Broad, M. | Forget-Me-Not, 2009 |
Coats, L. | Alphabet Garden, 1993 |
Davis, R. | Flowers and Showers: A Spring Counting Book, 2006 |
dePaola, T. | The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, 1996 |
Ehlert, L. | Planting a Rainbow, 1988 |
Greenstein, E. | One Little Seed, 2004 |
Henkes, K. | So Happy! 2005 |
Hicks, B. | I Like Colors, 2006 |
Laube, S. | The Flower Ball, 2005 |
Lobel, A. | Alison’s Zinnia, 1990 |
Park, L. | What Does Bunny See? A Book of Colors and flowers, 2005 |
Pfister, M. | Ava’s Poppy, 2002 |
Rawlinson, J. | Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms, 2009 |
Reynolds, P. | Rose’s Garden, 2009 |
Rockwell, A. | Bumblebee, Bumblebee, Do You Know Me? 1999 |
Schwartz, R. | The Mole Sisters and the Busy Bees, 2000 |
Stewart, S. | The Gardener, 1997 |
Taylor, S. | Huck Runs Amuck! 2011 |
Additional childrens books about Flowers can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J582.13) |
Author: Scott Wright
Barasch, L. | Radio Rescue, 2000 |
Christelow, E. | The Great Pig Search, 2001 |
Crane, C. | S is for Sunshine: A Florida Alphabet, 2000 |
Estefan, G. | Noelle’s Treasure Tale: A New Magically Mysterious Adventure, 2006 |
George, J. | Everglades, 1995 |
Rawlings, M. | The Secret River, 2009 |
Additional children’s books about Florida can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 975.9) |
Fitness and Exercise
Bateman, T. | Hamster Camp: How Harry Got Fit, 2005 |
Bellisario, G. | Move Your Body! My Exercise Tips, 2014 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note, 2001 |
Brown, M. | D.W. Flips, 1987 |
Buehner, C. | Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, 2003 |
Bunting, E. | I Like the Way You Are, 2000 |
Bunting, E. | My Dog Jack is Fat, 2011 |
Campbell, B. | I Get So Hungry, 2008 |
Carle, E. | From Head to Toe, 1997 |
Carle, E. | From Head to Toe (Board Book), 1999 |
Carlson, N. | Loudmouth George and the Big Race, 1983 |
Carlson, N. | Get Up and Go! 2006 |
Cleary, B. | Oils (Just a Bit) to Keep Your Body Fit: What Are Oils? 2011 |
Cleary, B. | Run and Hike, Play and Bike: What is Physical Activity? 2011 |
Cole, J. | Aren’t You Forgetting Something Fiona? 1994 |
Daniels, T. | The Feet in the Gym, 1999 |
Fox, M. | Koala Lou, 1989 |
Fraser, M. | I.Q. Gets Fit, 2009 |
Golding, T. | Abby’s Asthma and the Big Race, 2009 |
Hooks, B. | Be Boy Buzz, 2002 |
Lester, H. | Tacky and the Winter Games, 2005 |
Livingston, I. | Finklehopper Frog, 2003 |
Martin, L. | When Dinosaurs Go To School, 1999 |
Power, T. | The ABCs of Yoga for Kids, 2009 |
Roche, D. | Mim, Gym and June, 2003 |
Russo, B. | Yoga Bunny, 2017 |
Sharmat, M. | Tiffany Dino Works Out, 1995 |
Spinelli, E. | Miss Fox’s Class Shapes Up, 2011 |
Thompson, L. | Hop, Hop, Jump! 2012 |
Yoo, T. | You Are a Lion: And Other Fun Yoga Poses, 2012 |
Additional books about Fitness can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 612) |
Fish and Fishing
Allen, E. | Poor Little Guy, 2016 |
Asch, F. | Moonbear’s Pet, 1997 |
Asch, F. | Just Like Daddy, 1988 |
Barasch, L. | Hiromi’s Hands, 2007 |
Barner, B. | Fish Wish, 2000 |
Barrouz | My Goldfish, 2009 |
Bennett, K. | Not Norman, 2005 |
Berkes, M. | Over in the Ocean In a Coral Reef, 2004 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin Forgives, 2004 |
Bryant, J. | Abe’s Fish, 2009 |
Bunting, E. | Gleam and Glow, 2001 |
Cain, S. | Look Out For the Big Bad Fish, 1998 |
Cannon, A. | Sophie’s Fish, 2012 |
Carlson, N. | Loudmouth George and the Fishing Trip, 2005 |
Carney, M. | The Biggest Fish in the Lake, 2001 |
Cleary, B. | Catfish, Cod, Salmon and Scrod: What is a Fish? 2013 |
Cole, J. | The Magic School Bus: On the Ocean Floor, 1992 |
Cousins, L. | Hooray For Fish! 2005 |
Creech, S. | Fishing in the Air, 2000 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Splish Splash: A Counting Adventure, 2005 |
Crowley, N. | Nanook & Pryce, 2009 |
Dicmas, C. | The Great Googly Moogly, 2014 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout Fish, 2008 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark, 2010 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School, 2014 |
DiPucchio, K. | Gilbert Goldfish Wants a Pet, 2011 |
Disney, W. | Finding Nemo, 2003 |
Donaldson, J. | The Fish Who Cried Wolf, 2008 |
Eagle, K. | Rub A Dub Dub, 1998 |
Ehlert, L. | Fish Eyes: A Book You Can Count On, 1990 |
Frank, J. | How To Catch a Fish, 2007 |
Franklin, K. | The Gift, 1999 |
Frazier, C. | Stanley Goes Fishing, 2006 |
Freedman, D. | The Story of Fish & Snail, 2013 |
Gall, C. | Dear Fish, 2006 |
Galloway, R. | Fidgety Fish, 2001 |
Garland, M. | Fish Had a Wish, 2012 |
Goldberg, M. | Catching the Moon, 2007 |
Gravett, E. | Bear & Hare Go Fishing, 2015 |
Hawkins, C. | Zug the Bug, 1995 |
Hendra, S. | Barry the Fish with Fingers, 2010 |
Herman, C. | How Yussel Caught the Gefilte Fish: A Shabbos Story, 1999 |
Highway, T. | Fox on the Ice, 2011 |
Isadora, R. | The Fisherman and His Wife, 2008 |
Kimmel, E. | The Fisherman and the Turtle, 2008 |
Klassen, J. | This is Not My Hat, 2012 |
Lamb, R. | Paul Meets Bernadette, 2013 |
LaReau, K. | Ugly Fish (Media Kit), 2006 |
LaReau, K. | Ugly Fish, 2006 |
Lionni, L. | Fish is Fish, 1970 |
Lionni, L. | Swimmy, 1991 |
Lloyd-Jones, S. | Poor Doreen: A Fishy Tale, 2014 |
Mayer, G. | Just Fishing With Grandma, 2003 |
McKissack, P. | A Million Fish…More or Less, 1992 |
Novesky, A. | Three Little Words, 2016 |
Partridge, E. | Oranges on Golden Mountain, 2001 |
Pennypacker, S. | Pierre in Love, 2007 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish and the Sea Monster’s Cave, 2001 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale, 1998 |
Pfister, M. | The Rainbow Fish, 1992 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish to the Rescue, 1995 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish Finds His Way, 2006 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish Discovers the Deep Sea, 2009 |
Pinkney, A. | Fishing Day, 2003 |
Proimois, J. | Swim! Swim! 2010 |
Prosek, J. | A Good Day’s Fishing, 2004 |
Quigley, M. | Granddad’s Fishing Buddy, 2007 |
Rawlings, M. | The Secret River, 2011 |
Reynolds, A. | Sea Monkey & Bob, 2017 |
Robinson, F. | Faucet Fish, 2005 |
Rodriguez, B. | Fox and Hen Together, 2011 |
Rohmann, E. | Clara and Asha, 2005 |
Rose, D. | One Nighttime Sea, 2003 |
SanSouci, R. | Six Foolish Fishermen, 2000 |
Scillian, D. | Memoirs of a Goldfish, 2010 |
Seuss, D. | McElligot’s Pool, 1974 |
Shannon, d. | Jangles a Big Fish Story, 2012 |
Shields, G. | Dogfish, 2008 |
Simeon, J. | This is a Poem That Heals Fish, 2007 |
Sloat, T. | There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout! 1998 |
VanHout, M. | Happy, 2012 |
VanLaan, N. | Little Fish Lost, 1998 |
Weeks, S. | Catfish Kate and the Sweet Swamp Band, 2009 |
Wiesner, D. | Flotsam, 2006 |
Wood, A. | Ten Little Fish, 2004 |
Yaccarino, D. | The Birthday Fish, 2005 |
Yoo, T. | The Little Red Fish, 2007 |
Additional books about Fish can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 597 and J 639.34) | |
Additional books about Fishing can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 799.1) |
Alexander, S. | One More Time, Mama, 1999 |
Carle, E. | The Very Lonely Firefly, 1995 |
Carle, E. | The Very Lonely Firefly (Board Book), 1999 |
Coughlan, C. | Fireflies, 1999 |
Hoffman, A. | Fireflies, 1997 |
Lewis, A. | Lighthouse Fireflies, 2005 |
London, J. | When the Fireflies Come, 2003 |
Polacco, P. | When Lightening Comes in a Jar, 2002 |
Ziefert, H. | Daddies Are For Catching Fireflies, 1999 |
Addition children’s books about Fireflies can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 595.76’s) |
Fire Engines and Firefighting
Austin, M. | Fire Engine No. 9, 2015 |
Barbares N. | Firemouse, 2002 |
Beaty, A. | Firefighter Ted, 2009 |
Beck, A. | Elliot’s Fire Truck, 2010 |
Berenstain, M. | The Berenstain Bears Visit the Firehouse, 2016 |
Boelts, M. | The Firefighters’ Thanksgiving, 2004 |
Bond, F. | Poinsettia and the Firefighters, 2003 |
Bourgeois, P. | Fire Fighters, 2000 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford the Firehouse Dog, 1994 |
Brooks, F. | Fred the Firefighter, 2004 |
Butler, D. | F is for Firefighting, 2007 |
Carey, C. | Tonka Driving Force: Rescue Action, 2006 |
Child, L. | Clarice Bean Guess Who’s Babysitting? 2000 |
Cuyler, M. | Stop, Drop and Roll, 2001 |
Dale, P. | Dinosaur Rescue! 2013 |
Demarest, C. | Hotshots! 2003 |
Demarest, C. | Firefighters A to Z, 2000 |
Demarest, C. | Smoke Jumpers One to Ten, 2002 |
DeSeve, R. | A Fire Truck Named Red, 2016 |
Desimini, L. | Dot the Fire Dog, 2001 |
Doman, M. | Rescue Vehicles, 2012 |
Dubois, M. | Out and About at the Fire Station, 2003 |
Edwards, J. | Dumpy and the Firefighters, 2003 |
Elya, S. | Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos, 2012 |
Fox, C. | Fire Fighter Piggywiggy, 2001 |
Freeman, M. | Fire Engines, 1999 |
Gibbons, G. | Emergency, 1994 |
Godwin, L. | This is the Firefighter, 2009 |
Graham, T. | Five Little Firefighters, 2008 |
Grambling, L. | My Mom is a Firefighter, 2007 |
Graubart, N. | Fire Trucks, 2015 |
Gregory, J. | Fire Truck: What Does It Do? 2011 |
Hamilton, K. | Firefighters to the Rescue, 2005 |
Harper, J. | Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill, 2009 |
Hoberman, M. | Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, 2007 |
Horowitz, J. | Working Hard With the Busy Firetruck, 1993 |
Hubbell, P. | Firefighters! Speeding! Spraying! Saving! 2007 |
Jango-Cohen, J. | Fire Trucks, 2003 |
Jonelle, L. | Bravemole, 2002 |
Kalman, M. | Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey, 2002 |
Krensky, S. | Spark the Firefighter, 2008 |
Lindeen, C. | Fire Trucks, 2005 |
London, J. | Here Comes Firefighter Hippo, 2013 |
MacLean, C. | Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms, 2002 |
Mammano, J. | Rhinos Who Rescue, 2007 |
Marshall, A. | Emergency! Emergency! 2017 |
McMullan, K. | I’m Brave, 2014 |
Miller, C. | When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Firefighter, 2017 |
Munsch, R. | The Fire Station, 1991 |
Murray, A. | Firefighters Help Us, 2013 |
Murray, J. | The Fire Station, 2017 |
Murray, J. | Fire Trucks, 2016 |
Murray, L. | The Gingerbread Man Loose on the Fire Truck, 2013 |
Niemann, C. | The Police Cloud, 2007 |
Nolan, J. | The Firehouse Light, 1901 |
Osborne, M. | New York’s Bravest, 2002 |
Pendziwol, J. | No Dragons for Tea, Fire Safety for Kids (and Dragons), 1999 |
Raatma, L. | Home Fire Drills, 1999 |
Randolph, J. | Fire Trucks, 2008 |
Ready, D. | Firefighters Help, 2013 |
Rey, M. | Curious George at the Fire Station, 1985 |
Rey, M. | Curious George and the Firefighters, 2004 |
Rockwell, A. | At the Firehouse, 2003 |
Rockwell, A. | Fire Engines, 1986 |
Schmidt, M. | Fire Trucks, 2013 |
Schuh, M. | Fire Safety in Action, 2009 |
Schuh, M. | Fire Stations in Action, 2009 |
Schuh, M. | Fire Trucks in Action, 2009 |
Sis, P. | Fire Truck, 1998 |
Slater, D. | Firefighters in the Dark, 2006 |
Slater, T. | All Aboard Fire Trucks, 1991 |
Smith, D. | Brassy the Fire Engine Saves the City, |
Spinelli, E. | Hero Cat, 2006 |
Stille, D. | Fire Trucks, 2002 |
Teague, M. | Firehouse! 2010 |
Teitelbaum, M. | If I Could Drive a Fire Truck! 2001 |
Tourville, A. | Fire Trucks, 2009 |
Whiting, S. | The Firefighters, 2008 |
Wood, A. | Alphabet Rescue, 2006 |
Yee, W. | Fireman Small: Fire Down Below! 2001 |
Ziefert, H. | Nicky Visits the Fire Station, 1997 |
Zimmerman, A. | Fire Engine Man, 2007 |
Additional books about the Fire Department can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 628.92) |
Fears and Courage
Adams, D. | Zoom! 2005 |
Alborough, J. | Watch Out! Big Bro’s Coming! 1997 |
Allen, J. | “I’m Not Scared!” 2007 |
Applegate, K. | The Buffalo Storm, 2007 |
Araki, M. | Kitten’s Big Adventure, 2005 |
Arnaldo, M. | The Little Book of Big Fears, 2015 |
Arnold, M. | The Bravest of Us All, 2000 |
Aylesworth, J. | Teddy Bear Tears, 1997 |
Baker, K. | Brave Little Monster, 2001 |
Barron, T. | High as a Hawk, 2004 |
Bauer, M. | Jason’s Bears, 2000 |
Bauer, M. | Dinosaur Thunder, 2012 |
Beck, S. | Pipito the Brave, 2001 |
Bennett, H. | Lions Aren’t Scared of Shots, 2007 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, 1982 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest, 1988 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright, 1986 |
Bergman, M. | Snip Snap! What’s That? 2005 |
Berube, K. | Hannah and Sugar, 2016 |
Bogacki, T. | The Story of a Blue Bird, 1998 |
Bond, F. | Poinsettia and the Firefighters, 2003 |
Bosschaety, G. | Teenie Bird and How She Learned to Fly, 2001 |
Bottner, B. | The Scaredy Cats, 2003 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin and the Thunderstorm, 1998 |
Bradbury, R. | Switch on the Night, 1993 |
Bright, P. | I’m Not Going Out There, 2006 |
Bright, P. | The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm, 2008 |
Carlin, P. | Alfie Is Not Afraid, 2012 |
Carlson, N. | Arnie and the Skateboard Gang, 1995 |
Carlson, N. | Harriett and the Roller Coaster, 2003 |
Carlson, N. | Henry’s Show and Tell, 2004 |
Choldenko, G. | Dad and the Dinosaur, 2017 |
DeBeer, H. | Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare, 1998 |
Demarest, C. | Hotshots! 2003 |
Demi | The Boy Who Painted Dragons, 2007 |
Disney, W. | Oh Bother! Someone’s Afraid of the Dark! 1996 |
Dominguez, A. | Let’s Go, Hugo! 2013 |
Edwards, J. | Dumpy and the Firefighters, 2003 |
Eeckhout, E. | There’s No Such Thing as Ghosts! 2008 |
Emberly, E. | Go Away, Big Green Monster! 1992 |
Erlbruch, W. | Leonard, 1995 |
Ernst, L. | Bubba and Trixie, 1997 |
Esbaum, J. | I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo! 2014 |
Fenton, J. | What’s Under the Bed? 2008 |
Figueredo, D. | When This World Was New, 1999 |
Fitzpatrick, M. | Lizzy and Skunk, 2000 |
Foley, G. | Willoughby & the Moon, 2010 |
Funke, C. | Pirate Girl, 2005 |
Geisert, A. | Lights Out, 2005 |
Gibson, K. | A Very Scary Cave, 1998 |
Gliori, D. | The Scariest Thing of All, 2011 |
Gorbachev, V. | Chicken Chickens, 2001 |
Gorbachev, V. | Nicky and the Big Bad Wolves, 1998 |
Gorbachev, V. | The Big Trip, 2004 |
Gorbachev, V. | Dragon is Coming! 2009 |
Graves, S. | Who Feels Scared? 2011 |
Gravett, E. | Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears, 2007 |
Greenberg, D. | Snakes! 2004 |
Hamilton, K. | Firefighters to the Rescue, 2005 |
Haseley, D. | The Invisible Moose, 2006 |
Heide, F. | Some Things Are Scary, 2000 |
Helakoski, L. | Big Chickens, 2006 |
Hendry, D. | The Very Noisy Night, 1999 |
Henkes, K. | Sheila Rae, The Brave, 1987 |
Hest, A. | Off to School, Little Duck, 1999 |
Hicks, B. | Jitterbug Jam, 2005 |
Hoffman, A. | Horsefly, 2000 |
Horowitz, D. | Chico the Brave, 2012 |
Howe, J. | There’s a Monster Under My Bed, 1986 |
Huling, J. | Puss in Cowboy Boots, 2000 |
Irving, J. | A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound, 2004 |
Isern, S. | What Are You Scared of Little Mouse? 2015 |
James, B. | Flashlight, 1997 |
Jandl, E. | Next Please, 2003 |
Jenkins, E. | The Little Bit Scary People, 2008 |
Jennings, S. | No Monsters Here, 2004 |
Jennings, S. | Bearcub and Mama, 2005 |
Johnston, T. | A Small Thing…But Big, 2016 |
Jonell, L. | Bravemole, 2002 |
Kajikawa, K. | Tsunami! 2009 |
Keller, H. | Help! A Story of Friendship, 2007 |
Kirk, D. | The Listening Walk, 2005 |
Koller, J. | No Such Thing, 1997 |
Kushner, T. | Brundibar, 2003 |
Landa, N. | The Great Monster Hunt, 2010 |
Leathers, P. | The Black Rabbit, 2013 |
Lester, H. | Something Might Happen, 2003 |
Lin, G. | Olvina Flies, 2003 |
Lin, G. | Olvina Swims, 2007 |
London, J. | Froggy Learns to Swim, 1995 |
Lucado, M. | Stuck in a Stinky Den (Board Book), 2003 |
Maitland, B. | The Bear Who Didn’t Like Honey, 1997 |
Mallot, K. | Brave Bear, 1999 |
Mayer, M. | There’s a Nightmare in My Closet, 1968 |
Mayer, M. | Just a Thunderstorm, 1993 |
McGinty, A. | Eliza’s Kindergarten Pet, 2010 |
McKay, H. | There’s a Dragon Downstairs, 2005 |
McKissack, P. | Precious and the Boo Hag, 2005 |
Michelson, R. | Oh No, Not Ghosts! 2006 |
Moodie, F. | Noko and the Night Monster, 2001 |
Morgan, M. | Brave, Brave Mouse, 2004 |
Moroney, T. | When I’m Feeling Scared, 2006 |
Murray, J. | Afraid, 2017 |
Nash, O. | The Adventures of Isabel, 2008 |
Norville, D. | I Don’t Want to Sleep Tonight, 1999 |
Noyes, D. | Prudence & Moxie, 2009 |
Osborne, M. | The Brave Little Seamstress, 2002 |
Otoshi, K. | One, 2009 |
Paraskevas, B. | Maggie and the Ferocious Beast: The Big Scare, 1999 |
Park, B. | Psst! It’s Me — The Bogeyman, 1998 |
Parr, T. | The I’m Not Scared Book, 2011 |
Penn, A. | Chester the Brave, 2012 |
Pfister, M. | Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! 1995 |
Pitzer, S. | Not Afraid of Dogs, 2006 |
Polacco, P. | Thunder Cake, 1990 |
Powell, P. | Just Dessert, 1996 |
Pumphrey, J. | Creepy Things Are Scaring Me! 2003 |
Rankin, J. | Scaredy Cat, 1996 |
Rash, A. | Archie the Daredevil Penguin, 2016 |
Ray, M. | Boom! Big, Big Thunder & One Small Dog, 2013 |
Reynolds, A. | Creepy Carrots! 2012 |
Robberecht, T. | Same is Never Scared, 2005 |
Robbins, B. | Tom’s Afraid of the Dark! 2001 |
Robbins, B. | Tom and Ally Visit the Doctor! 201 |
Roberts, B. | Rosie to the Rescue, 2003 |
Robinson, S. | Testing the Ice: A True Story About Jackie Robinson, 2009 |
Rockwell, A. | Katie Catz Makes a Splash, 2003 |
Rosenberry, V. | Vera Rides a Bike, 2004 |
Rosoff, M. | Jumpy Jack & Googily, 2008 |
Rubin, A. | Big Bad Bubble, 2014 |
Schmid, P. | Oliver and His Alligator, 2013 |
Seeger, L. | I Used to be Afraid, 2015 |
Shannon, M. | Gullibles Troubles, 1998 |
Shea, B. | I’m a Shark, 2011 |
Spelman, C. | When I Feel Scared, 2002 |
Spinelli, E. | Hero Cat, 2006 |
Spires, E. | The Big Meow, 2001 |
Steig, W. | Brave Irene, 1988 |
Stevenson, H. | Big Scary World, 1997 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte, 2005 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte and the Wolves, 2009 |
Taulbert, C. | Little Cliff’s First Day of School, 2001 |
Tessler, M. | Yuki’s Ride Home, 2008 |
Thomas, J. | The Doghouse, 2008 |
Waber, B. | Courage, 2002 |
Waddell, M. | Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear? 1992 |
Waddell, M. | Owl Babies (Board Book), 1996 |
Waddell, M. | Owl Babies, 1992 |
Walsh, E. | Pip’s Magic, 1999 |
Wargin, K. | The Legend of the Lady’s Slipper, 2001 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel, 2006 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, 2007 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach, 2008 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at Night, 2009 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping, 2013 |
Wells, R. | Edward in Deep Water, 1995 |
Williams, C. | A Not Scary Story About Big Scary Things, 2010 |
Willis, J. | Gorilla! Gorilla! 2006 |
Wilson, K. | Bear Feels Scared, 2008 |
Wilson, K. | Don’t Be Afraid, Little Pip, 2009 |
Wilson, K. | Who Goes There? 2013 |
Winters, K. | Who’s Haunting the Teeny Tiny Ghost? 1999 |
Wolf, E. | Brave Little Raccoon, 2005 |
Wolff, F. | Is a Worry Worrying You? 2005 |
Woodson, J. | Show Way, 2005 |
Wormell, C. | The Wild Girl, 2005 |
Yoon, S. | Stormy Night, 2015 |
Additional books about Fears can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 152.46) |
Fear of the Dark
Allen, J. | “I’m Not Scared!” 2007 |
Aylesworth, J. | Teddy Bear Tears, 1997 |
Baker, K. | Brave Little Monster, 2001 |
Berenstain, S. | The Berenstain Bears in the Dark, 1982 |
Bourgeois, P. | Franklin in the Dark, 2000 |
Boxall, E. | Francis and the Scaredy Cat, 2002 |
Bradbury, R. | Switch on the Night, 1993 |
Braun, S. | Back to Bed, Ed! 2009 |
Burfoot, E. | Darkness Slipped In, 2008 |
Butler, M. | The Dark, Dark Night, 2008 |
Cote, G. | Goodnight, You, 2014 |
Crowther, K. | Scritch Scratch Scraww Plop! 2015 |
Davis, J. | Small Blue and the Deep Dark Night, 2014 |
Delacroix, S. | Blanche Hates the Night, 2015 |
deMonfreid, D. | Dark Night, 2009 |
Diesen, D. | The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark, 2010 |
Disney, W. | Oh Bother! Someone’s Afraid of the Dark! 1996 |
Hadfield, C. | The Darkest Dark, 2016 |
Hayes, G. | The Bunny’s Night-Light, 2012 |
Hendry, D. | The Very Noisy Night, 1999 |
Howe, J. | There’s a Monster Under My Bed, 1986 |
Irving, J. | A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound, 2004 |
James, B. | Flashlight, 1997 |
Koller, J. | No Such Thing, 1997 |
Lee, Y. | The Little Moon Princess, 2010 |
Liniers | What There is Before There is Anything There, 2014 |
Long, K. | Christopher Sat Straight Up in Bed, 2013 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Puppy, 2013 |
Marino, G. | Night Animals, 2015 |
Maynor, M. | Ella and Penguin Stick Together, 2016 |
Michelson, R. | Oh No, Not Ghosts! 2006 |
Modarressi, M. | Owlet’s First Flight, 2012 |
Moodie, F. | Noko and the Night Monster, 2001 |
Patricelli, L. | The Patterson Puppies and the Midnight Monster Party, 2010 |
Pumphrey, J. | Creepy Things Are Scaring Me! 2003 |
Robbins, B. | Tom’s Afraid of the Dark! 2001 |
Root, P. | Creak! Said the Bed, 2010 |
Ross, T. | I Want My Light On! 2010 |
Runton, A. | Owly & Wormy Bright Lights and Starry Nights! 2012 |
Saunders, K. | Baby Badger’s Wonderful Night, 2011 |
Schneider, J. | Bedtime Monsters, 2013 |
Snicket, L. | The Dark, 2013 |
Tessler, M. | Yuki’s Ride Home, 2008 |
Waddell, M. | Can’t You Sleep Little Bear? 1992 |
Waddell, M. | Owl Babies (Board Book), 1996 |
Waddell, M. | Owl Babies, 2000 |
Walsh, E. | Pip’s Magic, 1999 |
Watt, M. | Scaredy Squirrel at Night, 2009 |
Wormell, C. | Molly and the Night Monster, 2008 |
Additional books about Fears can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 152.46 |
Alter, A. | A Photo for Greta, 2011 |
Amico, T. | The Day the Dog Dressed Like Dad, 2004 |
Anderson, P. | To the Tub, 1996 |
Andreae, G. | I Love My Daddy 2011 |
Asch, F. | Just Like Daddy, 1988 |
Asim, J. | Daddy Goes to Work, 2006 |
Aylesworth, J. | Through the Night, 1998 |
Banks, K. | The Night Worker, 2000 |
Bartone, E. | Peppe the Lamplighter, 1993 |
Bauer, M. | The Very Best Daddy of All, 2004 |
Bennett, K. | Your Daddy Was Just Like You, 2010 |
Bennett, K. | Dad and Pop: An Ode to Fathers and Stepfathers, 2010 |
Bingham, J. | Daddy’s Little Scout, 2008 |
Boelts, M. | Big Daddy, Frog Wrestler, 2000 |
Braun, S. | I Love My Daddy, 2004 |
Braun, S. | On Our Way Home, 2009 |
Bridwell, N. | Clifford’s Day With Dad, 2003 |
Brisson, P. | The Summer My Father Was Ten, 1998 |
Brown, M. | The Little Scarecrow Boy, 1998 |
Brown, M. | The Fathers are Coming Home, 2010 |
Browne, A. | My Dad, 2001 |
Bruchac, J. | My Father is Taller Than a Tree, 2009 |
Bunting, E. | My Red Balloon, 2005 |
Camp, L. | Why? 1999 |
Carle, E. | Mister Seahorse, 2004 |
Carroll, J. | Papa’s Backpack, 2015 |
Cash, J. | Daddy Loves His Little Girl, 2010 |
Catalanotto, P. | Dad and Me, 1999 |
Catherine, M. | Time Together Me and Dad, 2014 |
Clements, A. | Because Your Daddy Loves You, 2005 |
Climo, L. | Rory the Dinosaur Me and My Dad, 2015 |
Coh, S. | Big Brave Daddy, 2012 |
Costain, M. | Daddies Are Awesome, 2012 |
Coyle, C. | Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? 2005 |
Crow, K. | Cool Daddy Rat, 2008 |
Cummings, T. | Giddy-Up Daddy! 2013 |
Degen, B. | Daddy is a Doodlebug, 2000 |
Dewdney, A. | Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too, 2014 |
DiTerlizzi, T. | Ted, 2001 |
Dorros, A. | Papa and Me, 2008 |
Durand, H. | Mitchell’s License, 2011 |
Durand, H. | Mitchell Goes Bowling, 2014 |
Eilenberg, M. | Cowboy Kid, 2000 |
Feiffer, J. | The Daddy Mountain, 2004 |
Figueredo, D. | When This World Was New, 1999 |
Foreman, M. | I Love You Too! 2013 |
George, K. | Up! 2005 |
Germein, K. | My Dad Thinks He’s Funny, 2010 |
Gibala-Broxholm, S. | Maddie’s Monster Dad, 2011 |
Gilbert, M. | Daisy and Josephine, 2014 |
Gilles, A. | Willie Wins, 2001 |
Glass, B. | Blue-Ribbon Dad, 2011 |
Glassman, P. | My Dad’s Job, 2003 |
Grambling, L. | Can I Have a Tyrannosaurus Rex Dad? Can I? Please!? 2000 |
Greene, R. | Daddy Is a Cozy Hug, 2010 |
Gregory, N. | Amber Waiting, 2002 |
Hardin, M. | Hero Dad, 2011 |
Harper, C. | Pink Me Up, 2010 |
Harrison, J. | Grizzly Dad: Why Dads are Great (Even the Grumpy Ones!), 2009 |
Hearn, D. | Dad’s Dinosaur Day, 1993 |
Hinton, S. | Big David Little David, 1995 |
Hru, D. | Tickle Tickle, 2002 |
Jennings, S. | No Monsters Here, 2004 |
Joel, B. | Goodnight My Angel: A Lullabye, 2004 |
Joosse, B. | Papa, Do You Love Me? 2005 |
Keane, D. | Daddy Adventure Day, 2011 |
Keillor, G. | Daddy’s Girl, 2005 |
Kingsbury, K. | Let’s Have a Daddy Day, 2010 |
Koehler, F. | How to Cheer Up Dad, 2014 |
Lakin, P. | Dad and Me in the Morning, 1994 |
Leno, J. | If Roast Beef Could Fly, 2004 |
Lerman, J. | How to Raise Mom & Dad, 2009 |
Leuck, L. | I Love My Pirate Papa, 2007 |
Lies, B. | Gator Dad, 2016 |
Lloyd-Jones, S. | Just Because You’re Mine, 2012 |
Logelin, M. | Be Glad Your Dad…Is Not an Octopus, 2016 |
London, J. | Do Your ABC’s Little Brown Bear, 2005 |
London, J. | Froggy Bakes a Cake, 2000 |
London, J. | Froggy’s Dad With Dad, 2004 |
London, J. | Let’s Go, Froggy! 1994 |
Lowry, L. | Crow Call, 2009 |
Luthardt, K. | Flying! 2009 |
Maslac, E. | Finding a Job for Daddy, 1996 |
Mayer, M. | Just Like Dad, 1998 |
McBratney, S. | Guess How Much I Love You, 2008 |
McCain, M. | My Dad, John McCain, 2008 |
McCormick, W. | Daddy Will You Miss Me? 1996 |
McCourt, L. | Goodnight, Princess Pruney-Toes, 2001 |
McCully, E. | Popcorn at the Palace, 1997 |
McGhee, A. | Tell Me a Tattoo Story, 2016 |
McGraw, T. | My Little Girl, 2008 |
McGraw, T. | Love Your heart, 2009 |
Middleton, J. | Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? 2013 |
Morgan, C. | Dance Me, Daddy, 2009 |
Munsch, R. | Lighthouse: A Story of Remembrance, 2003 |
Munsch, R. | David’s Father, 2004 |
Negley, K. | My Dad Used to Be So Cool, 2016 |
Nevin, J. | What Daddies Like, 2017 |
Newman, L. | Daddy’s Song, 2007 |
Newton, J. | A Pig Tale, 1993 |
Norman, K. | Crocodaddy, 2009 |
North, S. | Because I Am Your Daddy, 2010 |
Numeroff, L. | Sherman Crunchley, 2003 |
O’Connor, J. | Where Did Daddy’s Hair Go? 2004 |
O’Leary, S. | When You Were Small, 2006 |
Ormerod, J. | Molly and Her Dad, 2008 |
Parker, M. | When Dads Don’t Grow Up, 2012 |
Parr, T. | The Daddy Book, 2002 |
Parr, T. | The Family Book, 2004 |
Patricelli, L. | Faster! Faster! 2012 |
Paxton, T. | The Marvelous Toy, 1996 |
Paxton, T. | Going to the Zoo, 1996 |
Pelton, M. | When Dad’s at Sea, 2004 |
Pfister, M. | Penguin Pete and Little Tim, 1994 |
Phelan, M. | Druthers, 2014 |
Polacco, P. | Some Birthday! 1991 |
Posey, L. | Night Rabbits, 1999 |
Pow, T. | Tell Me One Thing Dad, 2004 |
Prap, L. | Daddies, 2007 |
Pulver, R. | Saturday is Dadurday, 2013 |
Ramos, J. | I’m Just Like My Mom: I’m Just Like My Dad, 2008 |
Ransom, C. | Tractor Day, 2007 |
Ranson, C. | The Old Blue Pickup Truck, 2009 |
Raschka, C. | Everyone Can Learn To Ride a Bicycle, 2013 |
Ray, M. | Basket Moon, 1999 |
Richards, D. | I Wonder: Celebrating Daddies Doin’ Work, 2016 |
Ritchie, A. | Me and My Dad! 2007 |
Rockwell, A. | Father’s Day, 2005 |
Rosenberg, L. | Tyrannosaurus Dad, 2011 |
Rusackas, F. | Daddy All Day Long, 2004 |
Savadier, E. | Time to Get Dressed! 2006 |
Say, A. | The Favorite Daughter, 2013 |
Schaefer, L. | Toolbox Twins, 2006 |
Shea, B. | Oh, Daddy! 2010 |
Shields, B. | It’s the Best Day Ever Dad! 2009 |
Shipton, J. | How to be a Happy Hippo, 1999 |
Silver, A. | Out Dad is Getting Better, 2007 |
Singer, M. | Didi and Daddy on the Promenade, 2001 |
Sitomer, A. | Daddies Do It Different, 2012 |
Slegers, L. | Kevin Helps Dad, 2008 |
Smallman, S. | My Dad! 2012 |
Soto, G. | Big Bushy Mustache, 1998 |
Spinelli, E. | Night Shift Daddy, 1999 |
Spinelli, E. | While You Are Away, 2004 |
Spinelli, E. | When Papa Comes Homes Tonight, 2008 |
Spinelli, J. | My Daddy and Me, 2003 |
Stein, D. | Tad and Dad, 2105 |
Stevenson, J. | I Meant to Tell You, 1996 |
Tafuri, N. | Daddy Hugs, 2014 |
Thomas, F. | One Day, Daddy, 2001 |
Tomp, S. | Red, White and Blue Good-bye, 2005 |
Uhlberg, M. | Dad, Jackie and Me, 2005 |
VanSlyke, R. | Dad School, 2016 |
Wallace, J. | Little Bean, 1996 |
Walters, V. | Are We There Yet, Daddy? 1999 |
Warnes, T. | Daddy Hug, 2008 |
Watts, F. | Kisses for Daddy, 2008 |
Wild, M. | Piglet and Papa, 2007 |
Wohnoutka, M. | Dad’s First Day, 2015 |
Wolf, J. | Daddy Could I Have an Elephant? 1996 |
Wong, J. | Hide & Seek, 2005 |
Wood, D. | What Daddys Can’t Do, 2000 |
Wood, D. | When a Dad Says “I Love You”, 2013 |
Woodson, J. | Visiting Dad, 2002 |
Wyeth, S. | Always My Dad, 1995 |
Yaccarino, D. | Every Friday, 2007 |
Yarrow, P. | Day Is Done, 2009 |
Yolan, J. | Baby Bear’s Chairs, 2005 |
Yolan, J. | Owl Moon, 1987 |
Yolen, J. | My Father Knows the Names of Things, 2010 |
Zappa, A. | Because I’m Your Dad, 2013 |
Ziefert, H. | Daddies Are For Catching Fireflies, 1999 |
Ziefert, H. | Bigger Than Daddy, 2006 |
Zolotow, C. | The Poodle Who Barked at the Wind, 2002 |
Zolotow, C. | A Father Like That, 2007 |
Farms and Farmers
Adams, G. | Nanny Fox, 1994 |
Alexander, K. | Acoustic Rooster and His Barnyard Band, 2012 |
Allard, H. | Starlight Goes to Town, 2008 |
Allen, J. | The Little Rabbit Who Like to Say Moo, 2008 |
Alsdurf, P. | It’s Milking Time, 2012 |
Amery, H. | My Little Book of Farmyard Tales, 2005 |
Amery, H. | The Naughty Sheep, 2004 |
Amery, H. | Farmyard Tales Treasury, 2007 |
Anderson, J. | Counting with Sebastian Pig and Friends On the Farm, 2009 |
Anderson, P. | Chuck’s Truck, 2006 |
Arnold, M. | Dancing Dancing Lily, 2004 |
Auch, M. | The Plot Chickens, 2009 |
Aylesworth, J. | Cock-a-doodle-doo, Creak, Pop-pop, Moo, 2012 |
Baddiel, I. | Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack! 2007 |
Baehr, P. | Boo Cow, 2010 |
Bailey, L. | Farm Team, 2006 |
Bateman, T. | April Foolishness, 2005 |
Beaty, A. | Hide and Sheep, 2011 |
Beaumont, K. | Duck, Duck, Goose! (A Coyote’s on the Loose!), 2004 |
Beaumont, K. | No Sleep for the Sheep, 2011 |
Bee, W. | Stanley the Farmer, 2015 |
Black, M. | Cock-A-Doodle-Doo-Bop! 2015 |
Bloom, B. | Wolf! 1999 |
Boga, P. | Lulu the Big Little Chick, 2009 |
Brisson, P. | Before We Eat: From Farm to Table, 2014 |
Brown, M. | Big Red Barn, 1989 |
Bunting, E. | Hurry Hurry! 2007 |
Cabrera, J. | Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2007 |
Carlson, M. | Farmer Brown’s Field Trip, 2000 |
Carlson, M. | The Lost Lamb, 1999 |
Carter, D. | Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor, 2007 |
Chaconas, D. | Coriander the Contrary Hen, 2006 |
Chaconas, D. | Don’t Slam the Door! 2010 |
Chernesky, F. | Cheers for a Dozen Ears: A Summer Crop of Counting, 2014 |
Chernesky, F. | Sun Above and Blooms Below: A Springtime of Opposites, 2015 |
Church, C. | One Smart Goose, 2003 |
Clark, L. | Peepsqueak! 2012 |
Clarke, J. | Stuck in the Mud, 2008 |
Clarke, J. | Old MacDonald’s Things That Go, 2017 |
Clement, N. | Big Tractor, 2015 |
Clements, A. | Because Your Grandparents Love You, 2015 |
Cole, H. | Trudy, 2009 |
Cole, H. | Big Bug, 2014 |
Cooper, E. | Farm, 2010 |
Cordsen, C. | Market Day, 2008 |
Cowley, J. | Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm, 2003 |
Cowley, J. | Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Christmas, 2005 |
Cox, J. | Pick a Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie! 2009 |
Craig, L. | Farmyard Beat, 2011 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type, 2000 |
Cronin, D. | Giggle Giggle Quack, 2002 |
Cronin, D. | Duck for President, 2004 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack: An Alphabetical Adventure, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Click Clack Splish Splash: A Counting Adventure, 2005 |
Cronin, D. | Dooby Dooby Moo, 2006 |
Cronin, D. | Thump, Quack, Moo: A Wacky Adventure, 2008 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Peep! 2015 |
Cronin, D. | Click, Clack, Surprise! 2016 |
Crum, s. | Thunder-Boomer! 2009 |
Czekaj, J. | Oink-A-Doodle-Moo, 2012 |
Dean, J. | Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 2014 |
Detlefsen, L. | Time for Cranberries, 2015 |
DiCamillo, K. | Louise, The Adventures of a Chicken, 2008 |
Dickmann, N. | A Chicken’s Life, 2011 |
Dickmann, N. | Jobs on a Farm, 2011 |
Dickmann, N. | Farm Animals, 2011 |
Dodd, E. | Meow Said the Cow, 2011 |
Dodds, D. | Minnie’s Diner: A Multiplying Menu, 2004 |
Donaldson, J. | What the Ladybug Heard, 2010 |
Donohue, D. | Big and Little on the Farm, 1999 |
Doyle, E. | Sleep Tight Farm: A Farm Prepares for Winter, 2016 |
Duke, K. | Ready for Pumpkins, 2012 |
Dumont, J. | The Chickens Build a Wall, 2011 |
Dumont, J. | The Geese March in Step, 2014 |
Duvoisin, R. | Veronia on Petunia’s Farm, 1990 |
Eaton, M. | The Mystery, 2008 |
Egan, T. | Serious Farm, 2003 |
Ehlert, L. | Market Day, 2000 |
Elliott, D. | On the Farm, 2008 |
Elliott, D. | Henry’s Map, 2013 |
Emberley, R. | Chicken Little, 2009 |
Fallon, J. | Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada, 2015 |
Fleischman, P. | The Animal Hedge, 2003 |
Fleming, C. | Go Sleep In Your Own Bed! 2017 |
Fleming, D. | Barnyard Banter, 1994 |
Florian, D. | I Love My Hat, 2014 |
Flowers, L. | Moby Shinobi: Ninja on the Farm, 2017 |
Formento, A. | These Bees Count! 2012 |
Frazee, M. | The Farmer and the Clown, 2014 |
French, V. | Oliver’s Milk Shake, 2001 |
Fretz, D. | Pirates on the Farm, 2013 |
Friend, C. | The Perfect Nest, 2007 |
Garland, M. | Grandpa’s Tractor, 2011 |
Geisert, A. | Country Road ABC, 2010 |
Geisert, A. | Thunderstorm, 2013 |
Gershator, P. | Moo, Moo, Brown Cow, Have You Any Milk? 2011 |
Ginsburg, M. | Good Morning, Chick, 1980 |
Goetz, S. | Old MacDonald Had a Truck, 2016 |
Golan, A. | Little Naomi, Little Chick, 2012 |
Golson, T. | Tillie Lays an Egg, 2009 |
Gourley, R. | Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie, 2009 |
Graves, K. | Chicken Big, 2010 |
Harper, J. | A Place Called Kindergarten, 2006 |
Harper, L. | Turkey Trouble, 2009 |
Harrington, J. | The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County, 2007 |
Hayles, M. | Pet of a Pet, 2001 |
Head, M. | Warduff and the Corncob Caper, 2011 |
Helquist, B. | Grumpy Goat, 2013 |
Hill, E. | Spot Goes to the Farm, 1987 |
Hill, E. | Spot Can Count, 1999 |
Hillenbrand, W. | Down by the Barn, 2014 |
Himmelman, J. | Chickens to the Rescue, 2006 |
Himmelman, J. | Pigs to the Rescue, 2010 |
Himmelman, J. | Duck to the Rescue, 2014 |
Hoberman, M. | Bill Grogan’s Goat, 2002 |
Holub, J. | Pumpkin Countdown, 2012 |
Huneck, S. | Sally Goes to the Farm, 2002 |
Hutchins, P. | Don’t Get Lost! 2004 |
Hutchins, P. | Barn Dance! 2007 |
Jackson, A. | Desert Rose and Her Highfalutin Hog, 2009 |
Jordan, M. | Lazy Daisy, Cranky Frankie, 2013 |
Karas, G. | On the Farm, At the Market, 2016 |
Katz, J. | Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm, 2011 |
Kelly, M. | Have You Seen My Potty? 2007 |
Kennedy, A. | The Farmer’s Away! Baa! Neigh! 2014 |
Kennedy, K. | Hee-Haw-Dini and the Great Zambini, 2009 |
Kerr, J. | The Quiet Little Farm, 2000 |
Kinney, J. | The Pig Scramble, 2011 |
Kinsey-Warnock, N. | Nora’s Ark, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm, 2005 |
Krosoczka, J. | Punk Farm on Tour, 2007 |
Kutner, M. | Down on the Farm, 2004 |
Laminack, L. | Three Hens and a Peacock, 2011 |
Landman, T. | Mary’s Penny, 2010 |
Lindbergh, R. | The Visit, 2005 |
Lionni, L. | Six Crows, 1988 |
Lo, G. | Auntie Yang’s Great Soybean Picnic, 2012 |
Lobel, A. | Hello, Day! 2008 |
Long, E. | In! Over! And On! (the Farm), 2015 |
Long, L. | Otis, 2009 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Tornado, 2012 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Puppy, 2013 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Scarecrow, 2014 |
Long, L. | Otis and the Kittens, 2016 |
Ludy, M. | The Farmer, 1999 |
MacLachlan, P. | Nora’s Chicks, 2013 |
Maddern, E. | Cow on the Roof, 2006 |
Marino, G. | One Too Many, 2010 |
Marshall, A. | Tractor’s Farmyard Fun, 2017 |
Martin, J. | Chicken Joy on Redbean Road: A Bayou Country Romp, 2007 |
Mayer, C. | Farming, 2007 |
McClure, N. | To Market, To Market, 2011 |
McCully, E. | Four Hungry Kittens, 2001 |
Meister, C. | Tiny on the Farm, 2008 |
Meng, C. | Tough Chicks, 2009 |
Mitton, T. | Farmer Joe and the Music Show, 2008 |
Mortensen, D. | Ohio Thunder, 2006 |
Mortensen, L. | Cindy Moo, 2012 |
Most, B. | Cock-A-Doodle-Moo! 1996 |
Most, B. | The Cow That Went OINK, 1990 |
Murphy, M. | Say Hello Like This! 2014 |
My | My First Farm Book, 2000 |
Noble, T. | The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash, 1980 |
O’Malley, K. | Animal Crackers Fly the Coop, 2010 |
Palatini, M. | Moo Who? 2004 |
Palatini, M. | Piggie Pie, 2005 |
Palatini, M. | Oink? 2006 |
Palatini, M. | The Cheese, 2007 |
Palatini, M. | Boo-Hoo Moo, 2009 |
Palatini, M. | Earthquack! 2002 |
Pennypacker, S. | Sparrow Girl, 2009 |
Pettiford, R. | Farm, 2016 |
Pinkney, J. | The Little Red Hen, 2006 |
Plourde, L. | Grandpappy Snippy Snappies, 2009 |
Plourde, L. | Field Trip Day, 2010 |
Plourde, L. | Only Cows Allowed! 2011 |
Polacco, P. | Mommies Say Shhh! 2005 |
Polacco, P. | Meteor! 1987 |
Preston-Gannon, F. | Dinosaur Farm, 2014 |
Puttock, S. | Yours Truly, Louisa, 2009 |
Ransom, C. | Tractor Day, 2007 |
Raschka, C. | Give and Take, 2014 |
Rawlinson, J. | Mule School, 2008 |
Ray, M. | Go to Sleep, Little Farm, 2014 |
Regan, D. | Monster Baby, 2009 |
Reynolds, A. | Chicks and Salsa, 2005 |
Root, P. | Rattletrap Car, 2001 |
Root, P. | Kiss the Cow, 2000 |
Root, P. | Anywhere Farm, 2017 |
Rossiter, N. | The Way Home, 1999 |
Roth, C. | Where’s My Mommy? 2012 |
Sadler, M. | Pass It On! 2012 |
Sauer, T. | Chicken Dance, 2009 |
Schotter, R. | Go, Little Green Truck! 2016 |
Schwartz, A. | Old MacDonald, 1999 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Bike, 2002 |
Shannon, D. | Duck on a Tractor, 2016 |
Sierra, J. | E I E I O: How Old MacDonald Got His Farm, 2014 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep: A Yarn About Wool, 2000 |
Sloat, T. | Farmer Brown Goes Round and Round, 1999 |
Sloat, T. | The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown, 1995 |
Spinelli, E. | The Best Time of Day, 2005 |
Spinelli, E. | Princess Pig, 2009 |
Spinelli, E. | Silly Tilly, 2009 |
Stock, C. | A Spree in Paree, 2004 |
Stock, C. | A Porc in New York, 2007 |
Stoeke, J. | Minerva Louise and the Red Truck, 2002 |
Stoeke, J. | Pip’s Trip, 2012 |
Stoeke, J. | Oh No! A Fox! 2014 |
Stohner, A. | Brave Charlotte, 2005 |
Stuchner, J. | Can Hens Give Milk? 2011 |
Sutton, S. | Farmer John’s Tractor, 2012 |
Sykes, J. | Dora’s Chicks, 2002 |
Sykes, J. | Dora’s Eggs, 1997 |
Sykes, J. | That Pesky Dragon, 2007 |
Tafuri, N. | All Kinds of Kisses, 2012 |
Teague, M. | Funny Farm, 2009 |
Thermes, J. | Sam Bennett’s New Shoes, 2006 |
Thomas, J. | The Doghouse, 2008 |
Thomas, J. | Is Everyone Ready for Fun? 2011 |
Thompson, L. | The Apple Pie That Papa Baked, 2007 |
Tourville, A. | Tractors, 2009 |
Trout | Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important, 2011 |
Vamos, S. | The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred, 2011 |
VanLeeuwen, J. | The Strange Adventures of Blue Dog, 1999 |
VanLeeuwen, J. | Chicken Soup, 2009 |
Waddell, M. | Farmer Duck, 1996 |
Wall, L. | Goose on the Farm, 2016 |
Wellington, M. | Apple Farmer Annie, 2001 |
Westcott, N. | Skip to My Lou, 1989 |
White, E. | Some Pig! A Charlotte’s Web Picture Book, 2007 |
White, L. | Too Many Turkeys, 2010 |
Whybrow, I. | Faraway Farm, 2006 |
Wild, M. | Piglet and Mama, 2005 |
Wild, M. | Piglet and Papa, 2007 |
Wilder, L. | Winter on the Farm, 1996 |
Wilson, K. | Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive! 2005 |
Wilson, K. | Sakes Alive, A Cattle Drive! (Media Kit), 2005 |
Wilson, K. | The Cow Loves Cookies, 2010 |
Wilson, K. | Horseplay! 2012 |
Wilson, K. | Duddle Puck the Puddle Duck, 2015 |
Wright, M. | Barnyard Fun, 2013 |
Yaccarino, D. | Doug Unplugs on the Farm, 2014 |
Additional books about Farming can be found in Juvenile Non-Fiction (J 630’s) |