Walking Wednesday – Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesday, 05/01/2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


A new, free opportunity is coming to the slate of the Mindful Dexter meditation series this February.  Walking Wednesday will take place on the first Wednesday of the month beginning February 7 at 1:00 pm and run through May 1, 2024. 

Tuning into the natural world in a focused way can serve as an anchor to the present moment. Meditation, when combined with mindful walking, can be a calming and uplifting experience. Join Mindful Dexter and brave Michigan outdoors over time and witness the yielding of winter as spring unfolds. 

The walking group will meet in the vestibule of the Dexter District Library, head out for a guided walk, and return to a meeting room at the Library for warm beverages and discussion. Time spent outdoors will be adjusted based on the weather conditions. Come prepared for walking outdoors, and feel free to stay for the discussion or not as your schedule permits.  As with all Mindful Dexter programs, this is a free event, open to everyone and an opportunity to practice a valuable cognitive skill. No registration required.

  • No experience is necessary
  • Meetings are free

See other Mindful Dexter events happening this month here.

This program is presented in partnership with the Dexter Wellness Center, Dexter Wellness Coalition and 5HealthyTowns.org.

Contact Library Director Paul McCann, pmccann@dexter.lib.mi.us, for more information.


05/01/2024 1:00 PM 05/01/2024 2:30 PM America/Detroit Walking Wednesday – Mindfulness Meditation

A new, free opportunity is coming to the slate of the Mindful Dexter meditation series this February.  Walking Wednesday will take place on the first Wednesday of the month beginning February 7 at 1:00 pm and run through May 1, 2024.  Tuning into the natural world in a focused way can serve as an anchor to the present moment. […]

Dexter District Library pmccann pmccann@dexter.lib.mi.us
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