Farms and Farmers

Adams, G. Nanny Fox, 1994
Alexander, K. Acoustic Rooster and His Barnyard Band, 2012
Allard, H. Starlight Goes to Town, 2008
Allen, J. The Little Rabbit Who Like to Say Moo, 2008
Alsdurf, P. It’s Milking Time, 2012
Amery, H. My Little Book of Farmyard Tales, 2005
Amery, H. The Naughty Sheep, 2004
Amery, H. Farmyard Tales Treasury, 2007
Anderson, J. Counting with Sebastian Pig and Friends On the Farm, 2009
Anderson, P.  Chuck’s Truck, 2006
Arnold, M. Dancing Dancing Lily, 2004
Auch, M. The Plot Chickens, 2009
Aylesworth, J. Cock-a-doodle-doo, Creak, Pop-pop, Moo, 2012
Baddiel, I. Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack!  2007
Baehr, P. Boo Cow, 2010
Bailey, L. Farm Team, 2006
Bateman, T. April Foolishness, 2005
Beaty, A. Hide and Sheep, 2011
Beaumont, K. Duck, Duck, Goose! (A Coyote’s on the Loose!), 2004
Beaumont, K. No Sleep for the Sheep, 2011
Bee, W. Stanley the Farmer, 2015
Black, M. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo-Bop!  2015
Bloom, B. Wolf!  1999
Boga, P. Lulu the Big Little Chick, 2009
Brisson, P. Before We Eat:  From Farm to Table, 2014
Brown, M. Big Red Barn, 1989
Bunting, E. Hurry Hurry!  2007
Cabrera, J. Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2007
Carlson, M. Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000
Carlson, M. The Lost Lamb, 1999
Carter, D. Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor, 2007
Chaconas, D. Coriander the Contrary Hen, 2006
Chaconas, D. Don’t Slam the Door!  2010
Chernesky, F. Cheers for a Dozen Ears:  A Summer Crop of Counting, 2014
Chernesky, F. Sun Above and Blooms Below:  A Springtime of Opposites, 2015
Church, C. One Smart Goose, 2003
Clark, L. Peepsqueak!  2012
Clarke, J. Stuck in the Mud, 2008
Clarke, J. Old MacDonald’s Things That Go, 2017
Clement, N. Big Tractor, 2015
Clements, A. Because Your Grandparents Love You, 2015
Cole, H. Trudy, 2009
Cole, H. Big Bug, 2014
Cooper, E. Farm, 2010
Cordsen, C. Market Day, 2008
Cowley, J. Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm, 2003
Cowley, J. Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Christmas, 2005
Cox, J. Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie!  2009
Craig, L. Farmyard Beat, 2011
Cronin, D. Click Clack Moo:  Cows That Type, 2000
Cronin, D. Giggle Giggle Quack, 2002
Cronin, D. Duck for President, 2004
Cronin, D. Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack:  An Alphabetical Adventure, 2005
Cronin, D. Click Clack Splish Splash:  A Counting Adventure, 2005
Cronin, D. Dooby Dooby Moo, 2006
Cronin, D. Thump, Quack, Moo:  A Wacky Adventure, 2008
Cronin, D. Click, Clack, Peep!  2015
Cronin, D. Click, Clack, Surprise!  2016
Crum, s. Thunder-Boomer!  2009
Czekaj, J. Oink-A-Doodle-Moo, 2012
Dean, J. Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2014
Detlefsen, L. Time for Cranberries, 2015
DiCamillo, K. Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken, 2008
Dickmann, N. A Chicken’s Life, 2011
Dickmann, N. Jobs on a Farm, 2011
Dickmann, N. Farm Animals, 2011
Dodd, E. Meow Said the Cow, 2011
Dodds, D. Minnie’s Diner:  A Multiplying Menu, 2004
Donaldson, J. What the Ladybug Heard, 2010
Donohue, D. Big and Little on the Farm, 1999
Doyle, E. Sleep Tight Farm:  A Farm Prepares for Winter, 2016
Duke, K. Ready for Pumpkins, 2012
Dumont, J. The Chickens Build a Wall, 2011
Dumont, J. The Geese March in Step, 2014
Duvoisin, R. Veronia on Petunia’s Farm, 1990
Eaton, M. The Mystery, 2008
Egan, T. Serious Farm, 2003
Ehlert, L. Market Day, 2000
Elliott, D. On the Farm, 2008
Elliott, D. Henry’s Map, 2013
Emberley, R. Chicken Little, 2009
Fallon, J. Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada, 2015
Fleischman, P. The Animal Hedge, 2003
Fleming, C. Go Sleep In Your Own Bed!  2017
Fleming, D. Barnyard Banter, 1994
Florian, D. I Love My Hat, 2014
Flowers, L. Moby Shinobi:  Ninja on the Farm, 2017
Formento, A. These Bees Count!  2012
Frazee, M. The Farmer and the Clown, 2014
French, V. Oliver’s Milk Shake, 2001
Fretz, D. Pirates on the Farm, 2013
Friend, C. The Perfect Nest, 2007
Garland, M. Grandpa’s Tractor, 2011
Geisert, A. Country Road ABC, 2010
Geisert, A. Thunderstorm, 2013
Gershator, P. Moo, Moo, Brown Cow, Have You Any Milk?  2011
Ginsburg, M. Good Morning, Chick, 1980
Goetz, S. Old MacDonald Had a Truck, 2016
Golan, A. Little Naomi, Little Chick, 2012
Golson, T. Tillie Lays an Egg, 2009
Gourley, R. Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie, 2009
Graves, K. Chicken Big, 2010
Harper, J. A Place Called Kindergarten, 2006
Harper, L. Turkey Trouble, 2009
Harrington, J. The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County, 2007
Hayles, M. Pet of a Pet, 2001
Head, M. Warduff and the Corncob Caper, 2011
Helquist, B. Grumpy Goat, 2013
Hill, E. Spot Goes to the Farm, 1987
Hill, E. Spot Can Count, 1999
Hillenbrand, W. Down by the Barn, 2014
Himmelman, J. Chickens to the Rescue, 2006
Himmelman, J. Pigs to the Rescue, 2010
Himmelman, J. Duck to the Rescue, 2014
Hoberman, M. Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002
Holub, J. Pumpkin Countdown, 2012
Huneck, S. Sally Goes to the Farm, 2002
Hutchins, P. Don’t Get Lost!  2004
Hutchins, P. Barn Dance!  2007
Jackson, A. Desert Rose and Her Highfalutin Hog, 2009
Jordan, M. Lazy Daisy, Cranky Frankie, 2013
Karas, G. On the Farm, At the Market, 2016
Katz, J. Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm, 2011
Kelly, M. Have You Seen My Potty?  2007
Kennedy, A. The Farmer’s Away!  Baa!  Neigh!  2014
Kennedy, K. Hee-Haw-Dini and the Great Zambini, 2009
Kerr, J. The Quiet Little Farm, 2000
Kinney, J. The Pig Scramble, 2011
Kinsey-Warnock, N. Nora’s Ark, 2005
Krosoczka, J. Punk Farm, 2005
Krosoczka, J. Punk Farm on Tour, 2007
Kutner, M. Down on the Farm, 2004
Laminack, L. Three Hens and a Peacock, 2011
Landman, T. Mary’s Penny, 2010
Lindbergh, R. The Visit, 2005
Lionni, L. Six Crows, 1988
Lo, G. Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012
Lobel, A. Hello, Day!  2008
Long, E. In! Over! And On! (the Farm), 2015
Long, L. Otis, 2009
Long, L. Otis and the Tornado, 2012
Long, L. Otis and the Puppy, 2013
Long, L. Otis and the Scarecrow, 2014
Long, L. Otis and the Kittens, 2016
Ludy, M. The Farmer, 1999
MacLachlan, P. Nora’s Chicks, 2013
Maddern, E. Cow on the Roof, 2006
Marino, G. One Too Many, 2010
Marshall, A. Tractor’s Farmyard Fun, 2017
Martin, J. Chicken Joy on Redbean Road:  A Bayou Country Romp, 2007
Mayer, C. Farming, 2007
McClure, N. To Market, To Market, 2011
McCully, E. Four Hungry Kittens, 2001
Meister, C. Tiny on the Farm, 2008
Meng, C. Tough Chicks, 2009
Mitton, T. Farmer Joe and the Music Show, 2008
Mortensen, D. Ohio Thunder, 2006
Mortensen, L. Cindy Moo, 2012
Most, B. Cock-A-Doodle-Moo!  1996
Most, B. The Cow That Went OINK, 1990
Murphy, M. Say Hello Like This!  2014
My My First Farm Book, 2000
Noble, T. The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash, 1980
O’Malley, K. Animal Crackers Fly the Coop, 2010
Palatini, M. Moo Who?  2004
Palatini, M. Piggie Pie, 2005
Palatini, M. Oink?  2006
Palatini, M. The Cheese, 2007
Palatini, M. Boo-Hoo Moo, 2009
Palatini, M. Earthquack!  2002
Pennypacker, S. Sparrow Girl, 2009
Pettiford, R. Farm, 2016
Pinkney, J. The Little Red Hen, 2006
Plourde, L. Grandpappy Snippy Snappies, 2009
Plourde, L. Field Trip Day, 2010
Plourde, L. Only Cows Allowed!  2011
Polacco, P. Mommies Say Shhh!  2005
Polacco, P. Meteor!  1987
Preston-Gannon, F. Dinosaur Farm, 2014
Puttock, S. Yours Truly, Louisa, 2009
Ransom, C. Tractor Day, 2007
Raschka, C. Give and Take, 2014
Rawlinson, J. Mule School, 2008
Ray, M. Go to Sleep, Little Farm, 2014
Regan, D. Monster Baby, 2009
Reynolds, A. Chicks and Salsa, 2005
Root, P. Rattletrap Car, 2001
Root, P. Kiss the Cow, 2000
Root, P. Anywhere Farm, 2017
Rossiter, N. The Way Home, 1999
Roth, C. Where’s My Mommy? 2012
Sadler, M. Pass It On!  2012
Sauer, T. Chicken Dance, 2009
Schotter, R. Go, Little Green Truck!  2016
Schwartz, A. Old MacDonald, 1999
Shannon, D. Duck on a Bike, 2002
Shannon, D. Duck on a Tractor, 2016
Sierra, J. E I E I O:  How Old MacDonald Got His Farm, 2014
Sloat, T. Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep:  A Yarn About Wool, 2000
Sloat, T. Farmer Brown Goes Round and Round, 1999
Sloat, T. The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown, 1995
Spinelli, E. The Best Time of Day, 2005
Spinelli, E. Princess Pig, 2009
Spinelli, E. Silly Tilly, 2009
Stock, C. A Spree in Paree, 2004
Stock, C. A Porc in New York, 2007
Stoeke, J. Minerva Louise and the Red Truck, 2002
Stoeke, J. Pip’s Trip, 2012
Stoeke, J. Oh No!  A Fox!  2014
Stohner, A. Brave Charlotte, 2005
Stuchner, J. Can Hens Give Milk?  2011
Sutton, S. Farmer John’s Tractor, 2012
Sykes, J. Dora’s Chicks, 2002
Sykes, J. Dora’s Eggs, 1997
Sykes, J. That Pesky Dragon, 2007
Tafuri, N. All Kinds of Kisses, 2012
Teague, M. Funny Farm, 2009
Thermes, J. Sam Bennett’s New Shoes, 2006
Thomas, J. The Doghouse, 2008
Thomas, J. Is Everyone Ready for Fun?  2011
Thompson, L. The Apple Pie That Papa Baked, 2007
Tourville, A. Tractors, 2009
Trout Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011
Vamos, S. The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred, 2011
VanLeeuwen, J. The Strange Adventures of Blue Dog, 1999
VanLeeuwen, J. Chicken Soup, 2009
Waddell, M. Farmer Duck, 1996
Wall, L. Goose on the Farm, 2016
Wellington, M. Apple Farmer Annie, 2001
Westcott, N. Skip to My Lou, 1989
White, E. Some Pig!  A Charlotte’s Web Picture Book, 2007
White, L. Too Many Turkeys, 2010
Whybrow, I. Faraway Farm, 2006
Wild, M. Piglet and Mama, 2005
Wild, M. Piglet and Papa, 2007
Wilder, L. Winter on the Farm, 1996
Wilson, K. Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive!  2005
Wilson, K. Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive! (Media Kit),  2005
Wilson, K. The Cow Loves Cookies, 2010
Wilson, K. Horseplay!  2012
Wilson, K. Duddle Puck the Puddle Duck, 2015
Wright, M. Barnyard Fun, 2013
Yaccarino, D. Doug Unplugs on the Farm, 2014
Additional books about Farming can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 630’s)

Family Reunions and Family Trees

Allard, H. The Stupids Take Off, 1989
Allark, H. The Stupids Have a Ball, 1978
Appelt, K. Bubba and Beau Meet the Relatives, 2004
Ashman, L. Over the River & Through the Wood, 2015
Best, C. Are You Going to be Good?  2005
Burns, M. Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!  1997
Carlstrom, N. Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear!  2004
Crews, D. Bigmama’s, 1991
Crum, S. Dozens of Cousins, 2013
Curato, M. Little Elliot Big Family, 2015
Danziger, P. Barfburger Baby, I was Here First!  2004
Gelsanliter, W. Dancin’ in the Kitchen, 1998
Harris, R. Who’s In My Family?  All About Our Families, 2012
Harshman, M. One Big Family, 2016
Isadora, R. What a Family!  A Fresh Look at Family Trees, 2006
Lerner, H. Franny B. Kranny, There’s Bird in Your Hair!  2000
Li-Qiong, Y. A New Year’s Reunion, 2007
Lo, G. Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012
Naylor, P. “I Can’t Take You Anywhere!”  1997
Palatini, M. Moosekitos:  A Moose Family Reunion, 2004
Perkins, L. Pictures From Our Vacation, 2007
Polacco, P. When Lightning Comes in a Jar, 2002
Riehle, M. The Little Kids’ Table, 2015
Rosen, M. A Thanksgiving Wish, 1998
Rylant, C. The Relatives Came, 2001
Spinelli, E. Thanksgiving at the Tappletons’, 1992
Spinelli, E. The Perfect Thanksgiving, 2007
Sweeney, J. Me and My Family Tree, 1999
Additional books about Family Trees can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 929.1)

Fall and Autumn

Barner, B. The Day of the Dead:  El Dia de los Muertos, 2010
Beaumont, K. Move Over, Rover!  2006
Benet, R. Johnny Appleseed, 2001
Birdsall, J. Flora’s Very Windy Day, 2010
Bridwell, N. Clifford’s First Autumn, 1997
Brown, M. Arthur Jumps Into Fall, 2006
Bullard, L. Leaves Fall Down:  Learning About Autumn Leaves, 2011
Bunting, E. Pumpkin Fair, 1997
Chernesky, F. Pick a Circle, Gather Squares:  A Fall Harvest of Shapes, 2013
Chernesky, F. From Apple Trees to Cider, Please!  2015
Cox, J. Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie!  2009
Curato, M. Little Elliot Fall Friends, 2017
Davis, L. Catch That Hat!  1997
Davis, R. Footballs and Falling Leaves:  A Fall Counting Book, 2006
de Paola, T. Four Friends in Autumn, 2004
de Paola, T. Strega Nona’s Harvest, 2009
Detlefsen, L. Time for Cranberries, 2015
Diesen, D. Hello, Fall, 2018
Ehlert, L. Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf, 1991
Emmett, J. The Best Gift of All, 2008
Ferguson, S. Little Red’s Autumn Adventure, 2009
Flatt, L. Counting on Fall, 2012
Freeman, D. One More Acorn, 2010
George. L. That Pup!  2011
Gleisner, J. Animals in Fall, 2017
Gleisner, J. Apple Harvest, 2017
Gleisner, J. Back to School!  2017
Gleisner, J. Trees in Fall, 2017
Gleisner, J. A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, 2017
Gleisner, J. Weather in Fall, 2014
Goldstone, B. Awesome Autumn, 2012
Hall, M. Wonderfall, 2016
Hall, Z. Fall Leaves Fall!  2000
Hall, Z. The Apple Pie Tree, 1996
Hall, Z. It’s Pumpkin Time!  1994
Harper, L. Turkey Trouble, 2009
Hawk, F. Count Down to Fall, 2009
Henkes, K. In the Middle of Fall, 2017
Hobbie, H. Toot & Puddle:  The New Friend, 2004
Holland, L. Fall Leaves, 2014
Holub, J. Pumpkin Countdown, 2012
Hunter, A. Possum’s Harvest Moon, 1996
Jackson, R. A Kiss for Akaraka, 2018
Johnston, T. Winter Is Coming, 2014
Lin, G. Thanking the Moon:  Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, 2010
Lindeen, M. I Eat Apples in the Fall, 2017
Lindeen, M. I Watch Fall Harvests, 2017
Lindeen, M. I Pick Fall Pumpkins, 2017
Lowry, L. Crow Call, 2009
Matula, C. The Shadow in the Moon:  A Tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival, 2018
McCarty, P. Fall Ball, 2013
McNamara, M. How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?  2007
Meadows, M. Hibernation Station, 2010
Micklos, J. One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count with Me!  2017
Miller, P. Sophie’s Squash, 2013
Miltenburg, S. When Will Fall Arrive?  2017
Minor, E. How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow?  2013
Mortimer, A. Pumpkin Cat, 2011
Moulton, M. The Very Best Pumpkin, 2010
Neubecker, R. Fall is for School, 2017
Nidey, K. When Autumn Falls, 2004
O’Brien, A. Hocus Pocus, It’s Fall!  2016
O’Malley, K. Lucky Leaf, 2004
Pak, K. Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn, 2016
Pak, K. Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter, 2017
Parish, H. Amelia Bedelia’s First Apple Pie, 2010
Partridge, E. Moon Glowing, 2002
Pfeffer, W. We Gather Together:  Celebrating the Harvest Season, 2006
Plourde, L. Bella’s Fall Coat, 2016
Purmell, A. Maple Syrup Season, 2008
Raczka, B. Fall Mixed Up, 2011
Rawlinson, J. Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, 2006
Robbins, K. Autumn Leaves, 1998
Robbins, K. Pumpkins, 2006
Rockwell, A. Apples and Pumpkins, 1989
Root, P. Oliver Finds His Way, 2002
Rotner, S. Hello Autumn, 2017
Rylant, C. In November, 2000
Savage, S. Ten Orange Pumpkins:  A Counting Book, 2013
Sayre, A. Full of Fall, 2017
Schnur, S. Autumn:  An Alphabet Acrostic, 1997
Schuh, M. Animals in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. Harvest in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. Leaves in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. Pumpkins in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. Weather in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. Apples in Fall, 2014
Schuh, M. I Notice Animals in the Fall, 2017
Schuh, M. I See Fall Leaves, 2017
Schuh, M. I Feel Fall Weather, 2017
Shore, D. Look Both Ways:  A Cautionary Tale, 2005
Sloat, T. Patty’s Pumpkin Patch, 1999
Spinelli, E. Three Pebbles and a Song, 2003
Spinelli, E. I Know It’s Autumn, 2004
Stein, D. Leaves, 2007
Stringer, L. Yellow Time, 2016
Swenson, J. A Fall Ball For All, 2018
Thomas, J. Pumpkin Trouble, 2011
Thompson, L. Mouse’s First Fall, 2006
Thorpe, K. Dora’s Chilly Day, 2004
Troiano, J. The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, 2001
Wargin, K. P is for Pumpkin:  God’s Harvest Alphabet, 2008
Wellington, M. Apple Farmer Annie, 2001
Wellington, M. My Leaf Book, 2015
White, L. Too Many Pumpkins, 1996
Wilson, K. Give Thanks to the Lord, 2007
Wilson, K. Who Goes There?  2013
Wilson, S. Hedgehugs Autumn Hide-and-Squeak, 2016
Wolf, E. Brave Little Raccoon, 2005
Wright, M. Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze, 2011
Yee, W. My Autumn Book, 2015
Yolen, J. Little Frog and the Scary Autumn Thing, 2016
Yoon, S. Penguin and Pumpkin, 2014
Ziefert, H. By the Light of the Harvest Moon, 2009
Additional Autumn books can be found in the Holiday Books for Halloween and Thanksgiving


Alexander, C. All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2001
Baring-Gould, S. Now the Day is Over, 2001
Bates, K. America the Beautiful, 2003
Beebe, K. Brother Hugo and the Bear, 2014
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question, 1999
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers, 2008
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule, 2008
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Go to Sunday School, 2008
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears God Loves You!  2008
Bergren, L. God Found Us You, 2009
Bergren, L. How Big is God?  2008
Biden, J. Don’t Forget, God Bless our Troops, 2012
Bogart, J. The White Cat and the Monk, 2016
Bolden, T. Beautiful Moon:  A Child’s Prayer, 2014
Brett, J. On Noah’s Ark, 2003
Brown, M. The Moon Shines Down, 2008
Bryan, A. Let it Shine:  Three Favorite Spirituals, 2007
Bryan, A. All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2010
Burningham, J. Whaddayamean, 1999
Carlson, M. The Lost Lamb, 1999
Carlson, M. Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000
Carlson, M. The Other Brother, 1999
Carlstrom, N. This Is the Day!  2009
Carlstrom, N. Does God Know How to Tie Shoes?  1993
Cecka, M. Violet Comes to Stay, 2006
Clark, E. Up in Heaven, 2003
Cohn, D. Namaste!  2009
Cooper, I. The Golden Rule, 2007
Daly, J. To Everything There is a Season, 2006
Davis, C. For Every Cat, An Angel, 2001
Davis, C. For Every Dog, An Angel, 2004
Delval, M. Psalms for Young Children, 2008
dePaola, T. Pascual and the Kitchen Angels, 2004
dePaola, T. Angels, Angels Everywhere, 2006
dePaola, T. The Legend of the Poinsettia, 1994
dePaola, T. The Song of Francis, 2009
dePaola, T. Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise, 2011
Dungy, T. You Can Do It!  2008
Eitzen, R. Tara’s Flight, 2008
Fitch, F. A Book About God, 1998
Gaiman, J. Blueberry Girl, 2009
Ganeri, A. Noah and the Ark and Other Stories, 2007
Gold, A. Thank You God, for Everything, 2009
Greene, R. The Beautiful World God Made, 2002
Hallinan, P. I Know Jesus Loves Me, 2007
Hanson, W. The Next Place, 1997
Hermsen, R. The Story of Giraffe, 2007
Hodges, L. I Love You This Much!  2001
Jonas, A. Aardvarks, Disembark!  1990
Keller, L. Today Is the Birthday of the World, 2009
Krensky, S. Noah’s Bark, 2010
Kushner, L. In God’s Hands, 2005
Lester, J. What a Truly Cool World, 1999
LeTord, B. Noah’s Trees, 1999
Lindbergh, R. The Circle of Days, 1998
Lindbergh, R. On Morning Wings, 2002
Lloyd-Jones, S. Old MacNoah Had an Ark, 2008
London, J. Giving Thanks, 2003
Lucado, M. A Hat for Ivan, 2004
Lucado, M. Because I Love You, 1998
Lucado, M. Flo the Lyin’ Fly, 2004
Lucado, M. God Thinks You’re Wonderful, 2002
Lucado, M. Hermie: A Common Caterpiller, 2003
Lucado, M. Just in Case You Ever Wonder, 2001
Lucado, M. The Crippled Lamb, 1994
Lucado, M. The Oak Inside the Acorn, 2006
Matheson, D. Ruby Lee the Bumble Bee, 2004
McCarthy, M. The Story of Daniel in the Lions Den, 2003
McDermott, G. Creation, 2003
McDonnell, P. Just Like Heaven, 2006
McGowan, M. Sunday is for God, 2010
Mora, P. The Beautiful Lady:  Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2012
Nelson, K. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, 2005
Nobisso, J. Francis Woke Up Early, 2011
Paparone, P. Who Built the Ark?  1994
Parton, D. Coat of Many Colors, 2016
Pasquali, E. Mrs. Noah’s Vegetable Ark, 2010
Pinkney, J. Noah’s Ark, 2002
Ragz, M. Lost Little Angel, 1999
Ray, J. Let There Be Light:  Bible Stories, 1997
Root, P. Big Momma Makes the World, 2002
Rylant, C. Bless Us All:  A Child’s Yearbook of Blessings, 1998
Rylant, C. Cat Heaven, 1997
Rylant, C. Dog Heaven, 1995
Rylant, C. Creation, 2016
Sasso, S. Adam & Eve’s First Sunset, 2003
Schwartz, H. Gathering Sparks, 2010
Seeger, P. Turn!  Turn!  Turn!  2003
Shapiro, Z. We’re All in the Same Boat, 2009
Shriver, M. What’s Heaven?  1999
Siegelson, K. Dancing the Ring Shout!  2003
Sloat, T. There Was an Old Man Who Painted the Sky, 2009
Soetoto-Ng, M. Ladder to the Moon, 2011
Spier, P. Noah’s Ark, 1977
Spinelli, E. What Angels Wear, 2003
Staines, B. All God’s Critters, 2009
Tillman, N. The Heaven of Animals, 2014
Tomlin, C. Good Good Father, 2016
Tutu, D. God’s Dream, 2008
van Ommen, S. Jellybeans, 2004
Wargin, K. P is for Pumpkin:  God’s Harvest Alphabet, 2008
Warwick, D. Say a Little Prayer, 2008
Weatherford, A. Moses:  When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, 2006
Wells, R. The Miraculous Tale of the Two Maries, 2006
What What a Wonderful World, 1992
Wilson, K. Give Thanks to the Lord, 2007
Wood, D. Making the World, 1998
Yoon, S. County My Blessings, One Through Ten, 2006
Ziefert, H. First He Made the Sun, 2000
Additional Picture Books about Faith can be found in the Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas
         and Jewish Holiday Books
Additional books about Faith can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction  (J 220 to J 299)

Fairy Tales

Ahlberg, J. The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters, 1986
Alderson, B. The Tale of the Turnip, 1999
Alderson, B. Thumbelina, 2009
Allen, D. Brother of the Knight, 1999
Amery, H. Sleeping Beauty, 2003
Amery, H. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2003
Amery, H. Cinderella, 2003
Amery, H. Little Red Riding Hood, 2003
Amery, H. The Story of Rumpelstiltskin, 2003
Amery. H. Three Little Pigs, 2003
Andersen, H. The Fir Tree, 1970
Artell, M. Petite Rouge:  A Cajun Red Riding Hood, 2001
Asch, F. Ziggy Piggy and the Three Little Pigs, 1998
Auch, M. Chickerella, 2005
Aylesworth, J. The Full Belly Bowl, 1999
Aylesworth, J. The Gingerbread Man, 1998
Aylesworth, J. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2003
Barton, B. The Three Bears, 1991
Bateman, T. Traveling Tom and the Leprechaun, 2007
Bender, R. Toads and Diamonds, 1995
Birdseye, T. Look Out Jack!  The Giant is Back!  2001
Braun, S. The Ugly Duckling, 2010
Brett, J. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1990
Brett, J. Beauty and the Beast, 1989
Brett, J. The Three Snow Bears, 2007
Brett, J. Cinders:  A Chicken Cinderella, 2013
Browne, A. Me and You, 2009
Catchpool, M. The Cloud Spinner, 2012
Cech, J. The Princess and the Pea, 2007
Cech, J. Jack and the Beanstalk, 2008
Cech, J. Rumpelstiltskin, 2008
Child, L. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?  2002
Child, L. The Princess and the Pea, 2006
Child, L. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2008
Choi, Y. The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy, 1997
Claflin, W. The Uglified Ducky, 2008
Clark, E. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2009
Climo, S. The Korean Cinderella, 1993
Climo, S. The Egyptian Cinderella, 1989
Coburn, J. Jouanah:  A Hmong Cinderella, 1996
Coburn, J. Domitila:  A Cinderella Tale From the Mexican Tradition, 2000
Coburn, J. Angkat:  The Cambodian Cinderella, 1998
Cousins, L. Yummy:  Eight Favorite Fairy Tales, 2009
Daly, N. Pretty Salma:  A Little Red Riding Hood Story from Africa, 2007
Davidson, S. Little Red Riding Hood, 2007
Davidson, S. The Three Little Pigs, 2008
Davidson, S. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2008
Davidson, S. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, 2007
Davison, S. The Emperor’s New Clothes,2006
de la Paz, M. Abadeha:  The Philippine Cinderella, 2001
de Seve, R. The Duchess of Whimsy:  An Absolutely Delicious Fairy Tale, 2009
DeFelice, C. One Potato, Two Potato, 2006
DeLuise, D. Dom DeLuise’s The Nightingale, 1998
DePaola, T. Adelita:  A Mexican Cinderella Story, 2002
DePaola, T. Helga’s Dowry:  A Troll Love Story, 1977
DePaola, T. Little Grunt and the Big Egg:  A Prehistoric Fairy Tale, 2006
Disney, W. Aladdin, 1992
Disney, W. Beauty and the Beast, 1991
Disney, W. Chicken Little, 2005
Disney, W. Cinderella, 1995
Disney, W. Pinocchio, 1996
Disney, W. Sleeping Beauty, 1974
Disney, W. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1973
Disney, W. The Little Mermaid, 1993
Disney, W. The Prince and the Pauper, 1990
Disney, W. The Sword in the Stone, 1993
Duffy, C. The Lost Happy Endings, 2006
Dunrea, O. The Trow-Wife’s Treasure, 1998
Easton, S. Peter and the Wolf, 1992
Edwards, P. Dinorella:  A Prehistoric Fairy Tale, 1997
Edwards, P. Princess Pigtoria and the Pea, 2010
Elya, S. Fairy Trails, 2005
Elya, S. Rubia and the Three Osos, 2010
Emberley, R. Chicken Little, 2009
Ernst, C. Little Red Riding Hood:  A Newfangled Prairie Tale, 1995
Fearnley, J. Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears, 2002
Fearnley, J. Mr. Wolf and the Enormous Turnip, 2004
Forward, T. The Wolf’s Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood, 2005
Fowler, G. The Red Shoes, 2008
French, V. Lazy Jack, 1995
French, V. Henny Penny, 2006
French, V. The Most Wonderful Thing in the World, 2015
Galdone, P. The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, 1978
Galdone, P. Henny Penny, 1968
Galdone, P. The Three Little Pigs, 1998
Galdone, P. The Little Red Hen, 2001
Galdone, P. The Elves and the Shoemaker, 1984
Gerstein, M. Carolinda Clatter, 2005
Gill-Brown, V. Rufferella, 2000
Gingerbread The Gingerbread Man, an Old English Folktale, 1996
Goode, D. The Dinosaur’s New Clothes, 1999
Gorbachev, V. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2001
Gordon, D. The Three Little Rigs, 2005
Grambling, L. The Witch Who Wanted to be a Princess, 2002
Grey, M. The Very Smart Pea and the Princess-To-Be, 2003
Grimm The Elves and the Shoemaker, 2003
Grimm Rapunzel, 2007
Grimm The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, 2010
Grimm Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2011
Guarnaccia, S. The Three Little Pigs:  An Architectural Tale, 2009
Hale, B. Snoring Beauty, 2007
Hobbie, H. Hansel & Gretel, 2015
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You, 2004
Hopkins, J. The Horned Toad Prince, 2000
Huling, J. Puss in Cowboy Boots, 2000
Isadora, R. The Ugly Duckling, 2009
Isadora, R. The Princess and the Pea, 2007
Isadora, R. Rapunzel, 2008
Isadora, R. Hansel and Gretel, 2009
Isadora, R. The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 2007
Jacques, B. Urso Brunov and the White Emperor, 2008
Jay, A. The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 2016
Johnston, T. Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella, 1998
Joyce, W. A Bean a Stalk and a Boy Named Jack, 2014
Karlin, B. James Marshall’s Cinderella, 1989
Kellogg, S. The Three Little Pigs, 1997
Kellogg, S. Jack and the Beanstalk, 1991
Kellogg, S. The Pied Piper’s Magic, 2009
Kellogg, S. Chicken Little, 1985
Ketteman, H. Bubba the Cowboy Prince:  A Fractured Texas Tale, 1997
Ketteman, H. Waynetta and the Cornstalk:  A Texas Fairy Tale, 2007
Kimmel, E. The Magic Dreidels:  A Hanukkah Story, 1996
Kimmel, E. Asher and the Capmakers:  A Hanukkah Story, 1993
Kimmel, E. The Gingerbread Man, 1993
Kimmel, E. The Fisherman and the Turtle, 2008
Kloske, G. Once Upon a Time, the End (Asleep in 60 Seconds), 2005
Krishnaswami, U. The Girl of the Wish Garden:  A Thumbelina Story, 2013
LaRochelle, D. The End, 2007
Levine, G. The Princess Test, 1999
Lin, G. The Red Thread:  An Adoption Fairy Tale, 2007
Lionni, L. Tico and the Golden Wings, 2007
Littledale, F. The Brave Little Tailor, 1990
Ljungkvist, L. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2003
Long, S. Thumbelina, 2010
Lowell, S. Cindy Ellen:  A Wild Western Cinderella, 2000
Lowell, S. The Three Little Javelinas, 1992
Maccarone, G. Princess Tales:  Once Upon a Time in Rhyme with Seek-and-Find, 2013
Mackinnon, M. The Gingerbread Man, 2007
Marshall, J. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1988
Marshall, J. Red Riding Hood, 1987
Marshall, J. Hansel and Gretel, 1990
Marshall, J. The Three Little Pigs, 1996
Mayer, M. Little Critter’s Hansel and Gretel
McDonald, M. The Hinky Pink, 2008
Mehta, L. Anklet for a Princess:  A Cinderella Story From India, 2002
Meltzer, L. The Three Billy Goats Gruff, 1989
Minters, F. Sleepless Beauty, 1996
Mortimer, R. The Three Billy Goats Fluff, 2010
Moser, B. The Three Little Pigs, 2001
Muller, G. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 2011
Osborne, M. Kate and the Beanstalk, 2000
Osborne, W. Sleeping Bobby, 2005
Ouellet, D. How Robin Saved Spring, 2009
Paul, A. Tortuga In Trouble, 2009
Percy, G. Cinderella, 1988
Pinkney, J. The Little Match Girl, 1999
Pinkney, J. The Ugly Duckling, 1999
Pinkney, J. Little Red Riding Hood, 2007
Plume, I. The Bremen-Town Musicians, 1980
Poole, A. The Pea Blossom, 2003
Puttock, S. Big Bad Wolf is Good, 2002
Pyle, H. Bearskin, 1997
Raschka, C. Peter and the Wolf, 2008
Roberts, L. Rapunzel:  A Groovy Fairy Tale, 2003
Ruby, C. Barbie as Rapunzel, 2002
Rueda, C. Huff & Puff, 2012
Rylant, C. Hansel and Gretel, 2008
Rylant, C. Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 2009
Rylant, C. The Steadfast Tin Soldier, 2013
Rylant, C. Beauty and the Beast, 2017
Sanderson, R. Goldilocks, 2009
SanSouci, R. Peter and the Blue Witch Baby, 2000
SanSouci, R. Cinderella Skeleton, 2000
Schroeder, A. Smoky Mountain Rose:  An Appalachian Cinderella, 1997
Scieszka, J. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, 1991
Scieszka, J. The Frog Prince, Continued, 1991
Seuss, D. The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, 1989
Sharpe, L. The Goat-Faced Girl, 2009
Sierra, J. The Gift of the Crocodile:  A Cinderella Story, 2000
Silverman, E. Raisel’s Riddle, 1999
Singer, M. Mirror Mirror, 2010
Smith, L. Pinocchio, The Boy, or Incognito in Collodi, 2002
Smith, S. Goldilocks and the Three Martians, 2004
Stanley, D. Rumplestiltskin’s Daughter, 1997
Stanley, D. Goldie and the Three Bears, 2003
Stanley, D. The Giant and the Beanstalk, 2004
Steer, D. Just One More Story, 1999
Stegman, K. Trollerella, 2006
Storm, T. Little Hobbin, 1995
Stowell, L. Beauty and the Beast, 2008
Sweet, M. Carmine:  A Little More Red, 2005
Teague, M. The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf, 2013
Thomas, J. The Gospel Cinderella, 2003
Tolstoy, A. The Gigantic Turnip, 1999
Walker, R. Jack and the Beanstalk, 1999
Walsh, E. Jack’s Tale, 1997
Wargin, K. The Frog Prince, 2007
Watts, B. The Three Little Pigs, 2012
Weisner, D. The Three Pigs, 2001
Wick, W. Can You See What I See?  Once Upon a Time, 2006
Wilcox, L. Falling for Rapunzel, 2003
Willey, M. The 3 Bears and Goldilocks, 2008
Wisnewski, A. Little Red Riding Hood, 2006
Woollvin, B. Little Red, 2016
Yolen, J. The Musicians of Bremen:  A Tale From Germany, 1996
Zelinsky, P. Rapunzel, 1997
There are additional Fairy Tale books in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.2)

Fairies and the Tooth Fairy

Allard, H. Starlight Goes to Town, 2008
Amery, H. Cinderella, 2003
Andrews, J. The Very Fairy Princess Books
Bate, L. Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth, 2006
Batt, T. The Faeries Gift, 2003
Bell-Rehwoldt, S. You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?  2007
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy, 2012
Bourgeois, P. Franklin and the Tooth Fairy, 1995
Carmody, I. Magic Night, 2007
Coombs, K. The Tooth Fairy Wars, 2014
Cronin, D. Bloom, 2016
Diakite, P. I Lost My Tooth in Africa, 1006
Disney, W. The Fairies Encyclopedia, 2010
Doherty, G. 1001 Things to Spot in Fairyland, 2005
Durant, A. Dear Tooth Fairy, 2004
Elya, S. Tooth on the Loose, 2008
Erlbruch, W. Leonard, 1995
Gay. M. Stella:  Fairy of the Forest, 2002
Graham, B. Jethro Byrd, 2002
Graham, B. April and Esme Tooth Fairies, 2010
Hague, K. Good Night, Fairies, 2002
Hague, M. Where Fairies Dance, 2008
Hobbie, N. Priscilla and the Splish-Splash Surprise, 2006
Johnson, B. Little Bunny Foo Foo, 2004
Kann, V. Silverlicious, 2010
Kimmel, E. Asher and the Capmakers:  A Hanukkah Story, 1993
Kochalka, J. Squirrelly Gray, 2007
Krensky, S. The Youngest Fairy Godmother Ever, 1999
Lasky, K. Science Fair Buddies, 2000
Leaf, M. Noodle, 2006
Levert, M. Tulip and Lupin Forever, 2009
Levine, A. The Very Beary Tooth Fairy, 2013
Lobel, A. Giant John, 2008
MacDonald, M. Too Many Fairies, 2010
Middleton, C. Tabitha’s Terrifically Tough Tooth, 2001
Mills, L. Fairy Wings:  A Story, 1995
Munch, R. Andrew’s Loose Tooth, 1998
Olson, M. Nice Try, Tooth Fairy, 2000
Palatini, M. Gone With the Wand, 2009
Paquette, A. The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, 2009
Pignataro, A. Princess and the Fairy, 2009
Ray, J. The Dollhouse Fairy, 2009
Sample, S. Audreena, The Birthday Fairy, 2000
Shannon, D. Alice the Fairy, 2004
Simmons, J. The Dreamtime Fairies, 2002
Smith, L. Pinocchio the Boy or Ignognito in Collodi, 2002
Sperring, M. Wanda’s First Day, 2004
Symes, R. The Sheep Fairy:  When Wishes Have Wings, 2003
Underwood, D. Here Comes the Tooth Fairy Cat, 2015
Wargin, K. The Legend of Leelanau, 2003
Wells, R. Fritz and the Mess Fairy, 1991
Wilson, K. Bear’s Loose Tooth, 2011
Yolan, J. Come to the Fairies Ball, 2009


Brett, J. Town Mouse, Country Mouse, 1994
Brown, M. Once a Mouse…A Fable Cut in Wood, 1961
Burkert, R. Mouse & Lion, 2011
Carle, E. The Rabbit and the Turtle:  Aesop’s Fables Retold, 2008
Chaucer, G. Chanticleer and the Fox, 1982
Christie, R. Mousetropolis, 2015
Daugherty, J. Andy and the Lion:  A Tale of Kindness Remembered, 1989
Davidson, S. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: Based on a Story by Aesop, 2007
Emberley, R. The Lion and the Mice, 2011
Emberley, R. The Crocodile and the Scorpion, 2013
Forest, H. The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind:  An Aesop’s Fable, 2008
Fox, M. Feathers and Fools, 1989
French, V. Henny Penny, 2006
Galdone, P. Henny Penny, 1968
Giovanni, N. The Grasshopper’s Song:  An Aesop’s Fable Revisited, 2008
Gray, L. Ant and Grasshopper, 2011
Hennessy, B. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, 2006
Hoberman, M. You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You: Very Short Fables to Read Together, 2010
Jarrie, M. Aesop’s Fables, 2009
Javaherbin, M. Elephant in the Dark, 2015
Kellogg, S. Chicken Little, 1985
Lechner, J. A Froggy Fable, 2005
Lester, J. Ackamarackus:  Julius Lester’s Sumptuously Silly…Fables, 2001
Lionni, L. Cornelius:  A Fable, 1983
Lionni, L. Six Crows, 1988
Lowry, A. Fox Tails:  Four Fables From Aesop, 2012
MacDonald, M. Bat’s Big Game, 2008
Morrison, T. The Ant or the Grasshopper?  2003
Morrison, T. The Lion or the Mouse?  2003
Morrison, T. The Tortoise or the Hare, 2010
Murray, A. Hare and Tortoise, 2016
O’Malley, K. The Great Race, 2011
Palatini, M. Lousy Rotten Stinkin’ Grapes, 2009
Pinkney, J. The Lion and the Mouse, 2009
Pinkney, J. The Little Red Hen, 2006
Pinkney, J. The Tortoise & the Hare, 2013
Pinkney, J. Grasshopper & the Ants, 2015
Rocco, J. Wolf!  Wolf!  2007
Scarry, R. Best Storybook Ever, 1968
Scieszka, J. Squids Will be Squids:  Fresh Morals, Beastly Fables, 1998
Shannon, G. Rabbit’s Gift: A Fable From China, 2007
Tang, G. Math Fables, 2004
Ward. H. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, 2012
Watts, B. The Lion and the Mouse, 2000
Young, E. Seven Blind Mice, 1992
Additional Fable books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.2’s)

Eyes and Eyeglasses

Adamson, G. Douglas, You Need Glasses!  2016
Barclay, E. I Can See Just Fine, 2013
Bedford, D. Mole’s in Love, 2009
Brown, M. Arthur’s Eyes, 1979
Carlson, M. Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000
Child, L. I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses, 2009
Cohen, B. Paul Needs Specs, 2004
Day, S. Luna and the Big Blur:  A Story for Children Who Wear Glasses, 2009
DeGezelle, T. Taking Care of My Eyes, 2006
Geoghegan, A. Dogs Don’t Wear Glasses, 1996
Hest, A. Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses, 1996
Ismail, Y. Specs for Rex, 2014
Kostecki-Shaw, J. My Travelin’ Eye, 2008
McKinlay, P. Bumposaurus, 2003
Numeroff, L. Chimps Don’t Wear Glasses, 1995
Rugrats Chuckie Visits the Eye Doctor, 1999
Scillian, D. Brewster the Rooster, 2007
Segal, L. Why Mole Shouted and Other Stories, 2004
Shaw, B. Jacob’s Eye Patch, 2013
Ziefert, H. Does an Owl Wear Eyeglasses?  2014
Additional books about Sight can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 612.84)

English Language

Appelt, K. Elephants Aloft, 1993
Arena, J. Marta!  Big & Small, 2016
Ayres, K. Up, Down and Around, 2007
Baker, A. Little Rabbits First Word Book, 1996
Banks, K. Max’s Words, 2006
Barretta, G. Dear Deer:  A Book of Homophones, 2007
Bernhard, D. To & Fro, Fast & Slow, 2001
Best, C. Beatrice Spells Some Lulus and Learns to Write a Letter, 2013
Brennan-Nelson, D. My Mama Likes to Say, 2003
Brennan-Nelson, D. My Teachers Likes to Say, 2004
Bruno, E. Punctuation Celebration, 2009
Byers, P. One Sheep, Two Sheep:  A Book of Collective Nouns, 2010
Cleary, B. A Mink, A Fink, A Skating Rink:  What is a Noun?  1999
Cleary, B. Hairy, Scary, Ordinary:  What is an Adjective?  2000
Cleary, B. To Root, To Toot, To Parachute:  What is a Verb?  2001
Cleary, B. Under, Over, by the Clover:  What is a Preposition?  2002
Cleary, B. Dearly, Nearly Insincerely:  What is an Adverb?  2003
Cleary, B. I and You and Don’t Forget Who:  What is a Pronoun? 2004
Cleary, B. Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know:  What is a Synonym?  2005
Cleary, B. How Much Can a Bare Bear Bare?  What Are Homonyms?  2005
Cleary, B. A Lime, A Mime, A Pool of Slime:  More About Nouns, 2006
Cleary, B. Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp:  More About Verbs, 2007
Cleary, B. Lazily, Crazily, Just a Bit Nasilly:  More About Adverbs, 2008
Cleary, B. Quirky, Jerky, Extra-Perky:  More About Adjectives, 2007
Cleary, B. Stroll and Walk, Babble and Talk:  More About Synonyms, 2008
Cleary, B. Pre- and Re-, Mis- amd Dis-:  What is a Prefix?  2013
Coffelt, N. Big, Bigger, Biggest!  2009
Cox, J. Carmen Learns English, 2010
Curtis, J. Big Words for Little People, 2008
Edwards, W. The Cat’s Pajamas, 2010
Frasier, D. Miss Alaineus:  A Vocabulary Disaster, 2000
Hopkins, L. Wonderful Words, 2004
Isadora, R. Yo, Jo!  2007
Jeffers, O. The Hueys in What’s the Opposite?  2016
Jocely, M. Where Do You Look?  2013
Leedy, L. Crazy Like a Fox:  A Simile Story, 2008
Lewis, P. Big is Big (and little, little):  A Book of Contrasts, 2007
Litchfield, J. Usborne Book of Everyday Words, 1999
Long, E. In! Over! And On! (the Farm), 2015
McPhail, D. Pig Pig Meets the Lion, 2012
Minters, F. Too Big, Too Small, Just Right, 2001
My My First Phonics Book, 1999
Pulver, R. Punctuation Takes a Vacation, 2003
Pulver, R. Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day, 2003
Pulver, R. Silent Letters Loud and Clear, 2008
Pulver, R. Happy Endings:  A Story About Suffixes, 2011
Pulver, R. Mr First!  Prefixes Lead the Way, 2016
Ringgold, F. Cassie’s Word Quilt, 2002
Rosenthal, A. I Scream Ice Scream!  A Book of Wordles, 2013
Rubinger, A. Big Cat, Small Cat, 2008
Saltzberg, B. Phoebe and the Spelling Bee, 1997
Scarry, R. Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever, 2004
Schotter, R. The Boy Who Loved Words, 2006
Sesame ABC and 123: A Sesame Street Treasury of Words and Numbers, 1998
Sneed, B. Picture a Letter, 2002
Snicket, L. 13 Words, 2010
Thomas, J. Rhyming Dust Bunnies, 2008
Tobin, J. The Very Inappropriate Word, 2013
Truss, L. Eats, Shoots and Leaves:  Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference! 06
Truss, L. The Girl’s Like Spaghetti:  Why You Can’t Manage Without Apostrophes!  07
Walker, S. The Vowel Family:  A Tale of Lost Letters, 2008
Wilkes, A. My First Word Book, 1999
Wilson, K. Big Bear, Small Mouse, 2016
Additional English Language books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 423)