Aliki | Feelings, 1984 |
Angleberger, T. | Crankee Doodle, 2013 |
Anhold, C. | What Makes Me Happy? 1998 |
Annunziata, J. | Why Am I an Only Child? 1998 |
Ashman, L. | Rain! 2013 |
Ashman, L. | Rain! 2014 |
Badescu, R. | Big Rabbit’s Bad Mood, 2009 |
Bang, M. | When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really Really Hurt, 2015 |
Bang, M. | When Sophie Gets Angry – Really Really Angry, 1999 |
Bellisario, G. | Keep Calm! My Stress-Busting Tips, 2016 |
Berenstain, M. | The Berenstain Bears Hug and Make-Up, 2006 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight, 1982 |
Bolliger, M. | The Happy Troll, 2005 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Forgives, 2004 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin’s Bad Day, 1997 |
Browne, A. | How Do You Feel? 2011 |
Cabrera, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It! 2003 |
Cain, J. | The Way I Feel, 2000 |
Carle, W. | The Grouchy Ladybug, 1996 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Theo’s Mood, 2013 |
Cote, G. | Starring Me and You, 2014 |
Curtis, J. | Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day, 1998 |
Curtis, J. | It’s Hard to be Five, 2004 |
Delacroix, S. | Prickly Jenny, 2015 |
Dewdney, A. | Grumpy Gloria, 2006 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout Fish, 2009 |
Dodd, E. | No Matter What, 2008 |
Egan, T. | Serious Farm, 2003 |
Emberly, E. | Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings, 1997 |
Frame, J. | Yesterday I Had the Blues, 2003 |
Freeman, T. | Olive and the Bad Mood, 2013 |
Freymann, S. | How Are You Peeling? Foods With Moods, 1999 |
Goldblatt, R. | The Boy Who Wanted to be Sad, 2004 |
Gravel, E. | The Cranky Ballerina, 2016 |
Graves, S. | I’m Not Happy, 2011 |
Graves, S. | Who Feels Scared? 2011 |
Hamilton, D. | Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, 1995 |
Harris, R. | When Lions Roar, 2013 |
Harrison, H. | Bernice Gets Carried Away, 2015 |
Hoberman, M. | The Cozy Book, 1995 |
Jones, E. | Sunshine & Storm, 2001 |
Juster, N. | Sourpuss and Sweetie Pie, 2008 |
Klise, K. | Why Do You Cry? Not a Sob Story, 2006 |
Kroll, S. | That Makes Me Mad, 2002 |
Latimer, M. | Emily’s Tiger, 2008 |
Lichtenheld, T. | What Are You So Grumpy About? 2003 |
MacLean, K. | Peaceful Piggy Meditation, 2016 |
Martin, M. | Princess Harper Gets Happy, 2013 |
Martin, M. | Princess Addison Gets Angry, 2013 |
Martin, M. | Princess Sophia Gets Scared, 2013 |
Martin, M. | Princess Stella Gets Sad, 2013 |
Mayer, G. | Just Not Invited, 2002 |
Mayer, M. | I Was So Mad, 1983 |
McCloud, C. | Fill a Bucket: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Young Children, 2008 |
Medina, S. | Jealous, 2007 |
Medina, S. | Sad, 2007 |
Medina, S. | Happy, 2007 |
Menchin, S. | Taking a Bath With the Dog, 2007 |
Miller, C. | Angry Is…2012 |
Miyakoshi, J. | All About Faces! 2003 |
Murphy, S. | Percy Gets Upset: Dealing with Frustration, 2011 |
Murray, J. | Afraid, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Angry, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Happy, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Love, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Sad, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Surprised, 2017 |
Nichols, C. | Sad Is…2012 |
Omerod, J. | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2003 |
Parr, T. | The Feelings Book, 2000 |
Parr, T. | Things That Make You Feel Good/Things That Make You Feel Bad, 99 |
Parr, T. | The Feel Good Book, 2002 |
Parr, T. | The Okay Book, 1999 |
Parton, D. | I Am a Rainbow, 2009 |
Patterson, C. | 1-2-3 A Calmer Me: Helping Children Cope, 2016 |
Proimos, J. | The Loudness of Sam, 1999 |
Raffi | If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2005 |
Seeger, L. | Walter Was Worried, 2005 |
Seuss, D. | My Many Colored Days , 1996 |
Shields, G. | Dogfish, 2008 |
Silver, G. | Anh’s Anger, 2009 |
Spangler, B. | The Grumpy Dump Truck, 2009 |
Spelman, C. | When I Feel Jealous, 2003 |
Spelman, C. | When I Feel Scared, 2002 |
Spelman, C. | When I Feel Sad, 2002 |
Spinelli, E. | When You Are Happy, 2006 |
Staub, L. | Everybody Gets the Blues, 2012 |
Tankard, J. | Grumpy Bird, 2007 |
Thompson, C. | The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness, 2008 |
VanHout, M. | Happy, 2012 |
Verroken, S. | Feeling Sad, 2009 |
Wagenach, D. | The Grouchies, 2010 |
Wells, R. | Miracle Melts Down, 2012 |
Whitehead, J. | You’re a Crab! A Moody Day Book, 2015 |
Williams, P. | Happy! 2015 |
Willis, J. | Susan Laughs, 1999 |
Won, B. | Hooray for Hat! 2014 |
Yolen, J. | How Do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad? 2013 |
Zolotow, C. | The Hating Book, 1969 |
Author: Scott Wright
Elephants and Mammoths
Andres, K. | Elephant in the Bathtub, 2010 |
Appelt, K. | Elephants Aloft, 1993 |
Archer, D. | Looking After Little Ellie, 2005 |
Arnold, K. | Elephants Can Paint Too! 2005 |
Bachelet, G. | My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, 2006 |
Bachelet, G. | When the Silliest Cat Was Small, 2007 |
Badescu, R. | Pomelo Begins to Grow, 2011 |
Badescu, R. | Pomelo Explores Colors, 2012 |
Bailey, M. | Tiny Pie, 2013 |
Bajaj, V. | This is Our Baby, Born Today, 2016 |
Barba, A. | When Our Elephant Comes to Play, 2016 |
Barrow, D. | Have You Seen Elephant? 2016 |
Bauer, M. | If You Had a Nose Like an Elephant’s Trunk, 2001 |
Blackford, H. | Elephant’s Story, 2008 |
Breathed, B. | Pete & Pickles, 2008 |
Broad, M. | Forget Me Not, 2009 |
Brunhoff, L. | Babar Books |
Buckley, C. | Tarra & Belle: The Elephant and Dog Who Became Best Friends, 2009 |
Bunting, E. | Tweak Tweak, 2011 |
Burningham, J. | Tug-of-War, 2013 |
Buzzeo, T. | My Bibi Always Remembers, 2014 |
Caple, K. | The Biggest Nose, 1985 |
Chase, K. | Oliver’s Tree, 2014 |
Chorao, K. | Ed and Kip, 2014 |
Clarke, J. | Trumpet the Little Elephant with a Big Temper, 2006 |
Cole, J. | Aren’t You Forgetting Something Fiona? 1994 |
Conway, D. | Errol and His Extraordinary Nose, 2010 |
Cordell, M. | Wish, 2015 |
Cordell, M. | Wish, 2017 |
Cote, G. | What Elephant? 2006 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Big City, 2014 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Big Family, 2015 |
Curato, M. | Little Elliot Big Fun, 2016 |
Daly, N. | Welcome to Zanzibar Road, 2006 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella Sets the Stage, 2006 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella Takes the Cake, 2005 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella Sets Sail, 2008 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella the Elegant Elephant, 2004 |
Day, A. | Good Dog Carl and the Baby Elephant, 2016 |
Dodd, E. | No Matter What, 2008 |
Dodd, E. | Cinderelephant, 2013 |
Dodd, E. | Always, 2014 |
Dunbar, P. | Where’s Trumpty? 2009 |
Eilenberg, M. | Squeak’s Good Idea, 2001 |
Elliott, D. | This Orq (He Cave Boy), 2014 |
Elliott, D. | This Orq (He Say “Ugh!”), 2015 |
Engler, M. | Elephantastic! 2015 |
Feeney, T. | Small Elephant’s Bathtime, 2015 |
Fox, M. | Baby Bedtime, 2013 |
Gerstein, M. | The First Drawing, 2013 |
Gingrich, C. | Sweet Land of Liberty, 2011 |
Goodman, J. | Bernard Goes to School, 2001 |
Gorbachev, V. | Big Little Elephant, 2005 |
Grambling, L. | Can I Bring Woolly to the Library, Ms. Reeder? 2012 |
Hallensleben, G. | Pauline, 1999 |
Hanel, W. | Little Elephant Runs Away, 2001 |
Henrichs, We. | When Anju Loved Being an Elephant, 2011 |
Hillenbrand, W. | My Book Box, 2006 |
Horacek, P. | My Elephant, 2009 |
Hunter, S. | Humphrey’s Corner, 2001 |
Javaherbin, M. | Elephant in the Dark, 2015 |
Johnson, P. | The Goose Who Went off in a Huff, 2001 |
Judge, L. | Pennies for Elephants, 2009 |
Kavanagh, P. | I Love My Mama, 2003 |
Kleven, E. | Welcome Home, Mouse, 2010 |
Koehler, F. | How to Cheer Up Dad, 2014 |
Kramer, J. | The Green Umbrella, 2017 |
Layton, N. | Oscar and Arabella and Ormsby, 2007 |
Lester, H. | Tacky in Trouble, 1998 |
Levitin, S. | When Elephant Goes to a Party, 2001 |
Lewis, K. | Hooray for Harry, 2006 |
MacDonald, S. | Elephants on Board, 1999 |
Marino, G. | Meet Me at the Moon, 2012 |
McClung, R. | Old Bet and the Start of the American Circus, 1993 |
McConnell, F. | Splash! 1999 |
McCully, E. | 3,2,1, Go! 2015 |
McGrory, A. | Quick, Slow, Mango! 2011 |
McKee, D. | Elmer Books |
Monroe, C. | Monkey With a Tool Belt and the Noisy Problem, 2009 |
Murphy, J. | A Piece of Cake, 1997 |
Oyibo, P. | Big Brother, Little Sister, 2000 |
Patel, S. | Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth, 2012 |
Pavon, M. | That’s Not Normal, 2016 |
Paxton, T. | Englebert Joins the Circus, 1997 |
Paxton, T. | Englebert the Elephant, 1990 |
Pien, L. | Mr. Elephanter, 2010 |
Polacco, P. | Emma Kate, 2005 |
Ravishankar, A. | Elephants Never Forget! 2007 |
Reid, A. | Mama’s Day with Little Gray, 2014 |
Richards, D. | Can One Balloon Make an Elephant Fly? 2016 |
Robinson, M. | How to Wash a Wooly Mammoth, 2013 |
Rubinger, A. | I Dream of an Elephant, 2010 |
Sarcone-Roach, J. | The Secret Plan, 2009 |
Schubert, L. | Ballet of the Elephants, 2006 |
Schwartz, A. | How to Catch an Elephant, 1999 |
Schwartz, A. | Tiny & Hercules, 2009 |
Schwartz, C. | Hop! Plop! 2006 |
Seibold, J. | Free Lunch, 1996 |
Shields, G. | Elephantantrum! 2013 |
Slack, M. | Elecopter, 2013 |
Smith, L. | The Big Elephant In the Room, 2009 |
Stadler, J. | Big and Little, 2007 |
Stead, P. | Special Delivery, 2015 |
Stead, P. | Samson in the Snow, 2016 |
Steig, W. | Doctor DeSoto Goes to Africa, 1992 |
Townsend, M. | Monkey & Elephant’s Worst Fight Ever! 2011 |
Wallace, J. | Big Noisy Simon, 2001 |
Wheeler, L. | Mammoths on the Move, 2007 |
Willems, M. | Elephant & Piggie Books |
Wilson-Max, K. | Max’s Starry Night, 2001 |
Winter, J. | Kali’s Song, 2012 |
Won, B. | Hooray for Hat! 2014 |
Wood, D. | When Mama Mirabelle Comes Home, 2007 |
Young, C. | Nancy Knows, 2014 |
Additional books about Elephants can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J599.61 and | |
J 636.967) | |
Additional books about Mammoths can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 569.6) |
Aston, D. | An Egg is Quiet, 2006 |
Auch, M. | Eggs Marks the Spot, 1996 |
Austin, H. | Boatyard Ducklings, 2008 |
Averbeck, J. | Except If, 2011 |
Battut, E. | The Fox and the Hen, 2010 |
Braun, T. | My Goose Betsy, 1999 |
Brett, J. | Hedgie’s Surprise, 2000 |
Chen, Z. | On My Way to Buy Eggs, 2003 |
Cutbill, A. | The Cow That Laid an Egg, 2008 |
DePalma, M. | The Strange Egg, 2001 |
DePalma, M. | Two Little Birds, 2014 |
DePaola, T. | Little Grunt and the Big Egg, 2006 |
Dudley, R. | Hank Finds an Egg, 2013 |
Dunrea, O. | Ollie, 2003 |
Esbaum, J. | I Hatched! 2014 |
Gehl, L. | Peep and Egg: I’m Not Hatching, 2016 |
Gliori, D. | Dragon’s Extraordinary Egg, 2013 |
Graham, B. | Dimity Dumpty: The Story of Humpty’s Little Sister, 2007 |
Gray, R. | Have You Heard the Nesting Bird? 2014 |
Grey, M. | Egg Drop, 2002 |
Halfmann, J. | Eggs 1 2 3: Who Will the Babies Be? 2012 |
Henkes, K. | Egg, 2017 |
Hills, T. | Duck & Goose, 2006 |
Horowitz, D. | Humpty Dumpty Climbs Again, 2008 |
Hurley, J. | Nest, 2014 |
Jenkins, M. | The Emperor’s Egg, 1999 |
Johansen, H. | Henrietta and the Golden Eggs, 2002 |
Joyce, W. | Bently & Egg, 1992 |
Kangas, J. | The Surprise Visitor, 2005 |
Kellogg, S. | A Penguin Pup for Pinkerton, 2001 |
Kirk, D. | Humpty Dumpty, 2000 |
Kirk, D. | Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Kids, 2004 |
Lionni, L. | An Extraordinary Egg, 1994 |
Mann, J. | Two Speckled Eggs, 2014 |
McMillan, B. | The Problem With Chickens, 2005 |
Meddaugh, S. | Harry on the Rocks, 2003 |
Milhous, K. | The Egg Tree, 1992 |
Mollel, T. | Kele’s Secret, 1997 |
Montes, M. | Egg-napped! 2002 |
Parsons, A. | Can You Really Fry an Egg on a Stone? 1992 |
Paschkis, J. | P. Zonka Lays an Egg, 2015 |
Pfister, M. | Henri, Egg Artiste, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | Chicken Sunday, 1992 |
Polacco, P. | Rechenka’s Eggs, 1988 |
Ransom, J. | What REALLY Happened to Humpty? 2009 |
Richardson, J. | And Tango Makes Three, 2005 |
Schwartz, R. | The Mole Sisters and the Blue Egg, 2001 |
Seeger, L. | First the Egg, 2007 |
Seuss, D. | Scrambled Eggs Super! 1953 |
Seuss, D. | Horton Hatches the Egg, 1968 |
Simmons, J. | Daisy and the Egg, 1998 |
Smith, A. | Foxy and Egg, 2011 |
Stileman, K. | Roly-Poly Egg, 2009 |
Stoeke, J. | Minerva Louise and the Colorful Egg, 2006 |
Sykes, J. | Dora’s Eggs, 1997 |
Tafuri, N. | Whose Chick Are You? 2005 |
Waddell, M. | It’s Quacking Time, 2005 |
Ward, J. | What Will Hatch? 2013 |
Ward, J. | Mama Built a Little Nest, 2014 |
Waring, G. | Oscar and the Frog: A Book About Growing, 2007 |
Weeks, S. | Two Eggs Please, 2003 |
Weinberg, S. | Rex Finds an Egg! Egg! Egg! 2015 |
Wilson, K. | What’s in the Egg, Little Pip? 2011 |
Wormell, M. | Hen’s Search, 1994 |
Eating Healthy
Bass, J. | Edible Colors, 2014 |
Bass, J. | Edible Numbers, 2015 |
Bellisario, G. | Choose Good Food! My Eating Tips, 2014 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food, 1985 |
Brown, M. | D.W. The Picky Eater, 1995 |
Bruel, N. | Bad Kitty, 2005 |
Bullard, L. | Brown Food Fun, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Green Food Fun, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Orange Food Fun, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Red Food Fun, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | White Food Fun, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Yellow Food Fun, 2006 |
Bunting, E. | My Dog Jack is Fat, 2011 |
Campbell, B. | I Get So Hungry, 2008 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Board Book), 1994 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 1987 |
Carle, E. | Today is Monday, 1993 |
Child, L. | I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, 2000 |
Cleary, B. | Apples, Cherries, Red Raspberries: What is in the Fruits Group? 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Black Beans and Lamb, Poached Eggs and Ham, 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Yogurt and Cheeses and Ice Cream That Pleases, 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Green Beans, Potatoes and Even Tomatoes, 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Macaroni and Rice and Bread by the Slice, 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Oils (Just a Bit) to keep Your Body Fit: What Are Oils? 2011 |
Cochran, J. | Your Tummy’s Talking! 2008 |
Dickmann, N. | Fruits, 2010 |
Dickmann, N. | Vegetables, 2010 |
Durant, A. | Burger Boy, 2006 |
Ehlert, L. | Eating the Alphabet (Board Book), 1996 |
Ehlert, L. | Growing Vegetable Soup, 1987 |
Ehlert, L. | Eating the Alphabet, 1989 |
Falwell, C. | Rainbow Stew, 2013 |
Fleiss, S. | A Gluten-Free Birthday for Me! 2013 |
French, V. | Oliver’s Vegetables, 1995 |
French, V. | Oliver’s Fruit Salad, 1998 |
French, V. | Oliver’s Milk Shake, 2001 |
Gershator, D. | Bread is for Eating, 1995 |
Gibbons, G. | The Vegetables We Eat, 2007 |
Gray, K. | Eat Your Peas: A Daisy Book, 2006 |
Gretz, S. | Rabbit Food, 1999 |
Harris, R. | What’s So Yummy? All About Eating Well and Feeling Good, 2014 |
Hicks, B. | Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli, 2009 |
Hoban, R. | Bread and Jam for Frances, 1992 |
Hoberman, M. | The Seven Silly Eaters, 1997 |
Jackson, A. | I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie, 1997 |
Kaplan, M. | Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake, 2011 |
Landry, L. | Eat Your Peas, Ivy Louise! 2005 |
LaRochelle, D. | How Martha Saved Her Parents From Green Beans, 2013 |
Leedy, L. | The Edible Pyramid: Good Eating Every Day, 2007 |
Lewis, P. | No More Cookies! 2005 |
Lin, G. | The Ugly Vegetables, 1999 |
Lobel, a. | 10 Hungry Rabbits, 2012 |
Loehr, P. | Mucumber McGee and the Half-Eaten Hot Dog, 2007 |
Loehr, P. | Mucumber McGee and the Lunch Lady’s Liver, 2008 |
Marlowe, S. | No Ordinary Apple: A Story About Eating Mindfully, 2013 |
McClements, G. | Night of the Veggie Monster, 2008 |
Medina, J. | 1 Big Salad: A Delicious Counting Book, 2016 |
Miranda, A. | To Market To Market, 1997 |
Mora, P. | Let’s Eat! A Comer! 2008 |
Murphy, J. | A Piece of Cake, 1997 |
Plant, D. | Hungry Roscoe, 2015 |
Rosenthal, A. | Little Pea, 2005 |
Rubel, N. | No More Vegetables! 2002 |
Rylant, C. | Little Whistle’s Dinner Party, 2001 |
Sayre, A. | Rah, Rah, Radishes! 2011 |
Schnitzlein, D. | The Monster Who Ate My Peas, 2001 |
Smallwood, S. | We Are What We Eat! 2008 |
Spinelli, E. | Miss Fox’s Class Shapes Up, 2011 |
Trent, S. | Farmers’ Market Day, 2013 |
Voake, C. | Pizza Kittens, 2002 |
Wells, R. | The Gulps, 2007 |
Wells, R. | Max and Ruby’s Midas: Another Greek Myth, 1995 |
Wright, M. | Jake Goes Peanuts, 2010 |
Yaccarino, D. | The Lima Bean Monster, 2001 |
Yolen, J. | How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? 2005 |
Young, C. | A Few Bites, 2012 |
Additional books about Health are in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 612) | |
Additional books about Eating Healthy are in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 664.6) | |
Books about Junk Food can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 664.6) |
Cole, J. | The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth, 1987 |
Frasier, D. | On the Day Your Were Born, 1991 |
Gay, M. | Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth, 2010 |
Greene, R. | The Beautiful World That God Made, 2002 |
Jackson, E. | Earth Mother, 2005 |
Jackson, J. | Let There Be Peace on Earth, 2009 |
Jeffers, S. | Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message From Chief Seattle, 1992 |
Karas, G. | On Earth, 2005 |
Kudlinski, K. | Boy Were We Wrong About the Weather! 2015 |
Martin, B. | Listen to Our World, 2016 |
Marzollo, J. | Home Sweet Home, 1997 |
Morrison, T. | Little Cloud and Lady Wind, 2010 |
Napoli, D. | The Earth Shook, 2009 |
Parr, T. | The Earth Book, 2010 |
Perlman, W. | Good Night, Earth, 2011 |
Reisner, M. | SpongeBob Goes Green!: An Earth Friendly Adventure, 2009 |
Rucki, A. | When the Earth Wakes, 1998 |
Thiele, B. | What a Wonderful World, 2014 |
Well, R. | What’s So Special About Planet Earth? 2009 |
Wright, M. | Earth Day, Birthday! 2012 |
Additional books about Earth can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 525) |
Abrahams, P. | Quacky Baseball, 2011 |
Alborough, J. | Duck in the Truck, 2000 |
Alborough, J. | Fix-It Duck, 2002 |
Alborough, J. | Captain Duck, 2003 |
Alborough, J. | Super Duck, 2009 |
Alder, C. | Daredevil Duck, 2015 |
Aruego, J. | The Last Laugh, 2006 |
Austin, H. | Boatyard Ducklings, 2008 |
Baddiel, I. | Cock-aDoodle Quack! Quack! 2007 |
Baker, K. | Quack and Count, 1999 |
Bardhan-Quallen, S. | Duck, Duck, Moose! 2014 |
Bates, I. | Five Little Ducks, 2006 |
Bechtold, L. | Sally and the Purple Socks, 2008 |
Berry, L. | Duck Skates, 2005 |
Berry, L. | Duck Dunks, 2008 |
Berry, L. | Duck Tents, 2009 |
Berry, L. | Ducking for Apples, 2010 |
Braun, S. | The Ugly Duckling, 2010 |
Briers, E. | Little Duck Lost, 2004 |
Bryant, M. | Dump Truck Duck, 2016 |
Bunting, E. | Ducky, 1997 |
Bunting, E. | Have You Seen My New Blue Socks? 2013 |
Buzzeo, T. | Dawdle Duckling, 2003 |
Buzzeo, T. | Ready or Not, Dawdle Duckling, 2005 |
Capucilli, A. | Katy Duck is a Caterpillar, 2009 |
Carle, E. | 10 Little Rubber Ducks, 2005 |
Cecil, R. | Duck, 2008 |
Claflin, W. | The Uglified Ducky, 2008 |
Colombo, N. | So Close, 2008 |
Cooper, H. | Pumpkin Soup, 1998 |
Costello, D. | I Can Help, 2010 |
Cowley, J. | Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm, 2003 |
Cronin, D. | Giggle, Giggle, Quack, 2002 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, 2000 |
Cronin, D. | Duck for President, 2004 |
Cronin, D. | Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky Adventure, 2008 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Peep! 2015 |
Davies, N. | Just Ducks! 2012 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Five Little Ducks, 2017 |
Eaton, M. | Two Dumb Ducks, 2010 |
Emmett, J. | This Way, Ruby! 2007 |
Emmett, J. | Ruby in Her Own Time, 2004 |
Enderle, J. | Where Are you, Little Zack? 1997 |
Flack, M. | Story About Ping, 1933 |
Flake, S. | You Are Not a Cat! 2016 |
Fleming, D. | 5 Little Ducks, 2016 |
Ford, B. | No More Diapers for Ducky! 2006 |
Ford, B. | No More Bottles for Bunny! 2007 |
Ford, B. | No More Pacifier for Piggy! 2008 |
Gavin, C. | Bear Is Not Tired, 2016 |
Gerstein, M. | You Can’t Have Too Many Friends! 2014 |
Gravett, E. | The Odd Egg, 2008 |
Griffin, M. | Loon Baby, 2011 |
Grindley, S. | Mucky Duck, 2003 |
Hest, A. | In the Rain with Baby Duck, 1995 |
Hest, A. | Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses, 1996 |
Hest, A. | You’re the Boss, Baby Duck, 1997 |
Hest, A. | Make the Team, Baby Duck! 2002 |
Hills, T. | Duck & Goose, 2006 |
Hills, T. | Duck, Duck, Goose, 2007 |
Hills, T. | Duck & Goose Go to the Beach, 2014 |
Himmelman, J. | Duck to the Rescue, 2014 |
Hindley, J. | Do Like a Duck Does, 2002 |
Horowitz, D. | Duck Duck Moose, 2009 |
Hudson, K. | Bear and Duck, 2015 |
Isadora, R. | The Ugly Duckling, 2009 |
Ives, P. | Celestine Drama Queen, 2008 |
James, S. | Little One Step, 2003 |
Jeram, A. | Bunny, My Honey; All Together Now, 2001 |
John, J. | Goodnight Already, 2015 |
Joyce, W. | Bently & Egg, 1992 |
Kasza, K. | Ready for Anything! 2009 |
Keller, J. | The Rubber-Legged Ducky, 2008 |
Kohuth, J. | Duck Sock Hop, 2012 |
Lear, E. | The Duck & the Kangaroo, 2009 |
Lewis, K. | Seymour and Henry, 2009 |
Mack, J. | Duck in the Fridge, 2014 |
Martin, D. | Peep and Ducky, 2013 |
Mathers, P. | A Cake for Herbie, 2000 |
McCloskey, R. | Make Way for Ducklings, 1969 |
McCully, E. | Little Ducks Go, 2014 |
McPhail, D. | Waddles, 2011 |
Moore, E. | Lucky Ducklings, 2013 |
Naylor, P. | Ducks Disappearing, 1997 |
Nedwidek, J. | Ducks Don’t Wear Socks, 2008 |
Nolan, L. | Jack Quack, 2001 |
Peters, L. | Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck, 2000 |
Pfister, M. | Charlie at the Zoo, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | John Philip Duck, 2004 |
Potter, B. | The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, 2002 |
Raffi | Five Little Ducks, 1989 |
Rankin, J. | Wow! It’s Great Being a Duck, 1998 |
Ritchie, A. | Duck Says Don’t! 2012 |
Robinson, N. | Muddle & Mo, 2017 |
Root, P. | One Duck Stuck, 1998 |
Rosenthal, A. | Duck! Rabbit! 1009 |
Roth, C. | Five Little Ducklings Go to Bed, 2013 |
Salinas, V. | The Voyage, 2013 |
Sams, C. | Lost in the Woods: A Photographic Fantasy, 2004 |
Sauer, T. | Mr. Duck Means Business, 2011 |
Scheunemann, P. | Ducks Quack! 2009 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Bike, 2002 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Tractor, 2016 |
Silverman, E. | Don’t Fidget a Feather, 1994 |
Simmons, J. | Come Along, Daisy! 1997 |
Simmons, J. | Daisy and the Beastie, 2000 |
Simmons, J. | Quack, Daisy, Quack! 2002 |
Simmons, J. | Ebb and Flo and the New Friend, 1999 |
Simmons, J. | Daisy and the Egg, 1998 |
Skalak, B. | Waddle Waddle Quack Quack Quack, 2005 |
Sklansky, A. | The Duck Who Played the Kazoo, 2008 |
Sloat, T. | I’m a Duck! 2006 |
Soffer, G. | Duck’s Vacation, 2015 |
Sones, S. | Violet and Winston, 2009 |
Spinelli, E. | Silly Tilly, 2009 |
Tafuri, N. | Goodnight, My Duckling, 2005 |
Thompson, L. | Little Quack’s New Friend, 2006 |
Thompson, L. | Little Quack, 2003 |
Thompson, L. | Little Quack’s Hide and Seek, 2004 |
Thompson, L. | Little Quack’s Bedtime, 2005 |
Tryon, L. | Albert’s Ballgame, 1996 |
Twohy, M. | Outfoxed, 2013 |
Urbanovic, J. | Duck at the Door, 2007 |
Urbanovic, J. | Duck Soup, 2008 |
Urbanovic, J. | Duck and Cover, 2009 |
Urbanovic, J. | Sitting Duck, 2010 |
Verdict, E. | Peep Leap, 2013 |
Verroken, S. | Feeling Sad, 2009 |
Waddell, M. | It’s Quacking Time, 2005 |
Whippo, W. | Little White Duck, 2000 |
Willems, M. | Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! 2004 |
Willems, M. | The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? 2012 |
Wilson, K. | Duddle Puck the Puddle Duck, 2015 |
Wong, L. | Quackers, 2016 |
Yamamura, A. | Hannah Duck, 2008 |
Yolen, J. | Dimity Duck, 2006 |
Yolen, J. | On Duck Pond, 2017 |
Yoon, S. | Duck, Duck, Porcupine! 2016 |
Ziefert, H. | A Dozen Ducklings Lost and Found: A Counting Story, 2003 |
Additional children’s books about Ducks can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 598.41 and | |
and J 636.587 |
Ahlberg, A. | Dinosaur Dreams, 1991 |
Almond, D. | Kate, the Cat and the Moon, 2004 |
Armstrong, J. | Pierre’s Dream, 1999 |
Asch, F. | Moonbear’s Dream, 1999 |
Baker, M. | When I Was a Girl, I Dreamed, 2005 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Dream, 1988 |
Blackstone, S. | I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur, 2005 |
Briggs, R. | The Snowman, 2000 |
Brown, M. | Sheep Don’t Count Sheep, 2003 |
Brown, R. | Mad Summer Night’s Dream, 1999 |
Byun, Y. | Dream Friends, 2013 |
Chapman, N. | Doggie Dreams, 2000 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy’s Rainbow Dream, 2003 |
Davis, K. | I Hate to Go to Bed! 1999 |
Demi | The Magic Pillow, 2008 |
Doyle, M. | The Dancing Tiger, 2005 |
Dudley, R. | Hank Has a Dream, 2016 |
Dunbar, P. | Arthur’s Boat Dream, 2012 |
Dungy, T. | You Can Do It! 2008 |
Falconer, I. | Dream Big: Starring Olivia, 2006 |
Gorbachev, V. | Nicky and the Big, Bad Wolves, 1998 |
Gould, D. | Terry’s Creature, 1989 |
Greenstein, E. | Dreaming: A Countdown to Sleep, 2000 |
Howard, A. | My Dream Dog, 2016 |
Johnson, A. | I Dream of Trains, 2003 |
Kimmel, E. | What Do You Dream? 2003 |
Kirk, D. | Oh So Tiny Bunny, 2013 |
Kramer, A. | Pajama Pirates, 2010 |
Laden, N. | If I Had a Little Dream, 2017 |
Lansky, B. | Sweet Dreams: Bedtime Poems, Songs & Lullabies, 1996 |
Lawson, D. | Tex: A Book for Little Dreamers, 2011 |
LeGuin, U. | Cat Dreams, 2009 |
Lobel, A. | Nini Here and There, 2007 |
Mack, J. | Hush Little Polar Bear, 2008 |
Martin, E. | Dream Animals: A Bedtime Journey, 2013 |
Martin, R. | Moon Dreams, 2010 |
Matott, J. | When I Was a Boy, I Dreamed, 2006 |
Mayer, M. | What a Bad Dream, 1992 |
Mayer, M. | There’s a Nightmare in My Closet, 1968 |
McCain, B. | Grandmother’s Dreamcatcher, 1998 |
McCarty, P. | Bunny Dreams, 2016 |
Musgrove, S. | Dreams Are More Real Than Bathtubs, 1998 |
Nolan, D. | Dinosaur Dream, 1990 |
O’Malley, K. | Gimme Cracked Corn & I Will Share, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | Appelemando’s Dreams, 1991 |
Poole, A. | The Pea Blossom, 2003 |
Porter, S. | Sweet Dreams: A Life-the-Flap Bedtime Story, 1996 |
Primavera, E. | Louise the Big Cheese, 2009 |
Rey, H. | Curious George’s Dream, 1998 |
Reynolds, P. | Happy Dreamer, 2017 |
Ringgold, F. | Tar Beach, 1991 |
Saenz, B. | A Perfect Season for Dreaming: Un Tiempo Perfecto Para Sonar, 2008 |
Say, A. | The Boy In the Garden, 2010 |
Shulevitz, U. | So Sleepy Story, 2006 |
Standiford, N. | Astronauts are Sleeping, 1996 |
Stuchner, J. | Josephine’s Dream, 2008 |
Symes, R. | The Sheep Fairy: When Wishes Have Wings, 2003 |
Teague, D. | Franklin’s Big Dreams, 2010 |
Teckentrup, B. | Before I Wake Up, 2016 |
Tutu, D. | God’s Dream, 2008 |
Underwood, D. | Part-Time Princess, 2013 |
Valerio, G. | Turn on the Night, 2016 |
Van Allsburg, C. | Ben’s Dream, 1982 |
Weldon, F. | Nobody Likes Me!, 1997 |
Whatley, B. | Clinton Gregory’s Secret, 2008 |
Willems, M. | I Will Take a Nap! 2015 |
Yamaguchi, K. | Dream Big Little Pig! 2011 |
Yolen, J. | Moon Ball, 1999 |
Yolen, J. | Baby Bear’s Big Dreams, 2007 |
Yum, H. | Last Night, 2008 |
Ashburn, B. | Over at the Castle, 2010 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Dragon, 2008 |
Bently, P. | King Jack and the Dragon, 2011 |
Blackstone, S. | There’s a Dragon on the Doorstep, 2005 |
Brill, C. | Little Wing Learns to Fly, 2016 |
Brunhoff, L. | Babar on Paradise Island, 2014 |
Cave, K. | You’ve Got Dragons, 2003 |
Clanton, B. | It Came in the Mail, 2016 |
Cole, B. | Princess Smartypants Rules, 2004 |
Cosgrove, S. | The Muffin Muncher, 1974 |
Crane, C. | D is for Dancing Dragon: A China Alphabet, 2006 |
Deedy, C. | The Library Dragon, 1994 |
Deedy, C. | Return of the Library Dragon, 2012 |
dePaola, T. | The Knight and the Dragon, 1980 |
DiPucchio, K. | Dragon Was Terrible, 2016 |
Docherty, H. | The Story Book Knight, 2016 |
Donaldson, J. | A Gold Star for Zog, 2010 |
Eduar, G. | Jooka Saves the Day, 1997 |
Ehrlich, A. | Baby Dragon, 2008 |
Faller, R. | Polo and the Dragon, 2003 |
Fearnley, J. | The Baby Dragon-Tamer, 2009 |
Fletcher, R. | The Sandman, 2008 |
Florian, D. | How to Draw a Dragon, 2015 |
Gliori, D. | Dragon’s Extraordinary Egg, 2013 |
Godin, T. | How to Dress a Dragon, 2016 |
Gorbachev, V. | Dragon is Coming! 2009 |
Gorbachev, V. | How to Be Friends with a Dragon, 2012 |
Gravett, E. | Again! 2013 |
Hoban, R. | Ace Dragon, Ltd. 2015 |
Howe, J. | There’s a Dragon in my Sleeping Bag, 1994 |
Joosse, B. | Evermore Dragon, 2015 |
Joosse, B. | Lovabye Dragon, 2012 |
Kirk, D. | Oh So Brave Dragon, 2014 |
Klostermann, P. | There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight, 2015 |
Kraegel, K. | King Arthur’s Very Great Grandson, 2012 |
Krause, U. | Oscar and the Very Hungry Dragon, 2007 |
Krensky, S. | Spark the Firefighter, 2008 |
Kroll, S. | Super-Dragon, 2011 |
Lambert, M. | I Won’t Get Lost, 2003 |
LaRochelle, D. | The Best Pet of All, 2004 |
LaRochelle, D. | The End, 2007 |
Lehrhaupt, A. | I Will Not Eat You, 2016 |
Light, S. | Have You Seen My Dragon? 2014 |
Long, E. | One Drowsy Dragon, 2010 |
Matthies, J. | Peter, the Knight with Asthma, 2009 |
Mayhew, J. | The Knight Who Took All Day, 2005 |
McKay, H. | There’s a Dragon Downstairs, 2005 |
Meddaugh, S. | Harry on the Rocks, 2003 |
Merino, G. | The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water, 2014 |
Moore, J. | When a Dragon Moves In, 2011 |
Moore, J. | When a Dragon Moves In Again, 2015 |
Morris, J. | Tell Me a Dragon, 2009 |
Munsch, R. | The Paper Bat Princess, 2004 |
Nash, O. | The Tale of Custard the Dragon, 1995 |
Niemann, C. | The Pet Dragon, 2008 |
Peet, B. | How Droogus the Dragon Lost His Head, 1971 |
Pendziwol, J. | Once Upon a Dragon: Stranger Safety of Kids (and Dragons), 2006 |
Pendziwol, J. | The Tale of Sir Dragon: Dealing With Bullies, 2007 |
Pilkey, D. | Dragon’s Halloween: Dragon’s Fifth Tale, 1993 |
Polacco, P. | The Graves Family Goes Camping, 2005 |
Ramos, M. | I Am So Strong, 2011 |
Ramos, M. | I Am So Handsome, 2012 |
Rayner, C. | Sylvia and Bird, 2009 |
Roberts, B. | Gramps and the Fire Dragon, 1997 |
Robinson, M. | The Forgetful Knight, 2016 |
Roth, J. | Goodnight, Dragons, 2012 |
Rubin, A. | Dragons Love Tacos, 2012 |
Saltzberg, B. | Would You Rather be a Princess or a Dragon? 2016 |
Schaefer, C. | Dragon Dancing, 2007 |
Sellier, M. | Legend of the Chinese Dragon, 2006 |
Sing, R. | Chinese New Year’s Dragon, 1994 |
Steckman, E. | Silk Peony, Parade Dragon, 1997 |
Stephenson, K. | Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really BIG Adventure, 2007 |
Stewart, J. | Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie on the Road, 2010 |
Sykes, J. | That Pesky Dragon, 2007 |
Thomas, S. | A Cold Winter’s Good Knight, 2008 |
Thomas, S. | Take Care, Good Knight, 2006 |
Thomas, S. | A Good Knight’s Rest, 2011 |
Tucker, K. | The Seven Chinese Sisters, 2003 |
Wells, R. | Max’s Dragon Shirt, 1991 |
Wood, A. | The Flying Dragon Room, 1996 |
Yarrow, P. | Puff the Magic Dragon, 2007 |
Yolen, J. | Waking Dragons, 2012 |
Additional books about Dragons can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.245) |
Bartels, A. | The Grandmother Doll, 2001 |
Bodeen, S. | Elizabeti’s Doll, 1998 |
Brown, M. | Doctor Squash the Doll Doctor, 2010 |
Demas, C. | The Littlest Matryoshka, 1999 |
Garelick, M. | Just My Size, 1990 |
Giff, P. | Patti Cake and Her New Doll, 2014 |
Gregory, N. | Pink, 2007 |
Gruelle, J. | Raggedy Ann: Raggedy Ann and Rags, 2002 |
Hassler, K. | Hannah and the Homunculus, 2001 |
Henkes, K. | Penny and Her Doll, 2012 |
Hermes, P. | When Snow Lay Soft on the Mountains, 1996 |
Hobbie, H. | Fanny, 2008 |
Hobbie, H. | Fanny and Annabelle, 2009 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and the Rag Doll, 2002 |
Lasky, K. | Sophie and Rose, 1998 |
Lindgren, A. | Mirabelle, 2003 |
McClintock, B. | Dahlia, 2002 |
McCourt, L. | Chicken Soup for Little Souls: The Never-Forgotten Doll, 1997 |
McPhail, D. | Emma in Charge, 2005 |
Nelson, V. | Almost to Freedom, 2003 |
Palatini, M. | Goldie is Mad, 2001 |
Polacco, P. | Babushka’s Doll, 1990 |
Polacco, P. | Betty Doll, 2001 |
Schneider, J. | Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover, 2014 |
Siminovich, L. | You Know What I Love? 2013 |
Small, D. | Eulalie and the Hopping Head, 2001 |
Tudor, T. | A is for Annabelle: A Doll’s Alphabet, 2001 |
Wells, R. | Hazel’s Amazing Mother, 1985 |
Wright, D. | A Gift From a Lonely Doll, 1999 |
Dogs and Puppies
Adderson, C. | Noman, Speak! 2014 |
Agee, J. | It’s Only Stanley, 2015 |
Alborough, J. | Some Dogs Do, 2003 |
Amico, T. | The Day the Dog Dressed Like Dad, 2004 |
Appelt, K. | Bubba and Beau Meet the Relatives, 2004 |
Appelt, K. | Bubba and Beau Go Night-Night, 2003 |
Appelt, K. | Bubba and Beau Best Friends, 2002 |
Appelt, K. | Mogie the Heart of the House, 2014 |
Arrou-Vignod, J. | Rita and Whatsit at the Beach, 2009 |
Arrou-Vignod, J. | Rita and Whatsit, 2009 |
Aryal, N. | Bo America’s Commander in Leash, 2009 |
Ashman, L. | Stella, Unleashed: Note From the Doghouse, 2008 |
Baek, M. | Be Gentle With the Dog, Dear! 2008 |
Bailey, L. | Stanley at Sea, 2008 |
Bailey, L. | Stanley’s Little Sister, 2010 |
Bailey, L. | Carson Crosses Canada, 2017 |
Bailey, S. | Stanley’s Beauty Contest, 2009 |
Banks, P. | It’s a Dog’s Life, 2005 |
Barclay, E. | Sheep Dog and Sheep Sheep, 2019 |
Bardes, C. | Pansy in Paris, 2014 |
Bartoletti, S. | Nobody’s Diggier Than a Dog, 2005 |
Beaumont, K. | Move Over, Rover! 2006 |
Beaumont, K. | Crybaby, 2015 |
Beck, A. | Pierre’s Friends, 2010 |
Beck, A. | Pierre in the Air! 2011 |
Bedford, D. | The Way I Love You, 2004 |
Bee, W. | Digger Dog, 2013 |
Behar, J. | SheetzuCacaPoopoo: My Kind of Dog, 2006 |
Behar, J. | SheetzuCacaPoopoo: Max Goes to the Dogs, 2009 |
Bell, C. | Itty Bitty, 2009 |
Belton, R. | Herbert: The True Story of a Brave Sea Dog, 2010 |
Bemelmans, L. | Madeline’s Rescue, 1981 |
Berger, L. | Dream Dog, 2013 |
Berry, L. | Pig and Pug, 2015 |
Berube, K. | Hannah and Sugar, 2016 |
Birdsall, J. | Lucky and Squash, 2012 |
Blabey, A. | Pig the Winner, 2017 |
Blabey, A. | Pig the Fibber, 2018 |
Blake, R. | Victor and Hugo, 2017 |
Bliss, H. | Bailey, 2011 |
Bliss, H. | Bailey at the Museum, 2012 |
Bluemle, E. | Dogs on the Bed, 2008 |
Blumenthal, D. | The Blue House Dog, 2010 |
Boelts, M. | Before You Were Mine, 2007 |
Bowen, A. | Scooter in the Outside, 2012 |
Boyle, K. | Teddy the Dog (Almost) Best in Show, 2017 |
Boyle, K. | Teddy the Dog Be Your Own Dog, 2016 |
Braeuner, S. | The Great Dog Wash, 2009 |
Brannen, S. | Madame Martine, 2014 |
Brannen, S. | Madame Martine Breaks the Rules, 2015 |
Breen, S. | Violet the Pilot, 2008 |
Brenning, J. | Maggi and Milo, 2014 |
Brett, J. | Trouble With Trolls, 1992 |
Brett, J. | The 3 Little Dassies, 2010 |
Brett, J. | The First Dog, 1988 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford the Big Red Dog Books |
Brimner, L. | Puppy & Bear: The First Day of School, 2017 |
Broach, E. | Wet Dog, 2005 |
Broach, E. | My Pet Wants a Pet, 2018 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s New Puppy, 1993 |
Brown, M. | Arthur and the Dog Show, 2004 |
Browne, C. | Marlo and the Dinosaurs, 2018 |
Bruce, L. | Fran’s Friend, 2003 |
Bruel, N. | Poor Puppy, 2010 |
Bruel, N. | Poor Puppy and Bad Kitty, 2016 |
Bryan, S. | The Juggling Pug, 2008 |
Buckley, C. | Tarra & Bella: The Elephant and Dog Who Became Best Friends, 2009 |
Buehner, C. | Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, 2003 |
Bunting, E. | My Dog Jack is Fat, 2011 |
Burleigh, R. | Good-Bye, Sheepie, 2010 |
Burningham, J. | Motor Miles, 2016 |
Cabrera, J. | Old Mother Hubbard, 2001 |
Cali, D. | Great Dog, 2018 |
Calmenson, S. | May I Pet Your Dog? The How-to Guide for Kids Meeting Dogs, 2007 |
Capucilli, A. | Happy Birthday, Biscuit! 1999 |
Capucilli, A. | Tulip Loves Rex, 2014 |
Carlin, P. | Alfie Is Not Afraid, 2012 |
Carlson, N. | Harriet and the Roller Coaster, 2003 |
Carlson, N. | Harriet and Walt, 2004 |
Carlson, N. | Harriet and the Garden, 2004 |
Carnesi, M. | Little Dog Lost: The True Story of a Brave Dog Named Baltic, 2012 |
Carter, D. | Woof! Woof! 2006 |
Casanova, M. | Some Dog, 2007 |
Casanova, M. | One-Dog Canoe, 2017 |
Cassie, A. | Sterling, Best Dog Ever, 2018 |
Caston, J. | Will You Help Doug Find His Dog? 2017 |
Catalanotto, P. | Ivan the Terrior, 2007 |
Cecil, R. | Lucy, 2016 |
Chall, M. | One Pup’s Up, 2010 |
Chall, M. | The Secret Life of Figgy Mustardo, 2016 |
Chapman, N. | Doggie Dreams, 2000 |
Chess, V. | The Costume Party, 2005 |
Child, L. | We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog, 2006 |
Child, L. | Who Wants To Be a Poodle, I Don’t, 2009 |
Child, L. | A Dog With Nice Ears, 2018 |
Chorao, K. | Bad Boy, Good Boy, 2013 |
Christelow, E. | Letters From a Desperate Dog, 2006 |
Christelow, E. | The Desperate Dog Writes Again, 2010 |
Chung, A. | Out! 2017 |
Church, C. | Ruff! And the Wonderfully Amazing Busy Day, 2013 |
Clark, E. | Up in Heaven, 2003 |
Clark, E. | Piper, 2007 |
Clark, E. | Melrose and Croc: An Adventure to Remember, 2008 |
Clark, E. | Love is My Favorite Thing, 2015 |
Clark, E. | Plenty of Love To Go Around, 2016 |
Clements, A. | Naptime for Slippers, 2005 |
Clements, A. | Dogku, 2006 |
Clements, A. | Slippers Loves to Run, 2006 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | A Vacation for Pooch, 2013 |
Cochran, B. | The Forever Dog, 2007 |
Coffelt, N. | Pug in a Truck, 2006 |
Coffelt, N. | Fred Stays With Me! 2007 |
Cole, B. | Truelove, 2001 |
Cole, B. | Anna & Natalie, 2007 |
Cooper, E. | Homer, 2012 |
Cooper, H. | Dog Biscuit, 2009 |
Cordell, R. | Two Girls Want a Puppy, 2015 |
Corderoy, T. | Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam, 2013 |
Corman, A. | Bark in the Park: Poems for Dog Lovers, 2019 |
Costain, M. | Daddies Are Awesome, 2012 |
Cotterill, S. | No More Bows, 2017 |
Cowen-Fletcher, J. | Hello, Puppy, 2010 |
Crimi, C. | There Might Be Lobsters, 2017 |
Crittenden, N. | The Three Little Pugs, 2018 |
Cronin, D. | Wiggle, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Bounce, 2007 |
Crummel, S. | Ten-Gallon Bart and the Wild West Show, 2008 |
Crummel, S. | Ten-Gallon Bart, 2006 |
Crummel, S. | Ten-Gallon Bart Beats the Heat, 2010 |
Cummings, T. | Can I Be Your Dog? 2018 |
Davis, C. | For Every Dog, An Angel, 2004 |
Davis, J. | Olive & Pekoe in Four Short Walks, 2019 |
Day, A. | Carl Books |
DeBeer, H. | Little Polar Bear and the Husky Pup, 1999 |
deGroat, D. | Dogs Don’t Brush Their Teeth, 2009 |
deGroat, D. | Charlie Goes to School, 2013 |
Demas, C. | Saying Goodbye to Lulu, 2004 |
Demas, C. | Always in Trouble, 2009 |
Demas, C. | Here Comes Trouble! 2013 |
Desrosiers, S. | Hocus Pocus, 2011 |
Dewdney, A. | Grumpy Gloria, 2006 |
DiCamillo, K. | Good Rosie! 2018 |
Diesen, D. | Pippa & Percival Pancake & Poppy: Four Peppy Puppies, 2018 |
Dillamore, L. | Nipper and the Lunchbox, 2018 |
DiPucchio, K. | Gaston, 2014 |
DiPucchio, K. | Dog Days of School, 2014 |
DiPucchio, K. | Antoinette, 2017 |
Dodd, E. | Dog’s ABC: A Silly Silly Story About the Alphabet, 2002 |
Dodd, E. | I Don’t Want a Posh Dog! 2009 |
Doerrfeld, C. | Good Dog, 2018 |
Dominguez, A. | Santiago Stays, 2013 |
Donaldson, J. | The Detective Dog, 2016 |
Drummond, R. | Charlie the Ranch Dog, 2011 |
Drummond, R. | Charlie and the New Baby, 2014 |
Dunbar, P. | Dog Blue, 2004 |
Dylan, B. | If Dogs Run Free, 2013 |
Edwards, P. | Muldoon, 2002 |
Ehlert, L. | Wag a Tail, 2007 |
Ehlert, L. | Rrralph, 2011 |
Elliot, R. | Dalmatian in a Digger, 2017 |
Ellis, S. | Ben and the Scaredy-Dog, 2018 |
Esbaum, J. | Stanza, 2009 |
Estefan, G. | Noelle’s Treasure Tale, 2006 |
Faller, R. | The Adventures of Polo, 2006 |
Faller, R. | Polo and Lily, 2004 |
Faller, R. | Polo and the Magic Flute, 2003 |
Feiffer, J. | Bark, George, 1999 – hoopla |
Feiffer, K. | Henry the Dog With No Tail, 2007 |
Feiffer, K. | Which Puppy? 2009 |
Feldman, T. | Suryia & Roscoe, 2011 |
Fenton, C. | Bob the Railway Dog: The True Story of an Adventurous Dog, 2015 |
Fergus, M. | Buddy and Earl Books – hoopla |
Fleming, D. | Buster, 2003 |
Fleming, D. | Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, 2008 |
Flesher, V. | Alfred’s Nose, 2008 |
Fletcher, A. | My Dog, My Cat, 2011 |
Flowers, P. | Big-Enough Anna: The Little Sled Dog Who Braved the Arctic, 2007 |
Flowers, P. | Ellie’s Long Walk, 2011 |
Fogliano, J. | Old Dog Baby Baby, 2016 |
Foreman, M. | Oh! If Only…2013 |
Fox, M. | Nellie Belle, 2015 |
Frazee, M. | Boot & Shoe, 2012 |
Frazee, M. | Little Brown, 2018 |
Freymann, S. | Gus and Button, 2001 |
Freymann, S. | Dog Food, 2002 |
Frost, H. | Dogs, 2001 |
Fucile, T. | Poor Louie, 2017 |
Fuge, C. | Yip! Snap! Yap!, 2001 |
Gal, S. | Please Take Me for a Walk, 2010 |
Galindo, R. | My New Mom & Me, 2016 |
Gall, C. | Dog vs. Cat, 2014 |
Gallion, S. | Pug Meets Pig, 2016 |
Garcia, C. | The Dog Who Loved the Moon, 2008 |
Gardiner, L. | When Poppy and Max Grow Up, 2001 |
Gehl, L. | My Pillow Keeps Moving! 2018 |
George, J. | How to Talk to Your Dog, 2000 |
George, L. | That Pup! 2011 |
Gianferrari, M. | Hello Goodbye Dog, 2017 |
Giff, P. | Patti Cake and Her New Doll, 2014 |
Gilbert, M. | Daisy and Josephine, 2014 |
Gilman, J. | Murphy’s Three Homes: A Story for Children in Foster Care, 2008 |
Glenn, S. | Just What Mama Needs, 2008 |
Going, K. | Dog in Charge, 2012 |
Goodall, J. | Doctor White, 2014 |
Goodrich, C. | Say Hello to Zorro! 2011 |
Goodrich, C. | Zorro Gets an Outfit, 2012 |
Goodrich, C. | Mister Bud Wears the Cone, 2014 |
Gordon, D. | Archie, 2012 |
Gordon, D. | Archie’s Vacation, 2013 |
Gormley, G. | Dog in Boots, 2011 |
Graham, B. | Let’s Get a Puppy Said Kate, 2001 |
Gravett, E. | Dogs, 2010 |
Greene, J. | Speak Up, Tommy! 2012 |
Grey, M. | Space Dog, 2015 |
Grogan, J. | Bad Dog, Marley! 2007 |
Grogan, J. | Marley Goes to School, 2009 – hoopla |
Grogan, J. | Marley and the Kittens, 2010 |
Grubb, L. | Happy Dog Sizzles! 2004 |
Guojing | Stormy, 2019 |
Guy, G. | Perros! Perros! Dogs! Dogs! 2006 |
Harper, D. | Sit Truman, 2001 |
Harrison, H. | Extraordinary Jane, 2014 |
Hartland, J. | Clementine in the City, 2005 |
Hassett, A. | The Nine Lives of Dudley Dog, 2008 |
Haughon, C. | Oh No, George! 2012 |
Hawkes, K. | Remy and Lulu, 2014 |
Hayes, S. | Dog Day, 2008 |
Heiligman, D. | Fun Dog, Sun Dog, 2005 |
Heiligman, D. | Snow Dog, Go Dog, 2013 |
Heos, B. | Queen Dog, 2017 |
Hernandez, L. | Dog Gone! 2012 |
Hest, A. | The Dog Who Belonged To No One, 2008 |
Hest, A. | Charley’s First Night, 2012 |
Hest, A. | The Reader, 2012 |
Hest, A. | When Charley Met Grampa, 2013 |
Hest, A. | My Old Pal, Oscar, 2016 |
Hest, A. | Buster and the Baby, 2017 |
Heyman, A. | Gretchen the Bicycle Dog, 2003 |
Hill, E. | Spot Books |
Hill, M. | Nico & Lola: Kindness Shared Between a Boy and a Dog, 2009 |
Hill, S. | Lassie Come Home, 2015 |
Hills, T. | How Rocket Learned to Read, 2010 |
Hills, T. | Rocket Writes a Story, 2012 |
Hills, T. | Rocket’s 100th Day of School, 2014 |
Hills, T. | R is for Rocket, 2015 |
Himmelman, J. | Katie Loves the Kittens, 2008 |
Himmelman, J. | 10 Little Hot Dogs, 2010 |
Himmelman, J. | Floaty, 2018 |
Hoberman, M. | One of Each, 1997 |
Holt, K. | Skinny Brown Dog, 2007 |
Hornsey, C. | Why Do I Have to Eat Off the Floor? 2005 |
Horvath, J. | Dig, Dogs, Dig: A Construction Tail, 2013 |
Horvath, J. | Build, Dogs, Build: A Tall Tail, 2014 |
Horvath, J. | Work, Dogs, Work: A Highway Tail, 2014 |
Howard, A. | Cosmo Zooms, 1999 |
Howard, A. | My Dream Dog, 2016 |
Huang, R. | Bobo and the New Baby, 2018 |
Humphrey, C. | Shoot for the Moon, 2011 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Books |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to Heaven, 2014 |
Hurley, J. | Fetch, 2015 |
Ichikawa, S. | Come Fly With Me, 2008 |
Imai, A. | Chester, 2007 |
Inkpen, M. | Kipper’s A to Z, 2001 |
Inkpen, M. | I Will Love You Anyway, 2016 |
Isadora, R. | My Dog Laughs, 2018 |
Jackson, K. | Pantaloon, 2010 |
James, S. | Mr.Scruff, 2019 |
Jarka, J. | Love That Puppy! 2009 |
Jenkins, E. | That New Animal, 2005 |
Jenkins, E. | Skunkdog, 2008 |
Jenkins, E. | A Greyhound A Groundhog, 2017 |
Jennings, L. | Little Puppy Lost, 2008 |
Jennings, S. | C’Mere, Boy! 2010 |
Johnson, D. | Magritte’s Marvelous Hat, 2012 |
Johnson, L. | Farley Follows His Nose, 2009 |
Johnson, T. | A Small Thing…But Big, 2016 |
Johnston, T. | Hey, Dog, 2019 |
Joose, B. | Dog Parade, 2011 |
Jordan, S. | Mr. and Mrs. Portly and Their Little Dog, Snack, 2009 |
Kalan, E. | Horse Meets Dog, 2018 |
Kalman, M. | What Pete Ate From A – Z, 2001 |
Katz, B. | Nothing But a Dog, 2010 |
Katz, J. | Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm, 2011 |
Kellogg, S. | Pinkerton, Behave! 2014 – hoopla |
Kellogg, S. | Prehistoric Pinkerton, 2002 |
Kellogg, S. | A Rose For Pinkerton, 2002 |
Kennedy, E. | My Senator and Me: A Dog’s Eye View of Washington, D.C. 2006 |
Kensky, J. | Rescue & Jessica: A Life Changing Friendship, 2018 |
Kerby, J. | Little Pink Pup, 2010 |
Kerby, M. | Owney, the Mail-Pouch Pooch, 2008 |
Kessler, T. | The Good Dog and the Bad Cat, 2016 |
Kimmelman, L. | The Shabbat Puppy, 2012 |
King, S. | Mutt Dog! 2004 |
Kirk, K. | Eli, No! 2011 |
Kirwan, W. | Nobody Notices Minerva, 2007 |
Kleven, E. | The Friendship Wish, 2011 |
Klise, K. | Stay: A Girl, A Dog, a Bucket List, 2017 |
Koontz, D. | I, Trixie Who is Dog, 2009 |
Koppens, J. | Sir Tim Wants a Dragon, 2018 |
Kopper, L. | Good Dog, Daisy! 2001 |
Kopper, L. | Daisy Knows Best, 1999 |
Korda, L. | So Cozy, 2015 |
Kotzwinkle, W. | Walter the Farting Dog Books |
Krishner, T. | Bark Park, 2018 |
Kroll, S. | A Tale of Two Dogs, 2004 |
Kroll, V. | Selvakumar Knew Better, 2006 |
Krupinski, L. | Snow Dog’s Journey, 2010 |
Kulling, M. | Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity, 2013 |
Kunhardt, K. | Let’s Count the Puppies, 2004 |
Kuskowski, A. | Puppies, 2013 |
Kvasnosky, L. | Really Truly Bingo, 2008 |
Lacasa, B. | Bow-Wow-Meow, 2017 |
Lacombe, B. | Cherry and Olive, 2007 |
Lambelet, A. | Dogs and Their People, 2019 |
Lang, G. | Looking Out for Sarah, 2001 |
Langdo, B. | The Dog Who Loved the Good Life, 2001 |
LaRochelle, D. | The Best Pet of All, 2004 |
Larson, K. | Two Bobbies, 2008 |
Latimer, A. | Stay! A Top Dog Story, 2015 |
Leaf, M. | Noodle, 2006 |
Lee, C. | Good Dog, Paw! 2004 |
Lee, C. | The Very Kind Rich Lady and Her One Hundred Dogs, 2001 |
Lee, J. | Boo: Little Dog in the Big City, 2012 |
Lee, J. | Boo: The Life of the World’s Cutest Dog, 2011 |
Lee, S. | Please, Puppy, Please! 2005 |
Leedy, L. | It’s Probably Penny, 2007 |
Lemaitre, P. | Bulldog’s Big Day, 2011 |
L’Engle, M. | The Other Dog, 2001 |
Levy, D. | Dozer’s Run: A True Story of a Dog and His Race, 2014 |
Lewis, J. | First Dog, 2009 |
Lindstrom, E. | My Dog Mouse, 2017 |
Lithgow, J. | I Got Two Dogs, 2008 |
Litwin, E. | Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs, 2016 |
London, J. | Froggy Gets a Doggy, 2014 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Puppy, 2013 |
Loupy, C. | Hugs and Kisses, 2001 |
Lyon, T. | Olive and Snowflake, 2011 |
MacDonald, M. | The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog, 2007 |
MacLachlan, P. | Bittle, 2004 |
MacLachlan, P. | Once I Ate a Pie, 2007 |
MacLachlan, P. | I Didn’t Do It, 2010 |
MacLachlan, P. | Barkus, 2017 |
Macomber, D. | The Yippy, Yappy Yorkie in the Green Doggy Sweater, 2012 |
Manzano, S. | No Dogs Allowed, 2004 |
Marino, G. | A Boy, A Ball and a Dog, 2016 |
Martins, I. | My Neighbor is a Dog, 2013 |
Mayer, M. | Just Me and My Puppy, 1985 |
McAllister, M. | 15 Things Not to Do With a Puppy, 2018 |
McAnulty, S. | Excellent Ed, 2016 |
McCarthy, M. | Show Dog, 2004 |
McCarty, P. | Hondo & Fabian, 2002 – hoopla |
McCarty, P. | Fabian Escapes, 2007 |
McDonald, M. | Shoe Dog, 2014 |
McDonnell, F. | Sparky, 2003 |
McDonnell, P. | The Gift of Nothing, 2005 |
McDonnell, P. | Wag! 2009 |
McFarland, L. | Widget, 2001 |
McGhee, A. | Always, 2009 |
McGhee, A. | Percy Dog of Destiny, 2016 |
McGuirk, L. | Wiggens Learns His Manner at the Four Seasons Restaurant, 2009 |
McMenemy, S. | Waggle, 2003 |
McMullan, K. | As Warm As the Sun, 2019 |
McPhail, D. | Weezer Changes the World, 2009 |
McPhail, D. | Sick Day, 2012 |
McPhail, D. | Bad Dog, 2014 |
Meddaugh, S. | Martha Books |
Meisel, P. | See Me Play, 2019 |
Meshon, A. | The Best Days Are Dog Days, 2016 |
Meyers, S. | Puppies! Puppies! Puppies! 2005 |
Molski, C. | Swimming Sal, 2009 |
Murray, A. | Apple Pie ABC, 2011 |
Murray, A. | One Two That’s My Shoe, 2012 |
Murray, A. | Hickory Dickory Dog, 2012 |
Nebbe, C. | Our Walk in the Woods, 2008 |
Nelson, M. | Snook Alone, 2010 |
Newgarden, M. | Bow-Wow’s Nightmare Neighbors, 2014 |
Norman, K. | Puddle Pug, 2014 |
Norman, K. | Thunder Pug, 2018 |
North, S. | Champ’s Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too! 2010 |
Noullet, G. | Bed Hog, 2011 |
Numeroff, L. | Sherman Crunchley, 2003 |
Numeroff, L. | If You Give a Dog a Donut, 2011 |
Numeroff, L. | What Puppies Do Best, 2011 |
Ochiltree, D. | Pillow Pup, 2002 |
O’Connor, J. | The Perfect Puppy for Me, 2003 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy, 2007 – hoopla |
O’Connor, S. | Finding Susie, 2009 |
O’Hair, M. | My Pup, 2008 |
Omlor, E. | Walk Your Dog, 2018 |
Oppel, K. | The King’s Taster, 2009 |
Osofsky, A. | My Buddy, 1992 |
Page, G. | How to be a Good Dog, 2006 |
Page, G. | Bobo and the New Neighbor, 2008 |
Pandell, K. | Where’s Stretch? 2004 |
Papp, L. | Madeline Finn and the Library Dog, 2016 |
Paraskevas, B. | Chocolate at the Four Seasons, 2007 |
Parr, T. | Otto Goes to School, 2005 |
Patricelli, L. | The Patterson Puppies and the Rainy Day, 2009 |
Patricelli, L. | The Patterson Puppies and the Midnight Monster Party, 2010 |
Patton, J. | The Very Very Very Long Dog, 2017 |
Paul, R. | Bad Dog Flash, 2014 |
Peters, B. | Broadway Barks, 2008 |
Peters, B. | Stella is a Star! 2010 |
Piers, H. | How to Look After Your Puppy, 2015 |
Pilkey, D. | Dog Breath, 1994 |
Pinfold, L. | Black Dog, 2011 |
Pinkwater, D. | I Am the Dog, 2010 |
Pitzer, S. | Not Afraid of Dogs, 2006 |
Pizzoli, G. | Number One Sam, 2014 |
Polacco, P. | Remembering Vera, 2017 |
Postgate, D. | Smelly Bill: Love Stinks, 2009 |
Prendergast, K. | Dog on a Digger, 2018 |
Prichett, A. | Stick! 2013 |
Primavera, E. | I’m A Baked Potato! 2019 |
Provensen, A. | Murphy in the City, 2015 |
Radunsky, V. | You? 2009 |
Raschka, C. | Hip Hop Dog, 2010 |
Raschka, C. | A Ball for Daisy, 2011 |
Raschka, C. | Daisy Gets Lost, 2013 |
Ray, M. | Boom! Big, Big Thunder & One Small Dog, 2013 |
Ray, M. | Goodnight, Good Dog, 2015 |
Reinen, J. | Bow Wow: A Day in the Life of Dogs, 2001 |
Rey, M. | Curious George and the Puppies, 1998 – hoopla |
Rinker, S. | Tiny and the Big Dig, 2018 |
Rodrigue, G. | Are You Blue Dog’s Friend? 2009 |
Romanova, Y. | The Perfect Friend, 2005 |
Rudge, L. | A Perfect Place for Ted, 2013 |
Ruelle, K. | Bark Park, 2007 |
Ruzzier, S. | Amandina, 2008 |
Ruzzier, S. | Good Boy, 2019 |
Rylant, C. | The Great Gracie Chase, 2001 |
Rylant, C. | Dog Heaven, 1995 |
Rylant, C. | The Bookshop Dog, 1996 |
Rylant, C. | The Old Woman Who Named Things, 1996 |
Rylant, C. | Puppies and Piggies, 2008 |
Rylant, C. | We Love You, Rosie! 2017 |
Saltzberg, B. | Dog and Rabbit, 2019 |
Salzmann, M. | Airedale to Zuchon: Dogs from A to Z, 2009 |
Samuels, B. | Fred’s Beds, 2014 |
Sattler, J. | Chick ‘n’ Pug, 2010 |
Sattler, J. | Chick ‘n’ Pug: The Love Pug, 2015 |
Sayre, A. | Hush Little Puppy, 2007 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones Books |
Scheunemann, P. | Dogs Bark! 2009 |
Schneider, J. | Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover, 2014 |
Schories, P. | When Jack Goes Out, 2010 |
Schubert, L. | Reading to Peanut, 2011 |
Schwarz, V. | Is There a Dog in This Book? 2014 |
Schwarzenegger, K. | Maverick and Me, 2017 |
Seeger, L. | Dog and Bear: Two Friends Three Stories, 2007 |
Seeger, L. | Dog and Bear: Two’s Company, 2008 |
Shannon, D. | Good Boy Fergus! 2006 |
Shaskan, S. | A Dog Is a Dog, 2011 |
Sheehan, M. | Love is You & Me, 2010 |
Shields, G. | Dogfish, 2008 |
Shyba, J. | Bathtime with Theo & Beau, 2016 |
Shyba, J. | Naptime with Theo & Beau, 2015 |
Simmons, J. | Together, 2006 |
Simmons, J. | Ebb & Flo and the Baby Seal, 2000 |
Simont, M. | The Stray Dog, 2001 |
Sirotich, E. | Found Dogs, 2017 |
Sis, P. | Madlenka’s Dog, 2002 |
Sit, D. | Tucker: Little Dog Lost & Found, 2011 |
Slate, J. | Miss Bindergarten Books |
Slegers, L. | A Puppy For Kevin, 2012 |
Soman, D. | Ladybug Girl and Bingo, 2012 |
Soman, D. | Ladybug Girl and the Rescue Dogs, 2018 |
Sorrentino, C. | I Love Korky, 2008 |
Spelling, T. | Presenting…Tallulah, 2010 |
Staake, B. | The First Pup: The Real Story of How Bo Got to the White House, 2010 |
Stanton, K. | Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend, 2014 |
Stein, D. | I’m My Own Dog, 2014 |
Stephens, H. | Fleabag, 2010 |
Stevens, J. | My Big Dog, 1999 |
Stevens, J. | Help Me, Mr. Mutt! Expert Answer for Dogs with People Problems, 2008 |
Stinson, K. | The Dog Who Wanted to Fly, 2019 |
Strother, R. | W is for Woof: A Dog Alphabet, 2008 |
Sullivan, M. | Ball, 2013 |
Sullivan, M. | Up on Bob, 2020 |
Sweet, M. | Tupelo Rides the Rails, 2008 |
Sykes, J. | Smudge, 1998 |
Talbott, H. | From Wolf for Woof! The Story of Dogs, 2016 |
Taylor, A. | Swollobog, 2001 |
Taylor, E. | Beep, Beep, Let’s Go! 2005 |
Teague, M. | Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School, 2002 – hoopla |
Teague, M. | Detective LaRue: Letters from the Investigation, 2004 |
Teague, M. | LaRue For Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail, 2008 |
Teague, M. | Firehouse! 2010 |
Teague, M. | LaRue Across America: Postcards from the Vacation, 2011 |
Teague, M. | Felipe and Claudette, 2019 |
Thierry, R. | Green Butterfly: A Superdog Adventure, 2007 |
Thomas, J. | The Doghouse, 2008 |
Thompson, C. | The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness, 2008 |
Thompson, L. | My Dog is the Best, 2015 |
Torrey, R. | My Dog, Bob, 2015 |
Turner, P. | Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog, 2004 |
Turner, S. | Cool Cat, Hot Dog, 2005 |
Umansky, K. | I Don’t Like Gloria! 2007 |
Urbanovic, J. | Sitting Duck, 2010 |
Vendel, E. | The Dog That Nino Didn’t Have, 2015 |
Vernick, A. | Bogart and Vinnie, 2013 |
Waber, B. | Lyle Walks the Dogs: A Counting Book, 2010 |
Wahman, W. | Don’t Like the Dog: Making Friends With Dogs, 2009 |
Wahman, W. | Nanny Paws, 2018 |
Walsh, B. | Sammy in the Sky, 2011 |
Walton, R. | Bertie Was a Watchdog, 2002 |
Ward, H. | Little Moon Dog, 2005 |
Weatherford, C. | First Pooch: The Obamas Pick a Pet, 2009 |
Weeks, S. | Woof: A Love Story, 2009 |
Wegman, W. | Flo & Wendell, 2013 |
Wegman, W. | Flo & Wendell Explore, 2014 |
Weingarten, G. | Me & Dog, 2014 |
Wells, R. | McDuff Books |
Wells, R. | Otto Runs for President, 2008 |
Westcott, N. | Oh My Gosh, Mrs. McNosh! 2002 |
Wild, M. | The Pocket Dogs, 2001 |
Willems, M. | The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! 2008 |
Willems, M. | City Dog, Country Frog, 2010 |
Wilson, K. | A Dog Named Doug, 2018 |
Winters, K. | Good Pirate, 2016 |
Wohnoutka, M. | Little Puppy and the Big Green Monster, 2014 |
Wolff, A. | When Lucy Goes Walking, 2009 |
Wood, A. | A Dog Needs a Bone, 2007 |
Wood, A. | It’s Duffy Time! 2012 |
Woodruff, L. | Emerson Barks, 2016 |
Yamada, M. | Cool Cat Versus Top Dog, 2018 |
Yang, J. | Joey and Jet in Space, 2006 |
Yates, L. | Dog Loves Books, 2010 |
Yates, L. | Dog Loves Drawing, 2012 |
Yates, L. | Dog Loves Counting, 2013 |
Yelchin, E. | Pip & Pup, 2018 |
Young, N. | Zoomer, 2010 |
Young, N. | Zoomer’s Summer Snowstorm, 2011 |
Zarin, C. | Albert, the Dog Who Like to Ride in Taxis, 2003 |
Ziefert, H. | My Dog Thinks I’m a Genius, 2011 |
Ziefert, H. | Puppy Is Lost, 2011 |
Ziefert, H. | Lucy Rescued, 2012 |
Zion, G. | Harry the Dirty Dog, 2002 – hoopla |
Zolotow, C. | The Poodle Who Barked at the Wind, 2002 |
Zommer, Y. | One Hundred Bones, 2015 |
Zuill, A. | Wolf Camp, 2016 |
Additional children’s books about Dogs can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.7’s) |