Barber, T. | Game Day, 2005 |
Bramhall, W. | Hepcat, 2004 |
Daly, N. | Happy Birthday,Jamela! 2006 |
Frasier, D. | Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster, 2000 |
Frazier, C. | Hank Finds Inspiration, 2008 |
Penney, K. | Inventor McGregor, 2006 |
Pfister, M. | Henri, Egg Artiste, 2007 |
Say, A. | Emma’s Rug, 1996 |
Spohn, K. | By Word of Mouse, 2004 |
Author: Scott Wright
Aggs, P. | The Visitor, 1999 |
Andreae, G. | Giraffe’s Can’t Dance, 2001 |
Anglund, J. | Look Out the Window, 1959 |
Appelt, K. | Incredible Me! 2003 |
Archambault, J. | Grandmother’s Garden, 1997 |
Auch, M. | The Easter Egg Farm, 1992 |
Baker, K. | No Two Alike, 2011 |
Baldacchino, C. | Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, 2014 |
Bang, M. | All of Me! A Book of Thanks, 2009 |
Beaumont, K. | Wild About Us! 2015 |
Best, C. | What’s So Bad About Being an Only Child? 2007 |
Bishop, C. | The Five Chinese Brothers, 1989 |
Bloom, S. | A Splendid Friend, Indeed, 2005 |
Boynton, S. | Yay, You! Moving Out, Moving Up, Moving On, 2001 |
Bradley, S. | Henry Holton Takes the Ice, 2015 |
Bramsen, K. | The Yellow Tutu, 2009 |
Bruins, D. | The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear, 2009 |
Buck, N. | Hey, Little Baby! 1999 |
Carlson, N. | Get Up and Go! 2006 |
Cazet, D. | Will You Read to Me? 2007 |
Child, L. | Clarice Bean That’s Me, 1999 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Jack’s Talent, 2007 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Janine, 2015 |
Conway, D. | Errol and His Extraordinary Nose, 2010 |
Corey, S. | Players in Pigtails, 2003 |
Covey, S. | Just the Way I Am, 2009 |
Curtis, J. | Is There Really a Human Race? 2006 |
Cutbill, A. | The Cow That Laid an Egg, 2008 |
Dean, K. | Pete the Cat and the New Guy, 2014 |
dePaola, T. | The Art Lesson, 1989 |
Diggs, T. | Chocolate Me! 2011 |
Diggs, T. | Mixed Me! 2015 |
DiPucchio, K. | Gaston, 2014 |
Dolenz, M. | Gakky Two-Feet, 2006 |
Dyer, W. | Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through, 2005 |
Eschbacher, R. | Nonsense! He Yelled, 2003 |
Evans, K. | What’s Special About Me, Mama? 2011 |
Falconer, I. | Olivia and the Fairy Princesses, 2012 |
Fallon, J. | Halfway Hank, 2005 |
Flesher, V. | Alfred’s Nose, 2008 |
Fox, M. | Whoever You Are, 1997 |
Fox, M. | Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, 2008 |
Gainer, C. | I’m Like You, You’re Like Me, 2011 |
Givens, T. | Dragon Scales and Willow Leaves, 1997 |
Glenn, S. | Just What Mama Needs, 2008 |
Grossman, B. | The Guy Who Was Five Minutes Late, 1990 |
Harris, R. | I’m All Dressed! 2005 |
Heide, F. | The One and Only Marigold, 2009 |
Helakosski, L. | Fair Cow, 2010 |
Henkes, K. | All Alone, 1981 |
Holwitz, P. | Scribbleville, 2005 |
Hooks, B. | Skin Again, 2004 |
Horacek, P. | Silly Suzy Goose, 2006 |
Horacek, P. | Blue Penguin, 2016 |
Hovland, H. | John Jensen Feels Different, 2012 |
Howe, J. | Horace and Morris Join the Music Chorus (But What About Dolores?) |
Hudson, K. | Bear and Duck, 2015 |
Ismail, Y. | I’m a Girl! 2016 |
Jabar, C. | Wow! It Sure is Good to be You! 2006 |
Jaine, L. | Just One You! 2015 |
Jeffers, O. | The Hueys in the New Sweater, 2012 |
Jeffers, O. | The Hueys in It Wasn’t Me, 2014 |
Jenkins, E. | My Favorite Things (According to Alberta), 2004 |
Keane, D. | Sloppy Joe, 2009 |
Kilodavis, C. | My Princess Boy: A Mom’s Story About a Young Boy, 2010 |
Kochan, V. | What If Your Best Friend Were Blue? 2011 |
Krensky, S. | Big Bad Wolves at School, 2007 |
Kressley, C. | You’re Different and That’s Super, 2005 |
Lindgren, B. | Benny’s Had Enough! 1999 |
Lionni, L. | Pezzettino, 2003 |
Lionni, L. | A Color of His Own, 2006 |
Long, E. | Chamelia, 2011 |
Lucado, M. | You Are Special, 1997 |
Mackintosh, D. | Marshall Armstrong is New to Our School, 2011 |
Maclear, K. | Spork, 2010 |
Madison, A. | Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly, 2007 |
Manushkin, F. | Happy in Our Skin, 2015 |
Martin, B. | Chicken Chuck, 2000 |
McKee, E. | Elmer, 1989 |
Milgrim, D. | How You Got So Smart, 2010 |
Mitchell, L. | Different Just Like Me, 1999 |
Modesitt, J. | Mama If You had a Wish, 1993 |
Morrison, T. | Little Cloud and Lady Wind, 2010 |
Munsch, R. | Stephanie’s Ponytail, |
Myers, C. | Wings, 2000 |
Myers, W. | Looking Like Me, 2009 |
Numeroff, L. | Would I Trade My Parents? 2009 |
Obama, B. | Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, 2010 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy, 2006 |
O’Connor, J. | Where Did Daddy’s Hair Go? 2004 |
Owen, K. | I Could Be, You Could Be, 2011 |
Parr, T. | It’s Okay to be Different, 2001 |
Parr, T. | The Daddy Book, 2002 |
Parr, T. | The Family Book, 2003 |
Parr, T. | The Grandma Book, 2006 |
Parr, T. | The Grandpa Book, 2006 |
Parr, T. | The Mommy Book, 2002 |
Parr, T. | Be Who You Are, 2016 |
Pavon, M. | That’s Not Normal! 2016 |
Piven, H. | My Dog is As Smelly As Dirty Socks, 2007 |
Piven, H. | My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil, 2010 |
Player, M. | Chloe, Instead, 2012 |
Plourde, L. | You’re Wearing That to School? 2013 |
Prelutsky, J. | Me I Am! 2007 |
Proimos, J. | Mac & Cheese, 2016 |
Rinker, S. | Silly Wonderful You, 2016 |
Robbins, J. | Two of a Kind, 2009 |
Robinson, F. | Whale Shines: An Artistic Tale, 2013 |
Root, P. | The Name Quilt, 2003 |
Rosenthal, A. | The OK Book, 2007 |
Ross, F. | Chilly Milly Moo, 2011 |
Rotner, S. | What Can You Do? A Book About Discovering What You Do Well, 2000 |
Saltzberg, B. | Star of the Week, 2006 |
Sauer, T. | Mostly Monsterly, 2010 |
Scanlon, L. | Noodle & Lou, 2011 |
Schoonmaker, E. | Square Cat, 2011 |
Seeger, P. | One Grain of Sand, 2003 |
Seuss, D. | Oh, The Places You’ll Go! 1990 |
Shannon, D. | A Bad Case of Stripes, 1998 |
Siminovich, L. | Monkey See, Look at Me! 2012 |
Smallcomb, P. | I’m Not, 2011 |
Smith, C. | I Am America, 2003 |
Spelling, T. | Presenting…Tallulah, 2010 |
Spier, P. | People, 1980 |
Stanton, E. | Henny, 2014 |
Sundgaard, A. | The Lamb and the Butterfly, 1988 |
Swanson, S. | The First Thing My Mama Told Me, 2002 |
Thompson, E. | Just Like Ernie, 1988 |
Thornhill, J. | I Am Josephine, 2016 |
Tillman, N. | On the Night You Were Born, 2006 |
Troiano, J. | The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, 2001 |
Urban, L. | Mouse Was Mad, 2009 |
Walker, A. | There is a Flower at the Tip of My Nose Smelling Me, 2006 |
Walsh, E. | For Pete’s Sake, 1998 |
Walsh, E. | Hop Jump, 1993 |
Walsh, M. | My Nose, Your Nose, 2002 |
Weaver, R. | Frederick Finch, Loudmouth, 2008 |
Weninger, B. | Why Are You Fighting, Davy? 1999 |
Whamond, D. | Oddrey, 2012 |
Whamond, D. | Oddrey and the New Kid, 2013 |
Whamond, D. | Oddrey Joins the Team, 2014 |
Whitcomb, M. | Odd Velvet, 1998 |
Winthrop, E. | Squashed in the Middle, 2005 |
Yolen, J. | Not All Princesses Dress in Pink, 2010 |
Bannerman, H, | The Story of Little Black Sambo, 2003 |
Brown, M. | Once a Mouse, 1961 |
Bunting, E. | Emma’s Turtle, 2007 |
Disney, W. | Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book, 2007 |
Galdone, P. | The Monkey and the Crocodile: A Jataka Tale From India, 1997 |
Hamilton, M. | The Ghost Catcher, 2008 |
Hobbie, H. | Toot & Puddle: Toot’s Tour of India, 2009 |
Jones, C. | Rikki Tikki Tavi, 2006 |
Kipling, R. | Chuck Jones Presents a Kipling Classic: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, 2006 |
Kipling, R. | Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, 1997 |
Kostecki-Shaw, J. | Same, Same But Different, 2011 |
Krishnaswami, U. | Monsoon, 2003 |
Krishnaswami, U. | Bringing Asha Home, 2006 |
Krishnaswami, U. | Out of the Way! Out of the Way! 2012 |
Kroll, V. | Selvakumar Knew Better, 2006 |
Lawson, J. | Audrey and Barbara, 2002 |
Lionni, L. | Six Crows, 1988 |
Makhijani, P. | Mama’s Saris, 2007 |
McDermott, G. | Monkey: A Trickster Tale from India, 2011 |
McGinty, A. | Gandhi: A March to the Sea, 2013 |
Mehta, L. | Anklet for a Princess: A Cinderella Story From India, 2002 |
Patel, S. | Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth, 2012 |
Rahaman, V. | Divali Rose, 2008 |
Ravishankar, A. | Elephants Never Forget! 2007 |
Ravishankar, A. | To Market! To Market! 2008 |
Rumford, J. | Tiger and Turtle, 2010 |
Sehgal, K. | The Wheels on the Tuk Tuk, 2015 |
Sheth, K. | My Adaima Wears a Sari, 2007 |
Sheth, K. | Monsoon Afternoon, 2008 |
So, M. | Gobble, Gobble, Skip, Slop: A Tale of a Very Greedy Cat, 2004 |
Additional books about India can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 954) |
Avi | Silent Movie, 2003 |
Aylesworth, J. | My Grandfather’s Coat, 2014 |
Bartoletti, S. | Dancing With Dziadziu, 1997 |
Buitrago, J. | Two White Rabbits, 2015 |
Bunting, E. | A Picnic in October, 1999 |
Bunting, E. | One Green Apple, 2006 |
Connor, L. | Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel, 2004 |
Cox, J. | Carmen Learns English, 2010 |
Cutler, J. | Guttersnipe, 2009 |
Danticat, E. | Mama’s Nightingale: A Story of Immigration and Separation, 2015 |
Figueredo, D. | When This World Was New, 1999 |
Fleischman, P. | The Matchbox Diary, 2013 |
Gonzalez, L. | The Storyteller’s Candle: La Velita de los Cuentos, 2008 |
Greene, J. | Speak Up, Tommy! 2012 |
Heller, L. | Castle on Hester Street, 2007 |
Herrera, J. | The Upside Down Boy: El nino de cabeza, 2000 |
Hest, A. | When Jessie Came Across the Sea, 1997 |
Hoffman, M. | The Color of Home, 2002 |
Hyde, H. | Feivel’s Flying Horses, 2010 |
Joosse, B. | The Morning Chair, 1995 |
Kim, P. | Here I Am, 2014 |
Kobald, I. | My Two Blankets, 2014 |
Lee, M. | Landed, 2006 |
Levinson, R. | Watch the Stars Come Out, 1985 |
Lo, G. | Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012 |
Lo, R. | New Year, 2016 |
MacLachlan, P. | Nora’s Chicks, 2013 |
Mak, K. | My Chinatown: One Year in Poems, 2002 |
Markel, M. | Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers’ Strike of 1909, 2013 |
Moore, J. | My Mom Is a Foreigner, But Not To Me, 2013 |
Mora, P. | I Pledge Allegiance, 2014 |
O’Brien, A. | A Path of Stars, 2012 |
O’Brien, A. | I’m New Here, 2015 |
Partridge, E. | Oranges on Golden Mountain, 2001 |
Polacco, P. | The Keeping Quilt, 1998 |
Polacco, P. | The Blessing Cup, 2013 |
Polacco, P. | Fiona’s Lace, 2014 |
Rael, E. | What Zeesie Saw on Delancey Street, 1996 |
Recorvits, H. | My Name is Yoon, 2003 |
Ringgold, F. | We Came to America, 2016 |
Sanna, F. | The Journey, 2016 |
Sis, P. | Madlenka, 2000 |
Stewart, S. | The Quiet Place, 2012 |
Tonatium, D. | Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant Tale, 2013 |
Watts, J. | A Piece of Home, 2016 |
Williams, S. | Working Cotton, 1992 |
Yaccarino, D. | All the Way to America: The Story of a Big Italian Family, 2011 |
Yolen, J. | Naming Liberty, 2008 |
Ziefert, H. | When I First Came to This Land, 1998 |
Additional books about Immigration can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 973.04’s) |
Abercrombie, B. | The Show and Tell Lion, 2006 |
Ahlberg, A. | The Shopping Expedition, 2005 |
Alda, A. | Here a Face, There a Face, 2008 |
Alexander, M. | I’ll Never Share You Blackboard Bear, 2003 |
Anderson, J. | Sally’s Sub, 1995 |
Anderson, S. | I Know the Moon, 2001 |
Baker, M. | When I Was a Girl, I Dreamed, 2005 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Dragon, 2008 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Castle, 2011 |
Beaty, A. | Doctor Ted, 2008 |
Beaty, A. | Firefighter Ted, 2009 |
Becker, A. | Journey, 2013 |
Becker, B. | Just a Minute, 2003 |
Bently, P. | King Jack and the Dragon, 2011 |
Berger, L. | Dream Dog, 2013 |
Black, M. | The Purple Kangaroo, 2010 |
Blos, J. | Lottie’s Circus, 1989 |
Bridges, M. | Now What Can I Do? 2001 |
Briggs, R. | The Bear, 1994 |
Brown, L. | How to Be, 2006 |
Browne, A. | The Shape Game, 2003 |
Bunting, E. | Little Badger, Terror of the Seven Seas, 2001 |
Bunting, E. | Pirate Boy, 2011 |
Burleigh, R. | It’s Funny Where Ben’s Train Takes Him, 1999 |
Carlson, N. | Henry’s Amazing Imagination! 2008 |
Carlson, N. | This Morning Sam Went to Mars: A Book About Paying Attention, 2013 |
Collins, R. | Doddleday, 2011 |
Colon, R. | Orson Blasts Off, 2004 |
Colon, R. | Draw! 2014 |
Cooper, H. | The Boy Who Wouldn’t Go To Bed, 1997 |
Coy, J. | Vroomaloom Zoom, 2000 |
Crumpacker, B. | Alexander’s Pretending Day, 2005 |
Cumming, H. | The Red Boat, 2013 |
Cuyler, M. | We’re Going on a Lion Hunt, 2008 |
Day, A. | Mirror, 1997 |
Deeble, J. | Sir Ryan’s Quest, 2009 |
Dematons, C. | Let’s Go, 2001 |
DeRegniers, B. | What Can You Do With a Shoe? 1997 |
Doerrfeld, C. | Maggie and Wendel Imagine Everything! 2016 |
Dunbar, P. | Dog Blue, 2004 |
Ellery, T. | If I Were a Jungle Animal, 2009 |
Fancher, L. | Star Climbing, 2006 |
Feiffer, J. | The House Across the Street, 2002 |
Feiffer, J. | I’m Not Bobby, 2001 |
Feiffer, J. | The Daddy Mountain, 2004 |
Fenton, J. | What’s Under the Bed? 2008 |
Flood, B. | I’ll Go To School If…. 1997 |
Foreman, M. | Fortunately, Unfortunately, 2011 |
Fosberry, J. | My Name is Not Isabelle: Just How Big Can a Little Girl Dream? 2010 |
Fosberry, J. | Isabella Girl on the Go, 2012 |
Fosberry, J. | Isabella Star of the Story, 2013 |
Fox, C. | Fire Fighter Piggywiggy, 2001 |
Fox, M. | Tell Me About Your Day Today, 2012 |
Frazier, C. | Stanley Goes for a Drive, 2004 |
Freeman, D. | Quiet! There’s a Canary in the Library 2007 |
Funke, C. | The Wildest Brother, 2006 |
Gammell, S. | Mudkin, 2011 |
Gill, D. | Outside, 2014 |
Given’s T. | Dragon Scales and Willow Leaves, 1997 |
Glenn, S. | Just What Mama Needs, 2008 |
Gorbachev, V. | Nicky and the Fantastic Birthday Gift, 2000 |
Gore, L. | Danny’s First Snow, 2007 |
Gray, K. | Billy’s Bucket, 2003 |
Gregory, N. | Amber Waiting, 2002 |
Grubb, L. | Happy Dog Sizzles! 2004 |
Guy, G. | Go Back to Bed! 2006 |
Henkes, K. | Jessica, 1989 |
Henkes, K. | My Garden, 2010 |
Hiatt, F. | If I Were Queen of the World, 1997 |
Hindley, J. | Rosy’s Visitors, 2002 |
Hoban, R. | Rosie’s Magic Horse, 2012 |
Hoppe, P. | Hat, 2009 |
Hough, L. | If Somebody Lived Next Door, 1997 |
Hughes, S. | Abel’s Moon, 1999 |
Hurst, E. | Imagine a City, 2014 |
Irving, J. | A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound, 2004 |
Jackson, E. | The Seven Seas, 2011 |
Joyce, W. | Billy’s Booger: A Memoir, 2015 |
Kann, V. | Goldilicious, 2009 |
Keats, E. | The Trip, 1978 |
Keats, E. | Regards to the Man in the Moon, 1981 |
Kellogg, S. | If You Decide to Go to the Moon, 2005. |
Kitamura, S. | Millie’s Marvellous Hat, 2009 |
Krauss, R. | I Can Fly, 2003 |
Kroll, S. | I’d Like To Be, 1987 |
Kroll, S. | The Tyrannosaurus Game, 2010 |
Kroninger, S. | If I Crossed the Road, 1997 |
Kvasnosky, L. | Really Truly Bingo, 2008 |
Laden, N. | Are We There Yet? 2016 |
Lammle, L. | Once Upon a Saturday, 2009 |
Landa, N. | The Great Monster Hunt, 2010 |
Landry, L. | Eat Your Peas, Ivy Louise! 2005 |
Larios, J. | Imaginary Menagerie: A Book of Curious Creatures, 2008 |
LaRochelle, D. | The Best Pet of All, 2004 |
LaRochelle, D. | It’s a Tiger! 2012 |
Lawson, J. | Audrey and Barbara, 2002 |
Lazo, C. | Someday When My Cat Can Talk, 2008 |
Lehman, B. | The Red Book, 2004 |
Lewis, P. | No More Cookies! 2005 |
Liao, J. | The Sound of Colors: A Journey of the Imagination, 2006 |
Liwska, R. | Red Wagon, 2011 |
Lluch, A. | Alexander, It’s Time for Bed! 2006 |
MacDonald, R. | Bad Baby, 2005 |
MacLean, C. | Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms, 2002 |
Maizes, S. | On My Way to the Bath, 2012 |
Maizes, S. | On My Way to School, 2014 |
Marx, P. | Meet My Staff, 1998 |
Matott, J. | When I Was a Boy, I Dreamed, 2006 |
Mayer, M. | Just To To Bed, 1983 |
Mayer, M. | There’s an Alligator Under My Bed, 1987 |
McAllister, A. | Harry’s Box, 2003 |
McCourt, L. | Good Night Princess Pruney-Toes, 2001 |
McKay, H. | Pirates Ahoy! 2000 |
McKay, H. | There’s a Dragon Downstairs, 2005 |
McKissack, P. | Where Crocodiles Have Wings, 2005 |
McPhail, D. | Edward in the Jungle, 2002 |
McPhail, D. | Drawing Lessons From a Bear, 2000 |
McPhail, D. | Edward and the Pirates, 1997 |
McQuinn, A. | Lola Loves Stories, 2010 |
Milgrim, D. | Cows Can’t Fly, 1998 |
Mitchell, L. | Different Just Like Me, 1999 |
Morales, Y. | Nino Wrestles the World, 2013 |
Mould, W. | Ants in My Pants, 2001 |
Myers, C. | My Pen, 2015 |
Neimann, C. | That’s How! 2011 |
Neubecker, R. | Beasty Bath, 2005 |
Norman, K. | Crocodaddy, 2009 |
Numeroff, L. | Dogs Don’t Wear Sneakers, 1993 |
O’Connor, G. | Kapow! 2004 |
O’Leary, S. | This is Sadie, 2015 |
O’Malley, K. | Straight to the Pole, 2003 |
Ormerod, J. | Lizza Nonsense: A Story of Pioneer Days, 2004 |
Patricelli, L. | Higher! Higher! 2009 |
Patricelli, L. | The Birthday Box, 2007 |
Patricelli, L. | The Patterson Puppies and the Rainy Day, 2009 |
Perry, S. | If… 1995 |
Plecas, J. | Pretend, 2011 |
Polacco, P. | Emma Kate, 2005 |
Portis, A. | Not a Box, 2006 |
Portis, A. | Not a Stick, 2008 |
Portis, A. | Princess Super Kitty, 2011 |
Powell, P. | Just Dessert, 1996 |
Reynolds, P. | So Few of Me, 2006 |
Rinck, M | I Feel a Foot! 2008 |
Robbins, B. | Tom’s Afraid of the Dark, 2001 |
Roberts, B. | Gramps and the Fire Dragon, 1997 |
Roberts, B. | A Mouse Told His Mother, 1997 |
Roberts, V. | The Best Pet Ever, 2010 |
Rohmann, E. | Clara and Asha, 2005 |
Rossell, J. | Oliver, 2012 |
Russo, M. | The Big Brown Box, 2000 |
Ryan, P. | Mud is Cake, 2002 |
Ryder, J. | Bears Out There, 1995 |
Saltzberg, B. | Phoebe and the Spelling Bee, 1997 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones, 2003 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble, 2006 |
Schaefer, C. | The Squiggle, 1996 |
Schaefer, C. | Kids Like Us, 2008 |
Sendak, M. | In The Night Kitchen, 1970 |
Seuss, D. | And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street, 1989 |
Shannon, D. | Alice the Fairy, 2004 |
Sheth, K. | Tiger In My Soup, 2013 |
Shields, C. | I Wish My Brother Was a Dog, 1997 |
Shields, G. | Tom’s Tree, 2008 |
Shipton, J. | What If? 1999 |
Shrode, M. | Just Imagine With Barney, 1992 |
Shulevitz, U. | When I Wore My Sailor Suit, 2009 |
Sis, P. | Madlenka’s Dog, 2002 |
Sis, P. | Ship Ahoy! 1999 |
Sis, P. | Madlenka Soccer Star, 2010 |
Slater, D. | Firefighters in the Dark, 2006 |
Soman, D. | The Amazing Adventures of Bumblebee Boy, 2011 |
Spinelli, E. | In My New Yellow Shirt, 2001 |
Spinelli, E. | Someday, 2007 |
Spinelli, E. | Nora’s Ark, 2012 |
Stubbs, L. | Lily and Bear, 2015 |
Swenson, J. | If You Were a Dog, 2014 |
Thomson, B. | Chalk, 2010 |
Tompert, A. | Little Fox Goes to the End of the World, 2010 |
Tusa, T. | Bunnies In My Head, 1998 |
Utton, P. | Jennifer’s Room, 1995 |
VanDusen, C. | If I Built a House, 2013 |
VanRossum, H. | Will You Carry Me? 2005 |
Vendel, E. | The Dog That Nino Didn’t Have, 2015 |
Vigna, J. | Boot Weather, 1989 |
Wahl, J. | I Met A Dinosaur, 1997 |
Weeks, S. | If I Were a Lion, 2004 |
Whatley, B. | Captain Pajamas, 1999 |
Whitman, W. | When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, 2004 |
Wiesner, D. | Flotsam, 2006 |
Willis, J. | I Hate School, 2004 |
Wilson, K. | Princess Me, 2007 |
Winthrop, E. | A Very Noisy Girl, 1991 |
Woods, N. | Tom Cat, 2004 |
Yang, J. | Joey and Jet in Space, 2006 |
Yarlett, E. | Poppy Pickle: A Little Girl with a Big Imagination, 2016 |
Yolen, J. | What To Do with a Box, 2016 |
Yoo, T. | The Little Red Fish, 2007 |
Yoo, T. | You Are a Lion: And Other Fun Yoga Poses, 2012 |
Young, C. | A Few Blocks, 2011 |
Young, N. | Zoomer, 2010 |
Young, N. | Zoomer’s Summer Snowstorm, 2011 |
Ziefert, H. | From Kalamazoo to Timbuktu! 2005 |
Ziefert, H. | Mighty Max! 2008 |
Zimmerman, A. | Fire Engine Man, 2007 |
Imaginary Friends
Armstrong, M. | Jane & Mizmow, 2011 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Dragon, 2008 |
Child, L. | I am TOO Absolutely Small for School, 2003 |
Colfer, E. | Imaginary Fred, 2015 |
Denise, A. | Bella and Stella Come Home, 2010 |
DiTerlizzi, T. | Ted, 2001 |
Ferrell, S. | The Snurtch, 2016 |
Goodrich, C. | We Forgot Brock! 2015 |
Henkes, K. | Jessica, 1989 |
Horacek, P. | My Elephant, 2009 |
Howe, J. | There’s a Dragon in my Sleeping Bag, 1994 |
James, S. | Leon and Bob, 1997 |
Klise, K. | Imagine Harry, 2007 |
Mull, B. | Pingo, 2009 |
Perl, E. | Dotty, 2010 |
Rohmann, E. | Clara and Asha, 2005 |
Rosenberg, L. | Nobody, 2010 |
Santat, D. | The Adventures of Beekle the Unimaginary Friend, 2014 |
Stewart, J. | Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie, 2007 |
Illness, Health and Medical Care
Ackermann, A. | Our Mom Has Cancer, 2001 |
Alda, A. | Iris Has a Virus, 2008 |
Anderson, L. | Turkey Pox, 1996 |
Appelt, K. | Mogie the Heart of the House, 2014 |
Attebury, N. | Out and About at the Hospital, 2006 |
Banks, S. | SpongeBob Goes to the Hospital, 2005 |
Barber, N. | Going to the Hospital, 2009 |
Barber, T. | By My Brother’s Side, 2004 |
Bateman, T. | Farm Flu, 2001 |
Bazil, S. | The Sick Bug, 2008 |
Beaty, A. | Doctor Ted, 2008 |
Becker, B. | Sniffles for Bear, 2011 |
Beilenson, E. | The Zoo is Closed Today! Until Further Notice, 2014 |
Beinstein, P. | Say “AHHHH!” Dora Goes to the Doctor, 2008 |
Bemelmans, L. | Madeline, 1977 |
Bennett, H. | Lions Aren’t Scared of Shots: A Story for Children About Visiting the Doctor |
Bennett, H. | Harry Goes to the Hospital, 2008 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor, 1981 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist, 1981 |
Borden, L. | Good Luck, Mrs. K! 1999 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Goes to the Hospital, 2000 |
Breznak, I. | Sneezy Louise, 2009 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford Visits the Hospital, 2000 |
Brooks, F. | Daisy the Doctor, 2004 |
Brooks, F. | Vicky the Vet, 2004 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Chicken Pox, 1994 |
Brown, M. | Doctor Squash the Doll Doctor, 2010 |
Budnitz, P. | The Hole in the Middle, 2011 |
Butler, D. | My Grandpa Had a Stroke, 2007 |
Carlson, N. | Sometimes You Barf, 2014 |
Charles, F. | The Selfish Crocodile, 1999 |
Child, L. | I’m Really Ever So Not Well, 2007 |
Child, L. | I Can’t Stop Hiccuping! 2010 |
Child, L. | Charlie is Broken! 2009 |
Civardi, A. | The Complete Book of First Experiences, 2005 |
Civardi, A. | Going to the Doctor, 2005 |
Civardi, A. | Going to the Hospital, 2005 |
Civardi, A. | Going to the Dentist, 2005 |
Clark, J. | You Are the Best Medicine, 2010 |
Cole, J. | The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body, 1989 |
Corn, T. | Dixie Wants an Allergy, 2014 |
Cousins, L. | Doctor Maisy, 2001 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy, Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth, 2006 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes to the Hospital, 2007 |
Curry, D. | Take Care of Your Teeth, 2005 |
David, L. | Chuckie Visits the Eye Doctor, 1999 |
Dealey, E. | Goldilocks Has Chickenpox, 2002 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Eyes, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Hair, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Hands and Feet, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Skin, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Teeth, 2006 |
Dember-Paige, J. | Smile Wide Look Inside, 2004 |
dePaola, T. | Now One Foot, Now the Other, 2005 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Home with Mama, 2011 |
Dinmont, K. | Ambulances On the Go, 2017 |
Disney, W. | Pooh Plays Doctor, 1997 |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronica on Petunia’s Farm, 2008 |
Egan, R. | Blue’s Sniffle Day, 2002 |
Ehrich, F. | Does A Lion Brush? 2002 |
Flournoy, V. | The Patchwork Quilt, 1985 |
Frankel, A. | Prudence’s Get Well Book, 2000 |
Gantos, J. | The Nine Lives of Rotten Ralph, 2009 |
Golding, T. | Abby’s Asthma and the Big Race, 2009 |
Gom, T. | The Crocodile and the Dentist, 1996 |
Goodall, J. | Doctor White, 2014 |
Graham, B. | How to Heal a Broken Wing, 2008 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard in the Hospital, 2001 |
Hafner, M. | Mommies Don’t Get Sick, 1995 |
Hamilton, D. | Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, 1995 |
Hatkoff, J. | Good-Bye Tonsils, 2001 |
Hermes, P. | When the Snow Lay Soft on the Mountains, 1996 |
Hest, A. | Don’t You Feel Well, Sam? 2002 |
Hest, A. | Guess Who, Baby Duck! 2007 |
Hobbie, H. | Toot & Puddle: Wish You Were Here, 2005 |
Hoena, B. | A Visit to the Doctor’s Office, 2004 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and the Princess, 2000 |
Howe, J. | Horace and Morris Say Cheese (Which Makes Dolores Sneeze!), 2009 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to the Vet, 2004 |
James, S. | Nurse Clementine, 2013 |
Jandl, E. | Next Please, 2003 |
Johnson, J. | My Dear Noel: The Story of a Letter From Beatrix Potter, 1999 |
Johnson, M. | Noah’s Garden: When Someone You Love is in the Hospital, 2010 |
Kantorovitz, S. | The Very Tiny Baby, 2014 |
Keller, H. | When Francie Was Sick, 1985 |
Keller, L. | Open Wide Tooth School Inside, 2000 |
Kemper, B. | Out and About at the Dentist, 2007 |
Ketteman, H. | If Beaver Had a Fever, 2011 |
Kishner, T. | Brundibar, 2003 |
Koehler, L. | Ah-Choo! 2016 |
Kohlenberg, S. | Sammy’s Mommy Has Cancer, 1993 |
Lee, C. | Good Dog, Paw! 2004 |
Lloyd, S. | Doctor Meow’s Big Emergency, 2008 |
Lobel, A. | Taking Care of Mama Rabbit, 2014 |
London, J. | Froggy Goes to the Doctor, 2002 |
London, J. | Froggy Goes to the Doctor (Media Kit), 2002 |
Lyon, G. | The Pirate of Kindergarten, 2010 |
Maloney, P. | Bronto Eats Meat, 2003 |
Masurel, C. | Too Big! 1999 |
Matthies, J. | Peter, the Knight with Asthma, 2009 |
Matthies, J. | The Goodbye Cancer Garden, 2011 |
Mayer, M. | Just Going to the Dentist, 1990 |
Mayer, M. | My Trip to the Hospital, 2005 |
McKissack, P. | Precious and the Boo Hag, 2005 |
McPhail, D. | Sick Day, 2012 |
Miller, C. | When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Doctor, 2017 |
Miller, C. | When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Veterinarian, 2017 |
Miller, P. | Substitute Groundhog, 2006 |
Mills, J. | Little Tree: A Story for Children with Serious Medical Problems, 2003 |
Minden, C. | Keep It Clean: Germ Free, 2010 |
Minden, C. | Keep It Clean: Achoo! 2010 |
Minden, C. | Keep It Clean: Get Well Soon, 2010 |
Minden, C. | Keep It Clean: Time to Wash Up, 2010 |
Modarressi, M. | Taking Care of Mama, 2010 |
Murphy, L. | ABC Doctor, 2007 |
Murphy, P. | A Visit to the Dentist’s Office, 2004 |
Murray, A. | Dentists Help Us, 2013 |
Murray, A. | Nurses Help Us, 2013 |
Murray, A. | Veterinarians Help Us, 2013 |
Murray, A. | EMTs Help Us, 2013 |
Murray, J. | The Hospital, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Ambulances, 2016 |
Murray, M. | Hippo Goes Bananas! 2006 |
Negron, R. | The Boy of Steel: A Baseball Dream Come True, 2006 |
North, S. | Champ’s Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too! 2010 |
Numeroff, L. | The Hope Tree: Kids Talk About Breast Cancer, 2001 |
Polacco, P. | The Lemonade Club, 2007 |
Poole, A. | The Pea Blossom, 2003 |
Rabe, T. | Elmo Gets Homesick, 1990 |
Ready, D. | Doctors Help, 2013 |
Rey, M. | Curious George Visits the Dentist, 2014 |
Robbins, B. | Tom and Ally Visit the Doctor, 2001 |
Rosenberry, V. | When Vera Was Sick, 1998 |
Ross, T. | Wash Your Hands! 2000 |
Rylant, C. | Little Whistle’s Medicine, 2002 |
Scanlon, L. | Bob, Not Bob! 2017 |
Schnurbush, B. | Striped Shirts and Flowered Pants: A Story About Alzheimer’s Disease, 2007 |
Schoberle, C. | Open Wide! A Visit to the Dentist, 2000 |
Schubert, L. | The Pincess of Borscht, 2011 |
Schuette, S. | Taking Care of My Ears, 2006 |
Scotton, R. | Splat Says Thank You! 2012 |
Shannon, D. | Bugs in My Hair! 2013 |
Shea, K. | Out and About at the Vet Clinic, 2004 |
Shepherd, J. | Grandma, 2014 |
Shriver, M. | What’s Happening to Grandpa? 2004 |
Silver, A. | Our Mom is Getting Better, 2007 |
Silver, A. | Our Dad is Getting Better, 2007 |
Singer, M. | I’m Getting a Checkup, 2009 |
Slate, J. | Miss Bindergarten Stays Homes From Kindergarten, 2000 |
Slegers, L. | Kevin Goes to the Hospital, 2007 |
Smith, M. | Dear Daisy, Get Well Soon, 2000 |
Spangler, B. | Peg Leg Peke, 2008 |
Stead, P. | A Sick Day for Amos McGee, 2010 |
Steig, W. | Doctor DeSoto, 1990 |
Steig, W. | Doctor DeSoto Goes to Africa, 1992 |
Steig, W. | Brave Irene, 1988 |
Sterling, C. | Some Bunny To Talk To: A Story About Going to Therapy, 2015 |
Sutherland, E. | Mom and the Polka-Dot Boo-Boo, 2007 |
Tankard, J. | Boo Hoo Bird, 2009 |
Tinkman, K. | Hair For Mama, 2007 |
Urdahl, C. | Emma’s Question, 2009 |
Valdes, C. | Show Me Your Smile! A Visit to the Dentist, 2004 |
VanLaan, N. | Nit-Pickin, 2008 |
Verdick, E. | Germs Are Not for Sharing (Board Book), 2006 |
Verdick, E. | Germs Are Not for Sharing, 2005 |
Wahl, J. | Jamie’s Tiger, 1978 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of the Lady’s Slipper, 2001 |
Wells, R. | Felix Feels Better, 2001 |
Westcott, N. | The Lady With the Alligator Purse, 2003 |
Willems, M. | Pigs Make Me Sneeze! 2009 |
Williams, S. | Ten Naughty Little Monkeys, 2007 |
Willson, S. | Tommy Catches a Cold, 1998 |
Wilson, K. | Bear Feels Sick, 2007 |
Winthrop, E. | Promises, 2000 |
Yagyu, G. | All About Scabs, 1998 |
Yolen, J. | How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? 2003 |
Ziefert, H. | ABC Dentist: Healthy Teeth From A to Z, 2008 |
Ziefert, H. | Does a Tiger Go to the Dentist? 2014 |
Ziefert, H. | Does a Hippo Go to the Doctor? 2014 |
Additional books about Health and Illness can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 612-619) | |
Additional books about Hospitals can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 362.1) |
Aylesworth, J. | Our Abe Lincoln: An Old Tune with New Lyrics, 2009 |
Helldorfer, M. | Hog Music, 2000 |
Hoberman, M. | Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, 2007 |
Kimmel, E. | The Great Texas Hamster Drive: An Original Tale, 2007 |
Manushkin, F. | How Mama Brought the Spring, 20080 |
Ramsey, C. | Ruth and the Green Book, 2010 |
Wargin, K. | L is for Lincoln: An Illinois Alphabet |
Woodson, J. | Coming Home Soon, 2004 |
Additional children’s books about Illinois can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 977.3) |
Ahrens, R. | Dee and Bee, 2000 |
Bank, M. | Goose, 1996 |
Catalanotto, P. | Matthew A.B.C. 2002 |
Chen, Z. | Guji Guji, 2004 |
Doucet, S. | Alligator Sue, 2003 |
Dunbar, J. | A Chick Called Saturday, 2004 |
Edwards, P. | Gigi and Lulu’s Gigantic Fight, 2004 |
Ernst, L. | Sylvia Jean Drama Queen, 2010 |
Fleischman, P. | The Animal Hedge, 2003 |
Friedrich, M. | You’re Not My Real Mother! 2004 |
Glenn, S. | Just What Mama Needs, 2008 |
Hayles, M. | A Pet of a Pet, 2001 |
Krensky, S. | Big Bad Wolves at School, 2007 |
Kuskin, K. | I Am Me, 2000 |
Lester, H. | Tacky in Trouble, 1997 |
Lionni, L. | Pezzettino, 1975 |
Lucado, M. | A Hat for Ivan, 2004 |
Maloney, P. | His Mother’s Nose, 2001 |
Newman, J. | Hippo! No, Rhino, 2006 |
Nolan, L. | Jack Quack, 2001 |
Numeroff, L. | Why a Disguise? 1996 |
Oates, J. | Where is Little Reynard? 2003 |
Orona-Ramirez, K. | Kiki’s Journey, 2006 |
Parr, T. | The Okay Book, 1999 |
Parr, T. | It’s Okay to be Different, 2001 |
Payne, T. | The Hippo-NOT-amus, 2003 |
Ravishankar, A. | Elephants Never Forget! 2007 |
Reiss, M. | The Boy Who Looked Like Lincoln, 2003 |
Smith, L. | Pinocchio, the Boy, or, Incognito in Collodi, 2002 |
Swanson, S. | The First Thing My Mama Told Me, 2002 |
Thompson, K. | Kay Thompson’s Eloise’s What I Absolutely Love Love Love, 2005 |
Wallace, J. | The Twins, 2001 |
Willems, M. | Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity, 2007 |
Winthrop, E. | Squashed in the Middle, 2005 |
Woods, N. | Tom Cat, 2004 |
Ice Cream
Gibbons, G. | Ice Cream: The Full Scoop, 2006 |
Graham, B. | Vanilla Ice Cream, 2014 |
Greenstein, E. | Ice Cream Cones for Sale! 2003 |
Jennings, P. | Bat and Rat, 2012 |
Litwin, E. | Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs, 2016 |
Pinkwater, D. | Ice Cream Larry, 1999 |
Reed, L. | Sweet Competition, 2016 |
Rey, H. | Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop, 1989 |
Rey, M. | Curious George and the Ice Cream Surprise, 2011 |
Ross, F. | Chilly Milly Moo, 2011 |
Santora, S. | Isaac the Ice Cream Truck, 1999 |
Schwarz, M. | The Best Restaurant in the World, 2004 |
Sis, P. | Ice Cream Summer, 2015 |
Strathie, C. | Gorilla Loves Vanilla, 2016 |
Willems, M. | Should I Share My Ice Cream? 2011 |