Anderson, L. | Hedgehog’s Secret, 2001 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears the Trouble with Secrets, 2011 |
Burningham, J. | It’s a Secret! 2007 |
Cali, D. | Piano, Piano, 2007 |
Carlson, N. | Henry and the Bully, 2010 |
Czekaj, J. | Cat Secrets, 2011 |
Farley, C. | The King’s Secret: The Legend of King Sejong, 2001 |
Freeman, T. | Olive and the Big Secret, 2012 |
Hicks, B. | The Secret Life of Walter Kitty, 2007 |
Isadora, R. | The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 2007 |
Kelley, T. | Blabber Mouse, 2001 |
Lehman, B. | The Secret Box, 2011 |
Mayer, G. | Just a Secret, 2002 |
Mollel, T. | Kele’s Secret, 1997 |
Noyes, D. | Red Butterfly: How a Princess Smuggled the Secret of Silk out of China, 2007 |
Reynolds, C. | Grammie’s Secret Cupboard, 2007 |
Sarcone-Roach, J. | The Secret Plan, 2009 |
Schoenherr, I. | Don’t Spill the Beans! 2010 |
Sierra, J. | The Secret Science Project That Almost Ate School, 2006 |
Tolle, E. | Milton’s Secret: An Adventure of Discovery, 2008 |
Vaughan, M. | The Secret to Freedom, 2001 |
Whatley, B. | Clinton Gregory’s Secret, 2008 |
White, L. | Too Many Turkeys, 2010 |
Wisniewski, D. | The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups, 2001 |
Wright, J. | Secret Circus, 2009 |
Author: Scott Wright
Adler, D. | It’s Time to sleep, It’s Time to Dream, 2009 |
Blexbolex | Seasons |
Brown, M. | The Little Island, 2003 |
Bruel, N. | A Wonderful Year, 2015 |
Capucilli, A. | My Mom and Me, 2009 |
Crausaz, A. | Seasons |
Davies, N. | Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature, 2012 |
dePaola, T. | Four Stories for Four Seasons, 1977 |
dePaola, T. | Four Friends in Summer, 2003 |
dePaola, T. | Four Friends in Autumn, 2004 |
Doyle, M. | The Dancing Tiger, 2005 |
Duval, K. | A Bear’s Year, 2015 |
Geisert, B. | Prairie Town, 1998 |
Geisert, B. | River Town, 1999 |
Gershator, P. | Listen, Listen, 2008 |
Hegarty, P. | Tree, 2015 |
Henkes, K. | Old Bear, 2008 |
Henkes, K. | When Spring Comes, 2016 |
Hughes, S. | Out and About, 1988 |
Hussey, L. | Rabbit’s Winter Walk, 2008 |
Karas, G. | The Village Garage, 2010 |
Kleven, E. | Cozy Light, Cozy Night, 2013 |
Lin, G. | Our Seasons, 2006 |
Long, L. | Little Tree, 2015 |
Lyon, G. | What Forest Knows, 2014 |
Matheson, C. | Tap the Magic Tree, 2013 |
McClure, N. | Mama, Is it Summer Yet? 2010 |
McEwan, K. | Bear Hug, 2014 |
McGhee, A. | Making a Friend, 2011 |
Muller, G. | A Year in Our New Garden, 2016 |
Muth, J. | Hi, Koo! 2014 |
Patterson, K. | Maybelle, Bunny of the North, 2009 |
Pfister, M. | Ava’s Poppy, 2002 |
Plourde, L. | Wild Child, 1999 |
Pollock, P. | When the Moon is Full: A Lunar Year, 2001 |
Rockwell, A. | Four Seasons Make a Year, 2004 |
Rohmann, E. | A Kitten Tale, 2008 |
Rucki, A. | When the Earth Wakes, 1998 |
Schertle, A. | Very Hairy Bear, 2007 |
Schertle, A. | Such a Little Mouse, 2015 |
Siddals, M. | Tell Me a Season, 1997 |
Sidman, J. | Red Sings From Treetops: A Year in Colors, 2009 |
Stein, D. | Leaves, 2007 |
Stewart, S. | The Money Tree, 1991 |
Stringer, L. | Winter is the Warmest Season, 2006 |
Ward, J. | What Will Grow? 2017 |
Weaver, J. | Little One, 2016 |
Wells, R. | Night Sounds, Morning Colors, 1994 |
Wilson, S. | Friends and Pals and Brothers, Too, 2008 |
Yolen, J. | Sing a Season Song, 2015 |
Zoehfeld, K. | Secrets of the Seasons, 2014 |
Additional childrens books about Seasons can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J508.2) |
Seals and Sea Lions
Harvey, J. | Astro: The Stellar Sea Lion, 2010 |
Hewett, J. | A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up, 2002 |
Hort, L. | The Seals on the Bus, 2000 |
Mitton, T. | Playful Little Penguins, 2007 |
Rey, M. | Curious George Goes to the Acquarium, 1984 |
Rose, D. | One Nighttime Sea, 2003 |
Seeger, L. | What If? 2010 |
Simmons, J. | Ebb & Flo and the Baby Seal, 2002 |
Additional books about Seals and Sea Lions can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 599.74’s) |
School (First Day)
Allen, J. | I’m Not Ready! 2011 |
Amado, E. | What Are You Doing? 2011 |
Ashburn, B. | The Class, 2016 |
Audet, M. | Martin on the Moon, 2011 |
Auerbach, A. | Edda, 2014 |
Austin, M. | Monsters Love School, 2014 |
Barber, N. | First Day of School, 2009 |
Berube, K. | Mae’s First Day of School, 2018 |
Biggs, B. | Tinyville Town Time for School! 2017 |
Billstrom, D. | You Can’t Go To School Naked! 2008 |
Blake, S. | I Don’t Want to Go to School! 2009 |
Bloom, S. | The Bus For Us, 2001 |
Boldt, M. | A Tiger Tail, 2016 |
Borden, L. | Off To First Grade, 2008 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin’s First Day at School, 2000 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Goes to School, 1995 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s First School Day, 1999 |
Brimner, L. | Puppy & Bear: The First Day of School, 2017 |
Brown, M. | Monkey Not Ready for Kindergarten, 2015 |
Burris, P. | Hello School! 2018 |
Buzzeo, T. | Adventure Annie Goes to Kindergarten, 2010 |
Calabrese, K. | Lena’s Shoes Are Nervous: A First-Day-Of-School Dilemma, 2018 |
Capucilli, A. | Not This Bear: A First Day of School Story, 2015 |
Carlson, N. | Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come! 1999 |
Carlson, N. | Henry’s Show and Tell, 2004 |
Carlson, N. | Loudmouth George and the Sixth-Grade Bully, 2003 |
Carlson, N. | First Grade Here I Come! 2006 |
Carlson, N. | I Don’t Like to Read! 2007 |
Carlstrom, N. | It’s Your First Day of School, Annie Claire, 2009 |
Child, L. | I Am Too Absolutely Small for School, 2003 |
Civardi, A. | The Complete Book of First Experiences, 2005 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Jack’s Talent, 2007 |
Cohen, M. | Will I Have a Friend? 2009 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Goes to School, 1992 |
Cox, J. | Carmen Learns English, 2010 |
Curtis, J. | It’s Hard to be Five, 2004 |
D’Amico, C. | Ella the Elegant Elephant, 2004 |
Danneberg, J. | First Day Jitters, 2000 |
Davis, K. | Kindergarten Rocks! 2005 |
deGroat, D. | Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books, 2005 |
dePaola, T. | Meet the Barkers: Morgan and Moffat Go to School, 2001 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Misses Mama, 2008 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout fish Goes to School, 2014 |
Dillard, S. | First Day at Zoo School, 2014 |
Dodd, E. | Foxy, 2012 |
Durst, S. | Roar & Sparkle Go to School, 2017 |
Edwards, J. | Dumpy at School, 2000 |
Ehrlich, N. | Twindergarten, 2017 |
Flood, B. | I’ll Go To School If —- 1997 |
Frandsen, K. | I Started School Today, 1984 |
Gaiman, N. | Chu’s First Day of School, 2014 |
Garrett, W. | Let’s Ride the School Bus! 2015 |
Goldfinger, J. | Hello, My Name is Tiger, 2016 |
Gorbachev, V. | Chicken Chickens Go to School, 2003 |
Grindley, S. | It’s My School, 2006 |
Grogan, J. | Marley Goes to School, 2009 |
Hale, N. | Yellowbelly and Plum Go to School, 2007 |
Harris, R. | I Am Not Going to School Today, 2003 |
Hays, A. | Kindergarten Countdown, 2007 |
Helakoski, L. | Ready or Not, Woolbur Goes to School! 2018 |
Henkes, K. | Wemberly Worried, 2000 |
Hest, A. | Off to School, Baby Duck, 1999 |
Higgins, R. | We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, 2018 |
Hill, E. | Spot Goes to School, 1984 |
Hood, S. | Mission: Back to School, 2016 |
Horse, H. | Little Rabbit Goes to School, 2004 |
Janni, R. | Every Cowgirl Goes to School, 2013 |
Johnson, T. | First Grade, Here I Come! 2015 |
Johnston, T. | Off to Kindergarten, 2007 |
Katz, K. | Rosie Goes to Preschool, 2015 |
Katz, S. | ABC School’s for Me! 2015 |
Kirk, D. | Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School, 2000 |
Kirk, D. | Keisha Ann Can! 2008 |
Kroll, V. | On the Way to Kingergarten, 2006 |
Lehrhaupt, A. | Chicken in School, 2017 |
Lester, H. | Hooway for Wodney Wat, 1999 |
Livingston, A. | B. Bear and Lolly Off to School, 2014 |
London, J. | Froggy Goes to School, 1996 |
Lorenz, A. | The Exceptionally, Extraordinarily Ordinary First Day of School, 2010 |
Mackall, D. | First Day, 2003 |
Maizes, S. | On My Way to School, 2014 |
Marshall, L. | Kindergarten is Cool! 2016 |
Martin, B. | Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Going to School? 2013 |
Mayer, M. | First Day of School, 2009 |
McAllister, A. | Take a Kiss to School, 2008 |
McCarthy, J. | Lola Knows a Lot, 2016 |
McGhee, A. | Countdown to Kindergarten, 2002 |
McGinty, A. | Eliza’s Kindergarten Surprise, 2007 |
McQuade, J. | At Preschool With Teddy Bear, 1999 |
Middleton, C. | Enrico Starts School, 2004 |
Miller, P. | Sophie’s Squash Go To School, 2016 |
Millman, I. | Moses Goes to School, 2000 |
Milord, S. | Happy School Year! 2008 |
Mitchard, J. | Ready, Set, School! 2007 |
Morey, A. | School Buses, 2015 |
Munsch, R. | We Share Everything! 1999 |
Murphy, B. | Ready for School, Murphy? 2015 |
Murray, J. | The School, 2017 |
Murray, J. | School Buses, 2016 |
Naylor, P. | King of the Playground, 1994 |
Neubecker, R. | Wow! School! 2007 |
Northway, J. | See You Later, Mom! 2006 |
Novak, M. | Jazzbo Goes to School, 1999 |
Nunez, A. | No! I Won’t Go To School, 2018 |
Oh, J. | Mr. Monkey’s Classroom, 2005 |
Orn, M. | Kindergarrrten Bus, 2018 |
Pak, S. | Sumi’s First Day of School Ever, 2003 |
Parish, H. | Amelia Bedelia’s First Day of School. 2009 |
Parr, T. | Otto Goes to School, 2005 |
Parsley, E. | If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don’t! 2015 |
Perl, E. | Dotty, 2010 |
Plourde, L. | You’re Wearing That to School? 2013 |
Portis, A. | Kindergarten Diary, 2010 |
Preller, J. | A Pirate’s Guide to First Grade, 2010 |
Puttock, S. | Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School, 2015 |
Quackenbush, R. | First Grade Jitters, 2010 |
Raatma, L. | Safety on the School Bus, 1999 |
Rabe, T. | On the First Day of Kindergarten, 2016 |
Rabe, T. | On the First Day of First Grade, 2018 |
Rankin, J. | First Day, 2002 |
Ransom, C. | Amanda Panda Quits Kindergarten, 2017 |
Reagan, J. | How to Get Your Teacher Ready, 2017 |
Recorvits, H. | My Name is Yoon, 2003 |
Rex, A. | School’s First Day of School, 2016 |
Rey, M. | Curious George’s First Day of School, 2005 |
Richmond, M. | I’ll Never Let You Go, 2014 |
Robberecht, T. | Sam Tells Stories, 2007 |
Robbins, B. | Tom’s First Day at School, 2001 |
Robbins, J. | The New Girl… 2006 |
Rockwell, A. | First Day of School, 2011 |
Rodman, M. | First Grade Stinks! 2006 |
Rose, N. | The Secret Life of Squirrels Back to School! 2018 |
Rubel, N. | Ham and Pickles First Day of School, 2006 |
Rusackas, F. | I Love You All Day Long, 2003 |
Scarry, R. | Richard Scarry’s Great Big Schoolhouse, 2008 |
Schaffer, J. | It’s Your First Day of School, Busy Bus! 2018 |
Schmid, P. | Oliver and His Alligator, 2013 |
Scotton, R. | Splat the Cat, 2008 |
Senderak, C. | Mommy in My Pocket, 2006 |
Shea, B. | Dinosaur vs. School, 2014 |
Sperring, M. | Wanda’s First Day, 2004 |
Staub, L. | Time for Earth School, Dewey Dew, 2016 |
Stiles, N. | On My Very First Day I Met…2005 |
Stoeke, J. | The Bus Stop, 2007 |
Sullivan, D. | Ming Goes to School, 2016 |
Taulbert, C. | Little Cliff’s First Day of School, 2001 |
Thompson, L. | Mouse’s First Day of School, 2003 |
Torrey, R. | Ally-Saurus & the First Day of School, 2015 |
Valdes, L. | Dora Goes to School, 2004 |
Vernick, A. | Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten? 2010 |
Wall, L. | Goose Goes to School, 2012 |
Weiss, N. | Barney is Big, 1988 |
Wells, R. | Emily’s First 100 Days of School, 2000 |
Wells, R. | Timothy Goes to School, 1981 |
Wells, R. | Kindergarten, 2004 |
Weston, C. | The New Bear at School, 2007 |
Wetzel, J. | Mermaid School, 2018 |
Whybrow, I. | Harry and the Dinosaurs Go to School, 2006 |
Wild, M. | Tom Goes to Kindergarten, 2000 |
Wilson, K. | Sweet Briar Goes to School, 2003 |
Wing, N. | The Night Before First Grade, 2005 |
Wing, N. | The Night Before Kindergarten, 2001 |
Wing, N. | The Night Before Preschool, 2011 |
Winget, S. | Tucker’s Four-Carrot School Day, 2005 |
Winters, K. | This School Year Will be THE BEST! 2010 |
Wohnoutka, M. | Dad’s First Day, 2015 |
Wright, M. | Jake Starts School, 2008 |
Yankovic, A. | My New Teacher and Me! 2013 |
Yoon, S. | Bear’s Big Day, 2016 |
Yum, H. | Mom, It’s My First Day of Kindergarten! 2013 |
Zalben, J. | Don’t Go! 2001 |
Ziefert, H. | Little Hippo’s New School, 1998 |
Zoehfeld, K. | Pooh’s First Day of School, 1999 |
Some books about School have an Apple Sticker on the top of the spine. |
Amery, H. | The Little Book of Farmyard Tales, 2005 |
Brown, K. | The Scarecrow’s Hat, 2001 |
Brown, M. | The Little Scarecrow Boy, 1998 |
Dillon, J. | Jeb Scarecrow’s Pumpkin Patch, 1992 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Scarecrow, 2014 |
Patten, B. | The Big Snuggle-Up, 2011 |
Preston, T. | The Lonely Scarecrow, 1999 |
Rylant, C. | Scarecrow, 1998 |
Yolen, J. | The Scarecrow’s Dance, 2009 |
Aboff, M. | Uncle Willy’s Tickles: A Child’s Right to Say NO, 2003 |
Algrim, D. | Don’t Touch It’s Hot, 2007 |
Amery, H. | Three Little Pigs, 2003 |
Amery, H. | Little Red Riding Hood, 2003 |
Barraclough, S. | Stay Safe! Road Safety, 2008 |
Bellisario, G. | Be Aware! My Tips for Personal Safety, 2014 |
Bellisario, G. | Poison Alert! My Tips to Avoid Danger Zones at Home, 2014 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, 1985 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Safe and Sound! 2009 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears’ Computer Trouble: With Internet Safety Rules, 2010 |
Buzzeo, T. | Stay Close to Mama, 2012 |
Calmenson, S. | May I Pet Your Dog? The How-to Guide for Kids Meeting Dogs, 2007 |
Cuyler, M. | Stop, Drop and Roll, 2001 |
Cuyler, M. | Please Play Safe! Penguin’s Guide to Playground Safety, 2006 |
Edwards, R. | Little Monkey’s One Safe Place, 2005 |
Feldman, H. | My School Bus: A Book About School Bus Safety, 2000 |
Hallinan, P. | Let’s Be Safe, 2007 |
Harper, J. | Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill, 2009 |
Horse, H. | Little Rabbit Lost, 2002 |
Jacobs, P. | Fire Drill, 2010 |
Jeram, A. | Bunny, My Honey, 1999 |
Joyce, I. | Never Talk to Strangers, 2000 |
Loehr, P. | Mucumber McGee and the Half-Eaten Hot Dog, 2007 |
Marshall, A. | Emergency! Emergency! 2017 |
Mattern, J. | Staying Safe in the Car, 2007 |
Mattern, J. | Staying Safe at Home, 2007 |
Mattern, J. | Staying Safe on My Bike, 2007 |
McAllister, A. | Trust Me, Mom! 2005 |
Miller, E. | Fireboy to the Rescue! 2010 |
Murray, L. | The Gingerbread Man Loose on the Fire Truck, 2013 |
Pendziwol, J. | Once Upon a Dragon: Stranger Safety for Kids (and Dragons), 2006 |
Perl, E. | Ferocious Fluffity, 2016 |
Pulver, R. | Axle Annie and the Speed Grump, 2005 |
Raatma, L. | Stop, Drop and Roll, 1999 |
Raatma, L. | Home Fire Drills, 1999 |
Raatma, L. | Safety on the School Bus, 1999 |
Rathmann, P. | Officer Buckle and Gloria, 1995 |
Schuh, M. | Fire Safety in Action, 2009 |
Sherman, J. | Because It’s My Body! 2002 |
Shore, D. | Look Both Ways: A Cautionary Tale, 2005 |
Wahman, W. | Don’t Lick the Dog: Making Friends With Dogs, 2009 |
Weber, R. | Safety First, 2005 |
Yolen, J. | How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? 2015 |
Zoehfeld, K. | Don’t Talk to Strangers, Pooh, 1998 |
Additional books about Safety can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 613.2 to J 613.69) |
Goldblatt, R. | The Boy Who Didn’t Want to Be Sad, 2004 |
Graves, S. | I’m Not Happy, 2011 |
Hamilton, D. | Sad Days, Glad Days: A Story About Depression, 1995 |
Imai, A. | Chester, 2007 |
Krishnaswami, U. | Remembering Grandpa, 2007 |
Maltbie, P. | Bambino and Mr. Twain, 2012 |
Medina, S. | Sad, 2007 |
Nichols, C. | Sad Is, 2012 |
Parr, T. | The Goodbye Book, 2015 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992 |
Shuman, C. | Jenny is Scared! When Something Sad Happens in the World, 2003 |
Staub, L. | Everybody Gets the Blues, 2012 |
Thompson, C. | The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness, 2008 |
Verroken, S. | Feeling Sad, 2009 |
Willems, M. | My Friend is Sad, 2007 |
Willis, J. | Misery Moo, 2005 |
Ahlberg, A. | The Runaway Dinner, 2006 |
Allen, E. | Itsy Mitsy Runs Away, 2011 |
Amato, M. | The Chicken of the Family, 2008 |
Aylesworth, J. | The Gingerbread Man, 1998 |
Brown, M. | The Runaway Bunny, 2005 |
Cadow, K. | Alfie Runs Away, 2010 |
Chichester, E. | Piper, 2007 |
Dayne, K. | The Story of Pinocchio, 2006 |
Downes, P. | Come Home, Angus, 2016 |
Ernst, L. | Stella Louella’s Runaway Book, 1998 |
Feigh, A. | On Those Runaway Days, 2008 |
Hanel, W. | Little Elephant Runs Away, 2001 |
Hernandez, L. | Dog Gone! 2012 |
Keats, E. | Peter’s Chair, 1998 |
Lithgow, J. | Marsupial Sue Presents the Runaway Pancake, 2005 |
Lloyd, S. | Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story, 2007 |
Mackinnon, M. | The Gingerbread Man, 2007 |
Mayer, M. | I Was So Mad, 1983 |
McCully, E. | My Real Family, 1994 |
Munsch, R. | Aaron’s Hair, 2002 |
Rosenberry, V. | Vera Runs Away, 2000 |
Schwartz, A. | Dee Dee and Me, 2013 |
Seligman, D. | Run Away Home, 1969 |
Slangerup, E. | Dirt Boy, 2000 |
Steig, W. | Zeke Pippin, 1994 |
Thomas, H. | The Great White House Breakout, 2008 |
Waddell, M. | Bee Frog, 2007 |
Waechter, P. | Bravo! 2011 |
Weninger, B. | Where Have You Gone, Davy? 1996 |
Yang, J. | Joey and Jet in Space, 2006 |
Zion, G. | Harry, the Dirty Dog, 2002 |
Auch, M. | Poultrygeist, 2003 |
Auch, M. | Bantam of the Opera, 1997 |
Baddiel, I. | Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack! 2007 |
Carle, E. | Rooster’s Off to See the World, 1987 |
Ehlert, L. | Color Farm, 1990 |
Froehlich, M. | That Kookoory! 1995 |
Geeslin, C. | In Rosa’s Mexico, 1996 |
Heine, H. | Friends Go Adventuring, 1995 |
Heine, H. | Friends, 1982 |
MacDonald, M. | Little Rooster’s Diamond Button, 2007 |
Martin, B. | Chicken Chuck, 2000 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
Meeker, C. | Who Wakes Rooster? 1996 |
Most, B. | Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! 1996 |
Pearson, T. | Bob, 2002 |
Peet, B. | Cock-a-Doodle Dudley, 1990 |
Priceman, M. | Hot Air: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon Ride, 2005 |
Rodriguex, B. | Rooster’s Revenge, 2011 |
Santore, C. | The Fox and the Rooster: A Fable From Aesop, 1998 |
Scheffler, U. | Stop Your Crowing, Kasimir! 1988 |
Scillian, D. | Brewster the Rooster, 2007 |
Womell, M. | Bernard the Angry Rooster, 2001 |
Barnett, M. | Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World), 2010 |
Brown, S. | Sometimes I Forget You’re a Robot, 2013 |
Burks, J. | Beep and Bah, 2012 |
Cali, D. | Mama Robot, 2008 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Robo-Pete, 2015 |
Dewan, T. | The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, 1998 |
DiPucchio, K. | Clink, 2011 |
Disney | Wall-E, 2008 |
Dyckman, A. | Boy + Bot, 2012 |
Emberley, R. | Spare Parts, 2015 |
Gall, C. | Nanabots, 2016 |
Hebson, D. | Robots Everywhere, 2004 |
James, S. | Baby Brains and Robomom, 2008 |
Joyce, W. | Sleepy Time Ollie, 2001 |
Joyce, W. | Rolie Polie Olie, 1999 |
Judge, C. | Tin, 2014 |
Kirk, D. | Nova’s Ark, 1999 |
Lester, H. | Wodney Wat’s Wobot, 2011 |
Lucas, D. | The Robot and the Bluebird, 2007 |
McCall, B. | Marveltown, 2008 |
McClements, G. | Baron von Baddie and the Ice Ray Incident, 2008 |
McNamara, M. | The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot, 2011 |
Parker, J. | Little Bot and Sparrow, 2016 |
Paul, M. | Trainbots, 2016 |
Pinkney, J. | Cosmo and the Robot, 2000 |
Rubin, A. | Robo-Sauce, 2015 |
Saunders, C. | Wall-E: The Intergalactic Guide, 2008 |
Schories, P. | When Jack Goes Out, 2010 |
Scieszka, J. | Robot Zot, 2009 |
Simon, A. | Robot Zombie Frankenstein! 2012 |
Simon, A. | Robot Burp Head Smartypants! 2014 |
Tarpley, T. | Beep! Beep! Go to Sleep! 2015 |
Tukel, O. | Rainstack! 2013 |
VanCamp, K. | Cookiebot! 2011 |
VanDusen, C. | Randy Riley’s Really Big Hit, 2012 |
Watkins, A. | R is for Robot: A Noisy Alphabet, 2014 |
Yaccarino, D. | Doug Unplugged, 2013 |
Yaccarino, D. | Doug Unplugs on the Farm, 2014 |
Additional books about Robots can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 629.8) |