Wednesday, 06/19/2019
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Grades 7 through 12
Summer is a great time to obtain volunteer hours and build up your resume. Attend this TAG meeting to learn about all the volunteer opportunities at the Library this summer. Pizza lunch provided.
Registration begins Saturday, May 4.
Location: Dexter District Library, Lower Level Meeting Room
Contact: Diane Alson
06/19/2019 1:00 PM 06/19/2019 2:00 PM America/Detroit Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
Grades 7 through 12 Summer is a great time to obtain volunteer hours and build up your resume. Attend this TAG meeting to learn about all the volunteer opportunities at the Library this summer. Pizza lunch provided. Registration begins Saturday, May 4. Location: Dexter District Library, Lower Level Meeting Room Contact: Diane Alson
Dexter District Library mhall