Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room, 1983 |
Brennan, E. | Dirtball Pete, 2010 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s Spring Clean-Up, 1997 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Cleans Up, 2002 |
Curry, D. | Take Care of Your Teeth, 2005 |
Cuyler, M. | Monster Mess! 2008 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Teeth, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Hair, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Skin, 2006 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Hands and Feet, 2006 |
Ehrlich, F. | Does a Lion Brush? 2002 |
Freeman, D. | Mop Top, 1983 |
Geisert, A. | Hogwash, 2008 |
Grindley, S. | Mucky Duck, 2003 |
Kamish, D. | Diggy Dan: A Room-Cleaning Adventure, 2001 |
Keane, D. | Sloppy Joe, 2009 |
Klise, K. | Little Rabbit and the Meanest Mother on Earth, 2010 |
Minden, C. | Keep It Clean. Germ Free, 2011 |
Musche, R. | Smelly Socks, 2004 |
Palatini, M. | Gorgonzola: A Very Stinkysaurus, 2008 |
Puttock, S. | Yours Truly, Louisa, 2009 |
Rosenthal, A. | Little Oink, 2009 |
Schuette, S. | Taking Care of My Ears, 2006 |
Schuh, M. | Brushing Teeth, 2008 |
Schuh, M. | At the Dentist, 2008 |
Schuh, M. | Loose Tooth, 2008 |
Slangerup, E. | Dirt Boy, 2000 |
Sloat, T. | This is the House That Was Tidy and Neat, 2005 |
Teckentrup, B. | Big Smelly Bear, 2007 |
Verdick, E. | Germs Are Not for Sharing, 2005 (board book) |
Verdick, E. | Germs Are Not for Sharing, 2006 |
Viorst, J. | Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest! 2006 |
Wallace, N. | Count Down to Clean Up! 2001 |
Wells, R. | Fritz and the Mess Fairy, 1991 |
Additional children’s books about Hygiene can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 613.4) |
Author: Scott Wright
Attebury, N. | Out and About at the Hospital, 2006 |
Barber, N. | Going to the Hospital, 2009 |
Bennett, H. | Harry Goes to the Hospital, 2008 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Goes to the Hospital, 2000 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford Visits the Hospital, 2000 |
Civardi, A. | Going to the Hospital, 2005 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes to the Hospital, 2007 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard in the Hospital, 2001 |
Hatkoff, J. | Good-Bye Tonsils, 2001 |
Johnson, M. | Noah’s Garden: When Someone You Love is in the Hospital, 2010 |
Lloyd, S. | Doctor Meow’s Big Emergency, 2008 |
Mayer, M. | My Trip to the Hospital, 2005 |
McCormick, W. | The Night You Were Born, 2000 |
Shea, K. | Out and About at the Vet Clinic, 2004 |
Slegers, L. | Kevin Goes to the Hospital, 2007 |
Urdahl, C. | Emma’s Question, 2008 |
Additional children’s books about Hospitals can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 362.1) |
Horses and Ponies
Adams, J. | Clarence Goes Out West and Meets a Purple Horse, 2000 |
Anderson, P. | We Go in a Circle, 2004 |
Angleberger, T. | Crankee Doodle, 2013 |
Arnosky, J. | Wild Ponies, 2002 |
Beaton, K. | The Princess and the Pony, 2015 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Galloping Ghost, 1994 |
Brett, J. | Fritz and the Beautiful Horses, 1981 |
Brown, R. | Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty, 2016 |
Carter, A. | Tall in the Saddle, 1999 |
Chen, J. | The Magic Horse of Han Gan, 2006 |
Dockray, T. | The Lost and Found Pony, 2011 |
Doyle, M. | Horse, 20008 |
Fuchs, B. | Ride Like the Wind: A Tale of the Pony Express, 2004 |
Galing, E. | Tony, 2017 |
Goble, P. | The Girl Who Love Wild Horses, 1993 |
Griffin, K. | The Ride: The Legend of Betsy Dowdy, 2010 |
Haas, J. | No Foal Yet, 1995 |
Haseley, D. | Twenty Heartbeats, 2008 |
Hoban, R. | Rosie’s Magic Horse, 2012 |
Hobbie, H. | Everything but the Horse, 2010 |
Hoffman, A. | Horsefly, 2000 |
Hubbell, P. | Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! 2011 |
Janni, R. | Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse, 2010 |
Kay, V. | Whatever Happened to the Pony Express? 2010 |
Koda-Callan, E. | The Good Luck Pony: Story and Pictures, 1990 |
Kressley, C. | You’re Different and That’s Super, 2005 |
Kumin, M. | Oh, Harry! 2011 |
Lerner, S. | Black Beauty, 2009 |
Lester, A. | Noni the Pony, 2012 |
Lester, A. | Noni the Pony Goes to the Beach, 2015 |
Ling, M. | Foal, 1992 |
Markle, S. | Race the Wild Wind: A Story of the Sable Island Horses, 2011 |
McCarthy, M. | Seabiscuit the Wonder Horse, 2008 |
McCully, E. | Wonder Horse: The True Story of the World’s Smartest Horse, 2010 |
McDonnell, F. | Giddy-Up! Let’s Ride, 2002 |
Milbourne, A. | Little Pony, 2008 |
Numeroff, L. | Ponyella, 2011 |
Paraskevas, B. | Marvin the Rap Dancing Horse, 2000 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Mack, 1998 |
Ransom, C. | Pony Island, 2009 |
Rash, A. | Are You a Horse? 2009 |
Sewell, A. | The Story of Black Beauty, 2008 |
Sewell, A. | Black Beauty’s Early Days in the Meadow, 2006 |
Smee, N. | Clip-Clop, 2006 |
Stein, D. | Ned’s New Friend, 2007 |
Ulmer, M. | H is for Horse: An Equestrian Alphabet, 2004 |
Van Camp, R. | What’s the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About Horses? 1998 |
Wilson, K. | Horseplay! 2012 |
Yolen, J. | Hush, Little Horsie, 2010 |
Additional books about Horses can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.1 and J 798.2) |
Barber, A. | The Little Green Pea, 2009 |
Clark, J. | You Are the Best Medicine, 2010 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Rain Brings Frogs: A Little Book of Hope, 2011 |
Cutler, J. | Guttersnipe, 2009 |
Foreman, M. | Child’s Garden, 2009 |
Graham, B. | Spirit of Hope, 1996 |
Numeroff, L. | The Hope Tree: Kids Talk About Breast Cancer, 2001 |
Whelan, G. | Yatandou, 2007 |
Honesty and Lying
Abercrombie, B. | The Show and Tell Lion, 2006 |
Alexander, J. | Dad, Are You the Tooth Fairy? 2005 |
Bemelmans, J. | Madeline and the Cats of Rome, 2008 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Truth, 1983 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Blame Game, 1997 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note, 2001 |
Boelts, M. | A Bike Like Sergio’s, 2016 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Fibs, 1997 |
Brisson, P. | The Summer My Father Was Ten, 1998 |
Brown, M. | Arthur and the True Francine, 1998 |
Buehner, C. | I Did It, I’m Sorry, 1998 |
Buehner, C. | Would I Ever Lie to You? 2007 |
Burningham, J. | John Patrick Norman McHennessy – the Boy Who Was Always Late, 2008 |
Carlson, N. | Harriet and the Garden, 2004 |
Carlson, N. | Henry’s Amazing Imagination, 2008 |
Child, L. | I Will be Especially Very Careful, 2009 |
Collodi, C. | The Story of Pinocchio, 2006 |
Cox, P. | Don’t Tell Lies, Lucy! A Cautionary Tale, 2004 |
Daynes, K. | Pinocchio, 2005 |
DeGroat, D. | Liar Liar Pants on Fire, 2003 |
Demi | The Boy Who Painted Dragons, 2007 |
Donaldson, J. | The Fish Who Cried Wolf, 2008 |
Eriksson, E. | Molly Goes Shopping, 2003 |
Falconer, I. | Olivia Saves the Circus, 2001 |
Farrell, D. | Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib, 2010 |
Finn, C. | Kids Talk About Honesty, 2007 |
Gogga-Leffler, M. | Princess Kim and Too Much Truth, 2011 |
Gogga-Leffler, M. | Princess Kim and the Lie That Grew, 2009 |
Grindley, S. | Will You Forgive Me? 2001 |
Hale, D. | Scapegoat, 2011 |
Hamilton, T. | The Big Fib, 2014 |
Hennessy , B. | The Boy Who Cried Wolf, 2006 |
Himmelman, J. | Honest Tulio, 1997 |
Kaplan, M. | Betty Bunny Didn’t Do It, 2013 |
Klassen, J. | I Want My Hat Back, 2011 |
Latimer, A. | The Boy Who Cried Ninja, 2011 |
Levins, S. | Eli’s Lie-O-Meter: A Story About Telling the Truth, 2010 |
Lionni, L. | Theodore and the Talking Mushroom, 2009 |
Lucado, M. | Flo the Lyin’ Fly, 2004 |
Ludwig, T. | Trouble Talk, 2008 |
Magoon, S. | The Boy Who Cried Big Foot! 2013 |
Mayer, C. | Being Honest, 2008 |
McKissack, P. | The Honest-to-Goodness Truth, 2000 |
Melling, D. | Don’t Worry, Douglas! 2011 |
Pennypacker, S. | Pierre in Love, 2007 |
Porter, S. | In Bed Before Dark, 1997 |
Poydar, N. | Zip, Zip…Homework, 2008 |
Rahaman, V. | Divali Rose, 2008 |
Rix, J. | Looking After Murphy, 2002 |
Robberecht, T. | Sam Tells Stories, 2007 |
Sierra, J. | Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf, 2010 |
Stevens, J. | Jackalope, 2003 |
Watts, B. | The Golden Plate, 2014 |
Wells, R. | Fiona’s Little Lie, 2016 |
Bunting, E. | I Don’t Want to Go to Camp, 1996 |
Cates, K. | The Secret Remedy Book: A Story of Comfort and Love, 2003 |
Fleming, D. | Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, 2008 |
Hoffman, M. | The Color of Home, 2002 |
Klise, K. | Imagine Harry, 2007 |
Orloff, K. | I Wanna Go Home, 2014 |
Rohmann, E. | Clara and Asha, 2005 |
Ross, T. | I Want to Go Home! 2014 |
Rostoker-Gruber, K. | Bandit, 2008 |
Say, A. | Tea With Milk, 1999 |
Winter, J. | Angelina’s Island, 2007 |
Ada, A. | I Love Saturdays y Domingos, 2002 |
Aliki | Hello! Good-Bye! 1996 |
Amado, E. | What Are You Doing? 2011 |
Anno, M. | Anno’s Spain, 2004 |
Arena, J. | Marta! Big & Small, 2016 |
Barner, B. | The Day of the Dead: El Dia de los Muertos, 2010 |
Bertrand, D. | We Are Cousins: Somos Primos, 2007 |
Brett, J. | The Umbrella, 2004 |
Brown, M. | Pele King of Soccer: El Rey Del Futbol, 2009 |
Brown, M. | Chavela and the Magic Bubble, 2010 |
Brown, M. | Waiting ofr the Biblioburro, 2011 |
Brown, M. | Marisol McDonald and the Monster, 2016 |
Buitrago, J. | Jimmy the Greatest! 2012 |
Buitrago, J. | Two White, Rabbits, 2015 |
Bunting, E. | A Day’s Work, 1994 |
Chocolate, D. | El Barrio, 2009 |
Coburn, J. | Domitila: A Cinderella Tale From the Mexican Tradition, 2000 |
Cox, J. | Cinco de Mouse-O! 2010 |
Cox, J. | Carmen Learns English, 2010 |
Cruise, R. | Little Mama Forgets, 2006 |
Deedy, C. | Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale, 2007 |
dePaola, T. | Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story, 2002 |
dePaola, T. | Pascual and the Kitchen Angels, 2004 |
dePaola, T. | The Legend of the Poinsettia, 1994 |
Dominguez, A. | Maria Had a Little Llama = Maria Tenia Una Llamita, 2013 |
Dominguez, A. | How Do You Say? Como se dice? 2016 |
Dora | Dora the Explorer and Diego Books |
Dorros, A. | Papa and Me, 2008 |
Dorros, A. | Mama and Me, 2011 |
Dorros, A. | Abuelo, 2014 |
Ehlert, L. | Cuckoo: A Mexican Folktale = Cucu: Un Cuento Folcloico Mexicano, 1997 |
Ehlert, L. | Moon Rope: Un Lazo a la Luna, 1992 |
Elya, S. | Adios, Tricycle, 2009 |
Elya, S. | Bebe Goes Shopping, 2006 |
Elya, S. | Bebe Goes to the Beach, 2008 |
Elya, S. | Eight Animals Bake a Cake, 2002 |
Elya, S. | Eight Animals Play Ball, 2003 |
Elya, S. | Oh No Gotta Go #2, 2007 |
Elya, S. | On No, Gotta Go! 2003 |
Elya, S. | Tooth on the Loose, 2008 |
Elya, S. | No More, Por Favor, 2010 |
Elya, S. | Rubia and the Three Osos, 2010 |
Elya, S. | Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos, 2012 |
Elya, S. | La Madre Goose, 2016 |
Figueredo, D. | When This World Was New, 2000 |
Fine, E. | Armando and the Blue Tarp School, 2007 |
Geeslin, C. | Elena’s Serenade, 2004 |
Gershator, D. | Breat is For Eating, 1995 |
Gershator, P. | Zoo Day Ole! A Counting Book, 2009 |
Gonzalez, E. | Rosita y Conchita: A Rhyming Storybook in English & Spanish, 2010 |
Gonzalez, L. | The Storyteller’s Candle: La Velita de los Cuentos, 2008 |
Gonzalez, M. | Call Me Tree: Llamame Arbol, 2014 |
Guy, G. | Siesta, 2005 |
Guy, G. | Perros! Perros! Dogs! Dogs! 2006 |
Harrington, J. | Roberto Walks Home, 2008 |
Hector, J. | The Little Matador, 2008 |
Henkes, K. | So Happy! 2005 |
Herrera, J. | The Upside Down Boy: El nino de cabeza, 2000 |
Hoena, B. | Una Visita a la Biblioteca: A Visit to the Library, 2008 |
Inches, A. | Big Sister Dora! 2005 |
Inches, A. | The Birthday Dance Party, 2006 |
Inches, A. | Super Babies! 2006 |
Inches, A. | Dora Climbs Star Mountain, 2007 |
Johnston, T. | Uncle Rain Cloud, 2000 |
Johnston, T. | P is for Pinata: A Mexico Alphabet, 2008 |
Ketteman, H. | Senorita Gordita, 2012 |
Kimmel, E. | The Three Little Tamales, 2009 |
Kimmel, E. | Medio Pollito: A Spanish Tale, 2010 |
Kimmel, E. | Cactus Soup, 2004 |
Kimmel, E. | Rattlestiltskin, 2016 |
Kleven, E. | The Paper Princess Flies Again, 2005 |
Krause, J. | Poco Loco, 2013 |
Larsen, K. | It’s Sharing Day! 2007 |
Lopez, M. | Mud Tacos! 2009 |
Lopez, M. | Mario & Baby Gia, 2011 |
Lujan, J. | Colors! Colores! 2008 |
Manning, M. | Kitchen Dance, 2008 |
Manzano, S. | No Dogs Allowed, 2004 |
Marin, C. | Cheech the School Bus Driver, 2007 |
McAlister, C. | Holy Mole, 2007 |
McCormack, c. | The Fiesta Dress: A Quinceanera Tale, 2009 |
Medina, M. | Tia Isa Wants a Car, 2011 |
Medina, M. | Mango, Abuela and Me, 2015 |
Middleton, C. | Enrico Starts School, 2004 |
Montes, M. | Juan Bobo Goes to Work: A Puerto Rican Folktale, 2000 |
Mora, P. | Tomas and the Library Lady, 1997 |
Mora, P. | Dona Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman, 2005 |
Mora, P. | Let’s Eat! A Comer! 2008 |
Mora, P. | Abuelos, 2008 |
Mora, P. | Here, Kitty, Kitty! iven, gatita, ven! 2008 |
Mora, P. | Book Fiesta! 2009 |
Mora, P. | Gracias Thanks, 2009 |
Mora, P. | Sweet Dreams = Dulces Suenos, 2008 |
Mora, P. | Wiggling Pockets = Los Bolsillos Saltarines, 2009 |
Mora, P. | The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2012 |
Mora, P. | I Pledge Allegiance, 2014 |
Mora, P. | Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo! 2014 |
Morales, Y. | Just in Case: A Trickster Tale and Spanish Alphabet Book, 2008 |
Morales, Y. | Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book, 2003 |
Morales, Y. | Rudas: Nino’s Horrendous Hermanitas, 2016 |
Mycek-Wodecki, A. | Minutka: The Bilingual Dog and Friends, 2009 |
Nimm, S. | Dora’s World Adventure, 2006 |
Paschkis, J. | Flutter & Hum: Animal Poems, 2015 |
Paul, A. | Count on Culebra: Go from 1 to 10 in Spanish, 2008 |
Paul, A. | Tortuga In Trouble, 2009 |
Perez, A. | Nana’s Big Surprise: Nana, Ique Sorpresa! 2007 |
Perry, M. | Daniel’s Ride/El Paseo de Daniel, 2006 |
Petelinsek, K. | Opposites, 2006 |
Posada, J. | Play Ball! 2006 |
Ramos, J. | I’m Just Like My Mom: Me Parezco Tanto a Mi Mama, 2008 |
Reiser, L. | My Way: A Mi Manera, 2007 |
Reiser, L. | Tortillas and Lullabies: Tortillas y Cancioncitas, 1998 |
Reynolds, A. | Chicks and Salsa, 2005 |
Ricci, C. | Dora’s Book of Manners, 2004 |
Ricci, C. | Show Me Your Smile! A Visit to the Dentist, 2005 |
Ricci, C. | Diego’s Wolf Pup Rescue, 2006 |
Rodriguez, A. | Out of the Ballpark, 2007 |
Saenz, B. | A Perfect Season for Dreaming: Un Tiempo Perfecto Para Sonar, 2008 |
Scarry, R. | Richard Scarry’s Best Counting Book Ever, 2004 |
Scarry, R. | Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever, 2004 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones, 2003 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones in the Dog-House, 2005 |
Schachner, J. | Slippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble, 2006 |
Schumacher, B. | What Color is It? De Que Color Es? 2003 |
Schumacher, B. | Body Parts: Las Partes Del Cuerpo, 2005 |
Schumacher, B. | Count on Me! Icuenta Conmigo! 2005 |
Shahan, S. | Spicy Hot Colors = Colores Picantes, 2004 |
Shahan, S. | Cool Cats Counting, 2005 |
Shahan, S. | Fiesta! A Celebration of Latino Festivals, 2009 |
Shaw, N. | Elena’s Story, 2012 |
Soto, G. | Chato and the Party Animals, 2000 |
Soto, G. | Big Bushy Mustache, 1998 |
Soto, G. | Chato Goes Cruisin’ 2005 |
Soto, G. | My Little Car = Mi carrito, 2006 |
Spelvin, J. | A Humpback Whale Tale, 2006 |
Stewart, S. | The Quiet Place, 2012 |
Tafolla, C. | What Can You Do With a Paleta? 2009 |
Tafolla, C. | What Can You Do With a Rebozo? 2008 |
Thong, R. | Green is a Chili Pepper: A Book of Colors, 2014 |
Thorpe, K. | Dora’s Chilly Day, 2004 |
Tonatium, D. | Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant Tale, 2013 |
Vamos, S. | Before You Were Here, Mi Amor, 2009 |
Vamos, S. | The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred, 2011 |
Velasquez, E. | Looking for Bongo, 2016 |
Wahl, J. | Rosa’s Parrot, 1999 |
Weeks, S. | Counting Ovejas, 2006 |
Weill, C. | ABeCedarios, 2007 |
Wells, R. | Only You = Soto Tu, 2004 |
Williams, V. | A Chair For Always, 2009 |
Winter, J. | Biblioburro: A True Story From Colombia, 2010 |
Juvenile Spanish Language books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 460’s) | |
Juvenile Books about Mexico can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 972 and J 394.26) | |
Juvenile Books about Spain can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 946) |
Bauer, M. | A Mama for Owen, 2007 |
Bonwill, A. | I Don’t Want to Be a Pea! 2012 |
Boynton, S. | Hippos Go Beserk! 1996 |
Burningham, J. | Tug-of-War, 2013 |
Caple, K. | The Biggest Nose, 1985 |
Castle, C. | Naughty! 2000 |
Costanza, C. | A Perfect Name, 2002 |
DeBeer, H. | Little Polar Bear, 1994 |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronica, 1961 |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronica on Petunia’s Farm, 1990 |
Gould, D. | Terry’s Creature, 1989 |
Hatkoff, I. | Owen & Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship, 2006 |
Hatkoff, I. | Owen & Mzee: The Language of Friendship, 2007 |
Landstrom, L. | The Little Hippos Adventure, 2002 |
Landstrom, L. | A Hippo’s Tale, 2007 |
London, J. | Here Comes Doctor Hippo, 2012 |
London, J. | Here Comes Firefighter Hippo, 2013 |
London, J. | Hipps are Huge! 2015 |
Loomis, C. | Hattie Hippo, 2006 |
Marshall, J. | George and Martha Books |
Martin, B. | The Happy Hippopatami, 1990 |
Meng, C. | The Wonderful Thing About Hiccups, 2007 |
Murray, M. | Hippo Goes Bananas! 2006 |
Newman, J. | Hippo! No Rhino! 2006 |
Pfister, M. | Happy Birthday, Bertie! 2010 |
Plourde, L. | You’re Wearing That to School? 2013 |
Raschka, C. | The Blushful Hippopotamus, 1996 |
Roddie, S. | Too Close Friends, 1998 |
Rogers, A. | Yellow Hippo, 1997 |
Santat, D. | The Cookie Fiasco, 2016 |
Schubert, I. | Ophelia, 2009 |
Schwartz, A. | Starring Miss Darlene, 2007 |
Shea, B. | Oh, Daddy! 2010 |
Steel, D. | The Happiest Hippo in the World, 2009 |
Twohy, M. | Mouse and Hippo, 2017 |
Waber, B. | Evie and Margie, 2003 |
Wild, M. | Kiss Kiss! 2004 |
Wilson, K. | Hilda Must be Dancing, 2004 |
Ziefert. H. | Little Hippo’s New Friend, 1998 |
Ziefert. H. | Little Hippo’s New School, 1998 |
Ziefert. H. | Little Hippo and the New Baby, 1997 |
Ziefert. H. | Little Hippo’s New House, 1998 |
Additional books about Hippopotamuses can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.73) |
Asch, F. | Good Night, Baby Bear, 1998 |
Banks, K. | The Bear in the Book, 2012 |
Bunting, E. | The Valentine Bears, 1983 |
Carnesi, M. | Sleepover with Beatrice & Bear, 2014 |
Chaud, B. | The Bear’s Song, 2013 |
Cooper, E. | Bear Dreams, 2006 |
Duval, K. | A Bear’s Year, 2015 |
Dwyer, M. | Sweet Dreams Polar Bear, 2012 |
Edwards, R. | Copy Me, Copycub, 1999 |
Fleming, D. | Time to Sleep, 1997 |
Fox, M. | Sleepy Bears, 1999 |
Gavin, C. | Bear Is Not Tired, 2016 |
Helquist, B. | Bedtime for Bear, 2011 |
Henkes, K. | Old Bear, 2008 |
Hest, A. | Are You Sure, Mother Bear? 2016 |
Hillenbrand, W. | Spring is Here, 2011 |
Hobbie, H. | Gem, 2012 |
Hussey, L. | Rabbit’s Winter Walk, 2007 |
Krensky, S. | Chaucer’s First Winter, 2009 |
Martin, D. | Shh! Bears Sleeping, 2016 |
McEwan, K. | Bear Hug, 2014 |
McFarland, C. | A Bed for Bear, 2014 |
Meadows, M. | Hibernation Station, 2010 |
Messner, K. | Over and Under the Snow, 2011 |
Nastro, C. | The Bear Who Couldn’t Sleep, 2016 |
Plourde, L. | Baby Bear’s Not Hibernating, 2017 |
Rucki, A. | When the Earth Wakes, 1998 |
Sayre, A. | Eat Like a Bear, 2013 |
Schertle, A. | Very Hairy Bear, 2007 |
Stead, P. | Bear Has a Story to Tell, 2012 |
Stein, D. | Leaves, 2007 |
Stojic, M. | Snow, 2002 |
Teckentrup, B. | Sleep Tight, Little Bear, 2014 |
Waber, B. | Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Party, 1997 |
Walters, C. | When Will It Be Spring? 1998 |
Weaver, J. | Little One, 2016 |
Welling, P. | Andrew McGroundhog and His Shady Shadow, 2001 |
Wilson, K. | Bear Snores On, 2002 |
Wright, M. | Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep! 2010 |
Yolen, J. | Sleep, Black Bear, Sleep, 2007 |
Additional children’s books about Hibernation can be found in Juvenile Non-fiction (J 591.56 | |
and J 599.74) |
Heroes and Super Heroes
Alborough, J. | Super Duck, 2009 |
Asch, F. | Monsieur Saguette and His Baguette, 2004 |
Bechdolt, J. | Little Boy With a Big Horn, 2008 |
Bordon, L. | Goodbye Charles Lindbergh, 1998 |
Breen, S. | Violet the Pilot, 2008 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford to the Rescue, 2000 |
Brown, M. | Arthur to the Rescue, 2004 |
Buehner, C. | Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, 2003 |
Bunting, E. | Mouse Island, 2008 |
Cadena, B. | Supersister, 2009 |
Catalanotto, P. | Question Boy Meets Little Miss Know-It-All, 2012 |
Chabon, M. | The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man, 2011 |
Chen, C. | Guji Guji, 2004 |
Clark, E. | Melrose and Croc: An Adventure to Remember, 2008 |
Coyle, C. | Do Super Heroes Have Teddy Bears? 2012 |
Davila, C. | Super Red Riding Hood, 2014 |
Dewan, T. | One True Bear, 2009 |
Donaldson, J. | Superworm, 2012 |
Downs, M. | You See a Circus, I See… 2005 |
Eaton, M. | The Adventures of Max and Pinky: Superheroes, 2007 |
Escoffier, M. | The Day I Lost My Superpowers, 2014 |
Goodrich, C. | The Hermit Crab, 2009 |
Graham, B. | Max, 2000 |
Grey, M. | Traction Man is Here, 2005 |
Grey, M. | Traction Man Meets TurboDog, 2008 |
Grey, M. | Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey, 2012 |
Hardin, M. | Hero Dad, 2011 |
Hardin, M. | Hero Mom, 2013 |
Heide, F. | How to Be a Hero, 2016 |
Hopkinson, D. | Abe Crosses a Creek: A Tall, Thin Tale, 2008 |
Jacques, B. | Urso Brunov and the White Emperor, 2008 |
Ketteman, H. | Bubba the Cowboy Prince, 1997 |
Kimmel, E. | Don Quixote and the Windmills, 2004 |
Kirschner, J. | Mr. Particular: The World’s Choosiest Champion! 2016 |
Kotzwinkle, W. | Walter the Farting Dog, 2001 |
Kroll, V. | Selvakumar Knew Better, 2006 |
Leroy, J. | Superfab Saves the Day, 2012 |
Long, L. | Otis, 2009 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Tornado, 2012 |
MacDonald, R. | Another Perfect Day, 2002 |
McClements, G. | Baron von Baddie and the Ice Ray Incident, 2008 |
McKee, D. | Elmer and Super El, 2012 |
McLeod, B. | SuperHero ABC, 2006 |
Miller, E. | Fireboy to the Rescue, 2010 |
O’Connor, G. | Kapow! 2004 |
Pilutti, D. | Ten Rules of Being a Superhero, 2014 |
Polacco, P. | Pink and Say, 1994 |
Rosen, M. | Send for a Superhero! 2013 |
Savage, S. | Supertruck, 2015 |
Slack, M. | Elecopter, 2013 |
Smith, C. | Holler Loudly, 2010 |
Smith, D. | Brassy the Fire Engine Saves the City, 2006 |
Soman, D. | The Amazing Adventures of Bumblebee Boy, 2011 |
Spinelli, E. | Hero Cat, 2006 |
Stoop, N. | Red Knit Cap Girl to the Rescue, 2013 |
Walton, R. | Bertie Was a Watch Dog, 2002 |
Weigelt, U. | Super Guinea Pig to the Rescue, 2007 |
Weitzman, J. | Superhero Joe, 2011 |
Weitzman, J. | Superhero Joe and the Creature Nex Door, 2013 |
Wells, R. | Shy Charles, 1988 |
Whatley, B. | Captain Pajamas, 1999 |
Ziefert, H. | Mighty Max! 2008 |