Bemelmans | Madeline Books |
Cole, B. | Good Enough to Eat, 2007 |
Deans, K. | Swing Sisters: The Story of the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, 2015 |
Dunrea, O. | The Tale of Hilda Louise, 1996 |
Jeram, A. | All Together Now, 1999 |
Kirk, D. | Little Miss Spider, 1999 |
Manna, A. | The Orphan: A Cinderella Story from Greece, 2011 |
Myers, A. | Tumbleweed Baby, 2014 |
Prigger, M. | Aunt Minnie McGranahan, 1999 |
Ringgold, F. | Bonjour, Lonnie, 1996 |
Stanley, D. | Raising Sweetness, 1999 |
Stanley, D. | Saving Sweetness, 1996 |
Author: Scott Wright
Alda, A. | Hello, Good-bye, 2009 |
Arena, J. | Marta! Big & Small, 2016 |
Beeke, R. | Wake Up Baby Bear! A First Book of Opposites, 2001 |
Bernhard, D. | To and Fro, Fast and Slow, 2001 |
Blackstone, S. | Octopus Opposites, 2010 |
Bond, M. | Paddington’s Opposites, 1991 |
Borando, S. | Near, Far, 2016 |
Boyd, L. | Inside Outside, 2013 |
Boyd, L. | Big Bear Little Chair, 2015 |
Brown, M. | Bumble Bugs and Elephant, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Big and Small: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Fast and Slow: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Long and Short: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Loud and Quiet: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Smooth and Rough: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Bullard, L. | Wet and Dry: An Animal Opposites Book, 2006 |
Burningham, J. | First Steps: Letters, Numbers, Colors, Opposites, 1994 |
Chernesky, F. | Sun Above and Blooms Below: A Springtime of Opposites, 2015 |
Choldenko, G. | How to Make Friends With a Giant, 2006 |
Cousins, L. | Maisy Big, Maisy Small, 2007 |
Dodd, E. | Always, 2014 |
Fox, M. | Where is the Green Sheep? 2004 |
Freymann, S. | Food For Thought, 2005 |
Gurth, P. | Hockey Opposites, 2010 |
Guy, G. | Perros! Perros! Dogs! Dogs! 2006 |
Jeffers, O. | The Hueys in What’s the Opposite? 2016 |
Lewis, J. | Big is Big (and Little, Little), 2007 |
McKee, D. | Elmer in the Snow, 1995 |
Miller, M. | Big and Little, 1998 |
Milne, A. | Winnie-the-Pooh’s Opposites, 1997 |
Minters, F. | Too Big, Too Small, Just Right, 2001 |
Muggenthaler, E. | Fish on a Walk, 2010 |
Petelinsek, K. | Opposites, 2006 |
Rubinger, A. | Big Cat, Small Cat, 2008 |
Rylant, C. | We Love You, Rosie! 2017 |
Schachner, J. | Skippyjon Jones Up & Down, 2007 |
Siede, G. | Opposites, 1992 |
Siomades, L. | Kangaroo and Cricket, 1999 |
Stadler, J. | Big and Little, 2007 |
Szekeres, C. | Cindy Szekeres’ I Love My Book, 1997 |
Wilson, K. | Big Bear, Small Mouse, 2016 |
Ziefert, H. | Naughty and Nice, 2010 |
Ziefert, H. | Plain and Fancy, 2010 |
Old Age
Agee, J. | The Retired Kid, 2008 |
Arkin, A. | Some Fine Grandpa! 1995 |
Arnosky, J. | Grandfather Buffalo, 2006 |
Best, C. | Are You Going to be Good? 2005 |
Bunting, E. | Can You Do This Old Badger? 1999 |
Bunting, E. | Swan in Love, 1999 |
Cannon, J. | Verdi, 1997 |
Connor, L. | Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel, 2004 |
Cosgrove, S. | Grampa-Lop, 1981 |
Cruise, R. | Little Mama Forgets, 2006 |
DePaola, T. | Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs, 1998 |
Duncan, A. | Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee, 1999 |
England, K. | Grandfather’s Wrinkles, 2007 |
Fleming, C. | Gator Gumbo, 2004 |
Fogliano, J. | Old Dog Baby Baby, 2016 |
Franklin, K. | The Gift, 1999 |
Hest, A. | Mr. George Baker, 2004 |
Holabird, K. | Angelina’s Christmas, 2000 |
Jones, R. | Great Aunt Martha, 1995 |
Joyce, W. | The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs, 2001 |
McFarlane, S. | Waiting for Whales, 1991 |
Miller, W. | The Piano, 2000 |
Mull, B. | Pingo, 2009 |
Munsch, R. | Love You Forever, 2000 |
Muth, J. | Zen Ties, 2007 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992 |
Powell, C. | Old Dog Cora and the Christmas Tree, 1999 |
Rosenberry, V. | The Growing Tree, 2003 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels! 2008 |
Rylant, C. | The Old Woman Who Named Things, 1996 |
Schachner, J. | Grannyman, 1999 |
Shepherd, J. | Grandma, 2014 |
Silverman, E. | Mrs. Peachtree’s Bicycle, 1996 |
Silverstein, S. | The Giving Tree, 1964 |
Smith, L. | Grandpa Green, 2011 |
VanLaan, N. | Forget Me Not, 2014 |
Wheeler, L. | Old Cricket, 2003 |
Wood, N. | Old Coyote, 2004 |
Yolan, J. | Miz Berlin Walks, 1997 |
Nursery Rhymes
Baker, K. | Hickory Dickory Dock, 2007 |
Brown, M. | The Find It Book, 2015 |
Cabrera, J. | Old Mother Hubbard, 2001 |
Cabrera, J. | One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, 2009 |
Cabrera, J. | Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, 2015 |
Cabrera, J. | There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, 2015 |
Christelow, E. | Five Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed, 1998 |
Clark, E. | Little Miss Muffet Counts to Ten, 2009 |
Cousins, L. | The Lucy Cousins Book of Nursery Rhymes, 1989 |
Crews, N. | The Neighborhood Mother Goose, 20004 |
Davidson, S. | The Usborne Nursery Rhyme Treasury, 2006 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 2014 |
Dillon, L. | Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose, 2007 |
Dominguez, A. | Maria Had a Little Llama = Maria Tenia Una Llamita, 2013 |
Downes, B. | A Stitch in Rhyme, 1996 |
Eagle, K. | Rub a Dub Dub, 1998 |
Edens, C. | The Glorious Mother Goose, 1988 |
Edwards, P. | The Neat Line: Scribbling Through Mother Goose, 2005 |
Elya, S. | La Madre Goose, 2016 |
Feathered | Feathered Friends, 1996 |
Fleming, D. | The Everything Book, 2000 |
Harbour, E. | A First Picture Book of Nursery Rhymes, 1995 |
Hines, A. | 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe, 2008 |
Its | Itsy Bitsy Spider and Other Best-loved Rhymes, 2009 |
Jay, A. | Red Green Blue: A First Book of Colors, 2009 |
Jeffers, S. | Three Jovial Huntsmen, 1989 |
Johnson, D. | Old Mother Hubbard: A Nursery Rhyme, 1998 |
Kitten | Kitten Yarns, 1996 |
Linch, T. | Three Little Kittens, 2001 |
Lit | Little Miss Muffet and Other Best-loved Rhymes, 2009 |
Little | The Little Dog Laughed, and Other Nursery Rhymes, 1990 |
Lodge, B. | There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Glove: A Picture Book, 1992 |
Long, S. | Sylvia Long’s Mother Goose, 1999 |
Mar | Mary Had a Little Lamb and Other Best-loved Rhymes, 2009 |
Martin, B. | Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire, 1996 |
Martin, B. | Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire, 2006 |
Mavor, S. | Pocketful of Posies: A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes, 2010 |
Mayo, D. | The House That Jack Built, 2001 |
Miranda, A. | To Market To Market, 1997 |
Mortensen, L. | Cindy Moo, 2012 |
Moses, W. | Mary and Her Little Lamb: The True Story, 2011 |
Mother | My First Nursery Rhymes, 1999 |
Mother | Sleepytime Bedtime Nursury Rhymes, 2007 |
Mother | Animal Tales from Mother Goose, 2011 |
Mother | There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, 2011 |
Mother | Little Bo Peep, 2010 |
Mother | Hickory, Dickory, Dock, 2010 |
Mother | Hey Diddle Diddle, 2010 |
Mother | Little Jack Horner, 2011 |
Mother | Little Boy Blue, 2011 |
Mother | Three Little Kittens, 2011 |
Mother | London Bridge is Falling Down, 2011 |
Mother | Mary Had a Little Lamb, 2011 |
Mother | Old King Cole, 2010 |
Mother | Old Mother Hubbard, 2011 |
Peppe, R. | The House That Jack Built, 1970 |
Peppe, R. | Simple Simon, 1973 |
Pinkney, J. | Three Little Kittens, 2010 |
Pinkney, J. | Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, 2011 |
Ross, T. | Three Little Kittens and Other Favorite Nursery Rhymes, 2009 |
Schoenherr, I. | Cat & Mouse, 2008 |
Scieszka, J. | Truckery Rhymes, 2009 |
Slier, D. | The Real Mother Goose Book of American Rhymes, 1995 |
Smith, D. | Mother Goose’s Pajama Party, 2015 |
Sperring, M. | The Fairytale Cake, 2005 |
Stevens, J. | And the Dish Ran Away With the Spoon, 2001 |
Stoop, N. | Sing with Me! 2016 |
Taback, S. | This is the House That Jack Built, 2002 |
Three | Three Little Kittens and Other Favorite Nursery Rhymes, 2009 |
Trapani, I. | Rufus and Friends Rhyme Time, 2008 |
Trapani, I. | How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? 1999 |
Trapani, I. | Mary Had a Little Lamb, 1999 |
Trapani, I. | Old King Cole, 2015 |
Winter, J. | The House That Jack Built, 2000 |
Yan | Yankee Doodle and Other Best-loved Rhymes, 2009 |
Yolan, J. | This Little Piggy and Other Rhymes to Sing and Play, 2005 |
Zalben, J. | Hey, Mama Goose, 2005 |
Additional Nursery Rhymes can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 398.8) |
New York
Ackerman, P. | The Lonely Phonebooth, 2012 |
Alko, S. | B is for Brooklyn, 2012 |
Avi | Silent Movie, 2003 |
Bolden, T. | 12 Days of New York, 2013 |
Brown, M. | In New York, 2014 |
Burg, A. | E is for Empire: A New York State Alphabet, 2003 |
Casey, T. | The Underground Gators, 2009 |
Cohen, M. | Mimmy & Sophie, 1999 |
Collier, B. | Uptown, 2000 |
Crow, K. | Cool Daddy Rat, 2008 |
Deedy, C. | 14 Cows for America, 2009 |
Downing, J. | Toady is Monday in New York, 2011 |
Drummond, A. | Liberty! 2002 |
Duvall, J. | The Great Spruce, 2016 |
Enderle, J. | Where Are You, Little Zack? 1997 |
George, J. | Frightful’s Daughter, 2002 |
Gerstein, M. | The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, 2003 |
Gonzalex, L. | The Storyteller’s Candle = La velita de los cuentos, 2008 |
Goodman, S. | On This Spot: An Expedition Back Through Time, 2004 |
Greenberg, M. | Mermaids on Parade, 2008 |
Hall, B. | Henry and the Kite Dragon, 2004 |
Haseley, D. | The Invisible Moose, 2006 |
Hawkes, K. | The Wicked Big Toddlah Goes to New York, 2012 |
Hest, A. | When You Meet a Bear on Broadway, 2009 |
High, L. | Under New York, 2001 |
Hopkinson, D. | Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building, 2006 |
Hyde, H. | Feivel’s Flying Horses, 2010 |
Joel, B. | New York State of Mind, 2005 |
Joosse, B. | The Morning Chair, 1995 |
Kalman, M. | Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of John J. Harvey, 2002 |
Karlins, M. | Music Over Manhattan, 1998 |
Katz, J. | Meets the Dogs of Bedlam Farm: A True Story, 2011 |
Kiernan, P. | Good Morning, City, 2016 |
Kimmel, E. | The Top Job, 2007 |
Kimmel, E. | Rip Van Winkle’s Return, 2007 |
Mak, K. | My Chinatown: One Year in Poems, 2002 |
Maltbie, P. | Bambino and Mr. Twain, 2012 |
Manning, M. | Laundry Day, 2012 |
Matteson, G. | The Christmas Tugboat: How the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, 2012 |
Metropolitan | Museum ABC, 2002 |
Munro, R. | Christmastime in New York City, 2014 |
Myers, W. | Looking Like Me, 2009 |
Nastro, C. | The Bear Who Couldn’t Sleep, 2016 |
Negron, R. | The Boy of Steel: A Baseball Dream Come True, 2006 |
Niemann, C. | Subway, 2010 |
Nishimuyra, K. | I Am Dodo: Not a True Story, 2005 |
Orlean, S. | Lazy Little Loafers, 2008 |
Osborne, M. | New York’s Bravest,, 2002 |
Palatini, M. | Mary Had a Little Ham, 2003 |
Peters, B. | Boardway Barks, 2008 |
Pringle, L. | One Room School, 1998 |
Puck | Wow! New York City, 2010 |
Rael, E. | What Zeesie Saw on Delancy Street, 1996 |
Ray, M. | Basket Moon, 1999 |
Ringgold, F. | Tar Beach, 1991 |
Ringgold, F. | Cassie’s Word Quilt, 2002 |
Rockliff, M. | My Heart Will Not Sit Down, 2012 |
Rubbino, S. | A Walk in New York, 2009 |
Sarcone-Roach, J. | Subway Story, 2011 |
Schotter, R. | The House of Joyful Living, 2008 |
Scieszka, J. | Seen Art? 2005 |
Singer, M. | Didi and Daddy on the Promenade, 2001 |
Sis, P. | Madlenka, 2000 |
Steig, W. | When Everybody Wore a Hat, 2003 |
Stevenson, H. | Looking at Liberty, 2003 |
Stock, C. | A Porc in New York, 2007 |
Sweet, M. | Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s, 2011 |
Uhlberg, M. | Dad, Jackie and Me, 2005 |
Vila, L. | Building Manhattan, 2008 |
Waldman, N. | The Starry Night, 1999 |
Ward, L. | When Blue Met Egg, 2012 |
Weitzman, J. | You Can’t Take a Balloon Into the Metropolitan Museum, 1998 |
Wiesner, D. | Sector 7, 1999 |
Winter, J. | The Tale of Pale Male: A True Story, 2007 |
Winter, J. | Angelina’s Island, 2007 |
Yolen, J. | Naming Liverty, 2008 |
Zarin, C. | Albert, the Dog Who Liked to Ride in Taxis, 2004 |
Additional children’s books about New York can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 917.47 | |
and J 974.71) |
Ashford, J. | Winter Candle, 2014 |
Ashman, L. | Rain! 2013 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears’ New Neighbors, 1994 |
Birdsall, J. | Lucky and Squash, 2012 |
Bluthenthal, D. | Matilda the Moocher, 1997 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors, 1985 |
Brown, T. | Around Our Way on Neighbors’ Day, 2010 |
Bynum, J. | Nutmeg and Barley: A Budding Friendship, 2006 |
Carlson, N. | Loudmouth George and the New Neighbors, 1983 |
Christiansen, C. | The Mitten Tree, 1997 |
Collins, R. | Dear Vampa, 2009 |
Dewdney, A. | Llama Llama Time To Share, 2012 |
Duddle, J. | The Pirates Next Door, 2012 |
Edwards, M. | A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting and Love, 2016 |
Feiffer, J. | The House Across the Street, 2002 |
Hough, L. | If Somebody Lived Next Door, 1997 |
Isadora, R. | Say Hello! 2010 |
Jahn-Clough, L. | Missing Molly, 2000 |
Kajikawa, K. | Yoshi’s Feast, 2000 |
Keller, L. | Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners, 2007 |
Kishira, M. | Who’s Next Door? 2014 |
Macomber, D. | The Yippy, Yappy Yorkie in the Green Doggy Sweater, 2012 |
Martins, I. | My Neighbor is a Dog, 2013 |
Mayer, G. | Just a New Neighbor, 1999 |
Modarressi, M. | Yard Sale, 2000 |
Muth, J. | Zen Ties, 2008 |
Newgarden, M. | Bow-Wow’s Nightmare Neighbors, 2014 |
Polacco, P. | Mrs. Katz and Tush, 1992 |
Roddie, S. | Too Close Friends, 1998 |
Rubin, A. | Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door, 2011 |
Russo, M. | Mama Talks Too Much, 1999 |
Rylant, C. | The Bookshop Dog, 1996 |
Schotter, R. | The House of Joyful Living, 2008 |
Schotter, R. | Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street, 1997 |
Schubert, L. | The Princess of Borscht, 2011 |
Schwartz, A. | A Glorious Day, 2004 |
Slyder, I. | The Fabulous Flying Fandinis, 1996 |
Spinelli, E. | Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, 1996 |
Stinson, K. | Harry and Walter, 2016 |
Teague, D. | The Red Hat, 2016 |
Watson, R. | A Place Where Hurricanes Happen, 2010 |
Wells, R. | McDuff Goes to School, 2001 |
Wong, J. | The Dumpster Diver, 2007 |
Alexander, C. | All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2001 |
Alexander, S. | One More Time, Mama, 1999 |
Arnosky, J. | Gobble It Up! A Fun Song About Eating! 2008 |
Arnosky, J. | Grandfather Buffalo, 2006 |
Arnosky, J. | This Very Moment, 2011 |
Aston, D. | A Seed is Sleepy, 2007 |
Bang, M. | Living Sunlight: How Plants Bring the Earth to Life, 2009 |
Berkes, M. | Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef, 2004 |
Bissonette, A. | North Woods Girl, 2015 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Helps Out, 2000 |
Bryan, A. | All Things Bright and Beautiful, 2010 |
Bunting, E. | Anna’s Table, 2003 |
Carlstrom, N. | This Is the Day! 2009 |
Christiana, D. | The First Snow, 1996 |
Cole, H. | On Meadowview Street, 2007 |
Crausaz, A. | Seasons, 2011 |
Davidson, L. | In the Red Canoe, 2016 |
Davies, N. | Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature, 2012 |
Delacre, L. | How Far Do You Love Me? 2013 |
Disney | Winnie the Pooh Nature’s True Colors, 2010 |
Ehlert, L. | In My World, 2002 |
Ehlert, L. | Planting a Rainbow, 1988 |
Ernst, L. | Wake Up, It’s Spring! 2004 |
Ernst, L. | Round Like a Ball, 2008 |
Fitch, F. | A Book About God, 1998 |
Flatt, L. | Counting on Fall, 2012 |
Fleming, D. | In the Small Small Pond, 1993 |
Fleming, D. | In the Tall Tall Grass, 1991 |
Fleming, D. | Where Once There Was a Wood, 1996 |
Fox, P. | Traces, 2008 |
Franco, B. | Bees, Snails & Peacock Tails, 2008 |
Freedman, D. | This House, Once, 2017 |
Frost, H. | Wake Up! 2017 |
Gal, S. | Into the Outdoors, 2011 |
George, J. | Everglades, 1995 |
Gershator, P. | Listen, Listen, 2007 |
Glaser, L. | It’s Fall! 2001 |
Gore, L. | When I Grow Up, 2009 |
Griffin, M. | Rhoda’s Rock Hunt, 2014 |
Hall, Z. | It’s Pumpkin Time! 1999 |
Hawk, F. | Count Down to Fall, 2009 |
Hobbie, H. | Gem, 2012 |
Hodge, D. | West Coast Wild, 2015 |
Hoffelt, J. | We Share One World, 2004 |
Hughes, S. | Out and About, 1988 |
Isadora, R. | There Was a Tree, 2012 |
Jackson, E. | Earth Mother, 2005 |
Johnson, D. | Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, 2000 |
Johnson, D. | Henry Works, 2004 |
Johnson, D. | Henry’s Night, 2009 |
Kato, Y. | In the Meadow, 2011 |
Keller, L. | Today Is the Birthday of the World, 2009 |
Kurtz, K. | A Day on the Mountain, 2010 |
Larios, J. | Have You Ever Done That? 2001 |
Lawler, J. | A Mother’s Song, 2010 |
Lewis, R. | Sweet Dreams, 2012 |
Lindbergh, R. | The Circle of Days, 1998 |
Lloyd, M. | Finding Wild, 2016 |
London, J. | Giving Thanks, 2003 |
Lyon, G. | What Forest Knows, 2014 |
MacLachlan, P. | Fiona Loves the Night, 2007 |
Martin, B. | I Love Our Earth, 2006 |
Martin, J. | Snowflake Bentley, 1998 |
McCarthy, M. | A Closer Look, 2007 |
McGinty, A. | Thank You, World, 2007 |
McMillan, B. | Growing Colors, 1988 |
Oppenheim, S. | Where Do I End and You Begin? 2015 |
Pallotta, J. | Who Will Plant a Tree? 2010 |
Paolilli, P. | Silver Seeds: A Book of Nature Poems, 2001 |
Patterson, K. | Maybelle, Bunny of the North, 2009 |
Paulsen, G. | Canoe Days, 1999 |
Pfister, M. | Questions, Questions, 2011 |
Priddy, R. | Baby’s Book of Nature, 1995 |
Prosek, J. | Bird, Butterfly, Eel, 2009 |
Ray, M. | Go to Sleep, Little Farm, 2014 |
Ringgold, R. | My Mom Hugs Trees, 2006 |
Rock, L. | I Wonder Why? 2001 |
Root, P. | One North Star: A Counting Book, 2016 |
Ryder, J. | Mockingbird Morning, 1989 |
Rylant, C. | The Scarecrow, 1998 |
Scanlon, L. | All the World, 2009 |
Schaefer, L. | Lifetime, 2013 |
Sheehan, K. | The Dandelion’s Tale, 2014 |
Siddals, M. | Tell Me a Season, 1997 |
Sidman, J. | Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature, 2011 |
Snyder, L. | Good Night, Laila Tov, 2012 |
St. Pierre, S. | What the Sea Saw, 2006 |
Stiles, M. | Island Magic, 1999 |
Swanson, M. | Everywhere, Wonder, 2017 |
Thiele, B. | What a Wonderful World, 2015 |
Thompson, L. | Mouse’s First Spring, 2005 |
Tillman, N. | On the Night You Were Born, 2006 |
Walker, A. | There Is a Flower at the Tip of My Nose Smelling Me, 2006 |
Wallace, N. | Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! 2009 |
Wallace, N. | Pond Walk, 2011 |
Wolff, A. | Baby Bear Sees Blue, 2012 |
Wood, D. | Making the World, 1998 |
Wood, D. | No One But You, 2011 |
Yolen, J. | Sing a Season Song, 2015 |
Ziefert, H. | One Red Apple, 2009 |
Zolotow, C. | When the Wind Stops, 1995 |
Additional books about Nature can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 550’s and | |
J 570’s to 580’s) |
Native Americans
Alexie, S. | Thunder Boy Jr. 2016 |
Aliki | Corn is Maize: The Gift of the Indians, 1976 |
Boyden, L. | The Blue Roses, 2002 |
Brett, J. | The Three Snow Bears, 2007 |
Brown, D. | Bright Path: Young Jim Thorpe, 2006 |
Bruchac, J. | How Chipmunk Got His Stripes: A Tale of Bragging and Teasing, 2001 |
Bruchac, J. | Squanto’s Journey: The Story of the First Thanksgiving, 2000 |
Bruchac, J. | Buffalo Song, 2008 |
Bruchac, J. | Rabbit’s Snow Dance: A Traditional Iroquis Story, 2012 |
Christopher, N. | On the Shoulder of a Giant: An Inuit Folktale, 2015 |
Crowley, N. | Nanook & Pryce, 2009 |
dePaola, T. | The Legend of the Bluebonnet, 1983 |
dePaola, T. | The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, 1988 |
Disney, W. | The Sparkling River, 1995 |
Ehlert, L. | Cuckoo: A Mexican Folktale, 1997 |
Ehlert, L. | Mole’s Hill, 1994 |
Goble, P. | The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, 1993 |
Harjo, J. | The Good Luck Cat, 2000 |
Hausman, G. | The Otter, the Spotted Frog & the Great Flood: A Creek Indian Story, 2013 |
Hennessy, B. | One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims, 1999 |
Highway, T. | Fox on the Ice: Maageesees Maskwameek Kaapit, 2011 |
Joosse, B. | Mama, Do You Love Me? 1991 |
Joosse, B. | Grandma Calls Me Beautiful, 2008 |
Kessel, J. | Squanto and the First Thanksgiving, 1983 |
Lewis, P. | Frog Girl, 1997 |
London, J. | Giving Thanks, 2003 |
Lowell, S. | The Three Little Javelinas, 1992 |
Mackall, D. | The Legend of Ohio, 2005 |
Maggi, M. | The Great Canoe, 2001 |
McDermott, G. | Coyote: A Trickster Tale From the American Southwest, 1994 |
MeDearis, A. | Dancing With the Indians, 1991 |
Melmed, L. | This First Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Story, 2001 |
Mora, P. | Dona Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman, 2005 |
Mora, P. | Abuelos, 2008 |
Mora, P. | The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2012 |
Morris, J. | The Ice Bear, 2011 |
Noble, T. | The Legend of Michigan, 2006 |
Orona-Ramirez, K. | Kiki’s Journey, 2006 |
Polacco, P. | Boat Ride with Lillian Two Blossom, 1988 |
Pollock, P. | When the Moon is Full: A Lunar Year, 2001 |
Rodanas, K. | Dragonfly’s Tale, 1992 |
Rose, A. | Spider in the Sky, 1978 |
Rylant, C. | Long Night Moon, 2004 |
SanSouci, R. | Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella Story, 1994 |
Savard, R. | First Spring: An Innu Tale of North America, 2006 |
Seattle | Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message From Chief Seattle, 1992 |
Shoulders, D. | D is for Drum: A Native American Alphabet, 2006 |
Steptoe, J. | The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend, 1984 |
Taylor, H. | Coyote and Laughing Butterflies, 1995 |
Tingle, T. | Saltypie: A Choctaw Journey From Darkness Into Light, 2010 |
VanCamp, R. | What’s the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About Horses? 1998 |
VanLaan, N. | So Say the Little Monkeys, 1998 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of Mackinac Island, 1999 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of Sleeping Bear, 1998 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of the Lady’s Slipper, 2001 |
Wood, D. | Rabbit and the Moon, 1998 |
Young. E. | Hook, 2009 |
Additional books on Native Americans can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 970s) |
Alexie, S. | Thunder Boy Jr. 2016 |
Amery, H. | The Story of Rumpelstiltskin, 2003 |
Capucilli, A. | Mrs. McTats and Her Houseful of Cats, 2001 |
Catalanotto, P. | Matthew ABC, 2002 |
Cocca-Leffler, M. | Jack’s Talent, 2007 |
Costanzo, L. | A Perfect Name, 2002 |
Dylan, B. | Man Gave Names to All the Animals, 2010 |
Foreman, G. | Let George Do It! 2005 |
Fosberry, J. | My Name is Not Isabella, 2010 |
Harper, J. | Four Boys Named Jordan, 2004 |
Henkes, K. | Chrysanthemum, 1991 |
Henkes, K. | Penny and Her Doll, 2012 |
Hinton, S. | Big David, Little David, 1995 |
Lee, C. | The Very Kind Rich Lady and Her One Hundred Dogs, 2001 |
Mazer, N. | Has Anyone Seen My Emily Greene? 2007 |
Recorvits, H. | My Name is Yoon, 2003 |
Rylant, C. | The Old Woman Who Named Things, 1996 |
Scillian, D. | Fibblestax, 2000 |
Sutton, J. | Don’t Call Me Sidney, 2010 |
Swanson, S. | The First Thing My Mama Told Me, 2002 |
Wolff, A. | I Call My Grandpa Papa, 2009 |
Wolff, A. | I Call My Grandma Nana, 2009 |
Yolen, J. | My Father Knows the Names of Things, 2010 |
Alda, A. | Lulu’s Piano Lesson, 2010 |
Alexander, K. | Acoustic Rooster and His Barnyard Band, 2012 |
Anderson, P. | Chuck’s Band, 2008 |
Bechdolt, J. | Little Boy With a Big Horn, 2008 |
Benjamin, F. | My Two Grandads, 2010 |
Blake, R. | Victor and Hugo, 2017 |
Brett, J. | Berlioz the Bear, 1991 |
Brown, M. | Arthur, It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll, 2002 |
Bunting, E. | Hey Diddle Diddle, 2011 |
Cali, D. | Piano Piano, 2007 |
Calmenson, S. | Jazzmatazz! 2008 |
Celenza, A. | The Farewell Symphony, 2000 |
Chocolate, D. | The Piano Man, 1998 |
Crimi, C. | Rock ‘n’ Roll Mole, 2011 |
Crow, K. | Cool Daddy Rat, 2008 |
Daly, N. | Ruby Sings the Blues, 2005 |
Deans, K. | Swing Sisters: The Story of the International Sweetheart of Rhythm, 2015 |
Dylan, B. | Forever Young, 2008 |
Engle, M. | Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl’s Courage Changed Music, 2015 |
Falconer, I. | Olivia Forms a Band, 2005 |
Golio, G. | Jimi Sounds Like a Rainbow, 2010 |
Gordon, G. | Herman and Rosie, 2013 |
Gray, L. | When Uncle Took the Fiddle, 1999 |
Hodgkinson, J. | The Talent Show, 2011 |
Hurd, T. | Art Dog, 1996 |
James, S. | Baby Brains Superstar, 2005 |
Jennings, C. | Animal Band, 2008 |
Jennings, P. | Bat and Rat, 2012 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm on Tour, 2007 |
Lies, B. | Bats in the Band, 2014 |
Litchfield, D. | The Bear and the Piano, 2015 |
Lithgow, J. | The Remarkable Farkle McBride, 2000 |
Lithgow, J. | Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo, 2013 |
London, J. | Froggy Plays in the Band, 2002 |
Margolin, H. | Goin’ to Boston: An Exhuberant Journey in Song, 2002 |
Martin, A. | Symphony City, 2010 |
Martin, B. | The Maestro Plays, 1994 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
McCully, E. | Mouse Practice, 1999 |
McPhail, D. | Mole Music, 1999 |
Miller, C. | When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Musician, 2017 |
Millman, I. | Moses Goes to a Concert, 2002 |
Mitchell, M. | When Grandmama Sings, 2012 |
Myers, W. | The Blues of Flats Brown, 2000 |
Newman, L. | Ketzel, the Cat Who Composed, 2015 |
Parenteau, S. | Bears in a Band, 2016 |
Patricelli, L. | Be Quiet Mike! 2011 |
Plume, I. | The Bremen-Town Musicians, 1980 |
Protopopescu, O. | Two Sticks, 2007 |
Roche, S. | Want to Be In a Band? 2013 |
Roosa, K. | Pippa at the Parade, 2009 |
Rubin, V. | The Three Swingin’ Pigs, 2007 |
Sauer, T. | Bawk & Roll, 2012 |
Seeger, P. | The Deaf Musicians, 2006 |
Sis, P. | Play, Mozart, Play! 2006 |
Steig, W. | Zeke Pippin, 1994 |
Strom, M. | Rainbow Joe and Me, 1999 |
Tashiro, C. | Five Nice Mice, 2007 |
Uegaki, C. | Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin, 2014 |
Vernick, A. | So You Want to Be a Rock Star, 2012 |
Waechter, P. | Bravo! 2011 |
Weeks, S. | Catfish Kate and the Sweet Swamp Band, 2009 |
Weinstein, M. | When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat, 2008 |
Willems, M. | Listen to My Trumpet! 2012 |
Winter, J. | Dizzy, 2006 |
Wissinger, T. | This Old Band, 2014 |
Wright, J. | The Orchestra Pit, 2014 |
Yolen, J. | The Musicians of Bremen: A Tale From Germany, 1996 |
Zuppardi, S. | Jack’s Worry, 2016 |