Pick Your Fall 2024 Storytime Registration August 8, 2024 Scott Wright .Registration Toddler Small Group Story Time – Wednesdays at 10:00AM Registration Preschool Small Group Story Time – Wednesdays at 11:00 AM
Cut the Cord: Cable TV Alternatives – Pick Your Session July 15, 2024 Scott Wright Cut the Cord: Cable TV Alternatives Cut the Cord: Cable TV Alternatives
Computer Buying Guide – Pick a Session June 24, 2024 Scott Wright Computer Buying Guide Computer Buying Guide
Dexter UFO Quiz June 12, 2024 Scott Wright Dexter UFO 1 / 6 In what year was the Dexter UFO sighting? 1947 1966 1985 2 / 6 In which state can you find "Area 51"? Nevada New Mexico Arizona California 3 / 6 How was the Dexter UFO described? Orb-shaped Disc-shaped Triangle-shaped Car-shaped 4 / 6 On which natural phenomenon was the Dexter UFO sighting blamed? Swamp gas Aurora Borealis Solar Eclipse 5 / 6 What does U.F.O. stand for? Unidentified Foreign Object Unidentified Flying Object Unified Flying Object Urgent Foreign Objective 6 / 6 What is the nickname given to the objects sighted by military pilots during WWII? Rods Foo Fighters Unknown Bogeys Your score isThe average score is 81% 0% Restart quiz
Dexter Daze Blaze Quiz June 12, 2024 Scott Wright Dexter Daze Fire 1 / 6 The Dexter Daze fire happened in 1993 on what date? Friday, August 13 Saturday, August 14 Sunday, August 15 2 / 6 Where did the fire originate? A live cigarette in an office wastebasket A gas leak in the middle of town In the duct work of one of the stores when a flambé dish at a local restaurant touched a curtain 3 / 6 What store was not harmed in the blaze? The Sportsman's Bar Hackney Hardware The former Loreen's Village Café The Susannah Keith Art Gallery 4 / 6 Which neighboring fire departments were not called in to battle the blaze? Chelsea Ann Arbor Saline Pittsfield Township Putnam Township Ypsilanti 5 / 6 How large was the crowd at Dexter Daze? 5,000+ 15,000+ 20,000+ 30,000+ 6 / 6 What items were sold the day after the fire? Dexter Days Blaze t-shirts Dexter Days Blaze baseball caps Dexter Days Blaze flags Dexter Days Blaze wristbands Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz
Colonel Harrison Herbert Jeffords Quiz June 12, 2024 Scott Wright Colonel Harrison Herbert Jeffords 1 / 7 Prior to the Civil War, what type of work did Harrison H. Jeffords do in Dexter? Dexter's Postmaster Practiced Law Dentist Medical Doctor 2 / 7 At which major battle of the Civil War did Colonel Jeffords die? Gettysburg Fredericksburg Antietam Bull Run 3 / 7 Colonel Jeffords vowed to defend the new Regimental Flag presented to the unit by what group? The Dexter, Michigan chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution The Sisters of Good Council The Ladies of Adrian, Michigan The Dexter, Michigan Ladies Auxiliary 4 / 7 Colonel Jeffords died from injuries caused by: Gunfire Sword Bayonet Cannon Shock from amputation Infection 5 / 7 Colonel Jeffords left behind his: Father and Mother Father, Mother, 1 brother, and 4 sisters Mother and 2 brothers Father, Mother, and 4 sisters 6 / 7 Colonel Jeffords last words are reported to be: "Rally round the flag boys" "Mother, Mother, Mother" "This flag shall never be captured" "The Union shall not be defeated" 7 / 7 Colonel Jeffords is buried at: Arlington National Cemetery Forest Lawn Cemetery, Dexter MI Gettysburg's Cemetery Hill Antietam National Cemetery Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz
Dexter Cider Mill Quiz June 12, 2024 Scott Wright Dexter Cider Mill 1 / 6 What year did the Dexter Cider Mill open? 1865 1886 1900 2 / 6 What was the surname of "Johnny Appleseed"? Walker Goode Chapman 3 / 6 Approximately how many apples are needed to make 1 gallon of cider? 35 20 5 4 / 6 How many varieties of apples exist? 7500 1000 350 5 / 6 True or False: The Dexter Cider Mill is the longest continuously-running Cider Mill in Michigan? True False 6 / 6 What health benefits does cider contain? Antioxidants Fiber Natural antibacterial and antifungal All of the above Your score isThe average score is 86% 0% Restart quiz
Links for ASR Beanstack June 11, 2024June 11, 2024 Scott Wright Click Here For Dexter Bakery Activity Sheet Click Here For Gordon Hall Timeline Activity Sheet Click Here For Ecological Impacts of Dam Removal Activity Sheet Click Here For Opera Matching Activity Sheet Click Here For Signs! Signs! Everywhere Signs! Activity Sheet Click Here For It’s a Twister! It’s a Twister! Activity Sheet
Hobbit door craft – pick a session May 30, 2024 Scott Wright Hobbit Door Craft – Session 1 Hobbit Door Craft – Session 2