Library Board

Board members are appointed by the local municipalities that founded the Library district. These include Dexter, Scio and Webster Townships, Dexter Community Schools and the City of Dexter. Community members interested in serving on the Library Board should contact the municipality in which they live. Residents of Freedom, Hamburg, Lima, Lodi and Northfield Townships should apply to the Dexter Community Schools. Board members are appointed to four year terms.

2024 – 2025 Board of Trustees

Shelly Vrsek, President
Jamie Estill, Vice President
Sherry Simpson, Treasurer
Barbara Davenport, Secretary
Martha Gregg
Cassy Korinek
Jim Lavoie
Donna Palmer

Board of Trustees Meeting Dates

The Board meets the first Monday of every month.  All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) and the public is welcome to attend.

Meeting dates for 2025 and January 2026 are:
January 6
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5
June 2
August 4
*August 25
October 6
November 3
December 1
January 6, 2026

* September meeting moved to the last Monday in August due to the Labor Day holiday.

Notice of special meetings will be posted in this space at least two days before the meeting date.

Board Committees


Barbara Davenport, Donna Palmer, Sherry Simpson, Paul McCann


Jamie Estill, Martha Gregg, Shelly Vrsek, Paul McCann


Cassy Korinek, Jim LaVoie, Shelly Vrsek, Paul McCann

Board Minute Archive