Adams, G. | Nanny Fox, 1994 |
Alexander, K. | Acoustic Rooster and His Barnyard Band, 2012 |
Allard, H. | Starlight Goes to Town, 2008 |
Allen, J. | The Little Rabbit Who Like to Say Moo, 2008 |
Alsdurf, P. | It’s Milking Time, 2012 |
Amery, H. | My Little Book of Farmyard Tales, 2005 |
Amery, H. | The Naughty Sheep, 2004 |
Amery, H. | Farmyard Tales Treasury, 2007 |
Anderson, J. | Counting with Sebastian Pig and Friends On the Farm, 2009 |
Anderson, P. | Chuck’s Truck, 2006 |
Arnold, M. | Dancing Dancing Lily, 2004 |
Auch, M. | The Plot Chickens, 2009 |
Aylesworth, J. | Cock-a-doodle-doo, Creak, Pop-pop, Moo, 2012 |
Baddiel, I. | Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack! 2007 |
Baehr, P. | Boo Cow, 2010 |
Bailey, L. | Farm Team, 2006 |
Bateman, T. | April Foolishness, 2005 |
Beaty, A. | Hide and Sheep, 2011 |
Beaumont, K. | Duck, Duck, Goose! (A Coyote’s on the Loose!), 2004 |
Beaumont, K. | No Sleep for the Sheep, 2011 |
Bee, W. | Stanley the Farmer, 2015 |
Black, M. | Cock-A-Doodle-Doo-Bop! 2015 |
Bloom, B. | Wolf! 1999 |
Boga, P. | Lulu the Big Little Chick, 2009 |
Brisson, P. | Before We Eat: From Farm to Table, 2014 |
Brown, M. | Big Red Barn, 1989 |
Bunting, E. | Hurry Hurry! 2007 |
Cabrera, J. | Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2007 |
Carlson, M. | Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000 |
Carlson, M. | The Lost Lamb, 1999 |
Carter, D. | Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor, 2007 |
Chaconas, D. | Coriander the Contrary Hen, 2006 |
Chaconas, D. | Don’t Slam the Door! 2010 |
Chernesky, F. | Cheers for a Dozen Ears: A Summer Crop of Counting, 2014 |
Chernesky, F. | Sun Above and Blooms Below: A Springtime of Opposites, 2015 |
Church, C. | One Smart Goose, 2003 |
Clark, L. | Peepsqueak! 2012 |
Clarke, J. | Stuck in the Mud, 2008 |
Clarke, J. | Old MacDonald’s Things That Go, 2017 |
Clement, N. | Big Tractor, 2015 |
Clements, A. | Because Your Grandparents Love You, 2015 |
Cole, H. | Trudy, 2009 |
Cole, H. | Big Bug, 2014 |
Cooper, E. | Farm, 2010 |
Cordsen, C. | Market Day, 2008 |
Cowley, J. | Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm, 2003 |
Cowley, J. | Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Christmas, 2005 |
Cox, J. | Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie! 2009 |
Craig, L. | Farmyard Beat, 2011 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type, 2000 |
Cronin, D. | Giggle Giggle Quack, 2002 |
Cronin, D. | Duck for President, 2004 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack: An Alphabetical Adventure, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Splish Splash: A Counting Adventure, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Dooby Dooby Moo, 2006 |
Cronin, D. | Thump, Quack, Moo: A Wacky Adventure, 2008 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Peep! 2015 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Surprise! 2016 |
Crum, s. | Thunder-Boomer! 2009 |
Czekaj, J. | Oink-A-Doodle-Moo, 2012 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2014 |
Detlefsen, L. | Time for Cranberries, 2015 |
DiCamillo, K. | Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken, 2008 |
Dickmann, N. | A Chicken’s Life, 2011 |
Dickmann, N. | Jobs on a Farm, 2011 |
Dickmann, N. | Farm Animals, 2011 |
Dodd, E. | Meow Said the Cow, 2011 |
Dodds, D. | Minnie’s Diner: A Multiplying Menu, 2004 |
Donaldson, J. | What the Ladybug Heard, 2010 |
Donohue, D. | Big and Little on the Farm, 1999 |
Doyle, E. | Sleep Tight Farm: A Farm Prepares for Winter, 2016 |
Duke, K. | Ready for Pumpkins, 2012 |
Dumont, J. | The Chickens Build a Wall, 2011 |
Dumont, J. | The Geese March in Step, 2014 |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronia on Petunia’s Farm, 1990 |
Eaton, M. | The Mystery, 2008 |
Egan, T. | Serious Farm, 2003 |
Ehlert, L. | Market Day, 2000 |
Elliott, D. | On the Farm, 2008 |
Elliott, D. | Henry’s Map, 2013 |
Emberley, R. | Chicken Little, 2009 |
Fallon, J. | Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada, 2015 |
Fleischman, P. | The Animal Hedge, 2003 |
Fleming, C. | Go Sleep In Your Own Bed! 2017 |
Fleming, D. | Barnyard Banter, 1994 |
Florian, D. | I Love My Hat, 2014 |
Flowers, L. | Moby Shinobi: Ninja on the Farm, 2017 |
Formento, A. | These Bees Count! 2012 |
Frazee, M. | The Farmer and the Clown, 2014 |
French, V. | Oliver’s Milk Shake, 2001 |
Fretz, D. | Pirates on the Farm, 2013 |
Friend, C. | The Perfect Nest, 2007 |
Garland, M. | Grandpa’s Tractor, 2011 |
Geisert, A. | Country Road ABC, 2010 |
Geisert, A. | Thunderstorm, 2013 |
Gershator, P. | Moo, Moo, Brown Cow, Have You Any Milk? 2011 |
Ginsburg, M. | Good Morning, Chick, 1980 |
Goetz, S. | Old MacDonald Had a Truck, 2016 |
Golan, A. | Little Naomi, Little Chick, 2012 |
Golson, T. | Tillie Lays an Egg, 2009 |
Gourley, R. | Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie, 2009 |
Graves, K. | Chicken Big, 2010 |
Harper, J. | A Place Called Kindergarten, 2006 |
Harper, L. | Turkey Trouble, 2009 |
Harrington, J. | The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County, 2007 |
Hayles, M. | Pet of a Pet, 2001 |
Head, M. | Warduff and the Corncob Caper, 2011 |
Helquist, B. | Grumpy Goat, 2013 |
Hill, E. | Spot Goes to the Farm, 1987 |
Hill, E. | Spot Can Count, 1999 |
Hillenbrand, W. | Down by the Barn, 2014 |
Himmelman, J. | Chickens to the Rescue, 2006 |
Himmelman, J. | Pigs to the Rescue, 2010 |
Himmelman, J. | Duck to the Rescue, 2014 |
Hoberman, M. | Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002 |
Holub, J. | Pumpkin Countdown, 2012 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to the Farm, 2002 |
Hutchins, P. | Don’t Get Lost! 2004 |
Hutchins, P. | Barn Dance! 2007 |
Jackson, A. | Desert Rose and Her Highfalutin Hog, 2009 |
Jordan, M. | Lazy Daisy, Cranky Frankie, 2013 |
Karas, G. | On the Farm, At the Market, 2016 |
Katz, J. | Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm, 2011 |
Kelly, M. | Have You Seen My Potty? 2007 |
Kennedy, A. | The Farmer’s Away! Baa! Neigh! 2014 |
Kennedy, K. | Hee-Haw-Dini and the Great Zambini, 2009 |
Kerr, J. | The Quiet Little Farm, 2000 |
Kinney, J. | The Pig Scramble, 2011 |
Kinsey-Warnock, N. | Nora’s Ark, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm on Tour, 2007 |
Kutner, M. | Down on the Farm, 2004 |
Laminack, L. | Three Hens and a Peacock, 2011 |
Landman, T. | Mary’s Penny, 2010 |
Lindbergh, R. | The Visit, 2005 |
Lionni, L. | Six Crows, 1988 |
Lo, G. | Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012 |
Lobel, A. | Hello, Day! 2008 |
Long, E. | In! Over! And On! (the Farm), 2015 |
Long, L. | Otis, 2009 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Tornado, 2012 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Puppy, 2013 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Scarecrow, 2014 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Kittens, 2016 |
Ludy, M. | The Farmer, 1999 |
MacLachlan, P. | Nora’s Chicks, 2013 |
Maddern, E. | Cow on the Roof, 2006 |
Marino, G. | One Too Many, 2010 |
Marshall, A. | Tractor’s Farmyard Fun, 2017 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
Mayer, C. | Farming, 2007 |
McClure, N. | To Market, To Market, 2011 |
McCully, E. | Four Hungry Kittens, 2001 |
Meister, C. | Tiny on the Farm, 2008 |
Meng, C. | Tough Chicks, 2009 |
Mitton, T. | Farmer Joe and the Music Show, 2008 |
Mortensen, D. | Ohio Thunder, 2006 |
Mortensen, L. | Cindy Moo, 2012 |
Most, B. | Cock-A-Doodle-Moo! 1996 |
Most, B. | The Cow That Went OINK, 1990 |
Murphy, M. | Say Hello Like This! 2014 |
My | My First Farm Book, 2000 |
Noble, T. | The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash, 1980 |
O’Malley, K. | Animal Crackers Fly the Coop, 2010 |
Palatini, M. | Moo Who? 2004 |
Palatini, M. | Piggie Pie, 2005 |
Palatini, M. | Oink? 2006 |
Palatini, M. | The Cheese, 2007 |
Palatini, M. | Boo-Hoo Moo, 2009 |
Palatini, M. | Earthquack! 2002 |
Pennypacker, S. | Sparrow Girl, 2009 |
Pettiford, R. | Farm, 2016 |
Pinkney, J. | The Little Red Hen, 2006 |
Plourde, L. | Grandpappy Snippy Snappies, 2009 |
Plourde, L. | Field Trip Day, 2010 |
Plourde, L. | Only Cows Allowed! 2011 |
Polacco, P. | Mommies Say Shhh! 2005 |
Polacco, P. | Meteor! 1987 |
Preston-Gannon, F. | Dinosaur Farm, 2014 |
Puttock, S. | Yours Truly, Louisa, 2009 |
Ransom, C. | Tractor Day, 2007 |
Raschka, C. | Give and Take, 2014 |
Rawlinson, J. | Mule School, 2008 |
Ray, M. | Go to Sleep, Little Farm, 2014 |
Regan, D. | Monster Baby, 2009 |
Reynolds, A. | Chicks and Salsa, 2005 |
Root, P. | Rattletrap Car, 2001 |
Root, P. | Kiss the Cow, 2000 |
Root, P. | Anywhere Farm, 2017 |
Rossiter, N. | The Way Home, 1999 |
Roth, C. | Where’s My Mommy? 2012 |
Sadler, M. | Pass It On! 2012 |
Sauer, T. | Chicken Dance, 2009 |
Schotter, R. | Go, Little Green Truck! 2016 |
Schwartz, A. | Old MacDonald, 1999 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Bike, 2002 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Tractor, 2016 |
Sierra, J. | E I E I O: How Old MacDonald Got His Farm, 2014 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep: A Yarn About Wool, 2000 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Goes Round and Round, 1999 |
Sloat, T. | The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown, 1995 |
Spinelli, E. | The Best Time of Day, 2005 |
Spinelli, E. | Princess Pig, 2009 |
Spinelli, E. | Silly Tilly, 2009 |
Stock, C. | A Spree in Paree, 2004 |
Stock, C. | A Porc in New York, 2007 |
Stoeke, J. | Minerva Louise and the Red Truck, 2002 |
Stoeke, J. | Pip’s Trip, 2012 |
Stoeke, J. | Oh No! A Fox! 2014 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte, 2005 |
Stuchner, J. | Can Hens Give Milk? 2011 |
Sutton, S. | Farmer John’s Tractor, 2012 |
Sykes, J. | Dora’s Chicks, 2002 |
Sykes, J. | Dora’s Eggs, 1997 |
Sykes, J. | That Pesky Dragon, 2007 |
Tafuri, N. | All Kinds of Kisses, 2012 |
Teague, M. | Funny Farm, 2009 |
Thermes, J. | Sam Bennett’s New Shoes, 2006 |
Thomas, J. | The Doghouse, 2008 |
Thomas, J. | Is Everyone Ready for Fun? 2011 |
Thompson, L. | The Apple Pie That Papa Baked, 2007 |
Tourville, A. | Tractors, 2009 |
Trout | Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011 |
Vamos, S. | The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred, 2011 |
VanLeeuwen, J. | The Strange Adventures of Blue Dog, 1999 |
VanLeeuwen, J. | Chicken Soup, 2009 |
Waddell, M. | Farmer Duck, 1996 |
Wall, L. | Goose on the Farm, 2016 |
Wellington, M. | Apple Farmer Annie, 2001 |
Westcott, N. | Skip to My Lou, 1989 |
White, E. | Some Pig! A Charlotte’s Web Picture Book, 2007 |
White, L. | Too Many Turkeys, 2010 |
Whybrow, I. | Faraway Farm, 2006 |
Wild, M. | Piglet and Mama, 2005 |
Wild, M. | Piglet and Papa, 2007 |
Wilder, L. | Winter on the Farm, 1996 |
Wilson, K. | Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive! 2005 |
Wilson, K. | Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive! (Media Kit), 2005 |
Wilson, K. | The Cow Loves Cookies, 2010 |
Wilson, K. | Horseplay! 2012 |
Wilson, K. | Duddle Puck the Puddle Duck, 2015 |
Wright, M. | Barnyard Fun, 2013 |
Yaccarino, D. | Doug Unplugs on the Farm, 2014 |
Additional books about Farming can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 630’s) |
Author: Scott Wright
Family Reunions and Family Trees
Allard, H. | The Stupids Take Off, 1989 |
Allark, H. | The Stupids Have a Ball, 1978 |
Appelt, K. | Bubba and Beau Meet the Relatives, 2004 |
Ashman, L. | Over the River & Through the Wood, 2015 |
Best, C. | Are You Going to be Good? 2005 |
Burns, M. | Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! 1997 |
Carlstrom, N. | Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear! 2004 |
Crews, D. | Bigmama’s, 1991 |
Crum, S. | Dozens of Cousins, 2013 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Big Family, 2015 |
Danziger, P. | Barfburger Baby, I was Here First! 2004 |
Gelsanliter, W. | Dancin’ in the Kitchen, 1998 |
Harris, R. | Who’s In My Family? All About Our Families, 2012 |
Harshman, M. | One Big Family, 2016 |
Isadora, R. | What a Family! A Fresh Look at Family Trees, 2006 |
Lerner, H. | Franny B. Kranny, There’s Bird in Your Hair! 2000 |
Li-Qiong, Y. | A New Year’s Reunion, 2007 |
Lo, G. | Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012 |
Naylor, P. | “I Can’t Take You Anywhere!” 1997 |
Palatini, M. | Moosekitos: A Moose Family Reunion, 2004 |
Perkins, L. | Pictures From Our Vacation, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | When Lightning Comes in a Jar, 2002 |
Riehle, M. | The Little Kids’ Table, 2015 |
Rosen, M. | A Thanksgiving Wish, 1998 |
Rylant, C. | The Relatives Came, 2001 |
Spinelli, E. | Thanksgiving at the Tappletons’, 1992 |
Spinelli, E. | The Perfect Thanksgiving, 2007 |
Sweeney, J. | Me and My Family Tree, 1999 |
Additional books about Family Trees can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 929.1) |
Fall and Autumn
Barner, B. | The Day of the Dead: El Dia de los Muertos, 2010 |
Beaumont, K. | Move Over, Rover! 2006 |
Benet, R. | Johnny Appleseed, 2001 |
Birdsall, J. | Flora’s Very Windy Day, 2010 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s First Autumn, 1997 |
Brown, M. | Arthur Jumps Into Fall, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Leaves Fall Down: Learning About Autumn Leaves, 2011 |
Bunting, E. | Pumpkin Fair, 1997 |
Chernesky, F. | Pick a Circle, Gather Squares: A Fall Harvest of Shapes, 2013 |
Chernesky, F. | From Apple Trees to Cider, Please! 2015 |
Cox, J. | Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie! 2009 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Fall Friends, 2017 |
Davis, L. | Catch That Hat! 1997 |
Davis, R. | Footballs and Falling Leaves: A Fall Counting Book, 2006 |
de Paola, T. | Four Friends in Autumn, 2004 |
de Paola, T. | Strega Nona’s Harvest, 2009 |
Detlefsen, L. | Time for Cranberries, 2015 |
Diesen, D. | Hello, Fall, 2018 |
Ehlert, L. | Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf, 1991 |
Emmett, J. | The Best Gift of All, 2008 |
Ferguson, S. | Little Red’s Autumn Adventure, 2009 |
Flatt, L. | Counting on Fall, 2012 |
Freeman, D. | One More Acorn, 2010 |
George. L. | That Pup! 2011 |
Gleisner, J. | Animals in Fall, 2017 |
Gleisner, J. | Apple Harvest, 2017 |
Gleisner, J. | Back to School! 2017 |
Gleisner, J. | Trees in Fall, 2017 |
Gleisner, J. | A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, 2017 |
Gleisner, J. | Weather in Fall, 2014 |
Goldstone, B. | Awesome Autumn, 2012 |
Hall, M. | Wonderfall, 2016 |
Hall, Z. | Fall Leaves Fall! 2000 |
Hall, Z. | The Apple Pie Tree, 1996 |
Hall, Z. | It’s Pumpkin Time! 1994 |
Harper, L. | Turkey Trouble, 2009 |
Hawk, F. | Count Down to Fall, 2009 |
Henkes, K. | In the Middle of Fall, 2017 |
Hobbie, H. | Toot & Puddle: The New Friend, 2004 |
Holland, L. | Fall Leaves, 2014 |
Holub, J. | Pumpkin Countdown, 2012 |
Hunter, A. | Possum’s Harvest Moon, 1996 |
Jackson, R. | A Kiss for Akaraka, 2018 |
Johnston, T. | Winter Is Coming, 2014 |
Lin, G. | Thanking the Moon: Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, 2010 |
Lindeen, M. | I Eat Apples in the Fall, 2017 |
Lindeen, M. | I Watch Fall Harvests, 2017 |
Lindeen, M. | I Pick Fall Pumpkins, 2017 |
Lowry, L. | Crow Call, 2009 |
Matula, C. | The Shadow in the Moon: A Tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival, 2018 |
McCarty, P. | Fall Ball, 2013 |
McNamara, M. | How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? 2007 |
Meadows, M. | Hibernation Station, 2010 |
Micklos, J. | One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count with Me! 2017 |
Miller, P. | Sophie’s Squash, 2013 |
Miltenburg, S. | When Will Fall Arrive? 2017 |
Minor, E. | How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? 2013 |
Mortimer, A. | Pumpkin Cat, 2011 |
Moulton, M. | The Very Best Pumpkin, 2010 |
Neubecker, R. | Fall is for School, 2017 |
Nidey, K. | When Autumn Falls, 2004 |
O’Brien, A. | Hocus Pocus, It’s Fall! 2016 |
O’Malley, K. | Lucky Leaf, 2004 |
Pak, K. | Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn, 2016 |
Pak, K. | Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter, 2017 |
Parish, H. | Amelia Bedelia’s First Apple Pie, 2010 |
Partridge, E. | Moon Glowing, 2002 |
Pfeffer, W. | We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season, 2006 |
Plourde, L. | Bella’s Fall Coat, 2016 |
Purmell, A. | Maple Syrup Season, 2008 |
Raczka, B. | Fall Mixed Up, 2011 |
Rawlinson, J. | Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, 2006 |
Robbins, K. | Autumn Leaves, 1998 |
Robbins, K. | Pumpkins, 2006 |
Rockwell, A. | Apples and Pumpkins, 1989 |
Root, P. | Oliver Finds His Way, 2002 |
Rotner, S. | Hello Autumn, 2017 |
Rylant, C. | In November, 2000 |
Savage, S. | Ten Orange Pumpkins: A Counting Book, 2013 |
Sayre, A. | Full of Fall, 2017 |
Schnur, S. | Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic, 1997 |
Schuh, M. | Animals in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | Harvest in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | Leaves in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | Pumpkins in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | Weather in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | Apples in Fall, 2014 |
Schuh, M. | I Notice Animals in the Fall, 2017 |
Schuh, M. | I See Fall Leaves, 2017 |
Schuh, M. | I Feel Fall Weather, 2017 |
Shore, D. | Look Both Ways: A Cautionary Tale, 2005 |
Sloat, T. | Patty’s Pumpkin Patch, 1999 |
Spinelli, E. | Three Pebbles and a Song, 2003 |
Spinelli, E. | I Know It’s Autumn, 2004 |
Stein, D. | Leaves, 2007 |
Stringer, L. | Yellow Time, 2016 |
Swenson, J. | A Fall Ball For All, 2018 |
Thomas, J. | Pumpkin Trouble, 2011 |
Thompson, L. | Mouse’s First Fall, 2006 |
Thorpe, K. | Dora’s Chilly Day, 2004 |
Troiano, J. | The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, 2001 |
Wargin, K. | P is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet, 2008 |
Wellington, M. | Apple Farmer Annie, 2001 |
Wellington, M. | My Leaf Book, 2015 |
White, L. | Too Many Pumpkins, 1996 |
Wilson, K. | Give Thanks to the Lord, 2007 |
Wilson, K. | Who Goes There? 2013 |
Wilson, S. | Hedgehugs Autumn Hide-and-Squeak, 2016 |
Wolf, E. | Brave Little Raccoon, 2005 |
Wright, M. | Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze, 2011 |
Yee, W. | My Autumn Book, 2015 |
Yolen, J. | Little Frog and the Scary Autumn Thing, 2016 |
Yoon, S. | Penguin and Pumpkin, 2014 |
Ziefert, H. | By the Light of the Harvest Moon, 2009 |
Additional Autumn books can be found in the Holiday Books for Halloween and Thanksgiving |
Alexander, C. | All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2001 |
Baring-Gould, S. | Now the Day is Over, 2001 |
Bates, K. | America the Beautiful, 2003 |
Beebe, K. | Brother Hugo and the Bear, 2014 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question, 1999 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers, 2008 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule, 2008 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Go to Sunday School, 2008 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears God Loves You! 2008 |
Bergren, L. | God Found Us You, 2009 |
Bergren, L. | How Big is God? 2008 |
Biden, J. | Don’t Forget, God Bless our Troops, 2012 |
Bogart, J. | The White Cat and the Monk, 2016 |
Bolden, T. | Beautiful Moon: A Child’s Prayer, 2014 |
Brett, J. | On Noah’s Ark, 2003 |
Brown, M. | The Moon Shines Down, 2008 |
Bryan, A. | Let it Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals, 2007 |
Bryan, A. | All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2010 |
Burningham, J. | Whaddayamean, 1999 |
Carlson, M. | The Lost Lamb, 1999 |
Carlson, M. | Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000 |
Carlson, M. | The Other Brother, 1999 |
Carlstrom, N. | This Is the Day! 2009 |
Carlstrom, N. | Does God Know How to Tie Shoes? 1993 |
Cecka, M. | Violet Comes to Stay, 2006 |
Clark, E. | Up in Heaven, 2003 |
Cohn, D. | Namaste! 2009 |
Cooper, I. | The Golden Rule, 2007 |
Daly, J. | To Everything There is a Season, 2006 |
Davis, C. | For Every Cat, An Angel, 2001 |
Davis, C. | For Every Dog, An Angel, 2004 |
Delval, M. | Psalms for Young Children, 2008 |
dePaola, T. | Pascual and the Kitchen Angels, 2004 |
dePaola, T. | Angels, Angels Everywhere, 2006 |
dePaola, T. | The Legend of the Poinsettia, 1994 |
dePaola, T. | The Song of Francis, 2009 |
dePaola, T. | Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise, 2011 |
Dungy, T. | You Can Do It! 2008 |
Eitzen, R. | Tara’s Flight, 2008 |
Fitch, F. | A Book About God, 1998 |
Gaiman, J. | Blueberry Girl, 2009 |
Ganeri, A. | Noah and the Ark and Other Stories, 2007 |
Gold, A. | Thank You God, for Everything, 2009 |
Greene, R. | The Beautiful World God Made, 2002 |
Hallinan, P. | I Know Jesus Loves Me, 2007 |
Hanson, W. | The Next Place, 1997 |
Hermsen, R. | The Story of Giraffe, 2007 |
Hodges, L. | I Love You This Much! 2001 |
Jonas, A. | Aardvarks, Disembark! 1990 |
Keller, L. | Today Is the Birthday of the World, 2009 |
Krensky, S. | Noah’s Bark, 2010 |
Kushner, L. | In God’s Hands, 2005 |
Lester, J. | What a Truly Cool World, 1999 |
LeTord, B. | Noah’s Trees, 1999 |
Lindbergh, R. | The Circle of Days, 1998 |
Lindbergh, R. | On Morning Wings, 2002 |
Lloyd-Jones, S. | Old MacNoah Had an Ark, 2008 |
London, J. | Giving Thanks, 2003 |
Lucado, M. | A Hat for Ivan, 2004 |
Lucado, M. | Because I Love You, 1998 |
Lucado, M. | Flo the Lyin’ Fly, 2004 |
Lucado, M. | God Thinks You’re Wonderful, 2002 |
Lucado, M. | Hermie: A Common Caterpiller, 2003 |
Lucado, M. | Just in Case You Ever Wonder, 2001 |
Lucado, M. | The Crippled Lamb, 1994 |
Lucado, M. | The Oak Inside the Acorn, 2006 |
Matheson, D. | Ruby Lee the Bumble Bee, 2004 |
McCarthy, M. | The Story of Daniel in the Lions Den, 2003 |
McDermott, G. | Creation, 2003 |
McDonnell, P. | Just Like Heaven, 2006 |
McGowan, M. | Sunday is for God, 2010 |
Mora, P. | The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2012 |
Nelson, K. | He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, 2005 |
Nobisso, J. | Francis Woke Up Early, 2011 |
Paparone, P. | Who Built the Ark? 1994 |
Parton, D. | Coat of Many Colors, 2016 |
Pasquali, E. | Mrs. Noah’s Vegetable Ark, 2010 |
Pinkney, J. | Noah’s Ark, 2002 |
Ragz, M. | Lost Little Angel, 1999 |
Ray, J. | Let There Be Light: Bible Stories, 1997 |
Root, P. | Big Momma Makes the World, 2002 |
Rylant, C. | Bless Us All: A Child’s Yearbook of Blessings, 1998 |
Rylant, C. | Cat Heaven, 1997 |
Rylant, C. | Dog Heaven, 1995 |
Rylant, C. | Creation, 2016 |
Sasso, S. | Adam & Eve’s First Sunset, 2003 |
Schwartz, H. | Gathering Sparks, 2010 |
Seeger, P. | Turn! Turn! Turn! 2003 |
Shapiro, Z. | We’re All in the Same Boat, 2009 |
Shriver, M. | What’s Heaven? 1999 |
Siegelson, K. | Dancing the Ring Shout! 2003 |
Sloat, T. | There Was an Old Man Who Painted the Sky, 2009 |
Soetoto-Ng, M. | Ladder to the Moon, 2011 |
Spier, P. | Noah’s Ark, 1977 |
Spinelli, E. | What Angels Wear, 2003 |
Staines, B. | All God’s Critters, 2009 |
Tillman, N. | The Heaven of Animals, 2014 |
Tomlin, C. | Good Good Father, 2016 |
Tutu, D. | God’s Dream, 2008 |
van Ommen, S. | Jellybeans, 2004 |
Wargin, K. | P is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet, 2008 |
Warwick, D. | Say a Little Prayer, 2008 |
Weatherford, A. | Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, 2006 |
Wells, R. | The Miraculous Tale of the Two Maries, 2006 |
What | What a Wonderful World, 1992 |
Wilson, K. | Give Thanks to the Lord, 2007 |
Wood, D. | Making the World, 1998 |
Yoon, S. | County My Blessings, One Through Ten, 2006 |
Ziefert, H. | First He Made the Sun, 2000 |
Additional Picture Books about Faith can be found in the Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas | |
and Jewish Holiday Books | |
Additional books about Faith can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 220 to J 299) |
Fairy Tales
Ahlberg, J. | The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters, 1986 |
Alderson, B. | The Tale of the Turnip, 1999 |
Alderson, B. | Thumbelina, 2009 |
Allen, D. | Brother of the Knight, 1999 |
Amery, H. | Sleeping Beauty, 2003 |
Amery, H. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2003 |
Amery, H. | Cinderella, 2003 |
Amery, H. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2003 |
Amery, H. | The Story of Rumpelstiltskin, 2003 |
Amery. H. | Three Little Pigs, 2003 |
Andersen, H. | The Fir Tree, 1970 |
Artell, M. | Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood, 2001 |
Asch, F. | Ziggy Piggy and the Three Little Pigs, 1998 |
Auch, M. | Chickerella, 2005 |
Aylesworth, J. | The Full Belly Bowl, 1999 |
Aylesworth, J. | The Gingerbread Man, 1998 |
Aylesworth, J. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2003 |
Barton, B. | The Three Bears, 1991 |
Bateman, T. | Traveling Tom and the Leprechaun, 2007 |
Bender, R. | Toads and Diamonds, 1995 |
Birdseye, T. | Look Out Jack! The Giant is Back! 2001 |
Braun, S. | The Ugly Duckling, 2010 |
Brett, J. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1990 |
Brett, J. | Beauty and the Beast, 1989 |
Brett, J. | The Three Snow Bears, 2007 |
Brett, J. | Cinders: A Chicken Cinderella, 2013 |
Browne, A. | Me and You, 2009 |
Catchpool, M. | The Cloud Spinner, 2012 |
Cech, J. | The Princess and the Pea, 2007 |
Cech, J. | Jack and the Beanstalk, 2008 |
Cech, J. | Rumpelstiltskin, 2008 |
Child, L. | Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book? 2002 |
Child, L. | The Princess and the Pea, 2006 |
Child, L. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2008 |
Choi, Y. | The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy, 1997 |
Claflin, W. | The Uglified Ducky, 2008 |
Clark, E. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2009 |
Climo, S. | The Korean Cinderella, 1993 |
Climo, S. | The Egyptian Cinderella, 1989 |
Coburn, J. | Jouanah: A Hmong Cinderella, 1996 |
Coburn, J. | Domitila: A Cinderella Tale From the Mexican Tradition, 2000 |
Coburn, J. | Angkat: The Cambodian Cinderella, 1998 |
Cousins, L. | Yummy: Eight Favorite Fairy Tales, 2009 |
Daly, N. | Pretty Salma: A Little Red Riding Hood Story from Africa, 2007 |
Davidson, S. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2007 |
Davidson, S. | The Three Little Pigs, 2008 |
Davidson, S. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2008 |
Davidson, S. | The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, 2007 |
Davison, S. | The Emperor’s New Clothes,2006 |
de la Paz, M. | Abadeha: The Philippine Cinderella, 2001 |
de Seve, R. | The Duchess of Whimsy: An Absolutely Delicious Fairy Tale, 2009 |
DeFelice, C. | One Potato, Two Potato, 2006 |
DeLuise, D. | Dom DeLuise’s The Nightingale, 1998 |
DePaola, T. | Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story, 2002 |
DePaola, T. | Helga’s Dowry: A Troll Love Story, 1977 |
DePaola, T. | Little Grunt and the Big Egg: A Prehistoric Fairy Tale, 2006 |
Disney, W. | Aladdin, 1992 |
Disney, W. | Beauty and the Beast, 1991 |
Disney, W. | Chicken Little, 2005 |
Disney, W. | Cinderella, 1995 |
Disney, W. | Pinocchio, 1996 |
Disney, W. | Sleeping Beauty, 1974 |
Disney, W. | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1973 |
Disney, W. | The Little Mermaid, 1993 |
Disney, W. | The Prince and the Pauper, 1990 |
Disney, W. | The Sword in the Stone, 1993 |
Duffy, C. | The Lost Happy Endings, 2006 |
Dunrea, O. | The Trow-Wife’s Treasure, 1998 |
Easton, S. | Peter and the Wolf, 1992 |
Edwards, P. | Dinorella: A Prehistoric Fairy Tale, 1997 |
Edwards, P. | Princess Pigtoria and the Pea, 2010 |
Elya, S. | Fairy Trails, 2005 |
Elya, S. | Rubia and the Three Osos, 2010 |
Emberley, R. | Chicken Little, 2009 |
Ernst, C. | Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale, 1995 |
Fearnley, J. | Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears, 2002 |
Fearnley, J. | Mr. Wolf and the Enormous Turnip, 2004 |
Forward, T. | The Wolf’s Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood, 2005 |
Fowler, G. | The Red Shoes, 2008 |
French, V. | Lazy Jack, 1995 |
French, V. | Henny Penny, 2006 |
French, V. | The Most Wonderful Thing in the World, 2015 |
Galdone, P. | The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, 1978 |
Galdone, P. | Henny Penny, 1968 |
Galdone, P. | The Three Little Pigs, 1998 |
Galdone, P. | The Little Red Hen, 2001 |
Galdone, P. | The Elves and the Shoemaker, 1984 |
Gerstein, M. | Carolinda Clatter, 2005 |
Gill-Brown, V. | Rufferella, 2000 |
Gingerbread | The Gingerbread Man, an Old English Folktale, 1996 |
Goode, D. | The Dinosaur’s New Clothes, 1999 |
Gorbachev, V. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2001 |
Gordon, D. | The Three Little Rigs, 2005 |
Grambling, L. | The Witch Who Wanted to be a Princess, 2002 |
Grey, M. | The Very Smart Pea and the Princess-To-Be, 2003 |
Grimm | The Elves and the Shoemaker, 2003 |
Grimm | Rapunzel, 2007 |
Grimm | The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, 2010 |
Grimm | Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2011 |
Guarnaccia, S. | The Three Little Pigs: An Architectural Tale, 2009 |
Hale, B. | Snoring Beauty, 2007 |
Hobbie, H. | Hansel & Gretel, 2015 |
Hoberman, M. | You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You, 2004 |
Hopkins, J. | The Horned Toad Prince, 2000 |
Huling, J. | Puss in Cowboy Boots, 2000 |
Isadora, R. | The Ugly Duckling, 2009 |
Isadora, R. | The Princess and the Pea, 2007 |
Isadora, R. | Rapunzel, 2008 |
Isadora, R. | Hansel and Gretel, 2009 |
Isadora, R. | The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 2007 |
Jacques, B. | Urso Brunov and the White Emperor, 2008 |
Jay, A. | The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 2016 |
Johnston, T. | Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella, 1998 |
Joyce, W. | A Bean a Stalk and a Boy Named Jack, 2014 |
Karlin, B. | James Marshall’s Cinderella, 1989 |
Kellogg, S. | The Three Little Pigs, 1997 |
Kellogg, S. | Jack and the Beanstalk, 1991 |
Kellogg, S. | The Pied Piper’s Magic, 2009 |
Kellogg, S. | Chicken Little, 1985 |
Ketteman, H. | Bubba the Cowboy Prince: A Fractured Texas Tale, 1997 |
Ketteman, H. | Waynetta and the Cornstalk: A Texas Fairy Tale, 2007 |
Kimmel, E. | The Magic Dreidels: A Hanukkah Story, 1996 |
Kimmel, E. | Asher and the Capmakers: A Hanukkah Story, 1993 |
Kimmel, E. | The Gingerbread Man, 1993 |
Kimmel, E. | The Fisherman and the Turtle, 2008 |
Kloske, G. | Once Upon a Time, the End (Asleep in 60 Seconds), 2005 |
Krishnaswami, U. | The Girl of the Wish Garden: A Thumbelina Story, 2013 |
LaRochelle, D. | The End, 2007 |
Levine, G. | The Princess Test, 1999 |
Lin, G. | The Red Thread: An Adoption Fairy Tale, 2007 |
Lionni, L. | Tico and the Golden Wings, 2007 |
Littledale, F. | The Brave Little Tailor, 1990 |
Ljungkvist, L. | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2003 |
Long, S. | Thumbelina, 2010 |
Lowell, S. | Cindy Ellen: A Wild Western Cinderella, 2000 |
Lowell, S. | The Three Little Javelinas, 1992 |
Maccarone, G. | Princess Tales: Once Upon a Time in Rhyme with Seek-and-Find, 2013 |
Mackinnon, M. | The Gingerbread Man, 2007 |
Marshall, J. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1988 |
Marshall, J. | Red Riding Hood, 1987 |
Marshall, J. | Hansel and Gretel, 1990 |
Marshall, J. | The Three Little Pigs, 1996 |
Mayer, M. | Little Critter’s Hansel and Gretel |
McDonald, M. | The Hinky Pink, 2008 |
Mehta, L. | Anklet for a Princess: A Cinderella Story From India, 2002 |
Meltzer, L. | The Three Billy Goats Gruff, 1989 |
Minters, F. | Sleepless Beauty, 1996 |
Mortimer, R. | The Three Billy Goats Fluff, 2010 |
Moser, B. | The Three Little Pigs, 2001 |
Muller, G. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2011 |
Osborne, M. | Kate and the Beanstalk, 2000 |
Osborne, W. | Sleeping Bobby, 2005 |
Ouellet, D. | How Robin Saved Spring, 2009 |
Paul, A. | Tortuga In Trouble, 2009 |
Percy, G. | Cinderella, 1988 |
Pinkney, J. | The Little Match Girl, 1999 |
Pinkney, J. | The Ugly Duckling, 1999 |
Pinkney, J. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2007 |
Plume, I. | The Bremen-Town Musicians, 1980 |
Poole, A. | The Pea Blossom, 2003 |
Puttock, S. | Big Bad Wolf is Good, 2002 |
Pyle, H. | Bearskin, 1997 |
Raschka, C. | Peter and the Wolf, 2008 |
Roberts, L. | Rapunzel: A Groovy Fairy Tale, 2003 |
Ruby, C. | Barbie as Rapunzel, 2002 |
Rueda, C. | Huff & Puff, 2012 |
Rylant, C. | Hansel and Gretel, 2008 |
Rylant, C. | Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2009 |
Rylant, C. | The Steadfast Tin Soldier, 2013 |
Rylant, C. | Beauty and the Beast, 2017 |
Sanderson, R. | Goldilocks, 2009 |
SanSouci, R. | Peter and the Blue Witch Baby, 2000 |
SanSouci, R. | Cinderella Skeleton, 2000 |
Schroeder, A. | Smoky Mountain Rose: An Appalachian Cinderella, 1997 |
Scieszka, J. | The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, 1991 |
Scieszka, J. | The Frog Prince, Continued, 1991 |
Seuss, D. | The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, 1989 |
Sharpe, L. | The Goat-Faced Girl, 2009 |
Sierra, J. | The Gift of the Crocodile: A Cinderella Story, 2000 |
Silverman, E. | Raisel’s Riddle, 1999 |
Singer, M. | Mirror Mirror, 2010 |
Smith, L. | Pinocchio, The Boy, or Incognito in Collodi, 2002 |
Smith, S. | Goldilocks and the Three Martians, 2004 |
Stanley, D. | Rumplestiltskin’s Daughter, 1997 |
Stanley, D. | Goldie and the Three Bears, 2003 |
Stanley, D. | The Giant and the Beanstalk, 2004 |
Steer, D. | Just One More Story, 1999 |
Stegman, K. | Trollerella, 2006 |
Storm, T. | Little Hobbin, 1995 |
Stowell, L. | Beauty and the Beast, 2008 |
Sweet, M. | Carmine: A Little More Red, 2005 |
Teague, M. | The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf, 2013 |
Thomas, J. | The Gospel Cinderella, 2003 |
Tolstoy, A. | The Gigantic Turnip, 1999 |
Walker, R. | Jack and the Beanstalk, 1999 |
Walsh, E. | Jack’s Tale, 1997 |
Wargin, K. | The Frog Prince, 2007 |
Watts, B. | The Three Little Pigs, 2012 |
Weisner, D. | The Three Pigs, 2001 |
Wick, W. | Can You See What I See? Once Upon a Time, 2006 |
Wilcox, L. | Falling for Rapunzel, 2003 |
Willey, M. | The 3 Bears and Goldilocks, 2008 |
Wisnewski, A. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2006 |
Woollvin, B. | Little Red, 2016 |
Yolen, J. | The Musicians of Bremen: A Tale From Germany, 1996 |
Zelinsky, P. | Rapunzel, 1997 |
\ | |
There are additional Fairy Tale books in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.2) |
Graves, S. | Not Fair, Won’t Share, 2011 |
Harper, A. | It’s Not Fair! 2007 |
Mayer, C. | Being Fair, 2008 |
Mayer, G. | That’s Not Fair, 1993 |
Fairies and the Tooth Fairy
Allard, H. | Starlight Goes to Town, 2008 |
Amery, H. | Cinderella, 2003 |
Andrews, J. | The Very Fairy Princess Books |
Bate, L. | Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth, 2006 |
Batt, T. | The Faeries Gift, 2003 |
Bell-Rehwoldt, S. | You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? 2007 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy, 2012 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin and the Tooth Fairy, 1995 |
Carmody, I. | Magic Night, 2007 |
Coombs, K. | The Tooth Fairy Wars, 2014 |
Cronin, D. | Bloom, 2016 |
Diakite, P. | I Lost My Tooth in Africa, 1006 |
Disney, W. | The Fairies Encyclopedia, 2010 |
Doherty, G. | 1001 Things to Spot in Fairyland, 2005 |
Durant, A. | Dear Tooth Fairy, 2004 |
Elya, S. | Tooth on the Loose, 2008 |
Erlbruch, W. | Leonard, 1995 |
Gay. M. | Stella: Fairy of the Forest, 2002 |
Graham, B. | Jethro Byrd, 2002 |
Graham, B. | April and Esme Tooth Fairies, 2010 |
Hague, K. | Good Night, Fairies, 2002 |
Hague, M. | Where Fairies Dance, 2008 |
Hobbie, N. | Priscilla and the Splish-Splash Surprise, 2006 |
Johnson, B. | Little Bunny Foo Foo, 2004 |
Kann, V. | Silverlicious, 2010 |
Kimmel, E. | Asher and the Capmakers: A Hanukkah Story, 1993 |
Kochalka, J. | Squirrelly Gray, 2007 |
Krensky, S. | The Youngest Fairy Godmother Ever, 1999 |
Lasky, K. | Science Fair Buddies, 2000 |
Leaf, M. | Noodle, 2006 |
Levert, M. | Tulip and Lupin Forever, 2009 |
Levine, A. | The Very Beary Tooth Fairy, 2013 |
Lobel, A. | Giant John, 2008 |
MacDonald, M. | Too Many Fairies, 2010 |
Middleton, C. | Tabitha’s Terrifically Tough Tooth, 2001 |
Mills, L. | Fairy Wings: A Story, 1995 |
Munch, R. | Andrew’s Loose Tooth, 1998 |
Olson, M. | Nice Try, Tooth Fairy, 2000 |
Palatini, M. | Gone With the Wand, 2009 |
Paquette, A. | The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, 2009 |
Pignataro, A. | Princess and the Fairy, 2009 |
Ray, J. | The Dollhouse Fairy, 2009 |
Sample, S. | Audreena, The Birthday Fairy, 2000 |
Shannon, D. | Alice the Fairy, 2004 |
Simmons, J. | The Dreamtime Fairies, 2002 |
Smith, L. | Pinocchio the Boy or Ignognito in Collodi, 2002 |
Sperring, M. | Wanda’s First Day, 2004 |
Symes, R. | The Sheep Fairy: When Wishes Have Wings, 2003 |
Underwood, D. | Here Comes the Tooth Fairy Cat, 2015 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of Leelanau, 2003 |
Wells, R. | Fritz and the Mess Fairy, 1991 |
Wilson, K. | Bear’s Loose Tooth, 2011 |
Yolan, J. | Come to the Fairies Ball, 2009 |
Brett, J. | Town Mouse, Country Mouse, 1994 |
Brown, M. | Once a Mouse…A Fable Cut in Wood, 1961 |
Burkert, R. | Mouse & Lion, 2011 |
Carle, E. | The Rabbit and the Turtle: Aesop’s Fables Retold, 2008 |
Chaucer, G. | Chanticleer and the Fox, 1982 |
Christie, R. | Mousetropolis, 2015 |
Daugherty, J. | Andy and the Lion: A Tale of Kindness Remembered, 1989 |
Davidson, S. | The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: Based on a Story by Aesop, 2007 |
Emberley, R. | The Lion and the Mice, 2011 |
Emberley, R. | The Crocodile and the Scorpion, 2013 |
Forest, H. | The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind: An Aesop’s Fable, 2008 |
Fox, M. | Feathers and Fools, 1989 |
French, V. | Henny Penny, 2006 |
Galdone, P. | Henny Penny, 1968 |
Giovanni, N. | The Grasshopper’s Song: An Aesop’s Fable Revisited, 2008 |
Gray, L. | Ant and Grasshopper, 2011 |
Hennessy, B. | The Boy Who Cried Wolf, 2006 |
Hoberman, M. | You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You: Very Short Fables to Read Together, 2010 |
Jarrie, M. | Aesop’s Fables, 2009 |
Javaherbin, M. | Elephant in the Dark, 2015 |
Kellogg, S. | Chicken Little, 1985 |
Lechner, J. | A Froggy Fable, 2005 |
Lester, J. | Ackamarackus: Julius Lester’s Sumptuously Silly…Fables, 2001 |
Lionni, L. | Cornelius: A Fable, 1983 |
Lionni, L. | Six Crows, 1988 |
Lowry, A. | Fox Tails: Four Fables From Aesop, 2012 |
MacDonald, M. | Bat’s Big Game, 2008 |
Morrison, T. | The Ant or the Grasshopper? 2003 |
Morrison, T. | The Lion or the Mouse? 2003 |
Morrison, T. | The Tortoise or the Hare, 2010 |
Murray, A. | Hare and Tortoise, 2016 |
O’Malley, K. | The Great Race, 2011 |
Palatini, M. | Lousy Rotten Stinkin’ Grapes, 2009 |
Pinkney, J. | The Lion and the Mouse, 2009 |
Pinkney, J. | The Little Red Hen, 2006 |
Pinkney, J. | The Tortoise & the Hare, 2013 |
Pinkney, J. | Grasshopper & the Ants, 2015 |
Rocco, J. | Wolf! Wolf! 2007 |
Scarry, R. | Best Storybook Ever, 1968 |
Scieszka, J. | Squids Will be Squids: Fresh Morals, Beastly Fables, 1998 |
Shannon, G. | Rabbit’s Gift: A Fable From China, 2007 |
Tang, G. | Math Fables, 2004 |
Ward. H. | The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, 2012 |
Watts, B. | The Lion and the Mouse, 2000 |
Young, E. | Seven Blind Mice, 1992 |
Additional Fable books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.2’s) |
Eyes and Eyeglasses
Adamson, G. | Douglas, You Need Glasses! 2016 |
Barclay, E. | I Can See Just Fine, 2013 |
Bedford, D. | Mole’s in Love, 2009 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Eyes, 1979 |
Carlson, M. | Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000 |
Child, L. | I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses, 2009 |
Cohen, B. | Paul Needs Specs, 2004 |
Day, S. | Luna and the Big Blur: A Story for Children Who Wear Glasses, 2009 |
DeGezelle, T. | Taking Care of My Eyes, 2006 |
Geoghegan, A. | Dogs Don’t Wear Glasses, 1996 |
Hest, A. | Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses, 1996 |
Ismail, Y. | Specs for Rex, 2014 |
Kostecki-Shaw, J. | My Travelin’ Eye, 2008 |
McKinlay, P. | Bumposaurus, 2003 |
Numeroff, L. | Chimps Don’t Wear Glasses, 1995 |
Rugrats | Chuckie Visits the Eye Doctor, 1999 |
Scillian, D. | Brewster the Rooster, 2007 |
Segal, L. | Why Mole Shouted and Other Stories, 2004 |
Shaw, B. | Jacob’s Eye Patch, 2013 |
Ziefert, H. | Does an Owl Wear Eyeglasses? 2014 |
Additional books about Sight can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 612.84) |
English Language
Appelt, K. | Elephants Aloft, 1993 |
Arena, J. | Marta! Big & Small, 2016 |
Ayres, K. | Up, Down and Around, 2007 |
Baker, A. | Little Rabbits First Word Book, 1996 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Words, 2006 |
Barretta, G. | Dear Deer: A Book of Homophones, 2007 |
Bernhard, D. | To & Fro, Fast & Slow, 2001 |
Best, C. | Beatrice Spells Some Lulus and Learns to Write a Letter, 2013 |
Brennan-Nelson, D. | My Mama Likes to Say, 2003 |
Brennan-Nelson, D. | My Teachers Likes to Say, 2004 |
Bruno, E. | Punctuation Celebration, 2009 |
Byers, P. | One Sheep, Two Sheep: A Book of Collective Nouns, 2010 |
Cleary, B. | A Mink, A Fink, A Skating Rink: What is a Noun? 1999 |
Cleary, B. | Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What is an Adjective? 2000 |
Cleary, B. | To Root, To Toot, To Parachute: What is a Verb? 2001 |
Cleary, B. | Under, Over, by the Clover: What is a Preposition? 2002 |
Cleary, B. | Dearly, Nearly Insincerely: What is an Adverb? 2003 |
Cleary, B. | I and You and Don’t Forget Who: What is a Pronoun? 2004 |
Cleary, B. | Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? 2005 |
Cleary, B. | How Much Can a Bare Bear Bare? What Are Homonyms? 2005 |
Cleary, B. | A Lime, A Mime, A Pool of Slime: More About Nouns, 2006 |
Cleary, B. | Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp: More About Verbs, 2007 |
Cleary, B. | Lazily, Crazily, Just a Bit Nasilly: More About Adverbs, 2008 |
Cleary, B. | Quirky, Jerky, Extra-Perky: More About Adjectives, 2007 |
Cleary, B. | Stroll and Walk, Babble and Talk: More About Synonyms, 2008 |
Cleary, B. | Pre- and Re-, Mis- amd Dis-: What is a Prefix? 2013 |
Coffelt, N. | Big, Bigger, Biggest! 2009 |
Cox, J. | Carmen Learns English, 2010 |
Curtis, J. | Big Words for Little People, 2008 |
Edwards, W. | The Cat’s Pajamas, 2010 |
Frasier, D. | Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster, 2000 |
Hopkins, L. | Wonderful Words, 2004 |
Isadora, R. | Yo, Jo! 2007 |
Jeffers, O. | The Hueys in What’s the Opposite? 2016 |
Jocely, M. | Where Do You Look? 2013 |
Leedy, L. | Crazy Like a Fox: A Simile Story, 2008 |
Lewis, P. | Big is Big (and little, little): A Book of Contrasts, 2007 |
Litchfield, J. | Usborne Book of Everyday Words, 1999 |
Long, E. | In! Over! And On! (the Farm), 2015 |
McPhail, D. | Pig Pig Meets the Lion, 2012 |
Minters, F. | Too Big, Too Small, Just Right, 2001 |
My | My First Phonics Book, 1999 |
Pulver, R. | Punctuation Takes a Vacation, 2003 |
Pulver, R. | Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day, 2003 |
Pulver, R. | Silent Letters Loud and Clear, 2008 |
Pulver, R. | Happy Endings: A Story About Suffixes, 2011 |
Pulver, R. | Mr First! Prefixes Lead the Way, 2016 |
Ringgold, F. | Cassie’s Word Quilt, 2002 |
Rosenthal, A. | I Scream Ice Scream! A Book of Wordles, 2013 |
Rubinger, A. | Big Cat, Small Cat, 2008 |
Saltzberg, B. | Phoebe and the Spelling Bee, 1997 |
Scarry, R. | Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever, 2004 |
Schotter, R. | The Boy Who Loved Words, 2006 |
Sesame | ABC and 123: A Sesame Street Treasury of Words and Numbers, 1998 |
Sneed, B. | Picture a Letter, 2002 |
Snicket, L. | 13 Words, 2010 |
Thomas, J. | Rhyming Dust Bunnies, 2008 |
Tobin, J. | The Very Inappropriate Word, 2013 |
Truss, L. | Eats, Shoots and Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference! 06 |
Truss, L. | The Girl’s Like Spaghetti: Why You Can’t Manage Without Apostrophes! 07 |
Walker, S. | The Vowel Family: A Tale of Lost Letters, 2008 |
Wilkes, A. | My First Word Book, 1999 |
Wilson, K. | Big Bear, Small Mouse, 2016 |
Additional English Language books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 423) |