Adoff, A. | Daring Dog and Captain Cat, 2001 |
Alborough, J. | Nat the Cat’s Sunny Smile, 2013 |
Allen, J. | Is That My Cat? 2014 |
Almond, D. | Kate, the Cat and the Moon, 2004 |
Alter, A. | Estelle and Lucy, 2001 |
Anderson, A. | Cat’s Colors, 2016 |
Appett, K. | Max Attacks, 2019 |
Araki, M. | Kitten’s Big Adventure, 2005 |
Arnold, M. | Metro Cat, 2001 |
Asch, F. | Mr. Maxell’s Mouse, 2004 |
Asch, F. | Mrs. Marlowe’s Mice, 2007 |
Asch, F. | Here Comes the Cat, 2011 |
Atteberry, K. | Ghost Cat, 2019 |
Austin, P. | The Cat Who Loved Mozart, 2001 |
Bachelet, G. | My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, 2006 |
Bagley, J. | Vincent Comes Home, 2018 |
Bailey, L. | Stanley’s Little Sister, 2010 |
Banks, K. | The Cat Who Walked Across France, 2004 |
Banks, K. | City Cat, 2013 |
Barrett, R. | Cats Got Talent, 2014 |
Beaumont, K. | Pretty Kitty, 2018 |
Bemelmans, J. | Madeline and the Cats of Rome, 2008 |
Bernstein, G. | I Am a Cat, 2018 |
Biedrzycki, D. | SumoKitty, 2019 |
Bogart, J. | The White Cat and the Monk, 2016 |
Boldt, M. | Bad Dog, 2019 |
Bottner, B. | The Scaredy Cats, 2003 |
Bramhall, W. | Hepcat, 2004 |
Braun, S. | Meeow and the Little Chairs, 2009 |
Braun, S. | Meeow and the Pots and Pans, 2010 |
Braun, S. | Meeow and the Big Box, 2009 |
Brett, J. | Comet’s Nine Lives, 1996 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s Kitten, 1984 |
Brill, C. | Cat Wishes, 2018 |
Broach, E. | My Pet Wants a Pet, 2018 |
Brown, M. | Sneakers the Seaside Cat, 2003 |
Brown, R. | Gracie the Lighthouse Cat, 2011 |
Browne, A. | Little Beauty, 2008 |
Bruel, N. | Bad Kitty, 2005 |
Bruel, N. | Poor Puppy, 2010 |
Bruel, N. | Poor Puppy and Bad Kitty, 2016 |
Bunting, E. | Mouse Island, 2008 |
Bunting, E. | Ghost Cat, 2017 – hoopla |
Burningham, J. | It’s a Secret! 2009 |
Cabrera, J. | Kitty’s Cuddles, 2007 |
Calhoun, M. | Blue-Ribbon Henry, 1998 |
Cali, D. | I Hate My Cats (A Love Story), 2018 |
Capucilli, A. | Mrs. McTats and Her Houseful of Cats, 2001 |
Capucilli, A. | Little Spotted Cat, 2005 |
Carle, E. | Have You Seen My Cat? 1996 |
Carlow, E. | Kitty Princess and the Newspaper Dress, 2003 |
Carmody, I. | Magic Night, 2007 |
Cash, J. | The Cat in the Rhinestone Suit, 2012 |
Catalanotto, P. | Kitten Red Yellow Blue, 2005 |
Cecka, M. | Violet Comes to Stay, 2006 |
Chan, R. | Georgie’s Best Bad Day, 2017 |
Clark, E. | Amazing Mr. Zooty! 2007 |
Clark, E. | Plenty of Love To Go Around, 2016 |
Cole, H. | Spot, the Cat, 2016 |
Collington, P. | Clever Cat, 2000 |
Cooper, E. | Magic Thinks Big, 2004 |
Cooper, E. | Big Cat, Little Cat, 2017 |
Cote, N, | Jackson’s Blanket, 2008 |
Crimi, C. | Dear Tabby, 2011 |
Crisp, M. | Titanicat, 2008 |
Czekaj, J. | Cat Secrets, 2011 |
Danowski, S. | Little Night Cat, 2016 |
Davis, C. | For Every Cat, An Angel, 2001 |
Day, N. | A Kitten’s Year, 2000 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Books – hoopla |
Demas, C. | Here Comes Trouble! 2013 |
Dodd, E. | I Don’t Want a Cool Cat! 2010 |
Dodd, E. | Meow Said the Cow, 2011 |
Donaldson, J. | The Further Adventures of the Owl and the Pussy-cat, 2017 |
Dubuc, M. | The Fish and the Cat, 2018 |
Eaton, J. | The Catawampus Cat, 2017 |
Ehlert, L. | Top Cat, 1998 |
Esbaum, J. | Tom’s Tweet, 2011 |
Farish, T. | The Cat Who Liked Potato Soup, 2003 |
Feiffer, J. | Rupert Can Dance, 2014 |
Flake, S. | You Are Not a Cat! 2016 |
Fleming, D. | Mama Cat Has Three Kittens, 1998 |
Fletcher, A. | My Dog, My Cat, 2011 |
Foley, G. | Kat Writes a Song, 2018 |
Foreman, M. | Cat & Dog, 2014 |
Freeman, D. | Pet of the Met, 2008 |
French, V. | I Love You Grandpa, 2004 |
Friend, C. | The Perfect Nest, 2007 |
Frost, H. | Cats, 2001 |
Fuller, S. | My Cat, Coon Cat, 2011 |
Gag, W. | Millions of Cats, 1956 |
Galindo, R. | My New Mom & Me, 2016 |
Gall, C. | Dog vs. Cat, 2014 |
Gantos, J. | Rotten Ralph Books |
Gantos, J. | The Nine Lives of Rotten Ralph, 2009 |
Gay, M. | Caramba, 2010 |
Gay, M. | Caramba and Henry, 2011 |
George, J. | How to Talk to Your Cat, 2000 |
Gerstein, M. | Minigred Goes to School, 2009 |
Ghahremani, S. | Stack the Cats, 2017 |
Glaser, H. | Hello Kitty, Hello Numbers! 2002 |
Godwin, L. | One Moon, Two Cats, 2011 |
Going, K. | Dog in Charge, 2012 |
Gorbachev, V. | The Best Cat, 2010 |
Gorbachev, V. | Catty Jane Who Hated the Rain, 2012 |
Gorbachev, V. | Catty Jane Who Loved to Dance, 2013 |
Gorbachev, V. | Cats Are Cats, 2014 |
Grant, J. | Cat Knit, 2016 |
Gravett, E. | Matilda’s Cat, 2013 |
Greene, C. | Where is That Cat?, 1998 |
Grimes, N. | When Gorilla Goes Walking, 2007 |
Grogan, J. | Marley and the Kittens, 2010 |
Grubb, L. | Happy Dog Sizzles! 2004 |
Gudeon, A. | Me and Meow, 2011 |
Hall, M. | Cat Tale, 2012 |
Harjo, J. | The Good Luck Cat, 2000 |
Harper, A. | It’s Not Fair! 2007 |
Harper, C. | The Best Birthday Ever! 2011 |
Harris, R. | Marmalade and the Magic Birds, 2001 |
Harris, T. | Tally Cat Keeps Track, 2010 |
Harrison, H. | Bernice Gets Carried Away, 2015 |
Hart, C. | Big Box Little Box, 2018 |
Hassett, A. | The Nine Lives of Dudley Dog, 2008 |
Hassett, J. | Cat Up a Tree, 1998 |
Head, M. | Warduff and the Corncob Caper, 2011 |
Heckert, C. | Dribbles, 1993 |
Hello | Hello Kitty Books |
Henkes, K. | Mr. Peabody’s Apples, 2003 |
Henkes, K. | Kitten’s First Full Moon, 2004 |
Henrichs, W. | I Am Tama, Lucky Cat, 2011 |
Heos, B. | Just Like Us! Cats, 2019 |
Hernandex, L. | Cat Napped! 2014 |
Hesse, K. | The Cats in Krasinski Square, 2004 |
Hicks, B. | The Secret Life of Walter Kitty, 2007 |
Himmelman, J. | Katie Loves the Kittens, 2008 |
Hobbie, H. | A Cat Named Swan, 2017 |
Hodges, M. | Dick Whittington and His Cat, 2006 |
Hogrogian, N. | Cool Cat, 2009 |
Huling, J. | Puss in Cowboy Boots, 2000 |
Iacolina, M. | Did You Eat the Parakeet? 2018 |
Jarka, J. | Love That Kitty! 2010 |
Jenkins, E. | Sugar Would Not Eat It, 2009 |
Jenkins, E. | Princessland, 2017 |
Johnston, T. | Cat What is That?, 2001 |
Jones, E. | Sunshine & Storm, 2001 |
Joosse, B. | Old Robert and the Sea-Silly Cats, 2012 |
Kang, A. | Papillon: The Very Fluffy Kitty, 2016 |
Keats, E. | Hi, Cat! 1999 |
Keillor, G. | Cat, You Better Come Home, 1995 |
Kellogg, S. | A Rose For Pinkerton, 2002 |
Kessler, T. | The Good Dog and the Bad Cat, 2016 |
Kettleman, H. | Grandma’s Cat, 1996 |
Kim, A. | Cat on the Bus, 2016 |
Krasnesky, T. | That Cat Can’t Stay, 2010 |
Krauss, R. | And I Love You, 2010 |
Kuskin, K. | So What’s It Like to be a Cat? 2005 |
Kuskowski, A. | Kittens, 2013 |
Kwon, Y. | My Cat Copies Me, 2005 |
LaBorde, R. | Hello Kitty Hello Love, 2003 |
Larson, K. | Two Bobbies, 2008 |
Lawson, J. | Audrey and Barbara, 2002 |
Lazo, C. | Someday When My Cat Can Talk, 2008 |
Lear, E. | The Owl and the Pussycat, 2006 |
Lear, E. | The Owl and the Pussy-cat, 2017 |
Lee, K. | The Lost Kitten, 2017 |
Lee, L. | Cat Eyes, 2018 |
LeGuin, U. | Cat Dreams, 2009 |
Leroy, J. | Stripes the Cat Tiger, 2016 |
Lewin, B. | Cat Count, 2003 |
Lewin, B. | Where is Tippy Toes? 2010 |
Lewis, J. | Kindergarten Cat, 2010 |
Linch, T. | Three Little Kittens, 2001 |
Lindbergh, R. | Homer the Library Car, 2011 |
Litwin, E. | Pete the Cat Books – hoopla |
Lloyd, S. | Mr. Pusskins and Little Whiskers: Another Love Story, 2007 |
Lloyd, S. | Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story, 2006 |
Lloyd, S. | Doctor Meow’s Big Emergency, 2008 |
Lobel, A. | Nini Here and There, 2007 |
Lobel, A. | Nini Lost and Found, 2010 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Kittens, 2016 |
Lord, J. | Where is Catkin? 2010 |
Luxbacher, I. | Mattoo, Let’s Play! 2010 |
MacDonald, M. | Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale, 2011 |
MacLachlan, P. | Bittle, 2004 |
MacLachlan, P. | Who Loves Me? 2005 |
MacLachlan, P. | Cat Talk, 2013 |
Mader, C. | Tiptop Cat, 2014 |
Magerl, C. | Maya and the Lost Cat, 2019 |
Malbrough, M. | Marigold Bakes a Cake, 2017 |
Maltbie, P. | Bambino and Mr. Twain, 2012 |
Manley, C. | The Summer Nick Taught His Cats to Read, 2016 |
Martin, B. | Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up? 2008 |
Martin, B. | Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Going to Sleep? 2011 |
Martin, B. | Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Going to School? 2013 |
Masural, C. | A Cat and a Dog, 2001 |
McCarty, P. | Fabian Escapes, 2007 |
McCarty, P. | Hondo & Fabian, 2002 – hoopla |
McCarty, P. | Henry in Love, 2010 |
McCully, E. | Four Hungry Kittens, 2001 |
McDonnell, C. | Goyangi Means Cat, 2011 |
McDonnell, P. | South, 2008 |
McDonnell, P. | The Gift of Nothing, 2005 |
McDonnell, P. | Just Like Heaven, 2006 |
McDonnell, P. | Wag! 2009 |
McFarland, L. | Widget, 2001 |
McKissack, P. | Who Will Bell the Cat? 2018 |
McPhail, D. | Crash the Cat, 2016 |
McQuinn, A. | Lola Gets a Cat, 2017 |
Mockford, C. | Come Here, Cleo! 2001 |
Mockford, C. | Cleo’s Color Book, 2006 |
Moore, I. | Captain Cat, 2013 |
Mora, P. | Here, Kitty, Kitty! iven, gatita, ven! 2008 |
Mortimer, A. | Pumpkin Cat, 2011 |
Murray, A. | Princess Penelope and the Runaway Kitten, 2013 |
Myron, V. | Dewey: There’s a Cat in the Library! 2009 |
Neal, C. | I Won’t Eat That, 2017 |
Newberry, C. | Mittens, 1998 |
Newberry, C. | Smudge, 1998 |
Newman, L. | Cats Cats Cats, 2001 |
Newman, L. | The Best Cat in the World, 2004 |
Newman, L. | Ketzel, the Cat Who Composed, 2015 |
Nishizuka, K. | The Beckoning Cat: Based on a Japanese Folktale, 2009 |
Nordqvist, S. | The Birthday Cake, 2015 |
Numeroff, L. | If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, 2008 |
Oates, J. | Where is Little Reynard? 2003 |
Oates, J. | Naughty Cherie! 2008 |
Oh, J. | Cat & Mouse, 2003 |
Oh, J. | Mr. Monkey’s Classroom, 2005 |
O’Hair, M. | My Kitten, 2011 |
Oho, Z. | Niblet & Ralph, 2018 |
O’Rourke, R. | Bella Lost and Found, 2014 |
Page, G. | How to be a Good Dog, 2006 |
Partridge, E. | Big Cat Pepper, 2009 |
Pelley, K. | Raj the Bookstore Tiger, 2011 |
Peters, L. | Frankie Works the Night Shift, 2010 |
Pinkney, J. | Three Little Kittens, 2010 |
Polacco, P. | For the Love of Autumn, 2008 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992 |
Polacco, P. | Because of Thursday, 2016 |
Pye, A. | Copy Cat, 2018 |
Radzinski, K. | Where to Sleep, 2009 |
Reibstein, M. | Wabi Sabi, 2008 |
Reich, S. | Minette’s Feast, 2012 |
Reinhardt, J. | Blue Ethel, 2017 |
Ritz, K. | Windows with Birds, 2010 |
Robert, N. | Bruno, the Standing Cat, 2019 |
Roberts, B. | Cat Skidoo, 2004 |
Robinson, M. | The Pawed Piper, 2019 |
Roche, D | Mim, Gyn and June, 2003 |
Root, P. | Scrawny Cat, 2011 |
Rosenthal, E. | I’ll Save You Bobo! 2012 |
Rostoker-Gruber, K. | Bandit, 2008 |
Rostoker-Gruber, K. | Bandit’s Surprise, 2010 |
Roth, C. | Where’s My Mommy? 2012 |
Roussey, C. | My Lazy Cat, 2017 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door, 2011 |
Rubinger, A. | Big Cat, Small Cat, 2008 |
Rylant, C. | Cat Heaven, 1997 |
Rylant, C. | Brownie & Pearl Books |
Saab, J. | Little Lola, 2014 |
Saltzmann, M. | Alley to Zippy: Cats From A to Z, 2009 |
Samuels, B. | Dolores Meets Her Match, 2007 |
Samuels, B. | The Trucker, 2014 |
Sarcone-Roach, J. | The Secret Plan, 2009 |
Sastrawinata-Lemay | Blue Spot, 2019 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones Books |
Schachner, J. | Bits & Pieces, 2013 |
Scheunemann, P. | Cats Meow! 2009 |
Schoch, I. | The Cat’s Vacation, 2003 |
Schoenherr, I. | Cat & Mouse, 2008 |
Schoonmaker, E. | Square Cat, 2011 |
Schwartz, V. | There Are Cats in This Book! 2008 |
Schwarz, V. | Counting with Tiny Cat, 2017 |
Scotton, R. | Splat the Cat Books – hoopla |
Simler, I. | Plume, 2017 |
Simler, I. | My Wild Cat, 2019 |
Smith, L. | Mrs. Crump’s Cat, 2006 |
Smith, M. | Desser the Best Cat Ever, 2001 |
So, M. | Gobble Gobble Slip Slop: A Tale of a Very Greedy Cat, 2004 |
Sobol, J. | Friend on Foe? 2016 |
Spinelli, E. | Kittycat Lullaby, 2001 |
Spinelli, E. | Hero Cat, 2006 |
Spinelli, E. | Callie Cat, Ice Skater, 2007 |
Spinelli, E. | Do You Have a Cat? 2010 |
Spires, E. | The Big Meow, 2001 |
Stainton, S. | I Love Cats, 2007 |
Stainton, S. | I Love Cats! 2017 |
Stern, B. | Yoda: The Story of a Cat and His Kittens, 2014 |
Stern, B. | Yoda Gets a Buddy, 2015 |
Stower, A. | Naughty Kitty! 2012 |
Sullivan, J. | Kitten and the Night Watchman, 2018 |
Surovec, Y. | A Bed for Kitty, 2014 |
Talbott, H. | It’s All About Me-Ow, 2012 |
Taylor, E. | Lots of Cats, 2018 |
Teague, M. | Felipe and Claudette, 2019 |
Teckentrup, B. | Grumpy Cat, 2008 |
Thomas, J. | What Will Fat Cat Sit On? 2007 |
Thomas, S. | Take Care, Good Knight, 2006 |
Thompson, L. | How Many Cats? 2009 |
Thomson, P. | Drat That Fat Cat! 2003 |
Tillman, N. | Tumford the Terrible, 2011 |
Tillman, N. | Tumford’s Rude Noises, 2012 |
Titus, E. | Anatole and the Cat, 2006 |
Tolle, E. | Milton’s Secret, 2008 |
Torres, L. | The Lost Kitten, 2019 |
Trout | Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011 |
Turner, S. | Cool Cat, Hot Dog, 2005 |
Umansky, K. | I Don’t Like Gloria! 2007 |
Underwood, D. | Here Comes the Tooth Fairy Cat, 2015 |
Underwood, D. | Here Comes Teacher Cat, 2017 |
Varon, S. | Chicken and Cat, 2006 |
Varon, S. | Chicken and Cat Clean Up, 2009 |
Vere, E. | Max the Brave, 2015 |
Vere, E. | Max and Bird, 2016 |
Viorst, J. | The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, 1971 |
Voake, C. | Ginger, 1997 |
Voake, C. | Ginger Finds a Home, 2003 |
Voake, C. | Ginger and the Mystery Visitor, 2010 |
Wardlaw, L. | Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku, 2010 |
Warhola, J. | Uncle Andy’s Cats, 2009 |
Waring, G. | Oscar and the Frog: A Book About Growing, 2007 |
Waring, G. | Oscar and the Moth: A Book About Light, 2007 |
Watt, M. | Chester, 2007 |
Watt, M. | Chester’s Back, 2008 |
Watt, M. | Chester’s Masterpiece, 2010 |
Weaver, T. | Opera Cat, 2002 |
Weaver, T. | Cat Jumped In, 2007 |
Weaver, T. | Encore Opera Cat! 2009 |
Weeks, S. | Woof: A Love Story, 2009 |
Weeks, S. | Glamourpuss, 2015 |
Wells, R. | Yoko Writes Her Name, 2008 |
Wells, R. | McDuff’s Wild Romp, 2005 |
Wells, R. | Yoko Learns to Read, 2012 |
Wells, R. | Kit & Kaboodle, 2018 |
Wenzel, B. | They All Saw a Cat, 2016 |
West, J. | Have You Got My Purr? 2000 |
West, M. | Mookie and the Rescued Cat, 2009 |
Wheeler, L. | Castaway Cats, 2006 |
Wiesner, D. | Mr. Wuffles! 2013 |
Wilbur, H. | M is for Meow: A Cat Alphabet, 2007 |
Willems, M. | Cat the Cat Who is That? 2010 |
Willems, M. | Let’s Say Hi to Friends Who Fly! 2010 |
Wilson, K. | Sleepyhead, 2006 |
Winstanley, N. | How to Give Your Cat a Bath, 2019 |
Wishinsky, F. | Maggie Can’t Wait, 2009 |
Wolff, N. | Tallulah, In the Kitchen, 2005 |
Wolff, N. | It’s Time for School with Tallulah, 2007 |
Wong, L. | Quackers, 2016 |
Woods, N. | Tom Cat, 2004 |
Yamada, M. | Cool Cat Versus Top Dog, 2018 |
Ying, V. | Meow! 2017 |
Yolen, J. | The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye, 2011 |
Ziefert, H. | Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain? 2015 |
Additional books about Cats can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 636.8) |
Author: Scott Wright
Caterpillars and Butterflies
Araki, M. | Kitten’s Big Adventure, 2005 |
Barner, B. | Dinosaurs Roar, Butterflies Soar! 2009 |
Brown, M. | Sheep Don’t Count Sheep, 2002 |
Bruel, R. | Bob and Otto, 2007 |
Bunting, E. | The Butterfly House, 1998 |
Capucilli, A. | Katy Duck is a Caterpillar, 2009 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 1987 |
Carle, E. | The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Board Book), 1994 |
Davol, M. | Why Butterflies go by on Silent Wings, 2001 |
DeLuise, D. | Charlie the Caterpillar, 1990 |
Ehlert, L. | Waiting for Wings, 2001 |
Engle, M. | Summer Birds: The Butterflies of Maria Merian, 2010 |
Ernst, L. | Bubba and Trixie, 1997 |
Foley, G. | Don’t Worry Bear, 2008 |
Gill, M. | The Yellow Butterfly, 2009 |
Godwin, S. | The Case of the Missing Caterpiller: A First Look at the Life Cycle, 2005 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and the Butterfly, 2006 |
Jarrett, C. | Arabella Miller’s Tiny Caterpillar, 2008 |
Joosse, B. | Ghost Wings, 2001 |
Kelly, H. | Farfallina & Marcel, 2002 |
Kleven, E. | Glasswings, 2013 |
Lucado, M. | Hermie: A Common Caterpillar, 2002 |
Madison, A. | Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly, 2007 |
Markle, S. | Butterfly Tree, 2011 |
Martin, B. | Ten Little Caterpillars, 2011 |
Mayer, M. | Just a School Project, 2004 |
McBratney, S. | The Caterpillow Fight, 1996 |
McFarland, C. | Caterpillar Dreams, 2017 |
McKee, E. | Elmer and Butterfly, 2014 |
Middleton, C. | Nibbles’ Garden: Another Green Tale, 2012 |
Milbourne, A. | The Butterfly, 2005 |
Millard, G. | Kaito’s Cloth, 2008 |
Noyes, D. | Red Butterfly: How a Princess Smuggled the Secret of Silk Out of China, 2009 |
O’ Flatharta, A. | Hurry and the Monarch, 2005 |
O’Connor, J. | Fancy Nancy Bonjour Butterfly, 2008 |
Pedersen, J. | Houdini the Amazing Caterpillar, 2008 |
Prosek, J. | Bird, Butterfly, Eel, 2009 |
Runton, A. | Owly & Wormy Friends All Aflutter! 2011 |
Sundgaard, A. | The Lamb and the Butterfly, 1988 |
Swope, S. | Gotta Go! Gotta Go! 2000 |
Taylor, H. | Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies, 1995 |
Thierry, R. | Green Butterfly: A Superdog Adventure, 2007 |
Wallace, N. | Fly, Monarch! Fly! 2008 |
Willis, J. | Tadpole’s Promise, 2003 |
Wilson, S. | Hedgehugs and the Hattiepillar, 2016 |
Ziefert, H. | Butterfly Birthday, 2010 |
Additional books about Butterflies can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 595.78) |
Castles and Sand Castles
Ashburn, B. | Over at the Castle, 2010 |
Banks, K. | Max’s Castle, 2011 |
Becker, A. | Quest, 2014 |
Bernheimer, K. | The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum, 2008 |
Brunhoff, L. | Babar and the Ghost, 2001 |
Cote, G. | Mr. King’s Castle, 2013 |
Davis, L. | Sand Castle Surprise, 1997 |
Heide, F. | Princess Hyacinth (the Suprising Tale of a Girl Who Floated), 2009 |
Heller, L. | The Castle on Hester Street, 2007 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and the Royal Wedding, 2010 |
Johnson, C. | Magic Beach, 2005 |
Joosse, B. | Lovabye Dragon, 2012 |
Lavis, S. | Little Mouse Has a Friend, 2000 |
Lobel, A. | Giant John, 2008 |
MacDonald, M. | The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog, 2007 |
Miller, E. | The Curse of Claudia, 1989 |
Miura, R. | The Tiny King, 2013 |
Munsch, R. | The Sand Castle Contest, 2005 |
Munsch, R. | The Paperbag Princess, 1989 |
Roosa, K. | Beach Day, 2001 |
Stadler, A. | Beverly Billingsly Takes the Cake, 2005 |
Utton, P. | Jennifer’s Room, 1995 |
Additional books about Castles can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 940.1) |
Alborough, J. | Fix-It Duck, 2001 |
Aroner, M. | Clink Clank Clunk! 2006 |
Ashman, L. | To the Beach! 2005 |
Barracca, D. | The Adventures of Taxi Dog, 1990 |
Barton, B. | My Car, 2001 |
Bee, W. | and the cars go….2013 |
Bell, B. | The Bridge is Up, 2004 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, 1987 |
Berger, C. | OK Go, 2009 |
Burleigh, R. | Zoom! Zoom! Sounds of Things That Go In the City, 2014 |
Burningham, J. | Motor Miles, 2017 |
Christelow, E. | Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car, 2000 |
Clement, N. | Speed, 2013 |
Coy, J. | Vroomaloon Zoom, 2000 |
Dale, P. | Dinosaur Zoom! 2012 |
Day, N. | Double Those Wheels, 2003 |
Disney | World of Cars, 2010 |
Disney | Cars: A Read-Aloud Storybook, 2006 |
Doman, M. | Cool Cars, 2012 |
Drummond, A. | Tin Lizzie, 2008 |
Elya, S. | Oh No, Gotta Go! 2003 |
Garland, M. | Car Goes Far, 2013 |
Harper, J. | Miles to Go, 2010 |
Harper, J. | Miles to the Finish, 2014 |
Herzog, B. | R is for Race: A Stock Car Alphabet, 2006 |
Hurd, T. | Zoom City, 1998 |
Hurd, T. | Sleepy Cadillac: A Bedtime Drive, 2005 |
Johnson, P. | The Pig Who Ran a Red Light, 1999 |
Kirk, D. | Miss Spider’s New Car, 1997 |
Kolar, B. | Racer Dogs, 2003 |
Kulling, M. | The Tweedles Go Electric, 2014 |
Laden, N. | Are We There Yet? 2016 |
LaReau, K. | Otto the Boy Who Loved Cars, 2011 |
LaRochelle, D. | Moo! 2013 |
Lindeen, C. | Police Cars. 2005 |
Lord, C. | Hot Rod Hamster, 2010 |
Lord, C. | Hot Rod Hamster and the Wacky Whatever Race! 2014 |
Mackall, D. | Are We There Yet? 2003 |
Medina, M. | Tia Isa Wants a Car, 2011 |
Miranda, A. | Vroom, Chugga, Vroom-Vroom, 1998 |
Olien, B. | Police Cars, 2001 |
Peet, B. | Jennifer and Josephine, 1967 |
Perry, M. | Daniel’s Ride/El Paseo de Daniel, 2006 |
Pfister, M. | The Yellow Cab, 2013 |
Pizzoli, G. | Number One Sam, 2014 |
Plourde, L. | Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud, 1997 |
Pulver, R. | Axle Annie and the Speed Grump, 2005 |
Randolph, J. | Police Cars, 2008 |
Rex, M. | My Race Car, 2000 |
Root, P. | Rattletrap Car, 2001 |
Root, P. | Toot Toot Zoom! 2009 |
Rosen, M. | A Drive in the Country, 2007 |
Rylant, C. | Brownie & Spearl Go For a Spin, 2012 |
Scarry, R. | Cars and Trucks and Things That Go, 1974 |
Scarry, R. | Mr. Frumble’s New Cars, 1994 |
Shaw, N. | Sheep in a Jeep, 1997 |
Shulevitz, U. | Troto and the Trucks, 2015 |
Soto, G. | My Little Car = Mi carrito, 2006 |
Steen, S. | Car Wash, 2001 |
Steggall, S. | The Life of a Car, 2008 |
Steig, W. | Grown-Ups Get to Do All the Driving, 1995 |
Stein, P. | Cars Galore, 2011 |
Stein, P. | Little Red’s Riding ‘Hood, 2015 |
Tashiro, C. | Five Nice Mice and the Great Car Race, 2014 |
Taylor, E. | Beep, Beep, Let’s Go! 2005 |
Timmers, L. | Gus’s Garage, 2017 |
Upton, E. | Maxi the Little Taxi, 2016 |
VanDusen, C. | If I Built a Car, 2005 |
Walters, V. | Are We There Yet, Daddy?, 1999 |
Willems, M. | Let’s Go For a Drive! 2012 |
Wilson, K. | Sakes Alive! A Cattle Drive, 2005 |
Zane, A. | The Wheels on the Race Car, 2005 |
Zarin, C. | Albert, the Dog Who Liked to Ride in Taxis, 2003 |
Additional Transportation books can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 629’s) |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s Jelly Beans, 2004 |
Brown, M. | Chavela and the Magic Bubble, 2010 |
DePaola, T. | Strega Nona Takes a Vacation, 2000 |
Gerstein, M. | You Can’t Have Too Many Friends! 2014 |
Khan, R. | Big Red Lollipop, 2010 |
Krall, D. | The Great Lollipop Caper, 2013 |
McGrath, B. | M & M’s Brand Chocolate Candies Math, 1998 |
Oram, H. | Princess Chamomile Gets Her Way, 1999 |
Paraskevas, B. | Chocolate at the Four Seasons, 2007 |
Paul, R. | Red Panda’s Candy Apples, 2014 |
Rey, H. | Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory, 1998 |
Rosenthal, A. | Little Pea, 2005 |
Say, A. | Kamishibai Man, 2005 |
Spelvin, J. | Happy Brush Day! 2007 |
Stadler, A. | Beverly Billingsly Takes the Cake, 2005 |
Wahl, J. | Candy Shop, 2004 |
Wells, R. | Max’s Chocolate Chicken, 1989 |
Wilder, L. | Sugar Snow, 1998 |
Cancer and Chemotherapy
Ackermann, A. | Our Mom Has Cancer, 2001 |
Borden, L. | Good Luck, Mrs. K! 1999 |
Clark, J. | You Are the Best Medicine, 2010 |
Kohlenberg, S. | Sammy’s Mom Has Cancer, 1993 |
Matthies, J. | The Goodbye Cancer Garden, 2011 |
Mills, J. | Little Tree: A Story for Children With Serious Medical Problems, 2003 |
Negron, R. | The Boy of Steel: A Baseball Dream Come True, 2006 |
North, S. | Champ’s Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too! 2010 |
Numeroff, L. | The Hope Tree: Kids Talk About Breast Cancer, 2001 |
Polacco, P. | The Lemonade Club, 2007 |
Silver, A. | Our Mom is Getting Better, 2007 |
Silver, A. | Our Dad is Getting Better, 2007 |
Sutherland, E. | Mom and the Polka-Dot Boo-Boo, 2007 |
Tinkman, K. | Hair For Mama, 2007 |
Winthrop, E. | Promises, 2000 |
Additional Children’s Books about Cancer can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 616.994) |
Amery, H. | Camping Out, 2004 |
Bateman, T. | Hamster Camp: How Harry Got Fit, 2005 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest, 1988 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp, 1982 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Blaze a Trail, 1987 |
Berry, L. | Duck Tents, 2009 |
Boyd, L. | Flashlight, 2014 |
Brown, M. | Arthur Goes to Camp, 1982 |
Brown, M. | Arthur’s First Sleepover, 1994 |
Bunting, E. | I Don’t Want To Go To Camp, 1996 |
Carlin, P. | Alfie Is Not Afraid, 2012 |
Clements, A. | Because Your Mommy Loves You, 2012 |
Cote, G. | Goodnight, You, 2014 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes Camping, 2004 |
Coyle, C. | Do Princesses Make Happy Campers? 2015 |
Cummins, J. | Country Kid, City Kid, 2002 |
Depucchio, K. | Sipping Spiders Through a Straw: Campfire Songs for Monsters, 2008 |
Espinosa, L. | Otis and Rae and the Grumbling Splunk, 2008 |
Fleming, D. | Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, 2008 |
Gal, S. | Into the Outdoors, 2011 |
Gianferrari, M. | Penny & Jelly Slumber Under the Stars, 2016 |
Giff, P. | Ronald Morgan Goes to Camp, 1995 |
Gliori, D. | Mr. Bear’s Vacation, 2000 |
Griffin, M. | Rhoda’s Rock Hunt, 2014 |
Gutman, A. | Gaspard at the Seashore, 2002 |
Harshman, M. | One Big Family, 2016 |
Henkes, K. | Bailey Goes Camping, 1985 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina and Henry, 2002 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to the Mountains, 2001 |
Idle, M. | Camp Rex, 2014 |
James, H. | S is for S’mores: A Camping Alphabet, 2007 |
Kvasnosky, L. | Zelda and Ivy and the Boy Next Door, 1999 |
Kvasnosky, L. | Frank and Izzy Set Sail, 2004 |
Lakin, P. | Camping Day, 2009 |
Lester, H. | Tacky Goes to Camp, 2009 |
London, J. | The Waterfall, 1999 |
London, J. | Froggy Goes to Camp, 2008 |
Manning, J. | Millie Fierce Sleeps Out, 2014 |
Mayer, M. | Just Me and My Dad, 1977 |
McCully, E. | Monk Camps Out, 2000 |
Meyer, S. | Matthew and Tall Rabbit Go Camping, 2008 |
Munsch, R. | The Sand Castle Contest, 2005 |
Nolen, J. | Plantzilla Goes to Camp, 2006 |
Numeroff, L. | The Jellybeans and the Big Camp Kickoff, 2011 |
Orr, W. | The Princess and Her Panther, 2010 |
Parr, T. | Otto Goes to Camp, 2004 |
Polacco, P. | The Graves Family Goes Camping, 2005 |
Rey, H. | Curious George Camps Out, 1999 |
Rey, M. | Curious George Goes Camping, 1999 |
Ross, T. | I Want to Do It Myself! 2011 |
Say, A. | The Lost Lake, 1989 |
Scarry, R. | Camping Out, 1995 |
Sherman, A. | Hello Mudder, Hello Faddah! A Letter From Camp, 2004 |
Singer, M. | I’m Gonna Climb a Mountain in My Patent Leather Shoes, 2014 |
Snyder, L. | Good Night, Laila Tov, 2012 |
Snyder, L. | Camp Wonderful Wild, 2013 |
Soman, D. | Ladybug Girl and Bingo, 2012 |
Taback, S. | Postcards from Camp, 2011 |
Thompson, L. | Hop, Hop, Jump! 2012 |
Wargin, K. | Scare a Bear, 2010 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping, 2013 |
Wegman, W. | Flo & Wendell Explore, 2014 |
Wilson, K. | Sweet Briar Goes to Camp, 2005 |
Wolff, A. | Stella and Roy Go Camping, 1999 |
Additional books about Camping can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.5) |
Brunhoff, L. | Babar Comes to America, 2008 |
Bunting, E. | Smoky Night, 1994 |
Cruise, R. | Little Mama Forgets, 2006 |
Domeniconi, D. | G is for Golden: A California Alphabet, 2002 |
Harvey, J. | Astro: The Steller Sea Lion, 2010 |
Isaacs, A. | The Ghosts of Luckless Gulch, 2008 |
Johnston, T. | Levi Strauss Gets a Bright Idea, 2011 |
Mackall, D. | Rudy Rides the Rails: A Depression Era Story, 2007 |
McCully, E. | Squirrel and John Muir, 2004 |
Additional children’s books about California can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 979.4) |
Caldecott Award
Aardema, V. | Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears, 1975 – hoopla |
Ackerman, K. | Song and Dance Man, 1988 |
Bang, M. | When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry, 1999 – hoopla |
Barnett, M. | Extra Yarn, 2012 |
Bartone, E. | Peppe the Lamplighter, 1993 |
Becker, A. | Journey, 2013 |
Bemelmans, L. | Madeline, 1939 |
Bemelmans, L. | Madeline’s Rescue, 1981 – hoopla |
Brosgol, V. | Leave Me Alone, 2016 |
Brown, M. | Once a Mouse, 1989 |
Brown, M. | A Child’s Good Night Book, 1992 |
Brown, M. | The Little Island, 1946 |
Brown, P. | Creepy Carrots, 2012 |
Bunting, E. | Smoky Night, 1994 |
Burton, V. | The Little House, 1988 – hoopla |
Buzzeo, T. | One Cool Friend, 2012 |
Castillo, L. | Nana in the City, 2014 |
Caudill, R. | A Pocketful of Cricket, 1964 |
Cendrars, B. | Shadow, 1982 |
Chaucer, G. | Chanticleer and the Fox, 1958 |
Clark, A. | In My Mother’s House, 1991 |
Crews, D. | Freight Train, 1978 – hoopla |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, 2000 – hoopla |
Daugherty, J. | Andy and the Lion, 1966 – hoopla |
DePaola, T. | Strega Nona, 1988 – hoopla |
DeRegniers, B. | May I Bring a Friend? 1964 |
Ehlert, L. | Color Zoo, 1989 |
Ellis, C. | Du Iz Tak, 2016 |
Falconer, E. | Olivia, 2000 – hoopla |
Feelings, M. | Jambo Means Hello: A Swahili Alphabet Book, 1974 |
Fleming, D. | In the Small Small Pond, 1993 – hoopla |
Floca, B. | Locomotive, 2013 |
Freeman, D. | Fly High, Fly Low, 2001 |
Gerstein, M. | The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, 2003 – hoopla |
Goble, P. | The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, 1978 |
Hall, D. | Ox-Cart Man, 1979 |
Henkes, K. | Owen, 1993 – hoopla |
Henkes, K. | Kitten’s First Full Moon, 2004 – hoopla |
Ho, M. | Hush! A Thai Lullaby, 1996 |
Hogrogian, N. | One Fine Day, 1971 – hoopla |
Howitt, M. | The Spider and the Fly, 2002 |
Idle, M. | Flora and the Flamingo, 2013 – hoopla |
Jenkins, S. | What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? 2003 |
Johnson, S. | Alphabet City, 1995 |
Juster, N. | Hello Goodbye Window, 2005 |
Juster, N. | Hello Goodbye Window (Media Kit), 2005 |
Keats, E. | The Snowy Day, 1962 – hoopla |
Klassen, J. | This is Not My Hat, 2012 |
Klassen, J. | Sam and Dave Dig a Hole, 2014 |
Lehman, B. | The Red Book, 2004 |
Leodhas, S. | Always Room For One More, 1965 |
Lester, J. | John Henry, 1994 – hoopla |
Levine, E. | Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story From the Underground Railroad, 2007 – hoopla |
Lin, G. | Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, 2009 |
Lionni, L. | Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse, 1974 |
Lionni, L. | Frederick, 1967 |
Logue, M. | Sleep Like a Tiger, 2012 |
Lorraine, W. | Grandfather’s Journey, 1993 |
Low, J. | Mice Twice, 1980 |
Macaulay, D. | Black and White, 1990 |
Marshall, J. | Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 1988 |
McCarty, P. | Hondo & Fabian, 2002 – hoopla |
McCloskey, R. | Time of Wonder, 1957 – hoopla |
McCloskey, R. | One Morning in Maine, 1976 |
McCloskey, R. | Blueberries for Sal, 1976 – hoopla |
McCloskey, R. | Make Way For Ducklings, 1969 – hoopla |
McCully, A. | Mirette on the High Wire, 1992 |
McDonnell, P. | Me…Jane, 2011 |
McLimans, D. | Gone Wild, 2006 |
Moss, L. | Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin, 1995 – hoopla |
Musgrove, M. | Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions, 1976 |
Muth, J. | Zen Shorts, 2005 – hoopla |
Newberry, C. | Mittens, 1963 |
Pelletier, D. | The Graphic Alphabet, 1996 |
Pilkey, D. | The Paperboy, 1996 |
Pinkney, J. | Noah’s Ark, 2002 – hoopla |
Pinkney, J. | The Ugly Duckling, 1999 |
Pinkney, J. | The Lion and the Mouse, 2009 – hoopla |
Plume, E. | The Bremen-Town Musicians, 1980 |
Priceman, M. | Hot Air: The Mostly True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon Ride, 2005 |
Raschka, C. | Yo! Yes? 1993 – hoopla |
Raschka, C. | A Ball for Daisy, 2011 |
Rathmann, P. | Officer Buckle and Gloria, 1995 – hoopla |
Ringgold, F. | Tar Beach, 1991 |
Rocco, J. | Blackout, 2011 |
Rohmann, E. | My Friend Rabbit, 2002 |
Rylant, C. | The Relatives Came, 1985 |
SanSouci, D. | The Faithful Friend, 1995 |
Santat, D. | The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend, 2014 |
Scanlon, L. | All the World, 2009 |
Scheer, J. | Rain Makes Applesauce, 1964 |
Scieszka, J. | The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, 1992 |
Sendak, M. | In the Night Kitchen, 1970 – hoopla |
Sendak, M. | Where the While Things Are, 1963 – hoopla |
Seuss, D. | If I Ran the Zoo, 1977 |
Seuss, D. | Bartholomew and the Oobleck, 1976 |
Seuss, D. | McElligot’s Pool, 1974 |
Shannon, D. | No, David! 1998 |
Shulevitz, U. | Snow, 1998 – hoopla |
Sidman, J. | Red Sings From Treetops: A Year in Colors, 2009 |
Simont, M. | The Stray Dog, 2001 |
Sis, P. | Starry Messenger, 1996 |
Smith, L. | Grandpa Green 2011 |
Spier, P. | Noah’s Ark, 1977 |
Spier, P. | The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, 1992 – hoopla |
Stead, E. | A Sick Day for Amos McGee, 2012 – hoopla |
Steig, W. | The Amazing Bone, 1976 – hoopla |
Steig, W. | Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, 1980 – hoopla |
Steig, W. | Doctor DeSoto, 1982 |
Steptoe, J. | Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale, 1987 |
Stewart, S. | The Gardener, 1997 |
Swanson, S. | The House in the Night, 2009 |
Taback, S. | Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, 1999 – hoopla |
Thayer, E. | Casey at the Bat, 2000 |
Titus, E. | Anatole and the Cat, 2006 |
Titus, E. | Anatole, 2006 |
Turkle, B. | Thy Friend, Obadiah, 1969 |
Udry, J. | A Tree is Nice, 1984 |
VanAllsburg, C. | The Polar Express, 1985 – hoopla |
VanAllsburg, C. | Jumanji, 1981 – hoopla |
Ward, L. | The Biggest Bear, 1988 |
Weatherford, A. | Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, 2006 |
Weisner, D. | Flotsam, 2007 – hoopla |
Wenzel, B. | They All Saw a Cat, 2016 |
Wiesner, D. | The Three Pigs, 2001 |
Wiesner, D. | Sector 7, 1999 – hoopla |
Wiesner, D. | Tuesday, 1991 |
Wiesner, D. | Mr. Wuffles! 2013 – hoopla |
Willems, M. | Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, 2003 – hoopla |
Willems, M. | Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, 2004 – hoopla |
Williams, S. | Working Cotton, 1992 |
Williams, V. | “More More More,” Said the Baby: Three Love Stories, 1990 |
Williams, V. | A Chair For My Mother, 1982 |
Wisniewski, D. | Golem, 1996 |
Woodson, J. | Coming On Home Soon, 2004 |
Yolen, J. | Owl Moon, 1987 – hoopla |
Yorinks, A. | Hey, Al, 1986 |
Young, E. | Seven Blind Mice, 1992 |
Zelinsky, P. | Rumpelstiltskin, 1986 |
Zelinsky, P. | Rapunzel, 1997 – hoopla |

Juvenile Reading Lists
- Adoption and Foster Care
- Adventure
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Books Made into Movies
- Bullies and Bullying
- Cooking
- Coretta Scott King Award Winners
- Disabilities
- Dog Stories
- Dragons
- Fairy Tales Retold
- Fantasy
- Football
- Girls in Sports
- Historical Fiction
- Humor
- Juvenile Series in Paperback
- Michigan Books
- Monsters
- Mystery
- Mythology
- National Book Awards
- Newbery Award and Honor Books
- Novels in Verse
- Realistic Fiction
- Robots
- Science Fiction
- Superheroes
- Supernatural
- Time Travel