
Bateman, T. April Foolishness, 2005
Bauer, M. In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb, 2011
Bauer, M. Crinkle, Crackle, Crack It’s Spring!  2015
Berger, C. Finding Spring, 2015
Bond, R. Pig & Goose and the First Day of Spring, 2017
Brett, J. Annie and the Wild Animals, 1985
Bridwell, N. Clifford’s Spring Clean-Up, 1997
Brown, M. Home For a Bunny, 1989
Butler, M. The Dark, Dark Night, 2008
Carrick, C. In the Moonlight, Waiting, 1990
Chaffin, L. Bear Weather, 1969
Chernesky, F. Sun Above and Blooms Below:  A Springtime of Opposites, 2015
Cherry, L. How Groundhog’s Garden Grew, 2003
Davis, L. Fly-Away Kite, 1997
Davis, R. Flowers and Showers:  A Spring Counting Book, 2006
Disney, W. Pooh’s Favorite Things About Spring, 2000
Doyle, M. Jody’s Beans, 1999
Ehlert, L. Planting A Rainbow, 1988
Ernst, L. Wake Up It’s Spring!  2004
Fogliano, J. And Then It’s Spring, 2012
Freeman, D. Gregory’s Shadow, 2000
Henkes, K. When Spring Comes, 2016
Hillenbrand, W. Spring is Here, 2011
Hillenbrand, W. Kite Day:  A Bear and Mole Story, 2012
Holub, J. Groundhog Weather School, 2009
Kerr, J. The Quiet Little Farm, 2000
Kimura, K. 999 Frogs Wake Up, 2013
Kirk, D. The Thing About Spring, 2015
Kroll, S. It’s Groundhog Day!  1987
Kumin, M. Spring Things, 1961
Manushkin. F. How Mama Brought the Spring, 2008
Na, I. A Book of Babies, 2013
Nebbe, C. Our Walk in the Woods, 2008
Newman, L. Skunk’s Spring Surprise, 2007
O’Brien, A. Abracadabra It’s Spring!  2016
Ouellet, D. How Robin Saved Spring, 2009
Peters, L. Cold Little Duck Duck Duck, 2000
Pfeffer, W. A New Beginning:  Celebrating the Spring Equinox, 2008
Pfister, M. Hopper Hunts For Spring, 1992
Rawlinson, J. Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms, 2009
Rockwell, A. My Spring Robin, 2015
Rucki, A. When the Earth Wakes, 1998
Savard, R. First Spring:  An Innu Tale of North America, 2006
Schnur, S. Spring Thaw, 2000
Selkowe, V. Spring Green, 1985
Seuling, B. Spring Song, 2001
Slegers, L. Kevin Discovers Spring, 2008
Thompson, L. Mouse’s First Spring, 2005
Walters, C. When Will It Be Spring?  1998
Welling, P. Andrew McGroundhog and His Steady Shadow, 2001
Williams, V. Lucky Song, 1997
Wilson, K. Bear Wants More, 2003
Wolff, A. Baby Bear Sees Blue, 2012
Wright, M. Barnyard Fun, 2013
Yee, W. Who Likes Rain?  2007
Ziefert, H. Butterfly Birthday, 2010


Abrahams, P. Quacky Baseball, 2011
Adamson, H. Let’s Play Soccer!  2006
Adler, D. Mama Played Baseball, 2003
Alborough, J. Hit the Ball Duck, 2006
Allard, H. Miss Nelson Has a Field Day, 1985
Axelrod, A Pigs on the Ball:  Fun With Math and Sports, 1998
Bailey, L. Farm Team, 2006
Bailey, L. The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World, 2001
Barber, B. Allie’s Basketball Dream, 1996
Barber, T. By My Brother’s Side, 2004
Barber, T. Game Day, 2005
Barber, T. Teammates, 2006
Barber, T. Kickoff!  2007
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Ready, Get Set, Go! 1988
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Go Out For the Team, 1986
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, 1987
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears’ Report Card Trouble, 2002
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Get Their Kicks, 1998
Bildner, P. The Greatest Game Ever Played:  A Footbal Story, 2006
Blackstone, M. This is Soccer, 1999
Blackstone, M. This is Figure Skating, 1998
Boelts, M. Happy Like Soccer, 2012
Borden, L. Albie the Lifeguard, 1993
Bourgeois, P. Franklin Plays the Game, 1995
Bradley, S. Henry Holton Takes the Ice, 2015
Bridwell, N. Clifford’s Sports Day, 1996
Bridwell, N. Clifford’s Field Day, 2012
Brown, D. Bright Path:  Young Jim Thorpe, 2006
Brown, M. D.W. Flips, 1987
Brown, M. Pele King of Soccer, 2009
Browning, K. A is For Axel:  An Ice Skating Alphabet, 2006
Brunhoff, L. Babar’s Celesteville Games, 2011
Buitrago, J. Jimmy the Greatest!  2010
Bunting, E. Trouble on the T-Ball Team, 1997
Burleigh, R. Hoops, 1997
Burleigh, R. Stealing Home:  Jackie Robinson Against the Odds, 2007
Carlson, N. Arnie and the Skateboard Gang, 1995
Carlson, N. Loudmouth George and the Big Race, 1983
Clement, G. Swimming, Swimming, 2015
Clement, N. Speed, 2013
Cline-Ransome, L. Major Taylor Champion Cyclist, 2004
Compestine, Y. Crouching Tiger, 2011
Corey, S. Players in Pigtails, 2003
Couric, K. The Blue Ribbon Day, 2004
Cousins, L. Maisy’s Pool, 1999
Crews, D. Bicycle Race, 1985
Curtis, G. The Bat Boy & His Violin, 1998
Dahl, M. Goodnight Baseball, 2013
Dahl, M. One Checkered Flat:  A Counting Book About Racing, 2004
Dahl, M. Goodnight Football, 2015
Day, A. River Parade, 1992
DeGezelle, T. Let’s Play Baseball!  2006
DeGezelle, T. Let’s Snowboard!  2006
DeGezelle, T. Let’s Skateboard! 2006
Dempsey, K. Surfer Chick, 2012
Durand, H. Mitchell Goes Bowling, 2014
Elya, S. Eight Animals Play Ball, 2003
Farrell, S. To the Pool With Mama, 2000
Finchler, J. You’re a Good Sport Miss Malarky, 2002
Flynn, B. Soccer Time!  2017
Flynn, B. Swimming Time!  2017
Flynn, B. Gymnastics Time!  2017
Flynn, B. Basketball Time!  2017
Flynn, B. Baseball Time!  2017
Flynn, B. Football Time!  2017
Foreman, M. Wonder Goal!  2003
Fox, M. Koala Lou, 1989
Gregory, J. Nine on a Team, 1970
Gurth, P. Hockey Opposites, 2010
Gutman, A. Gaspard at the Seashore, 2002
Gutman, D. Casey Back at Bat, 2007
Hamm, M. Winners Never Quit!  2004
Herzog, B. H is for Home Run:  A Baseball Alphabet, 2004
Herzog, B. K is for Kick:  A Soccer Alphabet, 2003
Herzog, B. R is for Race:  A Stock Car Alphabet, 2006
Herzog, B. T is for Touchdown:  A Football Alphabet, 2004
Hest, A. Make the Team, Baby Duck, 2002
Holabird, K. Angelina Ice Skates, 2001
Holabird, K. Angelina and Alice, 2006
Hooks, B. Be Boy Buzz, 2002
Hopkinson, D. Girl Wonder: A Baseball Story in Nine Innings, 2003
Isadora, R. Max, 1987
Isadora, R. Nick Plays Baseball, 2001
Isadora, R. Jake at Gymnastics, 2014
Javaherbin, M. Soccer Star, 2014
Jordan, D. Michael’s Golden Rules, 2007
Jordan, D. Dream Big:  Michael Jordan and the Pursuit of Olympic Gold, 2012
Kaplan, M. Betty Bunny Wants a Goal, 2014
Keats, E. Skates! 1981
Keller, H. Pearl’s New Skates, 2005
Kinerk, R. Clorinda Plays Baseball!  2012
Koch, E. Eddie Harold’s Little Brother, 2004
Kolar, B. Big Kicks, 2008
Kraus, R. Mort the Sport, 2000
LaMarche, J. The Raft, 2000
Latifah, Q. Queen of the Scene, 2006
Leonetti, M. A Hero Named Howe, 2006
Leonetti, M. Swinging for the Fences:  Hank Aaron and Me, 2008
Lester, H. Tacky and the Winter Games, 2005
Lester, H. Three Cheers For Tacky, 1994
Lies, B. Bats at the Ballgame, 2010
Lindeen, C. Let’s Play Basketball!  2006
Lindeen, C. Let’s Ice Skate!  2006
Lindeen, C. Let’s Swim!  2006
Lindeen, C. Let’s Ride Bikes!  2006
London, J. White Water, 2001
London, J. Froggy Plays Soccer, 1999
London, J. Froggy Learns to Swim, 1995
London, J. Sun Dance, Water Dance, 2001
London, J. Froggy Plays T-Ball, 2007
Loory, B. The Baseball Player and the Walrus, 2015
MacDonald, M. Bat’s Big Game, 2008
Maloney, P. The Magic Hockey Stick, 1999
Mammano, J. Rhino’s Who Skateboard, 1999
Mammano, J. Rhinos Who Play Baseball, 2003
Mayer, G. Just a Baseball Game, 2003
McCarthy, M. Seabiscuit the Wonder Horse, 2008
McCarty, P. Fall Ball, 2013
McCully, E. Mouse Practice, 1999
McGrath, B. The Baseball Counting Book, 1999
McMullan, K. I’m Cool!  2015
Meshon, A. Take Me Out to the Yakyu, 2013
Messner, K. Over and Under the Snow, 2011
Meyer, E. Ballpark, 2014
Molski, C. Swimming Sal, 2009
Moore, J. Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully, 2009
Morales, Y. Nino Wrestles the World, 2013
Morales, Y. Rudas:  Nino’s Horrendous Hermanitas, 2016
Moss, M. Mighty Jackie:  The Strike-out Queen, 2004
Napier, M. Z is for Zamboni, 2002
Napier, M. Hat Tricks Count:  A Hockey Number Book, 2005
Negron, R. The Boy of Steel:  A Baseball Dream Come True, 2006
Nevius, C. Karate Hour, 2004
Noble, T. Jimmy’s Boa and the Bungee Jump Slam Dunk, 2003
Norworth, J. Take Me Out to the Ball Game, 2011
Numeroff, L. The Jellybeans and the Big Camp Kickoff, 2011
Olshan, M. The Mighty Lalouche, 2013
Paul, C. Long Shot:  Never Too Small to Dream Big, 2009
Paxton, T. The Jungle Baseball Game, 1999
Pearson, S. Slugger, 2013
Pele For the Love of Soccer!  2010
Phelps, M. How to Train With a T. Rex and Win 8 Gold Medals, 2009
Pilkey, D. The Moonglow Roll-a-Rama, 1995
Pinkney, B. On the Ball, 2015
Prosek, J. A Good Days Fishing, 2004
Raczka, B. Joy in Mudville, 2014
Ransome, J. Gunner, Football Hero, 2010
Redmond, D. Bob the Builder:  Wendy’s Big Game, 2003
Rex, M. My Race Car, 2000
Rey, H. Curious George Plays Baseball, 1986
Rey, M. Curious George at the Baseball Game, 2006
Rey, M. Curious George Joins the Team, 2015
Richards, P. Bowling Twins, 2000
Rockwell, A. Chip and the Karate Kick, 2004
Rodriguez, A. Out of the Ballpark, 2007
Rodriguez, E. Sergio Saves the Game!  2009
Rueda, C. Bunny Slopes, 2016
Saltzberg, B. Soccer Mom From Outer Space, 2000
Schultz, C. You’re Our New Mascot, Chuck!, 1998
Schultz, C. Your Dog Plays Hockey?  1998
Schwartz, C. The Three Ninja Pigs, 2013
Schwartz, C. Ninja Red Riding Hood, 2014
Seder, R. Swing!  2008
Sis, P. Madlenka Soccer Star, 2010
Smith, C. Black Jack:  The Ballad of Jack Johnson, 2010
Stadler, A. Beverly Billingsly Can’t Catch, 2004
Stauffacher, S. Nothing But Trouble:  The Story of Althea Gibson, 2007
Stevenson, J. Sam the Zamboni Man, 1998
Thayer, E. Ernest Thayer’s Casey at the Bat, 2000
Thayer, E. Casey At the Bat, 1995
Thayer, E. Casey at the Bat:  A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888, 2003
Thompson, S. What Athletes Are Made Of, 2006
Tryon, L. Albert’s Ballgame, 1996
Uhlberg, M. Dad, Jackie and Me, 2005
Ulmer, M. J is for Jump Shot:  A Basketball Alphabet,  2005
Van Dusen, C. Learning to Ski with Mr. Magee, 2010
Weininger, B. Davy, Soccer Star!  2008
Wells, R. Edward in Deep Water, 1995
Whamond, D. Oddrey Joins the Team, 2014
Wheeler, L. Dino-Hockey, 2007
Wheeler, L. Dino-Baseball, 2010
Wheeler, L. Dino-Football, 2012
Wheeler, L. Dino-Wrestling, 2013
Wheeler, L. Dino-Soccer, 2009
Wheeler, L. Dino-Basketball, 2011
Wheeler, L. Dino-Boarding, 2014
Wheeler, L. Dino-Swimming, 2015
Willems, M. Watch Me Throw the Ball!  2009
Wilson, N. Ninja Boy Goes to School, 2014
Winter, J. You Never Heard of Sandy Koufax?!  2009
Winter, J. Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio, 2014
Winter, J. You Never Heard of Casey Stengel?!  2016
Yamaguchi, K. It’s a Big World, Little Pig!  2012
Yolen, J. Moon Ball, 1999
Zagwyn, D. Apple Batter, 1999
Additional books about Sports can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 794.6 to 799)


Aardema, V. Anansi Does the Impossible!  An Ashanti Tale, 1997
Barton, B. I’m Trying to Love Spiders, 2015
Carle, E. The Very Busy Spider, 1984
Carle, E. Tell Time With the Very Busy Spider, 2006
Cronin, D. Diary of a Spider, 2005
Cummings, T. The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out!  2010
Davis, L. P.B. Bear’s Spooky Game, 1999
Graham, M. Be Nice to Spiders, 1967
Harper, C. Itsy Bitsy the Smart Spider, 2004
Hoberman, M. The Eeensy, Weensy Spider, 2000
Hopgood, T. Walter’s Wonderful Web, 2015
Howitt, M. The Spider and the Fly, 2002
Howitt, M. The Spider and the Fly (Media Kit), 2002
Kimmel, E. Anansi and the Magic Stick, 2001
Kimmel, E. Anansi and the Talking Melon, 1994
Kirk, D. Dashing Through the Snow, 2005
Kirk, D. Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School, 2000
Kirk, D. Little Miss Spider, 1998
Kirk, D. Miss Spider’s New Car, 1997
Kirk, D. Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Kids, 2004
Kirk, D. Miss Spider’s Tea Party, 1994
Kirk, D. Miss Spider’s Wedding, 1995
Kirk, D. The Listening Walk, 2005
Kirk, D. Wiggle’s Squiggles, 2005
Kraus, R. How Spider Saved Valentine’s Day, 1985
Lasky, K. Show and Tell Bunnies, 1998
Rose, A. Spider in the Sky, 1978
Spinelli, E. Sophie’s Masterpiece:  A Spider’s Tale, 2001
Additional books about Spiders can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 595.4)

Speech Help

Adams, C. On My Sled, Learning the SL Sound, 2002
Adams, C. Planes Go Places, Learning the PL Sound, 2002
Ballard, P. Chad Checks:  The Sound of CH, 2000
Ballard, P. Shoes:  The Sound of SH, 2000
Ballard, P. This and That:  The Sound of TH, 2000
Barnes, J. Chicks and Chickens, Learning the CH Sound, 2002
Battistoni, I. What a Whale!  Learning the WH Sound, 2002
Fenner, M. On My Block, Learning the BL Sound, 2002
Figorito, C. In the City, Learning the Soft C Sound, 2002
Hogenkamp, S. They Crawl!  Learning the CR Sound, 2002
Klingel, C. What Do I Bring?  The Sound of BR, 2003
Klingel, C. It Is Friday:  The Sound of FR, 2003
Klingel, C. On My Trip:  The Sound of TR, 2003
Klingel, C. Make Me Grin:  The Sound of GR, 2003
Klingel, C. Let’s Pretend:  The Sound of PR, 2003
Klingel, C. In the Crib:  The Sound of CR, 2003
Klingel, C. Dreams:  The Sound of DR, 2003
Leigh, A. It Grows in Spring, Learning the GR Sound, 2002
Leigh, A. Giant Giraffes, Learning the Soft G Sound, 2002
McConnell, S. What a Baker Makes, Learning the Long A Sound, 2002
McConnell, S. Let’s Bring Mom Breakfast, Learning the BR Sound, 2002
Moskal, G. I Like Winter, Learning the ER Sound, 2002
Noyed, R. What and Where:  The Sound of WH, 2000
O’Donnell, K. So Many Seeds, Learning the S Sound, 2002
Roza, G. On Flat Land, Learning the FL Sound, 2002
Santos, D. Friends, Learning the FR Sound, 2002
Santos, D. My New Glasses, Learning the GL Sound, 2002
Santos, D. I Can Draw, Learning the DR Sound, 2002
Sheffield, S. When Leaves Turn, Learning the UR Sound, 2002
Sheffield, S. A Train on the Track, Learning the TR Sound, 2002
Tanner, S. The Wild Wolf, Learning the W Sound, 2002
Thomas, M. Summer at the Beach, Learning the EA Sound, 2002
Vastola, P. Rain, Learning the AL Sound, 2002
Vastola, P. What I Think, Learning the TH Sound, 2002
Wood, I. Sharks, Learning the SH Sound, 2002


Adams, P. The Farmer in the Dell, 2001
Alexander, C. All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2001
Aylesworth, J. Out Abe Lincoln:  An Old Tune with New Lyrics, 2009
Bangs, E. Steven Kellog’s Yankee Doodle, 1994
Bates, K. America the Beautiful, 2003
Bates, K. America the Beautiful, 2013
Beaumont, K. I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!  2005
Berkner, L. Vito and Freddie Vasco, Two Polar Bears on a Mission, 2004
Berkner, L. We Are the Dinosaurs, 2017
Boynton, S. Philadelphia Chickens, 2002
Boynton, S. Frog Trouble and Eleven Other Pretty Serious Songs, 2013
Brown, M. Goodnight Songs, 2014
Bryan, A. Let It Shine:  Three Favorite Spirituals, 2007
Buzzeo, T. The Library Doors, 2008
Cabrera, J. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, 2010
Cabrera, J. If You’re Happy and You Know it, 2005
Cabrera, J. Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2008
Cabrera, J. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 2012
Cabrera, J. The Wheels on the Bus, 2011
Cabrera, J. Row, Row, Row Your Boat, 2014
Carle, E. Today is Monday, 1993
Chaud, B. The Bear’s Song, 2013
Child’s Child’s Book of Lullabies, 1997
Cohan, G. You’re a Grand Old Flag, 2008
Colandro, L. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat, 2002
Collins, J. When You Wish Upon a Star, 2011
Crews, N. The Neighborhook Sing-Along, 2007
Dale, P. The Boy on the Bus, 2007
Dean, J. Pete the Cat the Wheels on the Bus, 2013
Dean, J. Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2014
Dean, J. Pete the Cat Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 2014
DePucchio, K. Sipping Spiders Through a Straw:  Campfire Songs for Monsters, 2008
Downing, J. My Aunt Came Back From Louisiane, 2008
Downing, J. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Bugs, 2010
Durango, J. Angels Watching Over Me, 2007
Dylan, B. Man Gave Names to All the Animals, 1999
Dylan, B. Blowin’ in the Wind, 2011
Dylan, B. If Dogs Run Free, 2013
Dylan, B. If Not For You, 2016
Emberley, R. There Was an Old Monster, 2009
Emmett, J. She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain, 2007
Ford, M. Rhinoceros Tap, 2004
Gershator, D. Bread is for Eating, 1995
Goodman, S. The Train They Call the City of New Orleans, 2004
Gutherie, W. This Land is Your Land, 1998
Guthrie, W. New Baby Train, 2004
Henkes, K. Penny and Her Song, 2012
Hillenbrand, W. Down by the Barn, 2014
Hoberman, M. The Eensy Weensy Spider, 2000
Hoberman, M. Mary Had a Little Lamb, 2003
Hoberman, M. Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, 2007
Hoberman, M. There Once Was a Man Named Michael Finnegan, 2001
Hoberman, M. Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002
Hopkinson, D. Home on the Range:  Joh A. Lomax and His Cowboy songs, 2009
Hort, L. The Seals on the Bus, 2000
Hout, M. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 2014
Hush Hush Little Baby, 1997
Ian, J. The Tiny Mouse, 2013
Isadora, R. There Was a Tree, 2012
Jackson, J. Let There Be Peace on Earth:  And Let It Begin with Me, 2009
Joel, B. Goodnight, My Angel, 2004
Joel, B. New York State of Mind, 2005
Karas, G. I Know an Old Lady, 1994
Katz, A. On Top of the Potty and Other Get-Up-And-Go Songs, 2008
Kellogg, S. A-Hunting We Will go!  1998
Key, F. The Star-Spangled Banner, 2003
Key, F. The Star-Spangled Banner, 1992
LaPrise, L. The Hokey Pokey, 1997
Lendroth, S. Old Manhattan Has Some Farms, 2014
Leodhas, S. Always Room for One More, 1965
Levy, D. We Shall Overcome:  The Story of a Song, 2013
Loeb, L. Lisa Loeb’s Silly Sing-Along, 2011
Loggins, K. Footloose, 2016
Long, E. The Croaky Pokey!  2011
Long, S. Hush Little Baby, 1997
Margolin, H. Goin’ to Boston, 2002
Mayo, D. The House That Jack Built, 2001
McDonald, J. Over in the Meadow, 2011
Miller, P. We All Sing with the Same Voice, 2001
Nelson, K. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, 2005
Nelson, S. Frosty the Snowman, 2003
Nelson, S. Frosty the Snowman, 2013
Norworth, J. Take Me Out to the Ball Game, 2011
Paparone, P. Who Build the Ark?  1994
Parton, D. Coat of Many Colors, 2016
Paxton, T. The Marvelous Toy, 2009
Pinkney, J. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, 2011
Raffi Down By the Bay, 1987
Raffi Everything Grows, 2004
Raffi If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2005
Raffi This Little Light of Mine, 2004
Raffi The Wheels on the Bus, 1988
Raffi Five Little Ducks, 1989
Rox, J. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, 2005
Sayre, A. Hush, Little Puppy, 2007
Sayre, A. If You’re Hoppy, 2011
Sedaka, N. Waking Up is Hard To Do, 2010
Sedaka, N. Dinosaur Pet, 2011
Seeger, P. One Grain of Sand:  A Lullaby, 2002
Seeger, P. Turn!  Turn!  Turn!  2003
Smith, R. Walking in a Winter Wonderland, 2016
Smith, S. America, My Country ‘Tis of Thee:  An American Song, 2003
Spier, P. The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night:  An Old Song, 2002
Spier, P. The Star-Spangled Banner, 1973
Staines, B. All God’s Critters, 2009
Starr, R. Octopus’s Garden, 2014
Sturges, P. She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain, 2004
Taback, S. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, 1997
Taback, S. This is the House That Jack Built, 2002
They They Might Be Giants:  Bed, Bed, Bed, 2003
Thiele, B. What a Wonderful World, 2014
Titcomb, G. The Last Train, 2010
Trapani, I. How Much is That Doggie in the Window?  1999
Trapani, I. I’m a Little Teapot, 1996
Trapani, I. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, 2006
Trout Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011
Tyler, G. Froggy Went A-Courtin’, 2005
Vetter, J. Down by the Station, 2009
Voake, C. Tweedle Dee Dee, 2008
Walker, S. Freedom Song!  The Story of Henry “Box” Brown, 2012
Warhola, J. If You’re Happy and You Know It, 2007
Westcott, N. The Lady with the Alligator Purse, 2003
Whippo, W. Little White Duck, 2000
Williams, P. Happy!  2015
Winter, J. The House That Jack Built, 2000
Winter, J. Kali’s Song, 2012
Wissinger, T. This Old Band, 2014
Yarrow, P. Day is Done, 2009
Yarrow, P. Puff, the Magic Dragon, 2007


Adamson, H. Let’s Play Soccer, 2006
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears Get Their Kicks, 1998
Blackstone, M. This is Soccer, 1999
Boelts, M. Happy Like Soccer, 2012
Bourgeois, P. Franklin Plays the Game, 1995
Brown, M. Pele King of Soccer, 2009
Burleigh, R. Goal, 2001
Carlson, N. Henry and the Bully, 2010
Choldenko, G. How to Make Friends With a Giant, 2006
Couric, K. The Blue Ribbon Day, 2004
Finchler, J. You’re a Good Sport, Miss Malarkey, 2002
Flynn, B. Soccer Time!  2017
Foreman, M. Wonder Goal!  2003
Hamm, M. Winners Never Quit!  2004
Herzog, B. K is for Kick:  A Soccer Alphabet, 2003
Javaherbin, M. Soccer Star, 2014
Kaplan, M. Betty Bunny Wants a Goal, 2014
Kolar, B. Big Kicks, 2008
London, J. Froggy Plays Soccer, 1999
MacDonald, M. Bat’s Big Game, 2008
Numeroff, L. The Jellybeans and the Big Camp Kickoff, 2011
Pele For the Love of Soccer!  2010
Pinkney, B. On the Ball, 2015
Redmond, D. Wendy’s Big Game, 2003
Rodriguez, E. Sergio Saves the Game!  2009
Saltzberg, B. Soccer Mom From Outer Space, 2000
Sis, P. Madlenka Soccer Star, 2010
Weininger, B. Davy, Soccer Star!  2008
Whamond, D. Oddrey Joins the Team, 2014
Wheeler, L. Dino-Soccer, 2009
Additional children’s books about Soccer can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 796.334)


Aruego, J. The Last Laugh, 2006
Banks, K. The Bird, the Monkey and the Snake in the Jungle, 1999
Bernstrom, D. One Day in the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree, 2016
Buckley, R. The Foolish Tortoise; The Greedy Python, 1987
Burns, R. Slithery Jake, 2004
Cannon, J. Verdi, 1997
Coxe, M. The Great Snake Escape, 1994
Davies, N. I Don’t Like Snakes, 2015
Frazier, C. Hank Finds Inspiration, 2008
Gibbons, G. Snakes, 2007
Hayes, J. The Gum Chewing Rattler, 2006
Jones, C. Rikki Tikki Tavi, 2006
Kimmel, E. Little Britches and the Rattlers, 2008
Krensky, S. Mother’s Day Surprise, 2010
Marshall, J. Willis, 1974
McKee, D. Elmer and Snake, 2013
McPhail, D. Sylvie & True, 2007
Noble, T. Jimmy’s Boa and the Bungee Jump Slam Dunk, 2003
Noble, T. The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash, 1980
Noble, T. Jimmy’s Boa and the Big Splash Birthday Bash, 1989
Nygaard, E. Snake Alley Band, 1998
Paul, A. Count on Culebra:  Go from 1 to 10 in Spanish, 2008
Shannon, G. Lizard’s Home, 1999
Siegel, R. My Snake Blake, 2012
Ungerer, T. Crictor, 1958
Walsh, E. Mouse Count, 1991
Wright, J. The Orchestra Pit, 2014
Ziefert, H. Lunchtime for a Purple Snake, 2003
Additional books about Snakes can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 597.96)


Beck, S. Monster Sleepover!  2009
Becker, B. A Bedtime for Bear, 2010
Berenstain, S. The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party, 1990
Bourgeois, P. Franklin Has a Sleepover, 1996
Bridwell, N. Clifford’s First Sleepover, 2004
Brown, M. Arthur’s First Sleepover (Board Book), 1999
Brown, M. Arthur’s First Sleepover, 1994
Browne, A. Silly Billy, 2006
Carnesi, M. Sleepover with Beatrice & Bear, 2014
Dewdney, A. Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa, 2015
Ellis, S. Ben Over Night, 2005
French, V. Polly’s Pink Pajamas, 2010
Gianferrari, M. Penny & Jelly Slumber Under the Stars, 2016
Greene, R. At Grandma’s, 2003
Grindley, S. No Trouble at All, 2002
Hill, E. Spot Sleeps Over, 1990
Hoberman, M. I’m Going to Grandma’s, 2007
Hutchins, P. My Best Friend, 2003
Joosse, B. Sleepover at Gramma’s House, 2010
Larson, K. Bitty Baby the Brave, 2013
Leijten, A. Hugging Hour!  2009
London, J. Froggy’s Sleepover, 2005
Long, K. Christopher Sat Straight Up in Bed, 2013
McDonnell, P. Thank You and Good Night, 2015
Paul, M. 10 Little Ninjas, 2016
Pearce, P. Amy’s Three Best Things, 2013
Pinkwater, D. Sleepover Larry, 2007
Russo, M. Sohpie Sleeps Over, 2014
Smith, D. Mother Goose’s Pajama Party, 2015
Thorpe, K. Bob the Builder:  Muck’s Sleepover, 2002
Waber, B. Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party, 1997
Wells, R. Edward’s Overwhelming Overnight, 1995
Winthrop, E. Squashed in the Middle, 2005
Additional books about Sleepover Parties can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 793.21)


Carbone, E. Night Running: How James Escaped With the Help of His Faithful Dog, 2008
Climo, S. The Egyptian Cinderella, 1989
Cole, H. Unspoken, 2012
Cooper, F. Juneteenth, 2015
Edwards, P. Barefoot:  Escape on the Underground Railroad, 1997
Grifaconi, A. Ain’t Nobody a Stranger to Me, 2007
Hamilton, V. The People Could Fly:  The Picture Book, 2004
Hegamin, T. Most Loved in All the World, 2009
Hooks, W. Freedom’s Fruit, 1996
Kimmel, E. One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes:  A Hutzul Tale, 1996
Lawrence, J. Harriet and the Promised Land, 1968
Levine, E. Henry’s Freedom Box:  A True Story From the Underground Railroad, 2007
Lyons, K. Ellen’s Broom, 2012
McCully, E. The Escape of Oney Judge: Martha Washington’s Slave Find Freedom, 2007
McCully, E. Wonder Horse:  The True Story of the World’s Smartest Horse, 2010
Nelson, V. Almost to Freedom, 2003
Raven, M. Night Boat to Freedom, 2006
Ringgold, F. The Invisible Princess, 1999
Slate, J. I Want to Be Free, 2009
Vaughan, M. The Secret to Freedom, 2001
Walker, S. Freedom Song!  The Story of Henry “Box” Brown, 2012
Weatherford, C. Moses:  When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, 2006
Woodson, J. Show Way, 2005
Additional books about the Underground Railroad can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 973’s)
Additional books about Slavery can be found in Juvenile Non-fiction (J 306.362 and J 973.7)


Fitzpatrick, M. Lizzy and Skunk, 2000
Gray, L. Is There Room on the Feather Bed?  1997
Jenkins, E. Skunkdog, 2008
Kimmelman, L. The Three Bully Goats, 2011
Newman, L. Skunk’s Spring Surprise, 2007
Reed, L. Please Don’t Upset P.U. Zorilla!  2006
Schmid, P. A Pet for Petunia, 2011
Webb, S. Tanka Tanka Skunk!  2004
Wilson, E. Sweet Briar Goes to Camp, 2005
Wilson, E. Sweet Briar Goes to School, 2003
Additional books about Skunks can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.744)