tucky Jo and Little Heart, 2015
Proimos, J. Paulie pastrami Achieves World Peace, 2009
Rockliff, M. My Heart Will Not Sit Down, 2012
Stein, D. Because Amelia Smiled, 2012
Steptoe, J. Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters:  An African Tale, 1987
Sullivan, S. Root Beer and Banana, 2005
Voake, C. Ginger Finds a Home, 2003
Wallace, N. The Kindness Quilt, 2006
Winter, J. September Roses, 2004
Woodson, J. Each Kindness, 2012
Zolotow, C. The Beautiful Christmas Tree, 1999


Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Go To School, 1978
Borden, L. Kindergarten Luck, 2015
Bridwell, N. Clifford Goes to Kindergarten, 2015
Brown, M. Monkey Not Ready for Kindergarten, 2015
Buzzeo, T. Adventure Annie Goes to Kindergarten, 2010
Carlson, N. Look Out Kindergarten Here I Come!  1999
Carlson, N. Henry’s 100 Days of Kindergarten, 2004
Carlson, N. Henry’s Amazing Imagination!  2008
Cooper, I. Jake’s Best Thumb, 2008
Cousins, L. Maisy Goes to School, 1992
Cox, J. Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie!  2009
Cuyler, M. Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler, 2007
Davis, K. Kindergarten Rocks, 2005
DePaola, T. Stagestruck, 2005
Elkin, M. Samuel’s Baby, 2010
Ganz-Schmitt, S. Planet Kindergarten, 2014
Gregory, N. Amber Waiting, 2002
Harper, J. A Place Called Kindergarten, 2006
Hayes, A. Kindergarten Countdown, 2007
Hinton, S. Big David, Little David, 1995
Johnston, T. Off to Kindergarten, 2007
Kargman, J. Pirates & Princesses, 2011
Kroll, V. On the Way to Kingergarten, 2006
Lee, H. Something for School, 2006
Lewis, J. Kindergarten Cat, 2010
Loewen, N. The Last Day of Kindergarten, 2011
Marshall, L. Kindergarten Is Cool!  2016
McGhee, A. Countdown to Kindergarten, 2002
McGinty, A. Eliza’s Kindergarten Pet, 2010
Munsch, R. We Share Everything!  1999
Portis, A. Kindergarten Diary, 2010
Rabe, T. On the First Day of Kindergarten, 2016
Rockwell, A. Welcome to Kindergarten, 2001
Rogers, J. Tiptoe Into Kindergarten, 1999
Rose, D. The Twelve Days of Kindergarten, 2003
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarden Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten, 2005
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten, 1998
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, 1996
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Has a Wild Day in Kindergarten, 2005
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Plans a Circus With Kindergarten, 2002
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Stays Home From Kindergarten, 2000
Slate, J. Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip With Kindergarten, 2001
Sturges, P. I Love School!  2004
Vernick, A. Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten?  2010
Weigelt, U. Becky the Borrower, 2008
Wells, R. Mama, Don’t Go!  2001
Wells, R. Kindergarten, 2004
Wells, R. Get Set For Kindergarten!  Letters and Sounds, 2001
Wells, R. Get Set For Kindergarten!  How Many?  How Much?  2001
Wells, R. Yoko Writes Her Name, 2008
Wells, R. Kindergators:  Hands Off, Harry!  2011
Wild, M. Tom Goes to Kindergarten, 2000
Wing, N. The Night Before Kindergarten, 2001
Yum, H. Mom, It’s My First Day of Kindergarten, 2013
Picture Books about School have Apple Stickers on the spine near the top

Kangaroos and Koalas

Andreae, G. K is For Kissing a Cool Kangaroo, 2002
Asch, F. Moonbear’s Dream, 1999
Beaumont, K. Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?  2008
Black, M. The Purple Kangaroo, 2010
Blackstone, S. Who Are You, Baby Kangaroo?  2004
Blume, J. The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo, 1991
Carle, E. Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too?  2000
Clark, E. Where Are You, Blue Kangaroo?  2001
Clark, E. I Love You, Blue Kangaroo, 1999
Clark, E. Happy Birthday to You, Blue Kangaroo!  2006
Dodd, E. Everything, 2013
Ferrell, S. I Don’t Like Koala, 2015
Fox, M. Koala Lou, 1989
Hewett, J. A Kangaroo Joey Grows Up, 2002
Ireland, K. Don’t Take Your Snake for a Stroll, 2003
Lear, E. The Duck & the Kangaroo, 2009
Lithgow, J. Marsupial Sue Presents The Runaway Pancake, 2005
Markle, S. Finding Home, 2008
McBratney, S. Yes We Can!  2007
McBratney, S. I Love It When You Smile, 2006
McKee, D. Elmer and the Kangaroo, 2000
Numeroff, L. Nighty-Night, Cooper, 2013
Ryan, C. Moo Hoo, 2012
Stein, D. Pouch!  2009
Additional books about Kangaroos and Koalas can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction
          (J 599.2 and J 599.25)

Jungle Animals

Aardema, V. Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, 1983
Alborough, J. Tall, 2005
Alborough, J. Yes, 2006
Alborough, J. Watch Out!  Big Bro’s Coming!  1997
Anderson, D. Too Big to Dance, 2004
Andreae, G. Giraffes Can’t Dance, 2001
Appelt, K. Elephants Aloft, 1993
Arkin, A. Some Fine Grandpa!  1995
Baker, K. Where is the Beast?  1990
Balouch, K. The Little Little Girl with the Big Big Voice, 2011
Banks, K. The Bird, the Monkey and the Snake in the Jungle, 1999
Banks, K. Close Your Eyes, 2002
Bannerman, H.  The Story of Little Babaji, 1996
Bannerman, H. The Story of Little Black Sambo, 2003
Base, G. The Water Hole, 2001
Base, G. Jungle Drums, 2004
Bateman, T. The Frog With the Big Mouth, 2008
Beard, A. The Jungle Grapevine, 2009
Beard, A. Crocodile’s Tears, 2011
Blackstone, S. Counting Cockatoos, 2006
Brett, J. The Umbrella, 2004
Broach, E. Gumption!  2010
Bromberg, B. Go Diego Go!  The Essential Guide, 2007
Buzzeo, T. Stay Close to Mama, 2012
Cabrera, J. Rory and the Lion  1999
Cabrera, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It!  2003
Cannon, J. Pinduli, 2004
Carle, E. “Slowly Slowly Slowly” said the Sloth, 2002
Charles, F. The Selfish Crocodile, 1999
Cherry, L. The Great Kapok Tree:  A Tree of the Amazon Rain Forest, 1990
Cherry, L. The Shaman’s Apprentice:  A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest, 1998
Chivers, N. Rhino’s Great Big Itch!  2010
Chorao, K. Ed and Kip, 2014
Christelow, E. Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree, 1991
Cleminson, K. Cuddle Up, Goodnight, 2010
Costello, D. I Can Help, 2010
Davis, L. P.B. Bear’s Jungle Adventure, 1999
DeBeer, H. Little Polar Bear, 1994
Disney, W. The Jungle Book, 1986
Disney, W. Tarzan, 1999
Disney, W. The Lion Guard, 2014
Dowson, N. Tigress, 2004
Duke, K. In the Rainforest, 2014
DuQuette, K. Little Monkey Lost, 2007
Durango, J. Cha Cha Chimps, 2006
Edwards, P. Roar:  A Noisy Counting Book, 2000
Edwards, R. Little Monkey’s One Safe Place, 2005
Ehrlich, F. Does a Lion Brush?  2002
Eilenberg, M. Squeak’s Good Idea, 2001
Ellery, T. If I Were a Jungle Animal, 2009
Elliott, D. In the Wild, 2010
Elya, S. No More, Por Favor, 2010
Faulkner, K. The Big Yawn, 1999
Frampton, D. The Whole Night Through, 2002
Fredericks, A. A is for Anaconda:  A Rainforest Alphabet, 2009
Freeman, M. The Potty, 2002
Frolick, B. Madagascar, 2005
Fuge, C. I Know a Rhino, 2002
Grobler, P. The Magic Bojabi Tree, 2013
Guiberson, B. Rain, Rain, Rain Forest, 2004
Hanel, W. Little Elephant Runs Away, 2001
Heide, F. That’s What Friends Are For, 2003
Hewett, J. A Tiger Cub Grows Up, 2002
Isadora, R. Old Mikamba Had  a Farm, 2013
Jarvis Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth, 2016
Jenkins, S. How Many Ways Can You Catch a Fly?  2008
Kim, H. Tiptoe Tapirs, 2015
Kipling, R. The Jungle Book, 2016
Kraus, R. Leo the Late Bloomer, 1998
Krebs, L. We’re Roaming in the Rainforest:  An Amazon Adventure, 2010
Kroll, S. Jungle Bullies, 2006
Kurtz, J. Water Hole Waiting, 2002
Levitin, S. When Elephant Goes to a Party, 2001
Lewin, T. Look!  2013
Lillegard, D. Tiger Tiger, 2002
London, J. Here Comes Doctor Hippo, 2012
London, J. Here Comes Firefighter Hippo, 2013
Loomis, C. Hattie Hippo, 2006
MacDonald, M. Give Up, Gecko!  A Folktale From Uganda, 2013
MacIver, J. The Frog Who Lost His Underpants, 2013
Mahy, M. Simply Delicious!  1999
Marino, G. Meet Me at the Moon, 2012
Mayo, M. Roar!  2007
McDonnell, F. Splash!  1999
McElligott, M. The Lion’s Share, 2009
McKee, E. Elmer Books
McMullan, K. Mama’s Kisses, 2017
McPhail, D. Edward in the Jungle, 2002
Miller, J. Winston & George, 2014
Mouy, I. Naptime, 2014
Murray, A. The Very Sleepy Sloth, 2003
Murray, M. Hippo Goes Bananas!  2006
Na, I. Hide & Seek, 2011
Oyibo, P. Big Brother Little Sister, 2000
Partis, J. Stripe, 2000
Pavon, M. That’s Not Normal!  2016
Paxton, T. The Jungle Baseball Game, 1999
Paxton, T. Engelbert the Elephant, 1990
Payne, T. The Hippo-NOT-Amus, 2003
Peck, J. Way Up High in a Tall Green Tree, 2005
Phinn, G. Who Am I?  2012
Ravishankar, A. Elephants Never Forget!  2007
Robinson, M. What to Do If an Elephant Stands on Your Foot, 2012
Rosen, M. Tiny Little Fly, 2010
Schaefer, C. Cool Time Song, 2005
Schroeder, L. Little Chimp’s Big Day, 2010
Schubert, I. Ophelia, 2009
Schwartz, A. How to Catch an Elephant, 1999
Silverstein, S. A Giraffe and a Half, 1964
Slack, M. Monkey Truck, 2011
Slack, M. Elecopter, 2013
Sykes, J. Little Tiger’s Big Surprise, 1999
Sykes, J. I Don’t Want to Go to Bed!  2001
Tewckentrup, B. Rumble in the Jungle,  1997
Thurber, J. The Tiger Who Would Be King, 2015
Valdes, L. Meet Diego!  2003
VanAllsburg, C. Jumanji, 1981
VanDusen, C. The Circus Ship, 2009
Wallace, J. Big and Noisy Simon, 2001
Warhola, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It Jungle Edition, 2007
Warhola, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2007
Wild, M. Kiss Kiss!  2004
Willis, J. That’s Not Funny!  2010
Wilson, K. Hilda Must Be Dancing, 2004
Winter, J. Biblioburro:  A True Story From Colombia, 2010
Yaccarino, D. Deep in the Jungle, 2000
Additional books about Jungle Animals can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 597 to 599)
Books about the Rain Forest can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 577.3)

Job Loss and Homelessness

Adler, D. The Babe & I, 1999
Browne, A. Voices in the Park, 1998
Bunting, E. Fly Away Home, 1991
DiSalvo, D. Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen, 1991
Mackall, D. Rudy Rides the Rails, 2007
Maslac, E. Finding a Job for Daddy, 1996
Myers, C. Fly, 2001
Seskin, S. A Chance to Shine, 2006
Stewart, S. The Gardener, 1997
Additional books about Jobloss can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 650.14)


Aylesworth, J. My Grandfather’s Coat, 2014
Cutler, J. Guttersnipe, 2009
Davis, A. Kishka for Koppel, 2011
Davis, A. A Hen for Izzy Pippik, 2012
Dollinger, R. The Rabbi Who Flew, 2001
Edwards, M. A Hat for Mrs. Goldman:  A Story About Knitting and Love, 2016
Glaser, L. Hannah’s Way, 2012
Greene, J. Speak Up, Tommy!  2012
Heller, L. Castle on Hester Street, 2007
Hest, A. The Friday Nights of Nana, 2001
Hest, A. Fancy Aunt Jess, 1990
Hest, A. When Jessie Came Across the Sea, 1997
Hoestlandt, J. Star of Fear, Star of Hope, 1995
Hyde, H. Feivel’s Flying Horses, 2010
Kimmelman, L. The Shabbat Puppy, 2012
Kushner, L. In God’s Hands, 2005
Kushner, T. Brundibar, 2003
Lasky, K. Marven of the Great North Woods, 1997
Manushkin, F. How Mama Brought the Spring, 2008
Marshall, L. Talia and the Rude Vegetables, 2011
Marshall, L. The Mitzvah Magician, 2012
McGinty, A. Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons, 2014
Meltzer, A. Mezuzah on the Door, 2007
Michelson, R. A is for Abraham:  A Jewish Family Alphabet, 2008
Newman, L. Ketzel, the Cat Who Composed, 2015
Newman, T. Shabbat Hiccups, 2016
Newman, T. Uncle Eli’s Wedding, 2016
Peet, A. Dear Santa, Love, Rachel Rosenstein, 2015
Pinkwater, D. Beautiful Yette:  The Yiddish Chicken, 2010
Polacco, P. The Butterfly, 2000
Polacco, P. The Keeping Quilt, 1988
Polacco, P. Chicken Sunday, 2002
Polacco, P. Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992
Polacco, P. Someone for Mr. Sussman, 2008
Polacco, P. The Blessing Cup, 2013
Rael, E. What Zeesie Saw on Delancey Street, 1996
Ringgold, F. Bonjour, Lonnie, 1996
Rosner, J. The Mitten String, 2014
Schwartz, H. Gathering Sparks, 2010
Silverman, E. Gittel’s Hands, 1996
Skye, I. My Yiddish Vacation, 2014
Snyder, L. Baxter, Who Wanted to Be Kosher, 2010
Snyder, L. Good Night, Laila Tov, 2012
Stuchner, J. Can Hens Give Milk?  2011
Taback, S. Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, 1999
Waldman, D. Clever Rachel, 2009
Waldman, D. Room Enough for Daisy, 2011
Weber, E. The Yankee at the Seder, 2009
Weber, E. One Little Chicken, 2011
Yolen, J. Naming Liberty, 2008
Yolen, J. Stone Angel, 2015
Zemach, M. It Could Always Be Worse, 1976
Additional Jewish Picture Books can be found in Jewish Holiday Books
Additional Jewish Non-Fiction Books can be found in J 296.4


Alderson, B. The Tale of the Turnip, 1999
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Green Eyed Monster, 1994
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five, 2000
Boelts, M. A Bike Like Sergio’s, 2016
Bunting, E. Baby Can, 2007
Cain, J. The Way I Feel, 2000
Chodos-Irvine, M. Best Best Friends, 2006
Christelow, E. The Desperate Dog Writes Again, 2010
Cooper, H. Little Monster Did It!  1997
Danziger, P. Barfburger Baby, I Was Here First, 2004
Dempsey, S. Bye-Bye Baby Brother!  2013
Dewdney, A. Grumpy Gloria, 2006
Disney, W. Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1993
Dyckman, A. Wolfie the Bunny, 2015
Feiffer, K. Henry the Dog With No Tale, 2007
Greene, C. Cat and Bear, 1998
Harper, A. It’s Not Fair!  2007
Hoban, R. A Baby Sister For Frances, 1964
Holabird, K. Angelina’s Baby Sister, 2000
Hollander, C. Why Bear Has a Short Tale, 1994
Jenkins, E. That New Arrival, 2005
Joosse, B. Nugget and Darling, 1997
Kantorovitz, S. The Very Tiny Baby, 2014
Look, L. Uncle Peter’s Amazing Chinese Wedding, 2006
Maccarone, G. Miss Lina’s Ballerinas and the Wicked Wish, 2012
Medina, S. Jealous, 2007
Montanari, E. Tiff, Taff and Lulu, 2004
Ormerod, J. The Baby Swap, 2013
Patrick, D. Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Board Book), 1992
Richie, M. The English Roses, 2003
Romanova, Y. The Perfect Friend, 2005
Saltzberg, B. Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby?  2009
SanSouci, R. Peter and the Blue Witch Baby, 2000
Schneider, J. Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover, 2014
Schotter, R. The House of Joyful Living, 2008
Shea, B. Unicorn, 2013
Shields, C. I Wish My Brother Was a Dog, 1997
Shipton, J. Baby Baby Blah Blah Blah!  2009
Simmons, J. Ebb and Flo and the New Friend, 1998
Spelman, C. When I Feel Jealous, 2003
Stein, D. Ned’s New Friend, 2007
Stephen, H. What About Me?  1999
Townsend, M. Cute & Cuter, 2013
Umansky, K. I Don’t Like Gloria!  2007
Vail, R. Flabbersmashed About You, 2012
Van Leeuwen, J. Benny & Beautiful Baby Delilah, 2006
Waber, B. Lyle and the Birthday Party, 1966
Waber, B. Evie & Margie, 2003
Weeks, S. Glamourpuss, 2015
Wells, R. McDuff and the Baby, 1998
Wells, R. Noisy Nora, 1997
Young, A. Belinda and the Glass Slipper, 2006
Ziefert, H. Pushkin Minds the Bundle, 2000

Italy and Italians

Akin, S. Three Scoops and a Fig, 2010
Angelou, M. Maya’s World:  Angelina of Italy, 2004
Bartone, E. Peppe the Lamplighter, 1993
Bemelmans, J. Madeline and the Cats of Rome, 2008
Brown, M. Felice, 1958
Bunting, E. A Picnic in October, 1999
dePaola, T. Big Anthony and the Magic Ring, 1979
dePaola, T. Big Anthony:  His Story, 1998
dePaola, T. Days of the Blackbird:  A Tale of Northern Italy, 1997
dePaola, T. Merry Christmas, Strega Nona, 1986
dePaola, T. Strega Nona Meets Her Match, 1963
dePaola, T. Strega Nona Takes a Vacation, 2000
dePaola, T. Strega Nona:  An Old Tale, 1988
dePaola, T. Strega Nona:  An Original Tale, 1975
dePaola, T. Strega Nona:  Her Story, 1996
dePaola, T. Strega Nona’s Magic Lesson, 1982
dePaola, T. Strega Nona:  Her Story (Media Kit), 1998
dePaola, T. Strega Nona Takes a Vacation (Media Kit), 2000
dePaola, T. Strega Nona’s Harvest, 2009
dePaola, T. Tony’s Bread:  An Italian Folktale, 1989
dePaola, T. Strega Nona Does It Again, 2013
Falconer, I. Olivia Goes to Venice, 2010
Fern, T. Pippo the Fool, 2008
Fillion, S. Pizza in Pienza, 2013
Fleischman, P. The Matchbox Diary, 2013
Fleming, C. Gabriella’s Song, 1997
Gemignani, T. Tony and the Pizza Champions, 2009
Grodin, E. C is for Ciao:  An Italy Alphabet, 2009
Gutman, A. Gaspard on Vacation, 2001
Hamilton, M. Priceless Gifts, 2007
Lionni, L. Pezzettino, 2003
Mauner, C. Zoe Sophia’s Scrapbook, 2003
Mayhew, J. Katie and the Mona Lisa, 1999
McAlister, C. Brave Donatella and the Jasmine Thief, 2010
McDonald, M. The Hinky Pink, 2008
Pericoli, M. Tommaso and the Missing Line, 2008
Sabuda, R. Providence Traveler, 2003
Sadler, M. Tony Baroni Loves Macaroni, 2015
Schwartz, J. Our Corner Grocery Store, 2009
Weaver, T. Opera Cat, 2002
Weaver, T. Encore, Opera Cat!  2009
Wells, R. The Language of Doves, 1996
Yaccarino, D. All The Way to America:  The Story of a Big Italian Family, 2011
Additional Juvenile books about Italy can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 945)
Italian Language books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 450’s)