Category: Adults

Apply For A Library Card
We are now offering online library card registration.
Please fill out the form below to apply for a temporary Dexter District Library borrower’s card.
We will provide your card information via e-mail and send your physical card to your home address via standard postal mail. If you need a Library card immediately, please visit the Library to register. The Library is open to the public for registration and browsing materials. Processing time for online registrations may vary and physical card delivery is dependent on postal mail.
A valid card number is required to access the Library’s electronic content. This content is always available and can be accessed from home.
We require all new applicants to visit the Library building to complete the registration process and extend the expiration date of new cards beyond the temporary registration period.
Our borrower’s cards are only available to residents of the Dexter School District, including students. If you reside outside our service area, please check with your home library about getting a card.
Parents: When registering a child for a Library card, please use a parental e-mail address. Dexter Community School student e-mail addresses prevent receipt of all external e-mails, including those from the Library.

Promotional Tickets Offer
Announcing a free new service for library patrons: Get Tix!
Anyone in Michigan can use this free service to get discounts on various upcoming venue events. Ticket availability changes on a regular basis. Use the link below to view ticket deals.

Hotspots and Laptop/Hotspot Kits
Mobile hotspots from AT&T, Mobile Beacon, T-Mobile, and Verizon available for checkout.
Click here to view the hotspots and place a hold.
We also have laptop / hotspot combo kits available.
Click here to view the laptop/hotspot kits and place a hold.
Our goal of providing a hotspot collection is to allow Dexter District Library patrons with valid Dexter District Library cards the opportunity to test a particular carrier before purchasing their own device and for temporary uses such as vacations, education, employment, special projects, etc. They are not intended to provide patrons with permanent Internet access.
Due to our government contracts with AT&T, Mobile Beacon, and T-Mobile – we are able to offer hotspots with no data caps and no throttling. Be aware that such contracts may not be available to you as an individual; or, if they are available, they may be prohibitively expensive. Our Verizon hotspots have unlimited monthly data, but will enforce a speed cap of 500 Kbps after 30GB of monthly usage.
In order to make our hotspots more widely available to our patrons, the following rules will be enforced regarding holds:
- Holds will be limited to ONE per Item Queue per household per 30 days (Household – a family or occupants residing at the same address.)
- Holds not picked up within 7 days will be released as per standard procedure.
- Thank you for your cooperation and please, if you are unable to pick up your hotspot — let us know so that we can check it out to the next person on our waiting list and replace your hold.
Checking out a Dexter District Library Hotspot / Laptop Kit
If there are hotspots/laptops available, take an item tag from the hanging display near the second floor computer lab.
Give the tag to the Adult Librarian and they will retrieve the item and then accompany you to the circulation desk to checkout. A valid Dexter District Library card required.
Two week checkout, no renewals, $1 per day overdue fine
If the hotspot is 10 days overdue the data plan will be canceled and the hotspot will cease to function. You will be billed the complete cost of the kit (see more information.)
Return the hotspot to our Checkout Desk. Please DO NOT return to another library or put the hotspot in the outdoor book drop. All items will be cleaned/inspected by Library staff before recirculating. Laptops will be purged of all user data so be sure to save your work to a flash drive or email it to yourself before returning the laptop.
Using a Dexter District Library Hotspot / Laptop Kit
Turn the hotspot on (see instructions inside the case for details).
On your device (computer, tablet, phone etc) go to your Wi-Fi settings and connect to the DexLib(Carrier)(Number) network. It will look something like DexLibSPR01 or DexLibVER02. When prompted enter the password: libhotspot (all lowercase). If you are using one of our laptop kits, it will automatically connect with the associated hotspot once both are powered on.
You DO NOT need to unlock the hotspot. You just need to turn it on using the directions provided in the case.
Signal strength will show up as bars on the the hotspot screen.
It is possible, depending on where you live, that the hotspot you check out will have no signal and therefore not function. This is one of the goals of our project, to help you to identify this situation without committing to any contracts.
More Information
Each hotspot can support up to 10 devices connecting to them at once and have 30-40 foot range.
If the device is overdue by 10 days, the data plan will be canceled and the patron will be billed. Laptops will be remotely deactivated.
If the hotspot/laptop kit is lost or damaged, the Library will deactivate the data plan on the device and will charge the patron the cost for replacement. The hotspot (depending on the carrier) costs between $92 and $199 to replace. The laptop costs $959.85.
The whole laptop kit costs between $1159 and $1267 to replace.
Hotspots only work in the continental United States. They do not work internationally, including Canada.
Hotspots are meant to be placed on a table or shelf – Please do not tape or adhere the devices to any surface.
You may see signal strength variations on the hotspot depending on where you have placed it inside your home. Move it around to locate the best signal strength.

Wi-Fi Printing
The Dexter District Library now offers wi-fi printing compatible with your smartphone, tablet, or laptop! For black and white, the price is $0.10 per page. For full color, the price is $0.20 per page.
Wireless Printing
8/31/2021 – ATTENTION: Support for iOS/Android has been added to the web based version of Smart Alec. Please carefully read the new steps below. |
Please follow the directions below:
A. Click here for directions on how to upload your documents/photos to our print release station. These directions should now work for all devices, but legacy directions are listed below. B. (NOTE: Please try step A first) Click here for legacy directions for Android Devices C. (NOTE: Please try step A first) Click here for legacy directions for iPhone, iPad, iPod

Group Study Rooms
The Library has three group study rooms available on the second floor. Groups may call ahead to reserve a room – individuals may only use the rooms on a walk-in basis. Reservations can be taken for the current week and the following week. Every Monday, the next week opens up to reservations.
To reserve a group study room, please call 734-426-4477 and ask for the Adult Reference Desk. For the study room policy, see attached:

Reading Groups
Library Director’s (Paul McCann) Group
Meetings are typically held on the third Monday of each month, September through June, at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Registration is required. Contact Paul McCann at 734-426-4477 (ext 111) for further information.
Lisa Ryan’s Groups
Somewhere in Time Book Club
This history focused book discussion club meets the second Monday of every month from 7:00- 8:30 in the DDL lower level meeting room and will focus on different times and places in history. This is a nonfiction reading group, but some quality historical fiction may also be included from time to time.
Registration is required. Contact Lisa Ryan 734-426-4477 at (ext 119) for further information.
Better Off Read Book Club
This general reading book discussion club meets the third Thursday of every month from 1:00-2:30 in the DDL lower level meeting room. This is a general reading group and it will focus on a selection of books from many different genres.
Registration is required. Contact Lisa Ryan 734-426-4477 at (ext 119) for further information.

Fax Service
The Dexter District Library offers public faxing service for patrons:
- Pre-pay for faxes at the first floor circulation desk
- The fax machine is located at the second floor reference desk
- The library will provide outgoing fax service only (no incoming faxes will be received)
- The cost for this service will be 20 cents per page
- Generic cover sheets will be provided at no charge or patrons may provide their own

Computer and Internet Access
Computers for Public Use:
The Dexter District Library has 11 public use computer terminals for adults, 4 public use computer terminals for teens, and 4 public use computer terminals for children. All of these computers have Windows 10 and are loaded with the Microsoft Office 2021 suite; and the adult computers also have Photoshop Elements 18. Full color printing is available for $0.20 a page. Black & white printing is $0.10 a page.
General Rules for Internet Use:
- Hardware and Software settings may not be changed.
- Users will respect all copyright laws.
- Users saving files from the Internet to their own disks do so at their own risk. The Library assumes no responsibility for viruses transmitted from the Internet to disks through the use of Library computers.
- Any users caught hacking into computer systems or disrupting the functions of other computer systems will have their Internet use privileges revoked.
- Users will not use the Library terminals to violate any Federal, state or local laws or to engage in unethical behavior.
- Users can be held financially liable for damage to the Library’s equipment and software.