
Wednesday, 07/24/2019
Time: 6:00 pm


Meteorites: What are they?  What are some of their common features? Can you tell whether an object you found is a meteorite? Fabian Hardy, a geologist and paleontologist with the Department  of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan, will answer our questions about these out-of-this-world objects. Register at the Adult Service Desk or call 734-426-4477. This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading Program: “A Universe of Stories”.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading Program: “A Universe of Stories”.  Registration in the Adult Summer Reading Program is NOT required to attend this event.  All are welcome.

07/24/2019 6:00 PM 07/24/2019 6:00 PM America/Detroit Meteorites

Meteorites: What are they?  What are some of their common features? Can you tell whether an object you found is a meteorite? Fabian Hardy, a geologist and paleontologist with the Department  of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan, will answer our questions about these out-of-this-world objects. Register at the Adult Service Desk […]

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