Adams, P. |
The Farmer in the Dell, 2001 |
Child, L. |
That Pesky Rat, 2002 |
Chin, O. |
The Year of the Rat: Tales From the Chinese Zodiac, 2007 |
Crimi, C. |
Don’t Need Friends, 1999 |
Crow, K. |
Cool Daddy Rat, 2008 |
Deacon, A. |
Cheese Belongs to You! 2013 |
Drachman, E. |
Bad Rats, 2008 |
Egielski, R. |
Slim and Jim, 2002 |
Jennings, P. |
Bat and Rat, 2012 |
Kellogg, S. |
The Pied Piper’s Magic, 2009 |
Lears, L. |
Stay Away from Rat Boy! 2009 |
Lester, H. |
Wodney Wat’s Wobot, 2011 |
Lester, H. |
Hooway for Wodney Wat! 1999 |
McNamara, M. |
Too Many Cooks, 2007 |
McPhail, D. |
Big Brown Bear Goes to Town, 2006 |
McPhail, D. |
Big Brown Bear’s Birthday Surprise, 2007 |
McPhail, D. |
Big Brown Bear’s Up and Down Day, 2003 |
Meddaugh, S. |
Cinderella’s Rat, 1997 |
Palatini, M. |
The Cheese, 2007 |
Potter, B. |
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, 2002 |
Stevenson, J. |
The Most Amazing Dinosaur, 2000 |
Willems, M. |
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, 2009 |
Additional books about Rats can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.35 and J 636.935) |