Anhold, L. | Two Nests, 2013 |
Appelt, K. | When Otis Courted Mama, 2015 |
Bennett, K. | An Ode to Fathers & Stepfathers, 2010 |
Bernhard, D. | To & Fro, Fast & Slow, 2001 |
Bunting, E. | My Mom’s Wedding, 2006 |
Cerato, M. | Mom’s New Friend, 2014 |
Coffelt, N. | Fred Stays With Me! 2007 |
Cooper, F. | The Ring Bearer, 2017 |
Coy, J. | Two Old Potatoes and Me, 2003 |
Daly, C. | Emily’s Blue Period, 2014 |
DeSmet, M. | I Have Two Homes, 2008 |
Diggs, T. | I Love You More Than…2018 |
Grindley, S. | A New Room for William, 2000 |
Harrington, C. | My Two Homes, 2016 |
Harrington, C. | My Single Dad, 2018 |
Harrington, C. | My Single Mom, 2018 |
Harrington, C. | My Blended Family, 2018 |
Hrab, N. | Weekend Dad, 2020 |
Johnson, J. | Somewhere Else, 2017 |
Kaufman, L. | Mommy’s House, Daddy’s House, 2004 |
Levins, S. | Was It the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids About Divorce, 2006 |
Levins, S. | Do You Sing Twinkle? A Story About Remarriage and New Family, 2010 |
Masuri, C. | Two Homes, 2001 |
Ormerod, J. | Molly and Her Dad, 2008 |
Parr, T. | The Family Book, 2004 |
Ransom, J. | I Don’t Want to Talk About It, 2000 |
Schotter, R. | Missing Rabbit, 2002 |
Schotter, R. | Room for Rabbit, 2003 |
Smith, T. | Here and There, 2019 |
Stanton, K. | Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend, 2014 |
Stinson, K. | Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore, 2007 |
Walsh, M. | Living with Mom and Living with Dad, 2012 |
Weninger, B. | Good-Bye, Daddy! 1995 |
Winter, J. | Barack, 2008 |
Additional books about Divorce and Stepfamilies can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 306.8’s) |
Author: Scott Wright
Adoff, A. | Black is Brown is Tan, 2002 |
Ajmera, M. | Our Grandparents: A Global Album, 2010 |
Alko, S. | I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother, 2009 |
Alsenas, L. | Hello My Name is Bob, 2009 |
Baker, J. | Mirror, 2010 |
Blackstone, S. | My Granny Went to Market: A Round-the-World Counting Rhyme, 2005 |
Brown, M. | The Moon Shines Down, 2008 |
Brown, T. | Around Our Way on Neighbors’ Day, 2010 |
Byrne, G. | Sometimes It’s Grandmas and Grandpas, Not Mommies and Daddies, 2009 |
Caldicott, C. | World Food Alphabet, 2012 |
Chin-Lee, C. | A is for Asia, 1997 |
Cohen, M. | Layla’s Head Scarf, 2009 |
Davol, M. | Black, White, Just Right! 1993 |
Diggs, T. | Mixed Me! 2015 |
Fox, M. | Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, 2008 |
Fox, M. | Whoever You Are, 1997 |
Gainer, C. | I’m Like You, You’re Like Me, 2011 |
Gibson, A. | By Day, By Night, 2014 |
Gilchrist, J. | My America, 2007 |
Harris, R. | Who’s In My Family? All About Our Families, 2012 |
Hoberman, M. | All Kinds of Families! 2009 |
Hoffelt, J. | We Share One World, 2004 |
Hoffman, M. | The Great Big Book of Families, 2010 |
Holwitz, P. | Scribbleville, 2005 |
Hooks, B. | Skin Again, 2004 |
Horowitz, D. | The Ugly Pumpkin, 2005 |
Isadora, R. | Say Hello! 2010 |
Katz, K. | The Colors of Us, 1999 |
Kerley, B. | One World, One Day, 2009 |
Kerley, B. | A Cool Drink of Water, 2002 |
Kochan, V. | What If Your Best Friend Were Blue? 2011 |
Konrad, M. | Mom and Me, 2009 |
Kostecki-Shaw, J. | Same, Same But Different, 2011 |
Maguire, A. | Special People, Special Ways, 2000 |
Manushkin, F. | Happy in Our Skin, 2015 |
Martin, B. | I Love Our Earth, 2006 |
Meshon, A. | Take Me Out to the Yakyu, 2013 |
Miller, J. | We All Sing With the Same Voice, 2001 |
Mitchell, L. | Different Just Like Me, 1999 |
Miyakoshi, J. | All About Faces! 2003 |
Mora, P. | Gracias Thanks, 2009 |
Obama, B. | Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, 2010 |
O’Leary, S. | A Family is a Family is a Family, 2016 |
Omololu, C. | When It’s Six O’Clock in San Francisco, 2009 |
Padmanabhan, M. | I Am Different! 2011 |
Parr, T. | It’s Okay to be Different, 2001 |
Parr, T. | The Family Book, 2003 |
Parr, T. | Be Who You Are, 2016 |
Polacco, P. | In Our Mothers’ House, 2009 |
Rania | The Sandwich Swap, 2010 |
Rawlinson, J. | Mule School, 2008 |
Rotner, S. | Shades of People, 2009 |
Scanlon, L. | All the World, 2009 |
Shannon, G. | One Family, 2015 |
Simon, N. | All Kinds of Families! 1976 |
Simon, N. | All Kinds of Children, 1999 |
Spier, P. | People, 1980 |
Strickland, T. | The Barefoot Book of Children, 2016 |
Thong, R. | Wish, 2008 |
Troiana, J. | The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, 2001 |
Tyler, M. | The Skin You Live In, 2005 |
Valdivia, P. | Up Above and Down Below, 2011 |
Walker, R. | Mama Says: A Book of Love for Mothers and Sons, 2009 |
Walsh, M. | My Nose, Your Nose, 2002 |
Wolff, A. | I Call My Grandpa Papa, 2009 |
Wolff, A. | I Call My Grandma Nana, 2009 |
Abdullah, S. | My Friend Suhana: A Story of Friendship and Cerebral Palsy, 2014 |
Abdullah, S. | A Manual for Marco: Living, Learning and…with an Autistic Sibling, 2015 |
Altman, A. | Waiting for Benjamin: A Story About Autism, 2008 |
Anderson, P. | We Go in a Circle, 2004 |
Butler, D. | My Grandpa Had a Stroke, 2007 |
Cannon, J. | Crickwing, 2000 (physically challenged) |
Carlson, N. | This Morning Sam Went to Mars: A Book About Paying Attention, 2013 |
Chaconas, D. | Dancing With Katya, 2006 (Polio) |
Child, L. | Charlie is Broken! 2009 (broken arm) |
Chilia, L. | Imagine…Amazing Me! 2008 (limb difference) |
Cole, B. | Anna & Natalie, 2007 (vision impaired) |
Corn, T. | Dixie Wants an Allergy, 2014 (allergies) |
Cottin, M. | The Black Book of Colors, 2006 (braille) |
Cowen-Fletcher, J. | Mama Zooms, 1993 (physically challenged) |
Cruise, R. | Little Mama Forgets, 2006 (memory loss) |
Cummings, P. | Newspaper Hats, 2016 (memory loss) |
DeAnda, D. | The Day Abuelo Got Lost, 2019 (dementia) |
dePaola, T. | Now One Foot, Now the Other, 2005 (stroke) |
Domney, A. | Splish, Splat! 2011 (hearing impaired) |
Ely, L. | Looking After Louis, 2004 (autism) |
Esham, B. | If You’re So Smart, How Come You Can’t Spell Mississippi? 2008 (Dyslexia) |
Esham, B. | Stacey Coolidge’s Fancy Cursive Handwriting, 2008 (learning disabilties) |
Esham, B. | Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have the Wiggle Fidgets, 2008 (ADHD) |
Esham, B. | Last to Finish: A Story About the Smartest Boy in Math Class, 2008 (LD) |
Federle, T. | Tommy Can’t Stop, 2015 (hyperactive) |
Fliess, S. | A Gluten-Free Birthday for Me! 2013 (Celiac Disease, food allergies) |
Foley, J. | Baxter Turns Down His Buzz: A Story for Little Kids About ADHD, 2016 |
Gianferrari, M. | Hello Goodbye Dog, 2017 (wheelchair) |
Golding, T. | Abby’s Asthma and the Big Race, 2009 (asthma) |
Hamilton, D. | Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, 1995 |
Harrington, C. | My Special Needs Family, 2018 |
Hegi, U. | Trudi & Pia, 2003 (little person) |
Heyman, A. | Gretchen, The Bicycle Dog, 2003 (physically challenged) |
Howe, J. | Horace and Morris Say Cheese, 2009 (allergies) |
Hudson, E. | Hudson Hates School, 2010 (Dyslexia) |
Jackson, R. | In Plain Sight, 2016 (wheelchair) |
Keats, E. | Apt. 3, 1999 (vision impaired) |
Kensky, J. | Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Frienship, 2018 (physically challenged) |
Keohler, L. | Ah-Choo! 2016 (allergies) |
Khan, R. | King for a Day, 2013 (physically challenged) |
Kubler, A. | My First Signs, 2004 (hearing impaired) |
Lakin, P. | Dad and Me in the Morning, 1994 (hearing impaired) |
Lambert, R. | My Little Leg, 2015 (limb difference) |
Larson, K. | Two Bobbies, 2008 (vision impaired) |
Lears, L. | Hello Goodbye Dog, 2017 (wheelchair) |
Lears, L. | Nathan’s Wish: A Story About Cerebral Palsy, 2005 |
Lears, L. | Becky the Brave: A Story about Epilepsy, 2002 |
Lester, H. | Hooway for Wodney Wat, 1999 (speech disorder) |
Lester, H. | Wodney Wat’s Wobot, 2011 (speech disorder) |
Levine, A. | What a Beautiful Morning, 2016 (dementia) |
Liao, J. | The Sound of Colors: A Journey of the Imagination, 2006 (vision impaired) |
Lindbergh, R. | My Little Grandmother Often Forgets, 2007 (memory loss) |
Luchsinger, D. | Playing by the Rules: A Story About Autism, 2007 |
Lyon, G. | The Pirate of Kindergarten, 2010 (vision disorder) |
Maquire, A. | Special People, Special Ways, 2000 |
Matthies, J. | Peter, the Knight with Asthma, 2009 |
Meyers, C. | Rolling Along with Goldilocks & the Three Bears,1999 (physically challenged) |
Millman, I. | Moses Goes to School, 2000 (hearing impaired) |
Millman, I. | Moses Sees a Play, 2004 (hearing impaired) |
Millman, I. | Moses Goes to a Concert, 2002 (hearing impaired) |
Millman, I. | Moses Goes to the Circus, 2003 (hearing impaired) |
Mills, J. | Little Tree: A Story for Children With Serious Medical Problems, 2003 |
Mitchell, L. | Different Just Like Me, 2003 |
Mora, P. | My Singing Nana, 2019 (dementia) |
Moss, D. | Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle, 2006 (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) |
Niner, H. | Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD, 2004 (obsessive-compulsive disorder) |
Oelschlager, V. | My Grampy Can’t Walk 2006 (Multiple Sclerosis) |
Oldland, N. | The Busy Beaver, 2011 (impulse control) |
Osofsky, A. | My Buddy, 1992 (Muscular Dystrophy) |
Polacco, P. | The Junkyard Wonders, 2010 |
Polacco, P. | Thank You, Mr. Falker, 1998 (Dyslexia) |
Polacco, P. | The Art of Miss Chew, 2012 (reading disability) |
Rey, M. | Curious George Joins the Team, 2015 (wheelchair) |
Rivard, E. | Really and Truly, 2011 (dementia) |
Robb, D. | The Alphabet War: A Story About Dyslexia, 2004 |
Rosner, J. | The Mitten String, 2014 (hearing impaired) |
Rudolph, S. | All My Stripes: A Story for Children with Autism, 2014 |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Are Deaf, 2008 (hearing impaired) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Use Wheelchairs, 2008 (physically challenged) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Are Blind, 2008 (vision impaired) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Are Deaf, 2018 (hearing impaired) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Are Blind, 2018 (vision impaired) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Use Wheelchairs, 2018 (physically challenged) |
Schaefer, L. | Some Kids Use Leg Braces, 2018 (physically challenged) |
Schnurbush, B. | Striped Shirts and Flowered Pants: A Story About Alzheimer’s Disease, 2007 |
Scott, J. | I Talk Like a River, 2020 (stuttering) |
Seeger, P. | The Deaf Musicians, 2006 (hearing impaired) |
Seuss, D. | Gerald McBoing Boing, 2000 (speech disorder) |
Shaw, B. | Jacob’s Eye Patch, 2013 (Amblyopia) |
Shepherd, J. | Grandma, 2014 (dementia) |
Shriver, M. | What’s Wrong With Timmy? 2001 (developmentally challenged) |
Smith, H. | A Plan for Pops, 2019 (wheelchair) |
Sotomayor, S. | Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You, 2019 |
Sterling, C. | Some Bunny To Talk To: A Story About Going to Therapy, 2015 (anxiety) |
Stryer, A. | Kami and the Yaks, 2007 (hearing impaired) |
Stuve-Bodeen, S. | We’ll Paint the Octopus Red, 1998 (Down Syndrome) |
Stuve-Bodeen, S. | The Best Worst Brother, 2005 (Down Syndrome) |
Thompson, L. | Ballerina Dreams: A True Story, 2007 (Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s Palsy) |
Uhlberg, M. | Dad, Jackie and Me, 2005 (hearing impaired) |
Useman, S. | Tibby Tried It, 1998 (physically challenged) |
VandenAbeele, V | Still My Grandma, 2006 (Alzheimer’s disease) |
VanLaan, N. | Forget Me Not, 2014 (dementia) |
VanNiekerk, C. | Understanding Sam and Asperger Syndrome, 2008 |
Watkins, R. | Dad’s Camera, 2018 (Alzheimer’s) |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel, 2006 (agoraphobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder) |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, 2007 (obsessive-compulsive disorder) |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach, 2008 (Agoraphobia) |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping, 2013 (comfort zone) |
Welsh, C. | The Tide, 2019 (dementia) |
Welton, J. | Tomas Loves, 2015 (autism) |
Willis, J. | Susan Laughs, 1999 (physically challenged) |
Woloson, E. | My Friend Isabelle, 2003 (Down Syndrome) |
Yolan, J. | The Seeing Stick, 2009 (vision impaired) |
Zemach, K. | Ms. McCaw Learns to Draw, 2008 (attention-deficit) |
Additional books about Disabilities can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 362.1 & J 618.92) | |
Children’s books in Braille can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 411) |
Aliki | Dinosaur Bones, 1988 |
Andreae, G. | Dinosaurs Galore! 2005 |
Andreae, G. | Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs, 2005 |
Bailey, L. | If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur, 2014 |
Baker, R. | Lizard Walinsky, 2004 |
Bardhan-Quallen, S. | Tyrannosaurus Wrecks! 2014 |
Barner, B. | Dinosaur Bones, 2001 – hoopla |
Barner, B. | Dinosaurs Roar, Butterflies Soar! 2009 |
Barton, B. | Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, 1989 |
Barton, B. | Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones, 1990 |
Bauer, M. | Dinosaur Thunder, 2012 |
Beaumont, K. | Dini Dinosaur, 2012 |
Berkner, L. | We Are the Dinosaurs, 2017 |
Blackstone, S. | I Dreampt I Was a Dinosaur, 2005 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin’s Class Trip, 1999 |
Bradford, W. | There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor, 2018 |
Broach, E. | When Dinosaurs Came With Everything, 2007 |
Brown, L. | How to be a Friend, 1998 |
Browne, C. | Marlo and the Dinosaurs, 2018 |
Buzzeo, T. | No T. Rex in the Library, 2010 |
Calmenson, S. | No Honking Allowed! 2017 |
Carrick, C. | Patrick’s Dinosaurs, 1983 |
Carrick, C. | What Happened to Patrick’s Dinosaurs? 1986 |
Carrier, L. | T-Rex at Swan Lake, 2004 |
Chapman, J. | T. Rex Time Machine, 2018 |
Clanton, B. | Rex Wrecks It! 2014 |
Clarke, J. | Dancing with Dinosaurs, 2012 |
Climo, L. | Rory the Dinosaur Me and My Dad, 2015 |
Climo, L. | Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet, 2016 |
Cole, J. | The Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs, 1994 |
Cyrus, K. | Tadpole Rex, 2008 |
Cyrus, K. | The Voyage of Turtle Rex, 2011 |
Dale, P. | Dinosaur Dig, 2011 |
Dale, P. | Dinosaur Zoom, 2012 |
Dale, P. | Dinosaur Rescue! 2013 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Cavecat Pete, 2015 |
dePaola, T. | Little Grunt and the Big Egg: A Prehistoric Fairy Tale, 2006 |
Donaldson, J. | Tyrannosaurus Drip, 2008 |
Donnelly, L. | Dinosaurs’ Halloween, 1987 |
Duddle, J. | Gigantosaurus, 2014 |
Dunlap, C. | Crunch the Shy Dinosaur, 2018 |
Edwards, G. | Never Ask a Dinosaur to Dinner, 2014 |
Edwards. W. | The Extinct Files: My Science Project, 2006 |
Esbaum, J. | How To Grow a Dinosaur, 2018 |
Fern, T. | Barnum’s Bones: How Barnum Brown Discovered, 2012 |
Fisher, V. | How High Can a Dinosaur Count? And Other Math Mysteries, 2006 |
Foreman, M. | The Littlest Dinosaur, 2008 |
Foreman, M. | The Littlest Dinosaur’s Big Adventure, 2008 |
Freedman, C. | Dinosaurs Love Underpants, 2010 |
French, V. | T. Rex, 2004 |
Gall, C. | Dinotrux, 2009 |
Gall, C. | Dinotrux Dig the Beach, 2015 |
Geraghty, P. | Rotten and Rascal: The Two Terrible Pterosaur Twins, 2006 |
Grambling, L. | T Rex and the Mother’s Day Hug, 2008 |
Grambling, L. | Can I Bring My Pterodactyl to School, Ms. Johnson? 2006 |
Greathouse, C. | The Dinosaur Tamer, 2009 |
Hearn, D. | Dad’s Dinosaur Day, 1993 |
Heos, B. | Stegothesaurus, 2018 |
Heywood, R. | The Great Dinosaur Search, 2006 |
Higgins, R. | We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, 2018 |
Howe, J. | Brontorina, 2010 |
Hughes, H. | The Girl and the Dinosaur, 2020 |
Idle, M. | Tea Rex, 2013 |
Idle, M. | Camp Rex, 2014 |
James, S. | Rex, 2015 |
Jenkins, S. | Prehistoric Actual Size, 2005 |
Jennewein, L. | Chick-O-Saurus Rex, 2013 |
John, J. | That’s What Dinosaurs Do, 2019 |
Jones, G. | The Dinosaurs are Having a Party! 2014 |
Joyce, W. | Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures With the Family Lazardo, 1995 |
Kellogg, S. | Prehistoric Pinkerton, 2002 |
Kellogg, S. | The Mysterious Tadpole, 2002 |
Knapman, T. | Dinosaurs Don’t Have Bedtimes! 2016 |
Krensky, S. | Dinosaurs in Disguise, 2016 |
Kroll. S. | The Tyrannosaurus Game, 2010 |
Kulka, J. | Vacation’s Over! Return of the Dinosuars, 2010 |
Kyung, H. | Bigger Than You, 2018 |
Latimer, A. | Never Follow a Dinosaur, 2016 |
Latimer, A. | Am I Yours? 2018 |
Lee, M. | What Kind of Car Does a T. Rex Drive? 2019 |
Levine, S. | Fossil by Fossil: Comparing Dinosaur Bones, 2018 |
Lewis, K. | Dinosaur Dinosaur, 2006 |
Litwin, E. | Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs, 2016 |
Liu, J. | Gus, the Dinosaur Bus, 2012 |
Lund, D. | All Aboard the Dinotrain, 2006 |
Lund, D. | Dinosailors, 2003 |
MacDonald, S. | Shape by Shape, 2009 |
Maloney, P. | Bronto Eats Meat, 2003 |
Martin, L. | When Dinosaurs Go To School, 1999 |
Mayer, M. | Too Many Dinosaurs, 2011 |
McCarty, P. | T is for Terrible, 2004 |
McClatchy, L. | Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex, 2010 |
McClements, G. | Dinosaur Woods, 2009 |
McKinlay, P. | Bumposaurus, 2003 |
McMullen, K. | I’m Bad! 2008 |
McMullen, K. | I’m Big! 2010 |
McNamara, M. | The Dinosaur Expert, 2018 |
McNaughton, C. | Potty Poo-Poo Wee-Wee! 2005 |
Middleton, J. | Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? 2013 |
Milbourne, A. | The Dinosaur, 2004 |
Miller, C. | When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Paleontologist, 2017 |
Mitton, T. | Dinosaurumpus! 2002 |
Most, B. | ABC T-Rex, 2000 |
Most, B. | If the Dinosaurs Came Back, 1978 |
Most, B. | How Big Were the Dinosaurs? 1994 |
Murray, A. | Dino Duckling, 2018 |
Myers, T. | Down at the Dino Wash Deluxe, 2013 |
Nolan, D. | Dinosaur Dream, 1990 |
North, R. | How To Be a T. Rex, 2018 |
O’Connor, G. | If I Had a Raptor, 2014 |
O’Connor, G. | If I Had a Triceratops, 2015 |
O’Malley, K. | Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates, 2007 |
Palatini, M. | Gorgonsola: A Very STINKYsaurus, 2008 |
Pfister, M. | Dazzle the Dinosaur, 1994 |
Phelps, M. | How to Train With a T. Rex and Win 8 Gold Medals, 2009 |
Plourde, L. | Dino Pets, 2007 |
Plourde, L. | Dino Pets Go To School, 2011 |
Plumridge, M. | If Dinosaurs Lived in My Town, 2013 |
Potter, W. | Spot and Discover Dinosaur World, 2018 |
Prap, L. | Dinosaurs?! 2009 |
Prasadam-Halls, S. | T. Veg: The Story of a Carrot-Crunching Dinosaur, 2017 |
Preston-Gannon, F. | Dinosaur Farm, 2014 |
Rees, D. | Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna the Very First Chicken, 2017 |
Rennert, L. | Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur, 2009 |
Rey, M. | Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery, 2006 |
Reynolds, A. | Here Comes Destructo-saurus! 2014 |
Roderick, S. | Dinosaurs From Head to Tail, 2015 |
Rosenberg, L. | Tyrannosaurus Dad, 2011 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones, 2007 |
Sedaka, N. | Dinosaur Pet, 2011 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. Bedtime, 2008 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. The Potty, 2010 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. The Library, 20111 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. School, 2014 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. Mommy, 2015 |
Sierra, J. | Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur: A First Book of Manners, 2012 |
Sis, P. | Dinosaur! 2000 |
Staniszewski, A. | Dogosaurus Rex, 2017 |
Stein, D. | Dinosaur Kisses, 2013 |
Stevenson, J. | The Most Amazing Dinosaur, 2000 |
Symes, R. | Little Rex, Big Brother, 2009 |
Thomson, B. | Chalk, 2010 |
Tuma, R. | What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night, 2015 |
Tuma, R. | What the Dinosaurs Did at School, 2017 |
Underwood, D. | Super Saurus Saves Kindergarten, 2017 |
Vail, R. | Mama Rex and T Turn Off the TV, 2003 |
Vaisberg, D. | Dino, 2018 |
Volpin, L. | We Love Dinosaurs, 2018 |
Waddell, M. | The Super Hungry Dinosaur, 2009 |
Wahl, J. | The Field Mouse and the Dinosaur Named Sue, 2000 |
Wahl, J. | I Met a Dinosaur, 1997 |
Ward, L. | Don’t Forget Dexter! 2017 |
Ward, L. | It’s Show and Tell, Dexter! 2018 |
Weinberg, S. | Rex Finds an Egg! Egg! Egg! 2015 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Hockey, 2007 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Baseball, 2010 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Football, 2012 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Boarding, 2014 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Swimming, 2015 |
Wheeler, L. | Dino-Dancing! 2017 |
Whybrow, I. | Harry and the Dinosaurs Books – hoopla |
Willems, M. | Edwina the Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct, 2006 |
Willems, M. | Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs, 2012 |
Wilson, K. | Dinos in the Snow! 2005 |
Wing, N. | How to Raise a Dinosaur, 2010 |
Yolen, J. | How Do Dinosaurs Books – hoopla |
Additional books about Dinosaurs can also be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 567’s) |
Diaries and Scrapbooks
Blumenthal, D. | Aunt Claire’s Yellow Behive Hair, 2001 |
Chandra, D. | George Washington’s Teeth, 2003 |
Cronin, D. | Diary of a Fly, 2007 |
Cronin, D. | Diary of a Spider, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Diary of a Worm, 2003 |
DeCesare, A. | Flip’s Fantastic Journal, 1999 |
Fleischman, P. | The Matchbox Diary, 2013 |
French, J. | Diary of a Wombat, 2003 |
Kirk, D. | Library Mouse: A Museum Adventure, 2012 |
Kitamura, S. | UFO Diary, 1989 |
Maunder, C. | Zoe Sophia’s Scrapbook: An Adventure in Venice, 2003 |
Pfanner, L. | Little Lucie’s Diary, 2004 |
Scillian, D. | Memoirs of a Goldfish, 2010 |
Scillian, Devin | Memoirs of a Hamster, 2013 |
Stewart, S. | The Journey, 2001 |
Thoms, S. | Cesar Takes a Break, 2008 |
Turner, S. | Cool Cat, Hot Dog: A Scrapbook Based on Real Events, 2005 |
Additional children’s books about Scrapbooking can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 745.593) |
Bailey, L. | The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World, 2001 |
Bloom, C. | The Monkey Goes Bananas, 2014 |
Braun, S. | Digger and Tom! 2011 |
Braver, V. | Madison and the Two Wheeler, 2007 |
Breen, S. | Woodpecker Wants a Waffle, 2016 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Pet Business, 1990 |
Eriksson, E. | A Crash Course For Molly, 2005 |
Fleming, C. | Imogene’s Last Stand, 2009 |
Kinerk, R. | Clorinda Takes Flight, 2007 |
Levitin, S. | Junk Man’s Daughter, 2007 |
Mackall, D. | A Girl Named Dan, 2008 |
Paul, C. | Long Shot: Never Too Small to Dream Big, 2009 |
Pitcher, C. | The Littlest Owl, 2008 |
Stewart, A. | Little By Little, 2008 |
Tarpley, N. | Joe-Joe’s First Flight, 2003 |
Thompson, L. | Ballerina Dreams: A True Story, 2007 |
Wells, R. | Max’s Dragon Shirt, 2000 |
Winter,J. | Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story From Africa, 2008 |
Yamaguchi, K. | Dream Big Little Pig! 2011 |
Death and Death of a Pet
Aliki | The Two of Them, 1979 |
Barber, E. | Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute? Explaining (Sudden) Death, 2016 |
Barron, T. | Where is Grandpa? 2000 |
Barron, T. | High as a Hawk, 2004 |
Barrouz | My Goldfish, 2009 |
Bateman, T. | Keeper of Soles, 2006 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Lose a Friend, 2007 |
Bertoletti, S. | Dancing With Dziadziu, 1997 |
Bley, A. | And What Comes After a Thousand? 2007 |
Blumenthal, D. | The Blue House Dog, 2010 |
Bosak, S. | Something to Remember Me By, 1997 |
Boyden, L. | The Blue Roses, 2002 |
Brisson, P. | I Remember Miss Perry, 2006 |
Brown, M. | The Dead Bird, 2016 |
Bunting, E. | On Call Back Mountain, 1997 |
Bunting, E. | Swan in Love, 1999 |
Bunting, E. | The Memory String, 2000 |
Bunting, E. | Rudi’s Pond, 1999 |
Burleigh, R. | Good-Bye, Sheepie, 2010 |
Cantrell, D. | Good-bye, Baby Max, 2008 |
Castellucci, C. | Grandma’s Gloves, 2010 |
Clark, E. | Up in Heaven, 2003 |
Cobb, R. | Missing Mommy, 2013 |
Cochran, B. | The Forever Dog, 2007 |
Cooke, T. | The Grandad Tree, 2000 |
Crowe, C. | Turtle Girl, 2008 |
Dalpra-Berman, G. | Remembering Pets: A Book for Children Who Have Lost a Special Friend, 2001 |
Demas, C. | Saying Goodbye to Lulu, 2004 |
dePaola, T. | Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs, 1998 |
Disalvo-Ryan, D. | A Dog Like Jack, 1999 |
Doray, M. | One More Wednesday, 2001 |
Doyle, R. | Her Mother’s Face, 2008 |
Durant, A. | Always and Forever, 2003 |
Fox, M. | Sophie, 1994 |
Fraustino, L. | The Hickory Chair, 2000 |
Hanson, W. | The Next Place, 1997 |
Harris, R. | Goodbye Mousie, 2001 |
Henkes, K. | Sun & Spoon, 1997 |
Hill, F. | The Bug Cemetary, 2002 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to Heaven, 2014 |
James, M. | Funeral, 2018 |
Jeffers, O. | The Heart and the Bottle, 2010 |
Joosse, B. | Ghost Wings, 2001 |
Kaplow, J. | Samantha Jane’s Missing Smile: A Story About Coping with Loss, 2007 |
Krishnaswami, U. | Remember Grandpa, 2007 |
Levert, M. | Tulip and Lupin Forever, 2009 |
Levis, C. | Ida, Always, 2016 |
Loth, S. | Remembering Crystal, 2010 |
Lunde, S. | My Father’s Arms Are a Boat, 2012 |
Maltbie, P. | Bambino and Mr. Twain, 2012 |
Marcero, D. | Rosie & Crayon, 2017 |
Mathers, P. | When Aunt Mattie Got Her Wings, 2014 |
McFarlane, S. | Waiting for Whales, 1991 |
Millard, G. | Kaito’s Cloth, 2008 |
Munsch, R. | Lighthouse: A Story of Remembrance, 2003 |
Newman, L. | The Best Cat in the World, 2004 |
O’Brien, A. | A Path of Stars, 2012 |
Parr, T. | The Goodbye Book, 2015 |
Partridge, E. | Big Cat Pepper, 2009 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992 |
Ragz, M. | Lost Little Angel, 1999 |
Raschka, C. | The Purple Balloon, 2007 |
Rijken, J. | Goodbye, Grandpa, 2018 |
Ringtved, G. | Cry, Heart, But Never Break, 2016 |
Rosen, M. | A Thanksgiving Wish, 1998 |
Rosenberry, V. | The Growing Up Tree, 2003 |
Rylant, C. | Cat Heaven, 1997 |
Rylant, C. | Dog Heaven, 1995 |
Santucci, B. | Anna’s Corn, 2002 |
Shriver, M. | What’s Heaven? 1999 |
Skofield, J. | Bear and Bird, 2014 |
Smith, M. | Desser the Best Ever Cat, 2001 |
Turner, P. | Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog, 2004 |
Urdahl, C. | Emma’s Question, 2009 |
van Ommen | Jellybeans, 2004 |
Varley, S. | Badger’s Parting Gifts, 1984 |
Viorst, J. | The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, 1971 |
Walsh, B. | Sammy in the Sky, 2011 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of the Lady’s Slipper, 2001 |
Willems, M. | City Dog, Country Frog, 2010 |
Wood, N. | Old Coyote, 2004 |
Woodson, J. | Sweet, Sweet Memory, 2000 |
Yolen, J. | The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye, 2011 |
Zolotow, C. | The Old Dog, 1972 |
Zucker, B. | Something Very Sad Happened, 2016 |
Zweibel, A. | Our Tree Named Steve, 2005 |
Death of Pet | |
Barrouz | My Goldfish, 2009 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Lose a Friend, 2007 (goldfish) |
Blumenthal, D. | The Blue House Dog, 2010 |
Burleigh, R. | Good-Bye Sheepie, 2010 (dog) |
Cantrell, D. | Good-Bye Baby Max, 2008 (chick) |
Clark, E. | Up in Heaven, 2003 (dog) |
Cochran, B. | The Forever Dog, 2007 |
Cooper, E. | Big Cat, Little Cat, 2017 |
Dalpra-Berman, G. | Remembering Pets: A Book for Children Who Have Lost a Special Friend, 2001 |
Demas, C. | Saying Goodbye to Lulu, 2004 (dog) |
Disalvo-Ryan, D. | A Dog Like Jack, 1999 |
Harris, R. | Goodbye Mousie, 2001 (mouse) |
Heckert, C. | Dribbles, 1993 (cat) |
Hill, F. | The Bug Cemetary, 2002 (cat) |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to Heaven, 2014 (dog) |
Marcero, D. | Rosie & Crayon, 2017 |
Marino, G. | Splotch, 2017 |
Newman, L. | The Best Cat in the World, 2004 |
Partridge, E. | Big Cat Pepper, 2009 |
Polacco, P. | Remembering Vera, 2017 |
Rylant, C. | Cat Heaven, 1997 |
Rylant, C. | Dog Heaven, 1995 |
Salerno, S. | Tim’s Goodbye, 2018 |
Smith, M. | Dessert the Best Ever Cat, 2001 |
Tillman, N. | The Heaven of Animals, 2014 |
Viorst, J. | The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, 1971 (cat) |
Walsh, B. | Sammy in the Sky, 2011 (dog) |
Wild, M. | Harry & Hopper, 2009 |
Yolen, J. | The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye, 2011 (cat) |
Zolotow, C. | The Old Dog, 1972 |
Additional books about Death can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 155.9) |
Days of the Week
Ada, A. | I Love Saturdays y Domingos, 2002 |
Baryshnikov, M. | Because… 2007 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s Busy Week, 2002 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 1987 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Board Book), 1994 |
Carle, E. | Today is Monday, 1993 |
Carlstrom, N. | I Love You, Papa, In All Kinds of Weather (Board Book), 1997 |
Cronin, D. | Diary of a Fly, 2007 |
Carlstrom, N. | This is the Day! 2009 |
Darbyshire, K. | Put It on the List! 2009 |
Fleming, D. | 5 Little Ducks, 2016 |
Fraser, M. | I.Q. Goes to the Library, 2003 |
Glenn, S. | Just What Mama Needs, 2008 |
Hayes, A. | Kindergarten Countdown, 2007 |
Hest, A. | The Friday Nights of Nana, 2001 |
Hogan, J. | Seven Days of Daisy, 2011 |
Lammle, L. | Once Upon a Saturday, 2009 |
Lavis, S. | Little Mouse Has a Party, 2000 |
Lendler, I. | Saturday, 2016 |
Levine, A. | Monday is One Day, 2011 |
Lobel, A. | One Lighthouse, One Moon, 2000 |
Mahy, M. | A Summery Saturday Morning, 1998 |
Manning, L. | Dinosaur Days, 1994 |
Murphy, P. | A Week, 2005 |
Murphy, P. | A Day, 2005 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy Aspiring Artist, 2010 |
Orlev, U. | Hairy Tuesday, 1999 |
Polacco, P. | Because of Thursday, 2016 |
Rose, D. | The Twelve Days of Kingergarten, 2003 |
Smith, M. | Dear Daisy Get Well Soon, 2000 |
Spinelli, E. | Heat Wave, 2007 |
Stanton, K. | Monday, Wednesday, and Every Other Weekend, 2014 |
Trapani, I. | How Much is That Doggie in the Window? 1999 |
Viorst, J. | Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Saturday, 1978 |
Viorst, J. | Alexand and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, 1984 |
Weisner, D. | Tuesday, 1991 |
Wells, R. | Emily’s First 100 Days of School, 2000 |
Daycare and Preschool
Allen, J. | I’m Not Ready! 2011 |
Bottner, B. | An Annoying ABC, 2011 |
Brown, M. | D.W.’s Guide to Preschool, 2003 |
Caseley, J. | Mr. Green Peas, 1995 |
Chodos-Irvine, M. | Best Best Friends, 2006 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes to Preschool, |
Day, A. | Carl Goes to Daycare, 1993 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Misses Mama, 2008 |
Eduall, L. | The Rabbit Who Longed For Home, 2001 |
Garland, S. | Going to Playschool, 2007 |
Henkes, K. | Wemberly Worried, 2000 |
Katz, K. | Rosie Goes to Preschool, 2015 |
Larsen, A. | Bella and the Bunny, 2007 |
Lindgren, B. | Ross Goes to Daycare, 2000 |
Magorian, M. | Who’s Going to Take Care of Me? 1990 |
McQuade, J. | At Preschool With Teddy Bear, 1999 |
Perl, E. | Dotty, 2010 |
Powell, A. | America’s Promise, 2003 |
Rankin, J. | First Day of School, 2002 |
Rockwell, A. | My Rockwell, 2008 |
Strauss, L. | Preschool Day Hooray! 2010 |
Valens, A. | Jesse’s Daycare, 1990 |
Wells, R. | Max & Ruby’s Preschool Pranks, 2016 |
Willems, M. | Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity, 2007 |
Wing, N. | The Night Before Preschool, 2011 |
Zalban, J. | Don’t Go! 2001 |
Ackerman, K. | Song and Dance Man, 1988 |
Allen, D. | Dancing in the Wings, 2000 |
Anderson, D. | Too Big to Dance, 2004 |
Andreae, G. | Giraffes Cannot Dance, 2001 |
Andrews, S. | Dancing in My Bones, 2001 |
Arnold, M. | Dancing Dancing Lily, 2004 |
Asch, F. | Moondance, 1993 |
Asher, S. | Stella’s Dancing Days, 2001 |
Axelrod, A. | Pigs in the Corner: Fun With Math and Dance, 2001 |
Bartoletti, S. | Dancing With Dziadziu, 1997 |
Beaumont, K. | Baby Danced the Polka, 2004 |
Beck, R. | A Bunny in the Ballet, 2014 |
Bertnatova, E. | The Wonder Shoes, 90 |
Bird, B. | Giant Dance Party, 2013 |
Bonwill, A. | Naughty Toes, 2011 |
Bosak, S. | Something to Remember Me By, 1997 |
Boynton, S. | RhinocerosTap, 2004 |
Brown, M. | Sailor Boy Jig, 2002 |
Bruchac, J. | Rabbit’s Snow Dance, 2012 |
Burfoot, E. | Darkness Slipped In, 2008 |
Burgard, A. | Flying Feet: A Story of Irish Dance, 2005 |
Callahan, S. | Shannon and the World’s Tallest Leprechaun, 2008 |
Capucilli, A. | Katy Duck is a Caterpillar, 2009 |
Capucilli, A. | Tulip Loves Rex, 2014 |
Carrier, L. | T-Rex at Swan Lake, 2004 |
Chaconas, D. | Dancing With Katya, 2006 |
Clarke, J. | Dancing with Dinosaurs, 2012 |
Copeland, M. | Firebird, 2014 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Likes Dancing, 2003 |
Craig, H. | Angelina Ballerina, 2000 |
Craig, L. | Dancing Feet! 1020 |
Crow, K. | Zombelina, 2013 |
Dempsey, K. | A Dance Like Starlight: One Ballerina’s Dream, 2014 |
DePaola, T. | Oliver Button is a Sissy, 1979 |
Dillon, L. | Rap a Tap Tap, 2002 |
Doyle, M. | The Dancing Tiger, 2005 |
Durango, J. | Cha Cha Chimps, 2006 |
Ehrlich, A. | The Girl Who Wanted to Dance, 2009 |
Federle, T. | Tommy Can’t Stop, 2015 |
Feiffer, J. | Rupert Can Dance, 2014 |
Ferguson, S. | Ballerina Rosie, 2012 |
French, J. | Josephine Wants to Dance, 2007 |
Gelsanliter, W. | Dancin’ in the Kitchen, 1998 |
Geras, A. | Time for Ballet, 2004 |
Geras, A. | Little Ballet Star, 2008 |
Gliori, D. | Polar Bolero: A Bedtime Dance, 2001 |
Gorbachev, V. | Catty Jane Who Loved to Dance, 2013 |
Greenberg, J. | Ballet for Martha: Making Appalachian Spring, 2010 |
Gruska, D. | The Only Boy in Ballet Class, 2007 |
Hannert, T. | Morning Dance, 2001 |
Helldorfter, M. | Got to Dance, 2004 |
Hest, A. | Mabel Dancing, 2000 |
Hobbie, H. | Toot & Puddle: The One and Only, 2006 |
Hobbie, N. | Priscilla Superstar! 2007 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina Ballerina Books |
Howe, J. | Brontorina, 2010 |
Hudson, C. | My Friend Maya Loves to Dance, 2009 |
Hueston, M. | The All American Jump and Jive Jig, 2010 |
Hutchins, P. | Barn Dance! 2007 |
Idle, M. | Flora and the Flamingo, 2013 |
Isadora, R. | Bea at Ballet, 2012 |
Ives, P. | Celestine Drama Queen, 2008 |
Janni, R. | Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots, 2011 |
Kent, A. | Ballerina Swan, 2912 |
Kinerk, R. | Clorinda, 2003 |
Kohuth, J. | Duck Sock Hop, 2012 |
LaPrise, L. | The Hokey Pokey, 1997 |
Larson, K. | Bitty Baby at the Ballet, 2013 |
Laube, S. | The Flower Ball, 2006 |
Lillegard, D. | The Big Bug Ball, 1999 |
Lord, M. | Little Sap and Monsieur Rodin, 2006 |
Loredo, E. | Boogie Bones, 1997 |
Maccarone, G. | Miss Lina’s Ballerinas, 2010 |
Maccarone, G. | Miss Lina’s Ballerinas and the Prince, 2011 |
Maccarone, G. | Miss Lina’s Ballerinas and the Wicked Wish, 2012 |
Mahy, M. | Mister Whistler, 2012 |
Manning, M. | Kitchen Dance, 2008 |
Marshall, J. | Swine Lake, 1999 |
Martin, B. | Barn Dance, 1986 |
Martin, B. | Spunky Little Monkey, 2017 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
Mathers, P. | Sophie and Lou, 1991 |
McClintock, B. | Emma and Julia Love Ballet, 2016 |
McEvoy, A. | Betsy B. Little, 2009 |
Medearis, A. | Dancing With the Indians, 1991 |
Mitton, T. | Dinosaurumpus! 2008 |
Morgan, C. | Dance Me, Daddy, 2009 |
Mortensen, L. | Mousequerade Ball, 2016 |
Newman, L. | Miss Tutu’s Star, 2010 |
Nishimura, K. | I Am Dodo, 2005 |
Numeroff, L. | The Jellybeans and the Big Dance, 2008 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet, 2012 |
Pace, A. | Vampirina Ballerina, 2012 |
Paraskevas, B. | Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse, 2000 |
Paxton, T. | Engelbert the Elephant, 1990 |
Peters, B. | Stella is a Star! 2010 |
Pinkwater, D. | Dancing Larry, 2006 |
Richardson, J. | The Bear Who Went to the Ballet, 1995 |
Samuels, B. | Dolores On Her Toes, 2003 |
Sauer, T. | Chicken Dance, 2009 |
Schaefer, C. | The Bora-Bora Dress, 2005 |
Schaefer, C. | Dragon Dancing, 2007 |
Schofield-Morrison, C. | I Got the Rhythm, 2014 |
Schubert, L. | Ballet of the Elephants, 2006 |
Shahan, S. | Cool Cats Counting, 2005 |
Shulman, L. | Over in the Meadow at the Big Ballet, 2007 |
Siegelson, K. | Dancing the Ring Shout! 2003 |
Sif, B. | Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance, 2014 |
Singer, M. | Tallulah’s Tutu, 2011 |
Singer, M. | Tallulah’s Solo, 2012 |
Singer, M. | Tallulah’s Toe Shoes, 2013 |
Stadler, A. | Lila Bloom, 2004 |
Stanley, M. | Lettice the Dancing Rabbit, 2002 |
Sweeny, J. | Bijou, Bonbon and Beau: The Kittens Who Danced for Degas, 1998 |
Symes, R. | Harriet Dancing, 2008 |
Thompson, L. | Ballerina Dreams: A True Story, 2007 |
Varennes, M. | The Jewel Box Ballerinas, 2007 |
Weeks, S. | Ella of Course! 2007 |
Weinstein, M. | When Louis Armstrong Taught me Scat, 2008 |
Westcott, N. | Skip to My Lou, 1989 |
Wheeler, L. | Hokey Pokey: Another Prickly Love Story, 2006 |
Wheeler, L. | Boogie Knights, 2008 |
Wilson, K. | Hilda Must Be Dancing, 2004 |
Wilson, S. | The Day We Danced in Underpants, 2007 |
Yee, W. | The Officer’s Ball, 1997 |
Yolan, J. | Come to thie Fairies Ball, 2009 |
Young, A. | Belinda and the Glass Slipper, 2006 |
Zapf, M. | Underpants Dance, 2014 |
Additional books about Dance can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 523.8) |